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New York (All parts)

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Re: New York (All parts)

Abby drops the the floor and rolls off to the side, hoping to get out of the way of the creature's attack. Shifting into Dalu form as she jumps back to her feet, she dives at the creature and slashes at it's face with her claws, wary of it's scythe blades all the while.
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Re: New York (All parts)

Clara dove out of the way of one, while Ashley dove, pulled her weapon and fired all in one motion.

"Hey Clara? Use the radio and get us some help will you? I think we ought to be close enough to punch through any interference now."

Clara suddenly became just a mass of clothing floating in the air, and quickly that stripped off as she went invisible again, the radio vanishing with her.

Ashley fired a few more rounds into the bug that was going for Abby, causing it to twist in mid attack to avoid being struck, which left it open for a her counter-attack. Abby's hit landed, severing the creature in half, however the other five moved in to attack as well, one of them spitting something that looked like urine at her.
Re: New York (All parts)

Abby was visibly shocked when her attack tore the creature in two, but she shifted her attention to the other 5 creatures as they approached. Howling, she threw herself at one of those that wasn't spitting at her and slashed out once again, hoping to catch the apparent weak point.
Re: New York (All parts)

This time Abby found that the bugs weren't so readily caught off guard, as it side stepped in and brought a scythed limb sweeping down, catching her just barely across the cheek with it.

((Not sure how tough her skin would be, so will leave it up to you if it draws blood or not, but it's just a glancing blow.))

Ashley continued to take her time firing shots, disrupting the group as best as she could, though the look on her face suggested she might be running low on ammo.
Re: New York (All parts)

Abby snarls as the scythe catches her cheek and moves in to attack again, this time trying to grab the scythe limbs and force them out of the way while moving in for a bite with her sharpened teeth.
Re: New York (All parts)

As Abby tangled with them, she heard Ashley let out a curse about the same time she heard the gun click on empty. Just as it seemed they would both be in hand to hand the rest of the way, burst of electricity slammed into all the rest of them, frying them instantly.

"What the hell?"

Ashely was even more alert now, realizing that hadn't been from one of their own, not that fast.

It was then a figure dropped down just a few feet in front of Abby, smiling as his razor sharp claws retracted, and vampiric teeth vanished.

"Miss me Ashley?"

Ashley looked absolutely floored by the sight of the man, and she managed to sputter out "Ni ... Nikola? How the ... But ... You can't be alive."
Re: New York (All parts)

Abby leaps clear of the melee just in time to avoid being hit by the electricity. Muttering to herself, she shifts into human form and moves back towards Ashley, away from the smell of burning insect.

"Another friend of yours, I take it?"
Re: New York (All parts)

((Somehow missed this for so long, wtf.))

Ashely half snarled.

"Not really no. More like half enemy."

The man smirked slightly as he shook his head.

"Now now, don't be so hasty. The past is behind us now. We have much larger problems."

"Such as?"

He paused, then nodded.

"The Cabal appear to be on the verge of making a massive release of the Lazarus Virus, apparently they intend to make it a world-wide epidemic using cloud seeding. I believe I can create an antidote for it using the source blood, unfortunately I need your mothers help in acquiring it. Seems what's inside of us doesn't exactly work."

Ashley groaned lightly, clearly not wanting to trust him.

"I've already had a message delivered to her so even if you won't, I already took care of it. I was hoping though you'd at least tell her you saw me, and remember, I did just save your asses."

He seemed to be totally ignoring Abby for the moment.
Re: New York (All parts)

Abby seemed uneasy around the newcomer. She'd only had access to her wolf-senses for a short time after his appearance, but that was all the time she needed to sense that something was off about him. She kept her distance from him for the moment, letting the others do the talking.
Re: New York (All parts)

Ashley threw her hands up in despair.

"Alright, so what the hell do you want from me then? Why even bother showing up?"

Feigning being hurt by her words, he chuckled.

"Come on now, seriously, can't I come in just to save your asses? I'm sure you could have taken them out without me, but the real question is how many more Cabal would have joined by then? All things aside however, I'm being dead serious when I say we don't have a whole lot of time. I managed to acquire a bit more information since I sent someone else to speak with your mother. If what I garnered is accurate, I believe we may only have three days at most before the Cabal actually launch their attack. Despite our differences, I think we can both agree we don't want a massive outbreak of Lazarus creating an abnormal and human war zone?"

For a moment, Ashley didn't reply, but then she nodded.

"True, much as I hate agreeing with you. Don't suppose you have any idea where exactly this facility is do you?"

He nodded, not seeming happy.

"I do actually. I even have a map which I'll give to you. The place is about 30 miles from the Sanctuary in Calgary. Your mother needs to act quickly, or we may all end up the proverbial creek without a paddle. And ... who's your lovely young friend here?"

This last was directed to Abby, whom apparently Nikola had just now decided to notice.
Re: New York (All parts)

Abby cautiously got a little closer to the man, still unnerved by his presence.

"I'm Abby. And you are?"
Re: New York (All parts)

He smiled as he focused more on her.

"Nikola Tesla. Yes, the same one if you paid any attention to history. Heir to the ....

Ashley cut him off.

"For christsake Nikola, your a vampire, not some god, cut the crap about heir and shit."

Letting out a sigh, Nikola shrugged.

"Fine. What she said. Yes, I'm a vampire if that makes your senses wonky. Specifically Sanguine Vampirus, if you know anything of us."
Re: New York (All parts)

"Sorry, but all I know about vampires is what you read in the fairy tales. I've heard of you, though."
Re: New York (All parts)

Nikola chuckled.

"The legends hmm? Oh then you have a lot of learning to do that's for sure. Although I'm not surprised you've heard of me. However ... I suppose we'll save the ... true acquainting for later, hmm? Should probably be moving, I feel another wave of Cabal are coming. Go, I'll deal with distracting them."

As he turned towards where they had come from, Abby might get the impression Nikola had just made a half pass at her with his 'true acquainting' comment.
Re: New York (All parts)

Abby raises an eyebrow at Tesla's remark, making a mental note to try and avoid any future encounters with him whenever possible. Assuming the other girls did as he said and continued on, Abby would follow them. Otherwise, she'd simply glance at them expectantly.
Re: New York (All parts)

Nodding once to Tesla, both Clara and Ashley moved onward with Abby, leaving Nikola to do whatever the heck he was going to do. Abby might get the impression from him transforming again that it involved a very bloody, painful death.

Soon enough they had reached the Sanctuary itself, where they were told to wait for John to pick them up.

((Abby can freely intermingle with the others for now, I figure she may want to ask some questions about the network or even Tesla.))
Re: New York (All parts)

"So... where exactly are we? You didn't really tell me much besides the fact that I can get away from these 'cabal' guys here."
Re: New York (All parts)

While Clara went to get a drink quickly, Ashley explained.

"This is part of a worldwide network known as the Sanctuary. Right now we're inside one of the most heavily fortified buildings on the planet. Quite literally it has the facilities to survive even a nuclear apocalypse. It's been designed to be a safe haven for peaceful creatures who are more than human, who might become endangered by humans afraid of them. It's also equipped to handle the dangerous creatures as well, there are a number who will actually kill people, either for territorial reasons, or for food."

She paused before she continued onward.

"Basically we're going to get you passage to the main Sanctuary in Calgary, which is definitely far away from here. You'll uh ... you'll get to meet my mom."
Re: New York (All parts)

"The Sanctuary network? I've heard of it, actually. My old pack brought it up a few times. We never thought it actually existed."

"So which am I? The peaceful kind, the endangered kind or the dangerous kind?"
Re: New York (All parts)

Ashley looked at her for a moment before ever so slightly smiling.

"Dangerous when threatened, endangered right now thanks to the Cabal, as we all are, and normally peaceful at most any given time. There are a few exceptions to that, but most of the folks like you that I've met or heard from are very much in control of themselves, in a lot of ways, more so than humans. So ... I guess all of the above fits?"
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