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New York City (City Proper)

Re: New York City (City Proper)

Gwen grit her teeth, doing her best to stay awake. As they continued, she reached down with her good arm and grabbed hold of a piece of paper, sliding it over to Zale.

"Instructions on how to ... find the Sanctuary here. Just ... just in case I don't make it awake ... or at all. And if I don't ... kick their scrawny Cabal asses would you? I hope you ... find your sister. Getting ... a bit cold isn't it?"

The last bit might worry Zale the most. While it wasn't overly hot out, it was far from cold, and that meant likely she'd either lost so much blood, or she was going into shock that her body was at least partially shutting down. Possibly both. Suddenly, Gwen seemed to have a moment of clarity, teeth chattering as she spoke abruptly.

"Inside ... building ... might be a ... working ... phone. And yeah ... faster might ... be ... better. I'm losing this .. fight. Elevator ... maybe. Can use me ... to ... juice it ... if need be."
Re: New York City (City Proper)

hearing the way she was talking she looked for the closest entrance inside the building. It didn't matter if it was through a window or a door she was going inside with gwen carrying her as best as possible.

"no no no we are gonna get you to this sanctuary place just stay awake. that's the best thing for you right now. "

getting inside however possible she started looking for someone calling out for anyone with a first aid kit or anyone even around at all. She was started looking for a phone nearby to try and cal this place without having to make it down to the street.

"oh come on gotta be able to get ahold of a phone in here..lets set you down and let you rest some more okay."
Re: New York City (City Proper)

Gwen seemed to be trying, but it was obvious the blood loss was taking it's toll on her. It became more evident when Zale set her down, a slight jostle of the wound getting no reaction from Gwen outside of a frown.

"Might want to ... hurry ... I can't ... can't feel my arm."

It seemed there was no one around, however, luck appeared to be with them. A single phone lay on a desk just a short way across the room, and it appeared to be working.
Re: New York City (City Proper)

would run over to the phone and started to scan the paper Gwen had given her. Looking for a phone number she could call to try and contact the Sanctuary people. She was also ready to just straight dial an emergency number like 911 if they didn't answer.

"Listen I got an idea...if I cant get ahold of anyone quick enough we can try something. You seem to hold a charge so umm i might see if given ya a boost with some electricity will keep ya with me a little more."
Re: New York City (City Proper)

Gwen didn't respond, but a quick look over showed she was still awake, at least for now.

She found the number she was looking for on the paper, and it rang twice before a female voice answered.

"Kate Freelander speaking, who is this, and what can I do for you?"
Re: New York City (City Proper)

"okay Kate the quick of it is I got this number from a girl named Gwen sitting on the floor in front of me possibly bleeding to death from being shot. We are in time square right now sitting in an empty office or something and she needs help like A.S.A.P. The people who shot her are someone called the cabal or something but she needs help NOW. so how fast can we get some help?"

She was watching Gwen closely ready to get over by her in case she starts to pass out or if things get worse.
Re: New York City (City Proper)

There was a short pause before Kate spoke back, confirming.

"Gwen? As in Gwen Raiden? Hey, baldy!"

There was muttering, seeming to be Kate talking to whoever she'd called Baldy, and then after a moment a man's voice came through the phone.

"Listen very carefully. I need for you to give me a few details on the place you're in. What floor, and what kind of obstacles are in the room, even a building number would be helpful. Trust me, it'll be clear why in a few moments."

A quick glance told her it was the 6th floor, and hadn't there been a building number, something like 358 outside earlier? There also appeared to be a wide open space in the center of the room.
Re: New York City (City Proper)

Looking about the room and gathering what details she could she would relay them all to the person on the phone as best she could.

"Alright is that enough? Anything g else ya need? You may want to bring a medical kitnof some sort cause she needs help badly. I'm no nurse so I did all I could. How long till some of you guys can get here?"
Re: New York City (City Proper)

There was about a three second pause, followed by a sound of snapping energy near Zale, right as a tall, bald man suddenly just appeared. There was no giveaway on his face, but the way he spoke suggested he might be amused.

"Less time than it'll take to finish my sentence I bet. Now ... well, she is rather hurt. I can't treat this here, we'll have to take her back to the Sanctuary. You may wish to join us, we have company trying to enter."

As he spoke, Zale could see a few people coming towards a set of currently locked doors, but given they had Assault Rifles, and they didn't look like cops, that probably wouldn't slow them down. Could they be the Cabal that had hurt Gwen earlier? She had warned they might send more.
Re: New York City (City Proper)

Turning eyes to the new arrivals she clenched her fists a moment. as she stepped over towards Gwen and the new gentleman.

"While I wouldn't mind joining you. something Gwen told me makes me want to stay and have a chat with these assholes if they are these Cabal people. they have someone close to me apparently. I would like to know where."
Re: New York City (City Proper)

John paused a moment before answering.

"They're just soldiers of the Cabal. If they do have someone close to you, this group won't know where. You'll need one of the higher ups for information like that. If you're truly insistent on staying here to damage them though ... at least save one or two of them for me until I get back will you? There hasn't been nearly enough Cabal bloodletting recently."

The wicked look on his face suggested some kind of history, either personal of his own, or someone he cared for. It also suggested that while seemingly calm, the man was incredibly dangerous when provoked or having reason to kill.

((Gonna leave it up to you if she still stays or not before porting him out. He would come back for her, he's not leaving her to face them alone for any longer than it takes to get Gwen taken care of.))
Re: New York City (City Proper)

Cursing a bit under her breath at what he said about them not knowing anything she just shook her head.

"damn if they wont know anything there isn't any point. If you can get us all out then lets just go together. I may want to hurt them right now but I wont start hurting people for no reason. let get going."

She quickly moved to over to stand next to Gwen. ready to help lift her if necessary.
Re: New York City (City Proper)

John seemed almost disappointed, but it was hard to tell for certain by his reaction.

"Very well. Be forewarned, I must make contact with you and with her for this to work. You may feel ... strange for a moment, as if you're floating through as energy without a line, or an anchor. It's normal."

Assuming she was alright with it, he'd place a hand on her shoulder, and one on Gwen's uninjured side. She might note he made sure to not come in contact with her bare skin, as if he already knew about her potentially lethal electrical powers. Of course, it was possible he did if the other woman she'd spoken to earlier knew Gwen well enough. Then suddenly, there was a swirl of red mist around her, and for a moment, she would be free floating ...

((Making New York Sanctuary Thread))