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Re: New Character Database

Name: Douglas
Age: Unknown
Height: 5'10" (horse) / 6'3" (human)
Weight: 1700lbs (horse) / 200lbs (human)
Place of Birth: Scotland
Species: Kelpie (Each-uisge)

Known Biological Facts: Kelpies are a race of abnormals native to the waters of Scotland. They are shapeshifters, often appearing as horses but also able to take human form. Kelpies feed on humans, luring victims onto their backs before making their skin adhesive and galloping into the water to devour their prey. They also sometimes use their human forms to lure targets into or close to the water. For this reason they have earned a fearsome reputation in the local folklore. Douglas is a subspecies of kelpie known as an each-uisge. Unlike regular kelpies who inhabit streams and rivers, each-uisge dwell in the seas and lochs and are larger and far more vicious than their brethren.

Physical Description: In human form, Douglas stands over 6 feet tall and is lean and muscular. He quite handsome, with shoulder length black hair and dark brown eyes. As a horse, he takes the form of a great black stallion.

Powers: As a human Douglas possesses great strength, around that of 3 or 4 normal men. In horse form his strength reaches its peak, equal to that of 10 ordinary horses. As a horse, he is also able to make his skin highly adhesive. Douglas is amphibious, and in water he is able to change his horse form to that of a hippocampus - becoming a fearsome predator with swimming abilities on par with those of the merfolk. Like the merfolk, he possesses a limited telepathy which he uses to communicate when not in human form. Douglas is fairly durable and can take quite a bit of punishment, though the kelpies share the werewolves' weakness to silver - wounds caused by silver are particularly painful and take longer than normal to heal. However, they will heal from other wounds faster than a human would.

Light Background History: Douglas formerly made his home in the waters of Loch Fyne, where his preying on the local populace attracted the attention of the Sanctuary network. They were ultimately able to subdue him and move him to the UK Sanctuary, where his hostility landed him in a cell for a number of years. Over time however, he began to soften up and was able to earn the network's trust and start working for them. He currently works at the UK Sanctuary but is acquainted with most of the main branches.

Miscellaneous Facts: Douglas has a rather dark sense of humor, particularly with regards to his former diet - though he maintains an agreement to not eat anyone unless given express permission. Merfolk fear him due to his kind's predatory nature - a fact he is aware of and even seems to enjoy. Douglas is rather uneasy about people riding him due to the stigma of dominance/subservience attached to it. Despite this, he allows himself to be ridden when the need is urgent.
Re: New Character Database

Name: Victor Umbral (Assumed Name, Real Name no longer used.)
Age: 27
Height: 6'
Weight: 184 lbs.
Place of Birth: Unknown (Subject seems reticent to mention.)
Species: Abnormal (Recently augmented former human)

Physical Description: Currently unkempt black hair with short beard. Light complexion, bordering on pale. Usually seen with black jeans, sturdy black boots, and a dark raincoat. Also, has a backpack currently.

Known Powers:

Shadow Tendril - Able to manifest a long strand of smoky darkness. Capable of manipulating things as if it were a rope/whip. A shadowy black gauntlet manifests on his right forearm when he's getting ready to attack, or has recently finished an attack.

Shadow Mist - Two uses of this. One use is purely based off of a "Hollywood Vampire" ability - shifting into a mist cloud. In this case, the cloud takes the appearance of black smoke. Second use is sort of a cross between the smoke cloud and the "shadow tendril", and is used as sort of a teleportation ability. Does have limited solidity, so air-tight seals interfere with the ability. The "teleportation" use is exceptionally fast, to the point of being effectively impossible to interrupt in progress.

Shadow Garb - Used to create necessary clothing, always in darker shades. As the clothes are made out of manipulated shadow, they're very hard to successfully tear or damage. So far, this is the only ability mastered to the point of being able to remove the bright light vulnerability from.

Light Vulnerability - Exceptionally bright lights can disrupt and nullify most of the shadow manipulation abilities, such as suddenly being caught in full-blast from flood lights, or a flashbang going off nearby. Only the clothing ability has an immunity from this weakness.

Other uses of shadow manipulation theorized, but remain undiscovered / untested.

Light Background History: The man who is currently calling himself Victor Umbral is a recent escapee from a Cabal testing facility. According to him, he was experimented on, and from those experiments gained his ability to manipulate shadows. As such, it's unsurprising that he's had several recent run-ins with Cabal teams. However, he's under the belief that the tone of their actions have changed recently.

Victor has shown fluency in four languages: English, German, Latin, and Romanian.
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