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New York City Sanctuary

Re: New York City Sanctuary

Chris nodded.

"Follow me, there's a pantry fully stocked on this floor. Once we finish we can head to Calgary, Kate will be joining us. That's if you want some place to call home for a little while, or permanently anyway. The way things stand, and the very least, I'd say get out of New York, at least for now."

As they walked, he seemed to be thinking about something, as if trying to work something out in his head. By the time they arrived at the pantry, which had food to be made, or pre-made, needs reheating only food, he seemed to have stopped. After showing them around what was available, and making whatever was needed, he sat down with them. As they were eating, he blinked, set his burger down, and suddenly Zale could see it was as if a lightbulb went off in his mind.

"Of course, control, that's why. Zale, are you able to control if someone gets zapped or not when you touch them or they touch you?"
Re: New York City Sanctuary

Happy to have some food in a rumbling stomache she was setting into her food when chris asked her the question. She simply nodded and reached over poking him a few times to demonstrate no charge and then poked him one last time with just a mild static level zap.

"yup. at first it was sporadic but eventually I starting getting control of it. even can do things like this."

She wiggled her fingers a little then pointed at Gwen a small little arc of harmless electricity zapping from one finger to the closest point on Gwen.
Re: New York City Sanctuary

Chris nodded slowly, the wheels seeming to turn in his mind.

"Then I may have a theory as to why Gwen had the reaction she did earlier with me, and, from what she was saying, with you as well? Anyway ... Gwen, you've already said as much, you can't control it, if someone touches you, it just zaps them right?"

"Yeah, and believe me, I've tried to control it using various methods taught to me on focusing, even tried Tibetian Monk methods for a few years. Nada. I don't think it's possible for me to control it, my body I think carries so much of a charge it has to unload it somehow. And since I don't use it unless I absolutely need it ...

Chris nodded.

"That may be it then. When you encounter someone who can't be jolted, and the electricity can't simply jump into them, it releases that energy in other methods. Essentially, it's your body's way of discharging anyway, only instead of via electrical jumping, somehow it's able to release with a physical activity like that. Basically you kissing people immune to your power is your body's way of letting that energy out in it's own way, which is rather interesting to say the least."

Gwen was silent for a moment before responding.

"That ... actually makes some sense to me. But why isn't it the same way with Zale though, she poked you and didn't get overcome with the urge to kiss you."

Chris thought for a moment before replying to her.

"She has control over her power. She can choose not to let the energy out by any means, and I'm willing to bet she has control, even if you don't realize it Zale, over when and how much you take in to ensure you don't take too much in at once. Or her body just holds it in a different method that may be more efficient at dispersing it and containing it. The bottom line is, she has the freedom of choosing if to let it out or not, you don't have that luxury right now."

"Right now? You make it sound as if I might find a means someday. I told you, I tried, it just ... it isn't possible."

Chris hesitated a moment before finally opening up a new can of worms.

"That was before we had to inject some of my blood into you to keep you from dying. And since I'm a product of the source blood, it flows through my veins, it's one with my blood. Simply put ... I've no way to know for sure just what the possible side effects, if any, will be on you. It may awaken dormant areas of your current power, or it may awaken dormant other powers you never knew you had. It might make you more like me, or it may do absolutely nothing but what it already has, heal you and keep you from dying. Hell for all I know, you might be ageless like me now."

Gwen was silent for a moment, long enough Zale might think she was angry. Finally she looked up to Chris, an odd look in her eyes.

"So what you're saying is what you did to me might alter me somehow, and maybe, just maybe might give me a chance at controlling this if I'm really lucky?"

Chris sighed.

"All I'm saying Gwen is don't give up. Things that didn't work before ... maybe they will now, maybe they won't. But I'd say after a bit of time, say a few days or weeks to let your body acclimate and recover from what it's been through ... give them a shot again. Worst that happens is they still don't work or show any sign of helping. For that matter, you also have a ton of Zale's blood in you as well, for all we know some of her ability to control her powers might transfer over you you given time to properly blend with you. I just don't know, I'm sorry, but that's the best answer I can give you."

Again she was silent for a moment, chewing her own food thoughtfully.

"Well ... I don't really know what to say. Thanks I guess. I'd completely given up on ever finding a way. Now though ... at least there's a reason to try again, even if it doesn't work ... you've not only brought me back form the dead so to speak ... you've given me back a spark of hope to try again that I'd lost. Thank you, both of you."
Re: New York City Sanctuary

Zale sat quiet as the two discussed the possibilities of Gwen's condition as well as for her gaining control. She knew how hard it was dealing with powers like they had after all.

"Hey throw all your thanks at Chris here. he went all surgeon life saving mode on you. Me I just made a phone call for you. Anyways while I haven't quite been bleeding to death in someone's favorite lunch spot. I have my share of troubles like you. I can just say its me trying to get some good karma back on my side. You and I seem to have a lot in common. So I'm glad I ran into you. it will be nice having a friend to chill with for once."
Re: New York City Sanctuary

Gwen looked at Zale and shook her head.

"Maybe so, but if you hadn't been kind enough to help me out of there he'd have never had the chance. It'll be nice having someone I can talk to that understands my own ... abnormality as well as I do, someone I can get in trouble with."

The last was said with a grin as she started eating again.
Re: New York City Sanctuary

Zale grinned in return and set her food down holding her hands close and letting her fingertips drum against each other

"oooh trouble making...I approve greatly! mwahaha"

She just smiled sweetly towards Chris then and resumed eating as well.
Re: New York City Sanctuary

Chris chuckled and shook his head.

"Well all I can say is I think life is going to be a bit more interesting with you two around. I think too you'll find at least a few things to hold your interest up there. Actually ... I may have some ideas if we still have certain items Tesla left behind."
Re: New York City Sanctuary

Zale would quirk an eyebrow to Chris curiously at the mention of Tesla

"I have heard that name before school age stuff like him trying to build wireless energy transfers..tesla coils and the such. yall have some of his toys laying around somewhere? interesting.."
Re: New York City Sanctuary

Chris chuckled.

"That and a lot more things they didn't teach you in school. In fairness to them, probably because they didn't know about them. But yeah, we might have something left of his that may help the two of you to refine your powers and control."
Re: New York City Sanctuary

"What Gwen here needs is just to keeps playing around with them. That's all I did nobody taught me control. But night wasn't in the same situation as she is. But eventually with me I just kept using my powers and control came eventually. Sure I zapped a few things here and there by accident but nothing a city electrician couldn't fix...or replace. Though Gwen you should see what happens when I taze a A.T.M. it's funny to watch the scene afterwards."

Zale have a devilish grin at the thought if the chaos that has caused before.
Re: New York City Sanctuary

Chris nodded.

"That's sort of what I meant. We may have devices that will not only help you train yourself on your own terms, but might even tell you if you're making progress in lowering the amount of energy."

He paused as his phone began to ring, frowning slightly when he saw who it was calling.

"I'll be right back ladies."

After he had left, Gwen smirked slightly.

"Sounds like fun, and a way of making some quick money. Wonder why I never thought of it."
Re: New York City Sanctuary

"It is indeed quick money but I tried to limit myself to how often I did it. Shorting the cameras in it are easy enough but do it to often and someone might start catching you in the act. So I kept it strictly on an as needed basis."

Zale held her hands close fingers spread out and sending strings of electricity bouncing between her fingertips.

"There are alot of things nowadays that powers like these can be useful for. That's the age of technology for you."
Re: New York City Sanctuary

Gwen smiled slightly.

"Tell me about it. I used to do thinks like Espionage for various companies, swipe their research and shit on new technology upgrades for competitors. All these electronic locks just make it too easy. Used to be a good cash flow but ... Times change. So, assuming you're going to come ... what do you think Calgary would be like?"
Re: New York City Sanctuary

She gave a simple shrug of her shoulders at the question not really to sure herself as to what this place would be like

"no clue but plenty of time being in new York makes me think it will be much quieter there and maybe colder but again not sure. It can get pretty cool in new York at times so might not be anything new. Though being in a place with a bunch of others like us that will be something.."
Re: New York City Sanctuary

Gwen nodded slowly.

"Yeah I was thinking about that. Seems like it could be fun. I already have a few ideas of things to do when we get there and I get the chance."

She paused, her impish grin vanishing as she looked up, Chris returning. The look on his face changed Gwen's mood quickly from impish, to worried.

"What's wrong?"

Chris paused a moment, then answered.

"Magnus' daughter Ashley just called me. They're almost back to the Calgary Sanctuary. Seems that the Cabal decided to launch a missile strike in the Himalaya Mountains, and now abnormals there are falling ill with some kind of disease that makes them go insane and start killing humans. She just tried to call the Sanctuary again to finalize arrangements of transferring possibly contaminated items into secure storage for analysis ... and can't raise anyone there."
Re: New York City Sanctuary

"That cant be good. I take it you wanna go check things out and see whats going on up in Calgary now? If so then I'm game. so when do we leave"

Zale would stand and stretch her arms out a bit
Re: New York City Sanctuary

Chris nodded.

"We'll need to be ready for anything. Last time we had a blackout or distress signal, the Cabal were attempting a direct attack, so we could be walking ... well, teleporting into a shit storm. As for when we leave ... the moment you're ready."

Gwen for her part swallowed the last bite of her food and drink, then stood up.

"I'm ready. And if it is Cabal, I'm, just dying for a little payback."
Re: New York City Sanctuary

Zale would stand as well getting one last bite in of her food and giving a nod

"cant say I'm eager to just jump into some kind of fight but I got something I wanna discuss with those assholes too. So lets get going. shouldn't waste any more time."
Re: New York City Sanctuary

Chris nodded.

"Then we go now. If they are there ... Let's just say I have a personal score to settle with them still."

He placed a hand on each of their shoulders, and then suddenly, there was red light, and then nothing for a moment ...

((Changing threads))