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New horizons, A fairy's journey

Same, I don't trust that guy, so I'll vote for 2b.
While been stuck in a wall could be interesting ;), I think it is better to use the grate. I vote 2b as well.
I just realised i have a brain the size of a walnut and read that post wrong, my vote is 2b 1a can only lead to disaster.
I'll vote 2b as well. May be there is not much meaning in voting for it now, but then again why not :giggle:
A short update but I'll keep it ticking over best I can until my seasonal work ends.

"That makes sence, but I can fly so the broken ladder won't be an issue. Thanks though mister."
With that she hops down and uses her wings to have a soft landing. The man leaves with an annoyed grunt after she lands.

After her eyes adjust to the dim light she looks around the area. The blockage seems to be stopping most of the water flowing meaning the water level is only knee high here should she need to wade.
She could probably plug the flow with ease if she wanted to drain it further for some reason.
Looking around further the roof however is low so her flight will not offer much advantage other than evading tripping hazards. The blockadge itself seems to have enough solid parts if she wanted to change her mind and try and climb over, although the pungent stench down here inky wirstens as she gets closer to it.

In the water itself at the side of the aquaduct she spies a small pipe she could crawl through, the water is shallow enough to breath but is not going to be pleasnt. It also has a not insignificant chance of getting her wings to wet to fly later.
The final direction is to follow the channel the other way away from the blockage and see where it leads.

What does she do.

1) Cross the blockage.
2) Crawl in the duct.
3) Head the other way.
4) Try another way into the aquaduct (which)
5) Other
Hmm.... Let's go with:
3) Head the other way.
He-he, the option to tempt the thrill of getting stuck is present now as well... speaking seriously, that's not what we want, and climbing over is even less so, appearing inconsistent and risky. There seems also to be a hint that plugging the flow further might be helpful in some kind of way (I dunno, may be there is an unfriendly fat eel ready to suddenly flow in and rub against our ankles, especially if we were to get stuck and scream wildly for help). This could also be, in reverse, a chance for accidental tripping.
In any case, checking where the other channel leads seems to be the most viable option, as we just pay a bit of time and don't risk anyhow... probably.
So, another vote for 3).
The crawlspace is not tight enough to get trapped or stuck, just to confirm is that route is taken later/would effect choises.
Well, maybe if she was a human but she's not.

I should prepare a map of some kind as a visual aid for next update or two.
Having a map would be nice as a visualizer of where we are, as for the the current problem going the other way seems to be the safe choice still if nothing comes from that crawling through the hole would probably be the best option, I refuse to trust that blockage.
Soooo.... hopitals and shift work suck.

Here is a basic thrown together map, the green is the blockadge, it shows the walkways and the crawl tunnel as well as what she will find by continuing her investigation in the below mini-update. I kept it small because it lets me find/map what I havn't and people remind themselves waht's going on before things get serious.

Ivy not wanting to touch that blockage with a log considers the crawling option but decides to not go into such a restrictive passage at this time. Turning and heading down the long passage she after five minutes walking sees another small passage feeding into this one. A little large than the last and up on the wall instead of in the trench, a bit of an examination shows their is light at the other side, and she could probably crouch instead of crawl.
She considers a moment and realises she can always keep going.

1) Keep going
2) Here's good, climb in.
3) Other
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Oh, hey, there! Welcome back and a belated Happy New Year!

2) Here's good, climb in.
And try to be ready for potential dangers (or as ready as possible, anyway).
On the one hand, it might be interesting to see where the wide passage leads further, but given its size I doubt it will just come to a dead end without offering us some more crossing paths. So I'll agree with Moonblack and vote for 2), checking the side passage, as it is closer to the blockage.
Also, I would too humbly like to wish everyone a Happy New Year!
So I heard you liked UPDATES!
Sorry it's short, I couldn't think of a way to add more fluff without explaining for a paragrath how she crawls down a damp watterlogged tunnel.

Ivy upon seeing the tunnel pulls herself up with a bit of effort and starts to carefully head down it. The roof is small as expected but she manages to make steady progress crouchign s she walks, the water from this direction seeming to be thankfully far cleaner than the last.
The small brick tunnel proving to be an uncomfortable experiance for the fairy used to open space and nature. feeling closed in she slowly makes her way. about half ways however she stops as she can head commotion ahead, the light moving too.
Stopping and listening she can make out voices in a language she doesn't know and the sounds of fighting.
Thinking about it she opts to get a little closer to at least see what it is before trying ot turn and leaving her back exposed to whatever they are she gets on her hands and knees and slowly crawls forwards to reduces the sounds of her splashing through the water.
A tense few minutes pass but she seems to avoided detection but the sight is unepected. Two goblins, as short and hideous as she was told in the tales, fighting.... something else goblin like. The two beings they are fighting look goblin-like, except instead of green their skin is a blue and their lower bodies are not legs but tenticles, thye are slithering around on land seemingly unhindered.

Tales tell of goblins being a degenerate degridation of true fae given in to evil, their offspring just as corrupt.
Others claim they are just another type that doesn't live with nature, but symbolic of destruction rather than balance. The only person who might know was kidnapped by some once back home, but she always refused to speak of her experiances.
However these aquatic goblin like beings are unknown to her or the tales of her people all ttat is clear is that both groups are clearly trying to kill each other.

What should Ivy do

1) join in, down with monsters and so forth.
a) help the goblins
b) help the not-goblins
c) attack both in the chaos
2) try and sneak past
a) swimming
b) get to land and creep away
3) turn around and let them duke it out (chose a new route)
4) other


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Woah... that's a curious sight. And our quest is to find a strange creature in the aqueduct, which might be responsible for the goblins' mutation (if it even is a mutation).
I don't think turning around now would be as interesting, and sneaking past is quite dangerous as we'd leave our returning path crowded and our back exposed.
However, I am not certain about rushing into the battle. Nothing is known about the blue goblins, who could be the key to this weird creature tale.
So I am thinking along the lines of waiting a bit, carefully examining the combatants, and then entering the fight when one side gets a clear advantage. Like when one (not)goblin, green or blue, is about to get crippled / slain. At this moment, we could lunge into the fight and help the losing side.
4) Other: Watch and carefully observe the battle, but do not interfere (unless she gets attacke,d in which case fight back). Instead try to find any weaknesses the goblins and not-goblins might have, in case she has to fight either group
Dug out some refrence images.


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