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New York (All parts)

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Re: New York (All parts)

The small voice of control in the back of Abby's head yelled at her as she saw the green substance, reminding her of the other woman's warning about the creatures spitting venom. In Gauru form though, she didn't care nearly as much as she should have. All she cared about was spilling this thing's blood on the ground, staining her claws and teeth and fur with it and feasting on it's insides as she ripped it apart...

Stay focused, Abigail. Keep control...

Abby's attention was completely on the enemy, but if the other woman was close enough, she might have percieved a warning from amidst Abby's growling. Whether it was directed at her or the creature (or both) was uncertain.

"Get... away..."

Abby roars in bloodlust as she engages the creature, the controlling voices now drowned out by cries of rage. She attacks the creature relentlessly, punching, biting, ripping, slashing, tearing, her every thought directed towards ending it's life.
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Re: New York (All parts)

The creature certainly was not expecting it's intended victim to fight back so effectively. It barely managed to avoid her first set of attack, before dropping into a more tactful position and engaging in hit and run tactics, trying to wear her down.

Eventually though Abby struck a hit or two, and the creature roared as it's blood, green in color, hit the ground, eating away at the soil like an acid.

Suddenly two shots rang out, blasting the creature in the back, and into Abby's attack. How she finished off the creature was up to her, but when she looked she would spot the first girl snapping the neck of her opponent, and no sign of the shooter, though she did spot the clothes of the other woman on the ground nearby.
Re: New York (All parts)

Abby ignored the shots and everything else around her, continuing to mercilessly attack the creature and beginning to rip it's body into pieces. Inside her head, the little voice spoke up again. Quietly at first, but slowly getting louder and more commanding.

Alright, calm down now. That's it, it's beaten. We're DONE. DAMMIT, CALM DOWN NOW.

Abby drops the remains of the creature and falls to her knees, writhing and clutching her head as she shifts back to her human form. Eventually, she pushes herself back onto her feet and begins taking in what happened.

"Okay, so Ashley killed the first one... There were shots. Where did they come from? And what happened to the other woman?"
Re: New York (All parts)

A sudden voice spoke to her from thin air.

"Is it ... safe to show again? Your not going to try to eat me right?"

The voice was the same as the other girl she'd seen only minutes before, yet she was nowhere to be seen, though Abby now could make out the faint scent of human within just a few feet of her.
Re: New York (All parts)

"It's fine, I'm not going to eat you. Sorry, I suppose most people would appreciate a little warning first. Especially with that form."
Re: New York (All parts)

"Ok good. Yeah, just making sure your calm. I've dealt with others like you before, so I'm not really afraid of you when your calm and all."

As she spoke, she became visible. Much to Abby's surprise though, she didn't step out from hiding, she just suddenly phased back into existence as if she'd been ... well, she HAD been invisible. The train of wonder was cut off by another fact the girl probably hadn't noticed yet. Clara was completely nude, and very much visible.
Re: New York (All parts)

Abby had already guessed Clara would be nude, having seen her clothes lying on the ground. She didn't seem to mind that much, though looked away out of courtesy.

"Others like me... You mean other Uratha? I was planning on asking how your friend knew what I was, actually. Unless talking to wolves is common where she's from."
Re: New York (All parts)

Clara hesitated.

"Don't recognize that name offhand, but maybe Henry or Helen would. But yeah, we've encountered another ... well, I hope you don't get offended by the name Lycan, but that's all I can really think to describe ..."

She trailed off before asking Abby something.

"Um ... my whole body is showing isn't it ...?"
Re: New York (All parts)

Abby glanced at Clara again.


"Was it just the one, or were there more? I'm kinda looking for a pack, you see..."
Re: New York (All parts)

"Well shit ..."

She grabbed her clothing and put it on quickly, before answering Abby.

"Well as far as we know, Henry's the only one of his kind in existence, so it's just him. However ... uh ... oh god, you don't know anything about the Cabal do you?"
Re: New York (All parts)

"I think I might have heard my old packmates mention them once or twice, but aside from that I've never heard of them. Why, who are they?"
Re: New York (All parts)

"Really nasty shadow organization who's founding fathers were members of the Nazi's. They seek to either control, or kill people like us. I hate to say it, but if they marked you, which it certainly seems they have ... if you hooked up with an actual pack you'd be endangering all of them. The Cabal won't stop coming for you until you either are in their possession, dead or just vanish. Being in a large group of your own kind ... they'll track you all down. They came after me last year ... I had to move from my home to Canada just to get off their radar. In the meantime, they killed pretty much everyone I knew trying to find me."

Around that time, Ashley made her way back to them.

"We can't stay here much longer. I've got a feeling more of those bastards are on the way, something doesn't seem right."
Re: New York (All parts)

"Wait... when you say they've marked me... Were those guys we just killed after me?"

"Well shit... I can't join a pack, and I can't go back to my dad. What am I supposed to do now?"
Re: New York (All parts)

Clara thought for a moment.

"Ashley, do you think ..."

"No, she wouldn't have a problem with it. Hell. that's our JOBS Clara."

"Right ... So ... I don't suppose you want to take a trip far far away from here and get off their radar do you ... what was your name again?"
Re: New York (All parts)

"Hmm? Oh, I'm Abby. Nice to meet you both."

"And sure, it's not like I have anywhere better to be."
Re: New York (All parts)

Clara nodded.

"Alright, we've got about ten or so blocks to cover, then we can hook up with an underground system that takes us where we want to go."

"Eleven actually, we drifted a block further south when those things attacked."

"Ugh, alright, eleven then. Hiking time it is then?"
Re: New York (All parts)

"Wait a second."

Abby sprints back to the tree she was resting in and returns moments later with a duffel bag slung over her shoulder.

"Right, now I'm ready. Lead on."
Re: New York (All parts)

Clara raised an eyebrow, but Ashley only nodded, taking point given she had her weapon semi-drawn still.

Along the way, Abby could swear there was something stalking them, which was confirmed when they were about three blocks away from their destination.

A group of six insect like creatures suddenly appeared in a shimmer, as if they had gone from an invisible state to a visible one, letting loose a hissing noise as they moved closer.

Clara's eyes widened at the sight of them. Each was about six feet in length, and seemed to be a mixture of person, insect and perhaps lizard. In the darkness, it was hard to make out a color, but they appeared darkish.

"What .. the .. fuck are those things?"

"No clue, but I think they don't like us much."
Re: New York (All parts)

Abby drops her bag and shifts into Urhan form, using her improved senses to try and get a better look at the creatures. She moves forward and growls, as if to challenge their approach.
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Re: New York (All parts)

With her heightened senses, Abby could pick up on several features the others could not.

For one, they had a semi-human face, but with insect like mandibles dripping with some form of liquid. Their arms seemed to end in scythe-like blades, yet they walked upright. Counter-balancing them was a small tail like appendage covered with sharp spines, almost like a porcupine.

One of the bugs hissed loudly at her challenge, stepping forward, and then suddenly spring boarding into the air, aiming to cut her in half.

"Well ... Shit, hostile bastards."
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