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New York City Sanctuary

Re: New York City Sanctuary

Chris nodded.

"If you can generate sufficient heat with the electrical energy then yes. I'm betting that if both of you are electrically charged, enough can be generated as heat from excess energy to cauterize. I'd like you to try it in the areas I show you. She's bleeding internally, and whatever you just did showed me those places. If I can seal them up and stop the internal bleeding, she at least has a better chance of living through this. If not ... John, get the blood infuser and injector ready. We're entering that territory rapidly now."
Re: New York City Sanctuary

Zale kept hold of Gwen's hand in one hand while her other would raise over her waiting for direction from Chris. She started guiding energy into that waiting hand cause a perhaps noticeable static energy in the air just around it as little tiny arcs of electricity traveled over her fingers.

"you just gotta tell me where so I can direct it is all so lets do this"
Re: New York City Sanctuary

Chris nodded and began giving her directions. In all, there were three it seemed. He'd carefully point them out, and allow her to do what she needed in order to in order to cauterize them.

It took about fifteen minutes, but they managed it. After she was done, Chris went back to grabbing what they hoped were the last bits of bullet in her, his eyes darting every now and then to the diminishing bag of blood left to keep her stable.

John meanwhile had grabbed a different looking device, likely one that would allow Chris to directly inject blood from a donor into Gwen. John did not look happy in the slightest, but said nothing, realizing that if they were to save Gwen, they might have to take the risk.
Re: New York City Sanctuary

"Alright so she is bleeding less now right we can hopefully start refilling that blood instead of just letting it leak out so how about if your still so unsure you let me volunteer another bag. I feel fine and if whatever your so worried about is so dangerous then better to have me a little light headed then risking whatever this is."

She saw how they looked and this new little item plus the earlier talk of another vampire and all. She was more then ready to lose a little blood for someone but they seemed so indecisive.
Re: New York City Sanctuary

Chris thought for a moment, the idea not sitting too well with him on either account, but ... it might be worth the risk.

"John, do it. That has to be the last one. I'm already breaking protocol as is set by Dr. Magnus with this, but better this if it works than the possible alternatives. Use the other arm John, we don't want to risk collapsing a vein on her."

John set to work immediately, as Chris went back to removing shards. In short order the last bag was ready, John having to swap it over almost as soon as it was finished. As Chris began working on what appeared to be the third to last shard, there was a sudden flash of light, followed by a piece of bullet flying out and striking the table.
Re: New York City Sanctuary

Was shaking her arms out to promote some blood flow as the flash of light happened she stepped over closer to Gwen curiously wondering what happened.

"Oo pretty lights what just happened?"
Re: New York City Sanctuary

Chris growled in anger.

"At least one of the fragments had an unspent explosive charge on it. It just exploded inside her, doing more damage. If the other two are the same way ..."

He trailed off, the implications clear. Now he may be having to repair the extra damage, and figure out if there was going to be more internal bleeding issues.

On top of that, Zale might notice after a moment that coming from his left collarbone was a small trickle of blood, where it seemed he'd been grazed by the stray piece. Before she could say anything though, she watched it literally reverse itself, and heal up almost immediately.
Re: New York City Sanctuary

shaking her head as he explains what happens she sighs some

"the next batch of these assholes I find are so getting fried."

She sees the little feat of healing on Chris and frowns some figuring at this point there isn't any more option.

"I'm guessing now there aren't anymore options but go for this vampy transfusion to save her?"
Re: New York City Sanctuary

Chris sighed.

"I'd rather not, but it seems we're rapidly running out of options. And when you fry those fuckers, save a few for me would you? I still have my own personal score to settle with those bastards."

Carefully he worked on removing the next to last piece, this one seeming to go smoothly. The last piece however just had to be a pain in the rear end. He almost had it out of her, and was lifting it clear carefully when it exploded, one part of it blasting through his chest, the other piece seeming to slice through Gwen, blood flying as it did. Almost immediately, Chris let out a growl that sounded almost demonic.

"I really hate those guys."

And then, the monitors keeping tabs on Gwen suddenly started making noise as her heart rate and blood pressure rapidly began dropping. Chris let out a snarl at this, only one option left.

"John, Zale, put that end into her, right into a vein. We're doing this, no other choice. Forgive me Magnus."
Re: New York City Sanctuary

Picking up the items needed she turned to john quickly holding them out to him. she was no medical worked and he seemed to be much more skilled at this then her so she wasn't gonna risk screwing things up any more then they were. Gwen was in too much trouble this second.

"here ya go better you then me at this. Is there anything I might actually be able to do to help? cause otherwise I'm gonna get out the way now."
Re: New York City Sanctuary

Chris jabbed the other end of the device into his arm after John set his end up.

"Be ready to provide electricity if she needs it is all I can think of. Here goes nothing."

His blood began to flow into Gwen, and for a moment, it seemed nothing was going to happen. Then suddenly, her wounds began to close up, the monitors stabilizing. After a few moments, she gasped in a breath of air, Chris removing the injectors from them both as Gwen sat bolt upright, looking right at Zale with a look that asked, 'the fuck is going on?'
Re: New York City Sanctuary

`Zale stood at the ready keeping an eye on Gwen. there was visably electric current traveling along her hands and jumping between fingertips as she waited to see if she needed to give Gwen a good shock or not. but the sight of wounds starting to close on their own was kinda impressive. it made her forget for a moment the potential drawbacks of vampyness

"is it working? she is starting to heal its working right??
Re: New York City Sanctuary

Chris nodded.

"Yes, even more so than I had hoped. I was just hoping it would stabilize her, but this ... is far more than I expected. Gwen ... how do you feel?"

Gwen looked at him for a moment before responding.

"Uh ... alive I guess? Feel fine. Look, I'm sure I probably owe you thanks for saving my life considering the shape I was in when Zale here found me but ... who the hell are you?"

Druitt let out a sharp laugh, bowing his head slightly.

"And on that note, I shall leave the three of you to get better acquainted. I'll be in Calgary if you need me."

He vanished as he teleported out, leaving Gwen blinking.

"Did he just ... teleport? Damn, why couldn't I have gotten that kind of power?"

Chris chuckled slightly, and when he spoke, first it rang a bell for Gwen, and with her response, it might for Zale as well.

"Abnormal gifts can be odd in what they choose I'll admit that. As for who I am ... Christopher Andrews, I work with the Sanctuary in Calgary."

Gwen snapped her head back to him, her eyes seeming to widen slightly as she clearly recognized the name. What she then replied with might remind Zale of a story she'd heard once, about a slaughter up in Chicago involving an unknown subject, who'd killed countless soldiers.

"As in the same Christopher Andrews I've heard about from Kate Freelander who was responsible for the massacre of the Cabal up in Chicago 11 years ago?"

Chris blinked once, shaking his head in amusement.

"I see Kate's been talking about me behind my back again. Yes, that would be me."

"Well shit. I could use someone like you to watch my ass from time to time. Wait ... why are you looking anywhere but at me?"

Chris sighed, having grabbed a large shirt from one of the lockers nearby.

"Because in order to operate we kind of had to cut your top off. You might want to put this on."

((I'll let Zale react to this banter before going any further lol))
Re: New York City Sanctuary

Having noticed Chris being a bit evasive on where he was looking she gave a soft laugh at the situation.

Come on girl stop making him so uncomfortable. Put that shorting before I get jealous of you and just take my shirt off too. Also I don't know how much you really want him watching your back. The whole time you were out he was poking, prodding, cutting, and blowing you up."

Zale was picking fun at the situation now that Gwen looked to be in much better shape. She was relieved things camenout okay n it she wasn't gonna get mushy or anything.
Re: New York City Sanctuary

Gwen sighed as she took the shirt from him, putting it on. It fit surprisingly well on her, not showing too much, while not being overly big on her. She laughed slightly as she did.

"Well you should feel honored. You and that other guy that left are the only two guys who've ever seen any of my body naked that I haven't given a good zap to afterwards."

She laughed slightly, though she turned serious after Zale's comment.

"Wait ... you did the surgery Chris? That means you had to touch bare skin ... and you didn't get zapped?"

Chris hesitated for a moment until he was sure she was dressed again before turning to look at her, nodding.

"Yes, and while I could feel the electrical charge present within you, no, it didn't harm me at all."

Gwen blinked for a moment.

"Uh OK. Pardon if it sounds rude but ... what the hell are you? Zale was the first person I've ever encountered who didn't get zapped to death from touching me, and now you? I have an idea as to what she is but ... you?"

Chris sighed again before responding.

"For lack of a better description overall ... a teleporting vampire, specifically Sanguine Vampirus."

Now it was Gwen's turn to look shocked.

"I thought they were completely extinct. Whatever. Still ... that's kind of awesome, and I have to admit, that kinda turns me on."

At Chris's sharp look she laughed.

"I'm kidding, I wouldn't try anything, even if you're probably the first guy I've ever met since before I was 16 who could even survive doing anything with me."

Chris grumbled something under his breath, then paused as he looked at her.

"So you weren't born always like that, it didn't show up until ...."

"Until I turned 16. My first 15 years I was completely normal, or so I thought. Then on my16th birthday ..."

She trailed off, a dark cloud over her lovely features, unable to continue. Chris however seemed to get the idea of what had happened from this, and her earlier comments, his features softening somewhat.

"I'm sorry about what happened to him. Gwen ... you couldn't have known, it wasn't your fault."

"Yeah, well tell his family that. I had to go into hiding and give up the life I knew because of that, and because they blamed me for being a freak. Said I was too dangerous to be allowed to exist, tried to have me murdered. That was my first taste of killing someone and planning to. The assassin they sent after me, I jolted him and killed him defending myself. Ever since I've mostly kept to myself, rarely have contact with anyone if I can avoid it, though I do what I need to in order to survive. When I ran into Kate again ... I thought she'd be afraid of me, she knew what had happened. She told me about this place though, and after letting her leave without me, I gave it some thought. Decided if I was going to come join you folks, I needed to have something worth my entry. So I may have stolen some information from the Cabal. And then they started hunting me."

((Gonna give Zale a chance to reply before I have something real fun and awkward happen lol))
Re: New York City Sanctuary

Zale reached over and gave Gwen a sympathy hug around the shoulders as she mentioned her teenage incident

"trust me girl times as a teenage weirdo are easy on no one, I can very much relate with you on what ya dealt with. Also apparently everyone knows more about vampires then I do. thought that little bit might just be movie magic but honestly I'm not surprised they are real..teleporting though that's nifty. Ill just stick to riding my lines though."

Letting Gwen go she gave a look over her once more making sure there were any holes that got missed that might still be bleeding just in case.

"Your looking good ill say Chris here did a good job keeping you in one piece kinda."
Re: New York City Sanctuary

((Going with Zale got clothing only and not bare skin lol, otherwise it spoils the moment lol))

Gwen smiled slightly at Zale.

"Thanks. And thank you Chris."

He nodded, stepping closer.

"You're welcome. And hey, chin up, we'll get those pricks back for shooting at you, and when this is all said and done, I'll make sure his folks personally know never to try that shit again with you. When you come here to stay and help out, you're family, everyone here is."

As he said it, he reached out and gave her a gentle pat on the right shoulder while facing her, starting to open his mouth to say something when sparks almost literally flew. His hand had grazed part of her bare skin, and the reaction was swift, and seemingly not planned.

A charge seemed to fill the air around them, enough for Zale to feel it, and suddenly Gwen reacted by grabbing hold of Chris, and deeply kissing him, fast enough that he didn't even have time to react. All Zale could see was his eyes shoot wide in surprise, yet for a good thirty seconds or so Gwen kept going, seemingly oblivious to what she was doing. Finally she broke the kiss, coming up panting for air, with a shocked look on her face.

"Uh ... what ... what just happened there? The fuck did I just do?"

For his part Chris seemed to be trying not to laugh, those it was hard to tell if that were amusement, or uncertainty, or something else.
Re: New York City Sanctuary

Zale blinked in mild confusion at the scene playing before her with her head tilting a bit just watching this kiss.

"umm .should I give yall some private time or are you done? cause honestly gwen I didn't realize you were in a relationship with Chris so quickly. but like I said I can leave you two alone"

Zale gave a smirk once the two split from the kiss her arms crossing over her chest

"I'm gonna get really jealous now leaving me out and all"
Re: New York City Sanctuary

Gwen turned absolutely red in the face, clearly exasperated, and confused.

"Shush you! I seem to recall you trying to plant ... wait .... this happened before, when you touched me too. What the hell?"

Chris had lost it at Zale's comment, laughing. He did however stop at Gwen's words.

"That could mean there's some sort of reaction to your power even in those immune to it's effects. That would suggest there's either dormant additional powers you have, or ... well, hell, I don't really know. But obviously there's some kind of reaction regardless. I wonder if it's unique to just you. Zale ... ah never mind, not opening that can of worms, and you seem to be too much of a jokester for that anyway."

Gwen meanwhile seemed to get it.

"You wonder if it's just me with that problem, or if Zale would have the same issue. I ... I don't know how to describe it, it was just this sudden need to do that, almost like I wasn't even in control of my own body. Didn't even realize I was doing it til ... well, you know."

Then it seemed the impish part of Gwen kicked in as she replied to Zale without looking at her.

"Of course, if neither of you minds sharing or going three at a time I might be convinced to try that."

Chris let out an exasperated sound, shaking his head.

"What the hell am I going to do with you two. God, you'd both have gotten along with ..."

He shook his head, and for a brief moment, the two of them would see a demonic look to his eyes as pure rage built within them. His eyes literally became soulless black for several moments before returning to normal. He remained quiet after that, something clearly having happened, and from the sounds of it, someone he'd cared deeply about.
Re: New York City Sanctuary

Zale held her hands out wiggling her fingers at Chris as if anticipating where his line of thinking was going just grinning at him. she laughed when he trailed off and said he wouldn't open that can of worms. though at with Gwen's suggestion she leaned over to hug her again and wiggled her eyebrows this time. Seeing how Chris trailed off after that having seeming to dug up a memory or two that killed the mood she would drop the joking around then.

"Well anyways gwen may need some rest after that whole ordeal..or at least something to eat. Speaking of food I think I must have dropped my sandwich on that rooftop. how about we go sit down for a bit to eat and get to know each other formally? ya know more then the hi I'm Zaleia nice to meet you."