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New Things To Come DoP: V2


Dec 9, 2008
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DoP: V2 (Dungeon Of Pleasure: Version 2)

Being worked on:
1- Additional stats based specifically on sex, allowing players to fight back if they wish. (As lurker stated (fight fire with fire))
2- New arousal stat, instead of using stamina + lucky rolls as a way to see orgasm.
3- Monsters will be equipped with both stamina and arousal stat. (allow to wear down AND sex up)
4- Weapons (will be based on a set of skills + class of weapons. overall same weapon = same damage. Though monsters/creatures will be equipped with pick upable weapons (some) that will vary from findable ones. [may be weaker, may be stronger])
5- Allies (npc characters built to protect players of the dungeon.)
6- Due to additional stats and rework of a couple. (stamina no longer being governed by any stat, and it is required to be able to do any action. No stamina = fainted/unable to do actions. Health will remain the same.) You will gain an additional +150 stats to distribute (new players get 250. Why for the new additional +150 for returning players. since they only got 100 to start the first version.)
7- Skills + Flaws (such as being sensitive, clumsy[which may make you fall down during your turn], etc..)
8- Distract, Persuade, Insult and Seduce will be new actions upon the new system. Allowing you to talk your way, scare your way, trick your way or seduce your way out of situations.
9- Diaga's creature [Tentacle God]
33 Dungeon Rooms
23 Corridors.
(56 total areas)
11- Will be using Shrike7's idea of having specific map pieces. That way I can implement working together, as well as there will be FOUR maps max at one time. So if everyone has one piece...you HAVE to work together. Credit completely goes to Shrike7 on that idea.
12- Consensual Sex 'feature' added.​

Things To Come Later:
1- Less luck into it. (As I weed through the stats + any adjustments needed to be done, I'll lower the chance of luck for both creature + player. [though usally player has a higher die to roll then the creature in situations that call for luck])
2- Armor/Protection (currently not being worked on but in the makes once weapons are finished armor will be the next thing.)
3- Sex Toys (think of it as sex weapons...literally.)
4- A End Boss Battle (the dungeon master/mistress [before +PLUS game])

[Side Notes]
Why I posted this was to get opinions on things that are missing. As well as anything else you wish to comment on regarding the game. (New stats will not be implemented until a player wins or loses in the dungeon, as well as not until they are finished / able to be worked enough. Such as stats + creatures but no skills/flaws currently, or no weapons, etc.. Whatever is able to be released will be released in the next version ASAP. Though I imagine most of the main stuff will be finished.)
Also feel free to ask questions.

(And no I'm not back to update yet...just was updating the thread as I meant to do a bit ago. [and my gf is helping me work on the monsters.])
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Re: New Things To Come DoP: V2

250+ stats sounds like your going to spend a helluva of them on stamina and sex related stats...
Re: New Things To Come DoP: V2

1 word: Distractions
Re: New Things To Come DoP: V2

Stats using old system but with 250.
Str: 1
Con: 1
spd: 200
InT: 48
Re: New Things To Come DoP: V2

250+ stats sounds like your going to spend a helluva of them on stamina and sex related stats...

Technically its 100 or so for the two new sex related stats. (since on average a monster will have at least 100 in that.) The rest is for your stats + stamina + arousal level + hp. (while you do get a 'base hp' from con and a 'base arousal' from certain stats combined. You still could come up shorter than you'd like.) And remember, speed = makes you hit/dodge/escape okay but. What if you get hit? 1 con = 3 hp. >.> no str/con = no defense/strength.

Overall its upping the ante so to speak since now theres +3 stats and the fact you need to put stats into stamina to GET stamina and stamina = action/energy. (as well as certain things such as being raped will cost stamina periodically versus how it use to be possibly, it'll be definitely. -unless I add some skill/ability, etc.)

Also Zerospace, care to expand on that? What kind of distractions exactly? Or are you calling something within here a distraction from the game? XD

and remember Diaga, I mean 150 more than you had. So you're not going to get 250 more, you already had your first 100 if you just started. This'll also help even out combat from sexual abilities since we'll have two new stats. Which will factor for arousal, etc.. (and other stats will play some but primarily the 'damage' to your arousal will be the new stats overall.)

gotta go start fixing the steaks XD brb
Re: New Things To Come DoP: V2

No, thats for my new character -.-.
Re: New Things To Come DoP: V2

No, thats for my new character -.-.

Lmfao would be funny if you did that. O_O Anyways, after my dinner with my gf. I'll get back to updating so uh..couple hours or so. :p Until questions/answers only :p
Re: New Things To Come DoP: V2

Hey Wraust, I would like to invite you to Tomoe's, Rp Secret Apocalypse. Would you care to join :eek:?

Also, 150 points for stats sounds like a major boost to nadia's SPD and STR, maybe a little to con. (100 points for sex stats, 50 points for SPD str and Con.)
Re: New Things To Come DoP: V2

Hey Wraust, I would like to invite you to Tomoe's, Rp Secret Apocalypse. Would you care to join :eek:?

Also, 150 points for stats sounds like a major boost to nadia's SPD and STR, maybe a little to con. (100 points for sex stats, 50 points for SPD str and Con.)

Sorry with working on the new system, the game and real life and other free time things :p I think I'll keep out of other games until I get more settled. XD I do thank you for the invite and I have read some it. Most of the stories around here I have read. XD

But you'll need points in stamina now too.(since as stated to work better stamina will be for actions but since its adjusted and stamina no longer governs a stat. You'll have 0 if you don't put any in stamina, however, it won't take many points to get back to your previous stamina no doubt.) And if you want more arousal then you have (though heh) and same goes for hp now will be able to have points added into it. (which will be higher but won't work for anything but keeping you alive.)
Re: New Things To Come DoP: V2

Wraust I was talking about adding points to my already made character Nadia, using her base stats.
Re: New Things To Come DoP: V2

I know but as being 'reset'/moving on to a more advance setup. You'll no longer have your stamina. Since while you can keep your stats the same. Stamina no longer is risen by your hp/spd, so its not fair to let you keep stamina up that wouldn't be there otherwise and as stated, it'll be about 10-15 stamina per stat point. So won't take much to get back stamina easily. Hence again why we have the +150 stat bonus so you don't lose any of your respective already gained points. The main advantage is you'll have the stat boosters you gained along the way + the stats you gained for your level. So if you gained a few levels (5x8=40.) You'll start with 290 stats instead of the 250 new players will. But your hp/stamina will be readjusted based on your new stats.

I think thats a bit more clear. o_O lol
Re: New Things To Come DoP: V2

Roger roger wilco out. I just said something completely idiotic. I hope someone doesn't take offense otherwise I would be forced to remove it.

Wait, I basically have to reset my stats in a whole? 258 points in all?
Str: 35
Con: 35+8=43
Spd: 55
Int: 15
Re: New Things To Come DoP: V2

Pronunciation: \di-ˈstrak-shən\
Function: noun
Date: 15th century
1: the act of distracting or the state of being distracted ; especially : mental confusion <driven to distraction>
2: something that distracts ; especially : amusement <a harmless distraction>

So given that detailed explaination... I want you to put it in the game as a action you can do... Like how you use to have a wait option where you risk yourself or gain a stat boost, but only this will give you one free chance to get out of a pin or nothing happens (Should be based off of int).
Re: New Things To Come DoP: V2

I dislike zerospace right now for suggesting that. Distract the enemys with what? Items that are very rare to come by? Their containers sound far more useful for a distraction. Why would someone waste a blue pill or red? Why?
Re: New Things To Come DoP: V2

...thats why it's based off int.
If your monsters stupid enough a simple "HEY WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT SHIT THAT JUST FLEW BY YOUR ASS JUST NOW?" Would totally give you a chance to kick the thing(s)'s ass(es) and/or run away so something physical is never needed as long as your have a sharp mind.
Re: New Things To Come DoP: V2

Int is now charisma -.-
Re: New Things To Come DoP: V2

Sure, if it can be intergrated into the action: Distract I am fine with it
Re: New Things To Come DoP: V2

Roger roger wilco out. I just said something completely idiotic. I hope someone doesn't take offense otherwise I would be forced to remove it.

Wait, I basically have to reset my stats in a whole? 258 points in all?
Str: 35
Con: 35+8=43
Spd: 55
Int: 15
You wouldn't have to readjust your current stats any, just make sure you use your 150 you gain upon new game with the new version to add your stamina up and your sex stats. Though you are welcome to adjust your stats however you want between new games.

Pronunciation: \di-ˈstrak-shən\
Function: noun
Date: 15th century
1: the act of distracting or the state of being distracted ; especially : mental confusion <driven to distraction>
2: something that distracts ; especially : amusement <a harmless distraction>

So given that detailed explaination... I want you to put it in the game as a action you can do... Like how you use to have a wait option where you risk yourself or gain a stat boost, but only this will give you one free chance to get out of a pin or nothing happens (Should be based off of int).
Smartass. XD Well with the definition anyways. I meant more along the lines of should that be simple action or do you have in mind more items to or so on. Based on your wish, it'd be pretty simple and also. I'd like to add I'll be giving basic actions allowed and overall, you'll say such as

'action: try to wait so can regenerate'
'action: examine room, looking for any useful items'
So instead of me limiting what you CAN do, your actions will be told mostly but at the same token you pick what you want. (This'll open up options a bit more and easily allow Distract.) So it won't be quite as restricting and each room with the new check system will also allow items to pop up out of no where even if you checked the room already. (since you can run a new check around the room but every check will result in a check of not only item but other 'creepers' you can find. :p)

I'll plan to add also with the new system a presaude/insult/seduce actions as well.

and intelligence is more or less anything that requires you to think or takes mental capacity. So a distraction if you're pinned would take you to think so in turn, would govern intelligence.
Re: New Things To Come DoP: V2

Does that mean you support my idea?
Re: New Things To Come DoP: V2

Does that mean you support my idea?

It means it'd be very easy to support your idea. And as such, once the major things are finished (the things that MUST be done before I could even open the new system up) I'll look into adding it.