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New York City (City Proper)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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New York City, the city that never sleeps, and always seems to be lit as bright as the sun at night, no matter the time. It's a place filled with numerous wonders, and plenty of places for abnormals to lurk in both shadow, and underground with the network of subway lines.

The nightlife is fun here, but can also be dangerous. Gangs sometimes are in various places, so you never know when you'll run into one. There can be, on any given night, a lot of police activity as well, usually in direct response to gang activity, or shootings, or something of vile nature.

Tonight was starting off relatively quiet, at least for New York City. People were going about their business, everything seemed to be running on time for once, and the traffic? Well, it was heavy as usual.

((Open for you now Guyver. I have a few ideas here to start with.))
Re: New York City (City Proper)

New York city was by far the best place for someone like her. Her little quirks meant no traffic jams ever to deal with. heck she probably had the fastest transit system available to her. So many lights, so many electrical lines, and so much power in this city meant she was perfectly at home anywhere in it. Currently She walked along the sidewalk her goal in mind was a birds eye view was she ate some lunch. A sandwich in hand she 'acquired' in passing she was currently in view of times square. The top of that lovely structure would make do for a fine spot to sit in private. So on she walked drawing closer as she nudged her way past one person or another. As far as anyone was concerned she was just another random girl in black cargo pants and a black t-shirt. She kept her satchel thrown over her shoulder with a few little tools of useful tricks.
Re: New York City (City Proper)

It seemed like nothing was going to stop her from reaching the structure, and soon enough she was close to it. The crowd had thinned out some, people taking advantage of the air conditioned shops still open, as it was a hot, and humid beginning to the evening. As she came to a place she could readily get in and on top of the structure, she made note that a particular ornament usually present in this spot seemed to be missing. Someone had managed to steal it evidently, which probably had taken a fair amount of work since it had been built into stone, yet the stone appeared undamaged.
Re: New York City (City Proper)

She stopped for a moment regarding the obviously empty spot and thought on it for a few seconds before just shrugging her shoulders and attributing it to someone being careful and persistent to manage to steal it without any obvious damage. But enough on that she figured and continued along making her way through the structure using her ability to travel as a burst of electricity to speed up her ascent through the stairs or ladders or whatever she needed to pass through to make her way to the top.
Re: New York City (City Proper)

It didn't take long for her to reach the top. When she did, immediately she knew something was wrong.

There were splatters of blood on the ground, fresh from the looks of it, and a handful of spent handgun rounds. What took the cake though was after a moment, she could hear breathing from around one of the corners, and it sounded like whoever, or whatever it was ...

It sounded female. And hurt. And of course, the blood spatters led to that corner.
Re: New York City (City Proper)

Zale's face twisted into a sour expression looking at the unsavory scene. and hearing the sound of breathing coming from around the corner along with the blood trail leading there she figures she at least knew where one of the participants were located. Clearing her throat a little loudly her eyes scanning about. where one fighter was there had to still be another.

"Umm hello? who is up here ruining my lunch spot today come on. I'm armed with a hoagie and ill certainly beat the crap outta someone with it if yall make it so I cant come up here anymore."

She hefted the sandwich up like some sort of paper wrapped club and she kept scanning about. She more was curious if anyone would even bother to stick their head out. If they did though she was ready to react.
Re: New York City (City Proper)

Perhaps to her surprise, a feminine voice called back to her, sounding shaky, but determined.

"Wha ? ... Ugh, if you're Cabal, I'm so going to flash fry your ass. If you aren't ... I could ... I could use some help. Not sure I can ... go anywhere."

If she dared to poke around the corner, she'd be in for an interesting sight.

On the ground closest to her lay what had to be a soldier of some kind. He appeared to have either been struck by lighting, or electrocuted in some other means. On the other ...

Her eyes would fall upon a beautiful woman, one who had both red and pink streaks in her brown, almost black colored hair. She wore a full suit that almost seemed to be made of rubber, and was fairly skin tight, except for the place around her left shoulder that was stained red on the otherwise black outfit.

It was then she'd realize what the stain was. Blood. And it was coming from the girl, who periodically would have her right hand slide down just enough to reveal the source of the blood.

A bullet wound. It appeared the soldier had shot her, and then been electrocuted, possibly by her. Had she just found someone else like her? And who were the Cabal? Whoever they were, was this dead soldier one of them? And if so, had the attack on her been unprovoked? If so, it would explain how hostile she'd sounded in her first few words. One thing was for sure though, she was badly hurt, and without medical attention, she might not survive. Of course, if the girl was like her ... medical attention would be rather ... tricky.
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Re: New York City (City Proper)

Zale would quirk an eyebrow at the voice and begin heading to the corner. she turned it somewhat cautiously and blinked a bit in surprise by the scene that greeted her. remarking on the dead soldier who seems to have been electrocuted she thought to herself 'well this is a first...someone fried and I didn't do it.' With hoagie club in hand still she looked over to the injured woman giving her a quick once over.

"girl in your shape good luck flash frying a bird. hell In your state this sandwich is probably a lethal weapon right now to you."

She looked around again now that she had a brief look of the ones involved she wanted to make sure there wasn't any others hanging around somewhere.

"as far as you needing help. getting you down from here might not be the easiest or most pleasant thing for you right now..and I'm not exactly the best nurse or source of first aid."

She lowered the sandwich and knelt down setting it on the ground as she brought her satchel in front of her and began digging into it in search of anything she could use to maybe staunch the flow of blood. That seemed like the best idea at least at them moment.
Re: New York City (City Proper)

There was a soft snort from the girl, followed by a groan of pain.

"I've still got enough juice in me if need be. Shit, that reminds me ... um ... how to explain this ... I'm a bit of a freak. I don't want to come off weird and all but ... try to avoid touching my bare skin. It's um ... electrically charged. Anyway ... ugh ... don't suppose you uh ... have a phone on you do you?"
Re: New York City (City Proper)

Zale would grin slightly at the comment of having enough juice left in her. if only this girl knew. But then she continued listening and tilted her head some looking back to the woman as she said she was a freak.

"you do realize this is new York right? everyone is a freak out in this damn city. Also electrically charged skin? hmm I don't know...that's sounds kinda sci-fi. here lemme see"

Zale lifted a hand one finger extended then lightly gave a simple boop to the girls nose holding the finer there for an extended moment. If the girl was telling the truth it wouldn't bother Zale after all...electricity was here life almost. If she was telling the truth after all and the electrical charge was there Zale would most certainly be intrigued.
Re: New York City (City Proper)

The moment she came into contact with the girl, she noticed her flinch, as if she was fully expecting Zale to get fried right then and there. Instead there was a very definite sizzle of electrical energy, an actual aura crackling around them. There was something else, as if some sort of energy transferred between them, the girl almost ending up leaning forward and kissing her, but her injury kept her from fully initializing it. Clearly, the girl had some kind of electrical energy stored within her, but how?

Once contact was broken, there was a brief shudder from the girl, who then stared at her for a long moment.

"OK ... what the hell ... the hell was that? What just happened? Wait ... you ... you're not fried ... Um ... OK, that's ... that's the first time that's happened since just before my 16th birthday, before ..."

She trailed off, suddenly a dark cloud crossing her face. There was no mistaking it, something had happened that involved her powers, something that had likely been fatal to someone she deeply had cared about.
Re: New York City (City Proper)

Shifted her eyes about feeling the crackling in the air around them. Hmm this girl really was charged this was definitely weird..i mean no more then herself being able to do her own lightning stunts and such but still. here was someone else with electrical power coursing through them. She shifted back a step looking the girl over

"we can discuss power issues later obviously you wont be making me crispy fried anytime soon so lets see about getting you out of here and somewhere we can patch you up. for now best I got is a rag and some electrical tape to put pressure on your wound here. should at least slow your bleeding so you don't go all dead on me."

She reached back to her bag pulling said rag from it. it wasn't dirty but it was all she had right now. she placed the cloth up against the wound and held it firmly there while her other hand reached into the bag for a small roll of electrical tape.

"not the best first aid but its all I got to help with so it will have to do until we get you to someone who knows what they are doing. okay?"

She used one hand to pull a strip of tape out then used her teeth to rip it before applying the first strip to hold the rag in place. a few more later and the rag would be taped over the wound somewhat. She glanced over her handy work just wanting to make sure the bleeding would be at least slowed if anything before starting to try and help the girl up.

"This is gonna suck I imagine but come on gotta get you up before any of this assholes friends come by. so bare with me here. and just hold onto me while we figure out a way outta here without getting anymore attention okay?"
Re: New York City (City Proper)

She nodded slightly, sighing.

"Don't suppose you have a phone on you do you? Mine kinda got shot. Still remember a contact number though ... and an address. Clearly ... you're at least similar enough to me, and I really ... don't have a choice. You ever hear of the Sanctuary?"
Re: New York City (City Proper)

Zale gave a shake of her head at both the questions. To have a phone required having records which meant money. She got her money...definitely a not official way so she was lacking simple things like a cellphone.

"Would a payphone? still a few left in the city I think. if not could always borrow a phone as briefly as possible. I can get ahold of one if we really need it but probably only if its a must have. "

She didn't wanna mention it might involve stealing someone's phone but hey a girl had to survive somehow. especially when they were freak..or bleeding in her new friends case.
Re: New York City (City Proper)

She sighed for a moment, nodding slowly, grimacing in pain as she did.

"Can try. Might be able to get a call to my contact who gave me the directions to the Sanctuary here. Oh ... almost forgot my manners. Name's Gwen Raiden, you?"
Re: New York City (City Proper)

looking around the area once more she chewed on her lip a little

"well Gwen its nice to meet you. sad its not under better circumstances but you can call me Zale. So here we go okay options...number one I leave you here and you either give me the number to go use at a payphone if I find one or I borrow someones phone and call them. Or we go with option two and we drag your bleeding behind down out of here and maybe attract attention while trying to get that call made. Neither one is a more preferable plan to the other but we gotta do something. I could be as fast as I can and zip on down to a phone and then back but I know we just met and you might not wanna give me this phone number so readily."
Re: New York City (City Proper)

Gwen paused a moment before shaking her head.

"Much as I hate dragging you into this, you'll find out one way or another. Those Cabal guys, more of them are probably on the way. Don't know that I can ... stay awake to fight more than a couple more off, and I've no intention ... of becoming someones lab rat, or their murderer. We'd stand a better chance together ... And wait ... Zale .... your last name wouldn't happen to be MeHeven or something would it? Probably pronouncing it wrong but ... names aren't my strong point."

((Just had a really mean idea that'd get Zale interested in staying at the Sanctuary.))
Re: New York City (City Proper)

Zale moved to Gwen's uninjured side an lifted Gwen's arm up around her to help the woman stand as she started to move her to the way back down.

"Sticking together does sound preferable...and ill keep you safe. Your not the only person capable of frying some douchebags. And yes that is my last name how might you know that? I shouldn't really be famous o anything as far as I know."
Re: New York City (City Proper)

Gwen paused a moment before replying, sucking in her breath as they began to move, fighting off a wave of wanting to pass out. She steeled herself, and as they began their descent, she dropped a bombshell.

"Got some intel about ... a week ago. Some guy, Gregory Magnus. Quiet guy, strange, got the feeling I was talking to someone who'd seen too much crap you know? Anyway, so the guy tells me about this Sanctuary, puts me in contact with someone I used to know when I was younger who works for them now. Part of why I'm here, trying to get there. Anyway, before we parted ways, and I go check up on his story to verify it, he tells me that while I'm in New York I should try to find some chick with your name. Says something about he was supposed to deliver some message to you from some other chick, I think her name was Carla Nelvar or something like that ... Said he'd been trying to track you down, but the Cabal were making it impossible to contact you without tipping them off ..."

She paused again as they went down another flight of stairs, looking like she was going to be sick or pass out, but somehow soldiering through it.

"Anyway the message was ... watch yourself. Cabal got ... I think he said the chick told him the girls name was Shoni or something like that, had the same last name as you. Something about three sisters who were close with like six other sisters of some coven or something? Said the Cabal wiped them out about two months ago pursing some group known as the Morgana sisters. I don't know if any of it's true but ... his story about the Sanctuary and all checked out so ... I mean, I don't know if you knew this girl or not but ... if so, and it's true ... well ... I've never been good with apologies but ... I'm sorry."

Right after her apology, she let loose a groan, and Zale might notice that the makeshift bandage was oozing more blood. Gwen looked to her and groaned again.

"Fucking thing ... is still in me. How much further to the bottom? Trying not to pass out but ... hard to stay awake."
Re: New York City (City Proper)

*listening to Gwen's story Zale continued trying to usher her down the stairs slowly but surely. She was thinking the worse Gwen looked the more likely they may have to enter the adjoining building to maybe use an elevator or something since she wasn't looking so great. The mentioning of Shoni had Zale's face turn a bit darker. if these cabal people had her then someone was gonna have to have answers of where she was. she wouldn't let them keep her sister. this talk of sanctuary had her intrigued as well maybe they could help with some info. regardless Zale get working down the stairs with Gwen.

"Well we were kinda looking at a pretty decent view up there so still a bit of a ways down. I know it aint easy but stick with it or we may have to go inside the building and look for an easier way down. your choice."