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New York (All parts)

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Re: New York (All parts)

"I wouldn't say dangerous when 'threatened'. The word I'd use is 'provoked'."

Abby flashes a little grin.

"Aside from that... sounds like you're on the mark."
Re: New York (All parts)

Ashley once again smiled.

"We should have a warning label. 'Will kick serious ass if needed. Provoke at your own risk'."
Re: New York (All parts)

Abby chuckled.

"A label, huh? Do you label all your tenants?"
Re: New York (All parts)

Ashley shook her head.

"Only if we absolutely have to place a warning label by their housing unit. There are some out there that actually eat others like you and I, or humans. Then there are some that are just plain aggressive. There's this one species that call themselves the Diokouns. When they get angry, their hands secrete radiation nearly equivilant to that of a small nuclear bomb."
Re: New York (All parts)

"You guys sure are good at what you do. You'd think a species that dangerous would be pretty well known, but nope."

"On that note... just how secret is this network? Is it just kept hidden from the public, or is it the full blown 'outside the government, doesn't officially exist' package?"
Re: New York (All parts)

Ashley shrugged.

"Well I know that the world governments know about us, hell they're the ones who centuries ago helped to found the first Sanctuary. As far as the general public, no they don't know about it on the whole. There are some people scattered about the world who do know of the existence of the network. Some of them actually live amongst the more peaceful beings that share the planet with us. There's this one couple in Siberia that have been living with a family of ... well, I can't actually pronounce their names but most people would call them a Yeti. Anyway, they've been living with them for ten or eleven years now."
Re: New York (All parts)

((double post FTW!))

After a little longer waiting, Abby was brought out of whatever thoughts she had become lost to by the sudden flash of red swirling light, and a tall, bald man suddenly appearing out of thin air.

Clara smiled as she spoke to the man.

"Bout time John, what took so long? Oh um ... Abby, this is John Druitt, John, meet Abby."

(should give Abby something to say lol)
Re: New York (All parts)


"Uh... hello. Nice to meet you."
Re: New York (All parts)

Nodding politely to Abby, he spoke again.

"My apologies for making you wait so long. There have been a few ... incidents in a short amount of time. Two new folks were brought to the Sanctuary by myself after being attacked by the Cabal, Przemek is off trying to contain a hostile abnormal that matches nothing we've ever seen, and ..."

He paused as he turned to Ashley.

"Chris is in the Bermuda Triangle at the moment. Something, or someone there ... killed Sally's people living there. All of them."

To that, Ashley's face paled.

"My god ... that puts them on the edge of being completely wiped out. Did Chris have anything to go on yet?"

John shook his head.

"I'm afraid not. I'm afraid I also have to tell you that as soon as we get back to the Sanctuary, your mother and I need to head out with Clara and James. Looks like we have to go and meet Tesla, he claimed to potentially have a cure ..."

"For the Lazarus virus? Yeah, we ran into him a little while ago. Pretty sure he was hitting on Abby too."

That had come from Clara, who had finally chimed in.

"Ah .. I see. Well then, are you all ready?"

((Soon as Abby is ready I will move this over to Calgary.))
Re: New York (All parts)

Abby let the Sanctuary people talk amongst themselves, not really able to make sense of what they were saying.

"Yeah, I think so. Whenever you are."
Re: New York (All parts)

Without a word, John placed a hand on the shoulders of Clara and Ashely, then vanished. A moment later he reappeared, placed a hand on Abby's shoulder, and she felt a strange tingle as the New York Sanctuary faded ...

((Posting for Abby in Calgary. Standby.))
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