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New horizons, A fairy's journey

That map ideas's good, it was a quick job but I should start doing that.
Yay, good to see this continue!

Took some time to think before voting.

The "snake" seems rather suspicious, so get rid of it - but pushing it down towards Ivy's pussy seems like a bad idea. So try to limit its movement down and then get rid of it, for example by lowering the temperature of Ivy's stomach. Strip naked if there's no other way. Then examine the snake (to see what it really is) but let it go.

As for the path: I'm having trouble keeping track of what goes where, but for now avoid deep water and the place the "snake" came from. Possibly best to go back to the tunnel with the blockade, if Ivy can take a path that will bring her behind the blockade.
Yay, more of this! Okay so I'd definitely do it like the others (I'm always late to the party):
First cut off the movement, then if it doesn't turn around to go up and out immediately, freeze the bitch, and if it starts doing funny business, get naked and throw it tf away.
And by throwing it away I mean try to get it off and then examine, but if it slithers away don't run after, and if it slithers closer, just keep a distance.
And lastly orientation I can't help since I'm already completely lost. :D If you could add labels to the different tunnels it would be easier to keep track of. ^^ But anyway I'm against things that are submerged, not only is it dangerous because "they" (whatever is in there) have the home advantage, it's also plain disgusting to swim in sewer water.
Glad to see you're back, i say we restrict the movement and get it off us, from there kill it and we may be able to examine it. After that head down the other tunnel.
That looks like all the ususal suspects, I'll start planning the scene.
I'm mostly posting for a clarification, it's not a sewer per-say, it's more an aquaduct that was been misused and used to dispose of rubbish poluting it somewhat, i may not have clarified very well.
I'd not force her to wade through sewage. That's just nasty.
It may have been noticed but mechanically I've been treating the CYOA a lot like a barebones rpg, I run and play pathfinder a lot so I did what I know. However I picked up a few CYOA books to amuse myself and found those with combat in, like the old Heroquest ones, function on a much simpler system, D6+stat, highist wins.
Should I still with the current system, treat it more like an rpg with the wildcards that introduces, and bad choises are more often negative modifiers to a situationthan a loss or make it more like a classic CYOA where many choises are good/bad/other preset by choises and not rolls. (for example spotting something hidden would be her spot stat vs i's stealth score, highist wins with no roll).
Right, forgot to comment on this. I'm fine with both staying with the current system or treating it more like an RPG. As for making it more like a classic CYOA - not really a fan of this. In many game books that are written in such style there's too much trial and error due to no way to tell the difference between the good and bad options. And then there are the trap options, where a choice seems good, only to be proven very bad much later in the book. I remember one game book (can't remember the title) where if you made certain choices you could find and win a battle early in the book, giving you a very nice sword. But then, at the very end of the book, if you had that same sword - you died. You needed to avoid that battle in order to not get the sword and thus survive at the end of the book, but there was no way to know that ahead of time.

Of course, I might be worrying too much and your version would not be so bad - maybe it will be more like the Blood Sword series of game books.