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Newlywed Life (Jenna;TiffTiff)

Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"Yet again monsters and humans clash," he announced, taking an aggressive stance as Jenna made it known she would not attack his defenses. "I'll make an example of your defeat, and let it be known that humans will not fall to your kind!" he shouted, before taking the offense. With his blade pointed at her, and his sheath pointed away in his other hand, his blade almost seemed directed at her own with intent. Defending the attack was easy, since he seemed to drive his blade right for her own, but just as soon as their blades collided, he brought his sheath towards her, too slow to hit her, but only too late would she find that he was not aiming to land a blow at all. Her sword was quickly trapped between his blade and sheath, which he took full advantage of as he pushed the blade back, her sword arm over her head.

However, their legs were free, and Jenna could easily free up her arm. Knowing this, he went to drive a knee into Jenna's gut. It was fairly obvious that he would try that, and with both of her legs available, as well as her hand, Jenna found a moment in the combat where the important decision of her next tactic would decide who won this struggle.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"What sort of nonsense are you spouting off!?" Jenna shouted as the soldier began to run at her, with his strange style of both sword and sheath attacks. For the moment she was puzzled by his seemingly poor attempt at an attack; the way he was swinging his sword, he wouldn't hit her at all. She didn't even have to move her blade to block him. His swipe with his sheath was similarly poor; all it took was a simple duck to dodge.

Of course, she realized that hitting her wasn't his goal at all once the sheath impacted her sword as well, trapping it between his sword and sheath. Quickly he pushed forward, until her sword arm was vertical, though he was clearly not physically strong enough to keep it that way on his own. As a result, he threw a painfully obvious knee at her stomach, and she almost laughed at internally at it; she made a quick decision as she dodged the incoming attack, and then she threw all of her weight into a body slam against the man. She was counting on her superior physical strength to knock the wind out of the man, and leave him vulnerable to a powerful follow-up attack.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Driving her force into the man with her shoulder, he stepped a foot back to try and maintain his balance, before their legs got tangled together, and they both fell down with a thud, Jenna landing safely on top of the man she tackled. Landing in the suggestive position, he tried to immediately throw Jenna off by rising a single leg in an attempt to shove her off by twisting his body around. "You... You won't have your lewd desires satisfied so easily!" he announced to her.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna's attack had the effect she desired, causing the soldier to stumble backwards and be tripped up, allowing her to fall on him in good position to restrain him. As the man lifted one leg and twisted around to push her off him, she freed her sword arm and in the same motion slammed the hilt into his shoulder as she tried to keep her balance on top of him. "Believe it or not" she started, suddenly headbutting the man in the nose, "your penis isn't on my mind!" She made an effort to control his arms and legs with her own, her superior strength aiding her now that they were on the ground together. "Just give up, I have no interest in killing or raping you. It's pretty clear you're in trouble too" she said, ready to headbutt him again if his answer was unsatisfactory.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Holding his legs with her own, Jenna eventually felt something pushing against her inner thighs as she fought to keep his legs under control. She could even feel 'it' along her sex through her clothes, and given their position, her motions to hold him down only caused her to rub herself along it. "If that was true... Then why are to attempting to use intercrural sex to sap my strength!?" he shouted at her, her efforts to hold him down now revealed as to why they were easy; his movements only caused his member to slip between her thighs, and excite him, weakening his concentration on attempting to escape. "Unhand me... You perverted creature!" he screamed at her.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna puzzled for a moment as she felt something rub against her inner thighs as she struggled against the man on the ground, though she quickly figured out what it was as it rubbed up against her crotch. She blushed furiously as she tried to restrain him, practically screaming "I'm not trying at all! You call me perverted, but you're the one getting off just being held down!" She considered trying to knock him unconscious to end the struggle, but rather she just screamed "give up, and this will end! I just want to have a proper conversation with you!"
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Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

The man twisted underneath Jenna, rolling back and forth in an attempt to roll her off, "I won't listen to anything you say!" he shouted back at her, before grunting roughly as one of his hands slipped free from her grasp, and gripped her wrist in turn, already in the motion of using the leverage to bring his knee upwards, and shove her off. But, his movements were still weaker than her own, and all she had to do, slam herself back down onto him to permanently secure him in place, bringing her uplifting leg down, and her arm as well, so that she wasn't thrown off.

Slamming herself down on him though, may or may not cause his member to slip inside of her through her skimpy one-piece.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"Why are you... so... stubborn!?" Jenna shouted, rolling a little back and forth with the man as she kept him restrained, still intent on convincing him that continuing to fight her was futile, and to get him to simply give up and speak with her like a civilized being. She could see that it wasn't working, however, as he finally managed to get an arm free, grabbing one of her wrists and preparing to shove her off him with his knee. She panicked a bit, seeing the potential for their situations to reverse themselves quickly, and so without thinking she slammed back down on top of him, using her full weight to restrain the human.

Of course, she hadn't really considered the consequences of that action besides restraining him. Unbeknownst to her, the soldier's member had come out of his pants again, having never been very well secured after her sister had pulled them down, and that came back to bite her now. The man's hard cock slipped under her dress and, being aligned just right through a twist of fate, penetrated her; if she had been in a better state of mind, she would have cursed herself for not having worn panties today, having actually hoped to tease a potential mate with with the sight of the extra skin.

Jenna let out a loud groan of pain as the man's cock tore through her hymen in one rough motion, biting her lip hard to stop the noise. The sudden shock and pain caused her to grip him even harder, her claws digging into his wrists in a likely painful manner as she pressed her head tightly against his chest. Thankfully her body was at least somewhat ready for the penetration due to her nature as a monstergirl, but she could think of more pleasant ways to have lost her virginity.

"d... damn it..." she muttered, taking some time to adjust herself to the feelings running through her lower body. "I didn't... didn't want this to..." she kept on, protesting aimlessly. Finally she looked up into his eyes, locking with them for a moment before saying "you're going to have to... take responsibility... now that you've taken my maidenhood... Are you ready?" as a trickle of blood ran down his shaft where they were connected.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Victory, or at least freedom, was almost in the man's grasp, before Jenna slammed his length inside of her body. The man shivered underneath her, and now that she 'swallowed' him, he fell back down, and his thrashing became merely squirming. "Stop... Stop that...!" he growled to her, his squirming wiggling his length around inside of her, stimulating her slightly as her folds instinctively clamped down on him, a predatory instinct overcoming Jenna's senses as she held his member inside of herself, not unlike the males of her kind who used to, long ago, rape females of other races. "Stop... Squeezing...! Gah...!" he finally let out a moan from the sensation, his face flushed red as Jenna's submission hold on him was now completely secure. With her deflowered pussy tightly clenching to his member, the man could barely move.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

The soldier continued to try to resist Jenna, though now that he was inside of her his efforts were quite futile. His squirming underneath the lizardgirl didn't even come close to dislodging her, instead doing little more than stimulating her inner walls as his cock wiggled around inside of her. "I don't think I will stop" she said, inner walls instinctively clamping down on the man as the pain of losing her virginity so suddenly subsided.

"I won't quit squeezing either. You seem to be enjoying it so already, and I aim to please" she said, somewhat sarcastically. "If you had just been sensible and had a normal conversation with me this could have been avoided entirely" she continued, scolding him as she stared down into his eyes. "I almost want to make this unpleasant for you. I was saving this you know! I wanted to make love to the man I was going to marry, to make it special! But no, you had to be stubborn, and it came to this."

Jenna took a few deep breaths, calming herself, before continuing. "Still, I suppose I'm partly to blame... And I can't be too mad at you like this... So let's make the most of this" she said, ever so slowly pulling back until only the man's tip was inside of her, her tight pussy continuing to squeeze as if reluctant to let any of him escape, the sensation sending a slight shiver of pleasure up her spine. Just as slowly she came back down on him, letting out a slight moan as she took his length fully inside of her again.

She repeated the motion again, gently biting her lip to stifle more lewd sounds of pleasure. The next time she waited a little less long to start her motions, growing more eager for the feeling of the solder's dick sliding along her sensitive flesh, though suddenly she focused again on his eyes, blushing brightly now. "Come on, move with me a little" she suggested, turning her gaze away from him again afterwards, embarrassed at having had to make such a request, and still trying not to make too much noise.

Regardless of the man's actions, Jenna would continue to pick up the pace, though she wouldn't get too fast on her own, savoring each thrust. The proud lizardgirl tried not to think about the circumstances that had led her to this point, preferring instead to lose herself in the wonderful sensation and forget that this was just some soldier with a strong dislike for her. After a few more minutes she couldn't quite contain her noises, and just stopped trying, freely letting out moans as their hips slapped together, the action making lewd wet sounds each time thanks to her plentiful juices, and Jenna was rather enjoying their union, building slowly but surely towards her peak.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Just by the wince on his face, it would be evident to Jenna that his defiant willpower that had been so aggravating to her was quickly vanishing now that she had him in the most submissive position. The pleasures she was feeling from his length being inside her seemed to reflect upon him with an added affect, as his moan erupted long before her own, simply by rising her lower half along his shaft and pulling his length with her virgin-tight seal. Of course, her bringing her hips back down brought him to writhe underneath her from the pleasure.

"You... You've won!" he shouted to her desperately, "So stop... Stop this torture...! You're crushing it...!"

His pleas made it more than apparent that while Jenna had recovered from the loss of her virginity, the fact that she was fresh, and compact brought an agonizing experience to the human, who lacked the strength and durability of her kind. His face was bleet red as Jenna went about her slow, gradual stimulation. And her direct look to the eyes, along with her request, brought him to further shame. The last quivering sign of his defiance showed at that moment, before Jenna's enticing motions stole it away. Letting out a moan of surrender, she suddenly felt him rocking his hips up into her in tune with her thrusts, now starting to enjoy her pussy around his length.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"Oh don’t be a wimp" Jenna whispered as the soldier screamed out that she was crushing him, though she took note of it and tried to ease up ever so slightly. It wasn’t out of the realm of possibility that she had overdone it with the clamping down, after all… Somehow it comforted the lizardgirl that the man seemed as embarrassed as her, though soon he assented to her request, letting out a moan as he began to buck his hips up to meet hers with each thrust.

As the soldier surrendered to the pleasure of their fucking, so too did Jenna, lewd moans escaping the two of them and echoing into the forest. Slowly, gently, they rocked together in time, the wet noises as their hips met almost as loud as their moans. Soon enough Jenna was too lost in the feeling to care about the situation. She rested her head on the man’s shoulder, pressing herself to his body as she slowly picked up the pace, vaguely wishing the two of them were naked so that she could feel his warm flesh against her.

Jenna lost all track of time as she had sex with the soldier, though it likely wasn’t long before she felt his cock begin to throb inside of her, pulsing against her inner walls for a few seconds before he began to spurt his cum into her. "Selfish" she whispered as he came, not ceasing to thrust even during his orgasm, in fact beginning to speed up. "But I’m not satisfied just yet" she continued, a hint of frustration in her voice.

The lizardgirl’s motions continued to speed up as she sought out her own release, riding the man’s still-hard cock relentlessly. Thankfully enough for him she was building fairly quickly towards her peak. She bounced her hips on top of him swiftly and powerfully, now raising herself up and resting her hands on the soldier’s chest, her moans increasingly loud. After a time Jenna felt the man’s dick throb inside of her again, and she let out a wild yell of ecstasy as he shot his second load into her, the sensation setting off her own orgasm. Involuntarily she clamped down harder on him, arching her back up into the air with her tail curling around straight up as she screamed.

Finally Jenna’s pleasure receded, the lizardgirl slowly coming down from her peak, and she slowly released the man’s cock, pulling up off of him to sit lightly on his stomach. "Well that wasn’t how I envisioned my first time going at all… You weren’t too bad though, even if you were a little fast for my taste" she said, the last bit perhaps less of a compliment than she had intended. "So now we’re going to talk. You’ll do that now that you’ve fucked me, right?" she asked with a sigh, though she had no intention of letting him do otherwise. "First, I would like to know where this Griffin you spoke of is."
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Laying in the afterglow of their session, with all manner of juices soaking both their lower bodies, the man was completely out of breath. Even if Jenna was satisfied, the amount of strain that he had to endure, inside of a mamono's genitals of all things, was far beyond his capacity. As Jenna lifted herself from his waist, a string of fluid still connecting them until Jenna moved forward, and flopped her rear down onto his belly, provoking a grunt from the man as the lizard girl took a dominant role.

His eyes closed, he laid flat on his back as Jenna asked him the question that she had wanted to ask before all the fighting started. Once asked where the griffin was, his opened up immediately; however, he didn't answer right away. Looking at the sky for a moment, he finally said, "I can show you were the griffin is." It was a simple statement, one that carried with a bit of forethought, as if planned. "You came to attack him as you did me?" he asked Jenna with a frown and blush, a slight look of repulsion at the sight and sensation of her moistened and seeded genitals squished against his belly.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna looked down at the solider with her head tilted as he didn't answer her, wondering just what she had to do to have a normal conversation with him... When he finally answered, he simply told her that he could lead her to the griffin, and then asked if she intended to attack him. She sighed and frowned as she averted her gaze from him, partly because she saw the tinge of disgust on his face as he regarded his situation.

"I didn't really intend to attack you. Well, I did, but not like it happened." The lizardgirl looked over to her little sister, still unconscious on the ground, and frowned more deeply. "I wanted to challenge you and your men properly, to test my own skills. Someone had other plans in mind though..." She blushed, turning back to look at him and saying "I certainly didn't intend to have sex with you!" quite defensively. "I wanted to save myself for my future husband, or at least someone I cared for, not some random man I was fighting against" she muttered, the frown never leaving her face. "So no, I won't attack him. I may challenge him to a legitimate, honorable duel, but the real purpose of meeting him is... something else." She was vague, not knowing if she should tell people about the dream or not.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

The man looked to Jenna from the sky with a look of disbelief, "After what just happened, I find it difficult to place your intentions in such a blameless position." he stated while his hands lowered to try and draw his manhood from Jenna's insides and return it to it's secure position in his pants. "All you need to know is that you cannot match the skill of the Griffin, unless you intend to use a dirty tactic like you did just now." he informed her. Then, turning his head to the side, his expression became somewhat less hostile. "... If you don't mind... Please get off of me... I won't take you to the Griffin if I have to continue to suffer this degradation."

Meanwhile, as Jenna glanced at her, Grenberia was rousing from her site of unconsciousness, groaning in the process. "Ugh... Damn... Jenna... What are you..." she trailed off as she seemed to clear her vision, and see more clearly, before pushing herself upwards immediately when she saw Jenna straddling the man they were fighting. "You... You liar! You two-faced, backstabbing, selfish liar!" she accused Jenna. "You wanted the Griffin all for yourself!!!" she announced, pointing at the man underneath Jenna.

Turning his upper body, and trying to crawl from underneath Jenna in an attempt to escape, the supposed Griffin murmured, "I'll be going..." as he weakly tried to flee from Jenna, crippled by their passionate session, and by the multiple ejaculations still inside Jenna's body.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"I guess you don't have to believe me if you don't want to, but I'm speaking the truth" Jenna replied, dribbling a little bit of the man's cum onto his belly as she sat somewhat heavily upon him. "Fighting to your strength isn't fighting dirty. I knew I could defeat you if I got you on the ground. I just underestimated how much you would enjoy yourself just because you were under me. I thought you'd have more focus than to penetrate me while we struggled." Her tone was somewhat scolding, perhaps a reflection of her annoyance at having just unintentionally had sex, perhaps her annoyance at his disbelief that it had, in fact, been accidental.

Even so, she began to comply with his request, starting to get up off his stomach. After all, his hostile expression had softened, and he had asked politely. She was interrupted by Gren's waking up. "I did not lie!" she shouted defensively. "I..." she started, but then her sister's words registered. The Griffin...? She means him, doesn't she? How is that possible? And how would she know? she thought, staring blankly at her sister.

"This man is the Griffin? How would you even know that if it were true?" she asked, still somewhat dumbfounded as she allowed the soldier to turn himself under her, and then began to tug his weakened body up to a standing position with her. "You're not going anywhere just yet" she muttered, her mind still trying to wrap itself around what was going on. "If he is, I did intend to challenge the Griffin to a duel... For a number of reasons" she said, still not being specific about her reasoning, and hoping against hope at this point that her little sister would be sensible, and that this would all work out somehow.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"YOU were on top of ME! YOU rubbed ME!" the man defended himself vigorously. "I don't want to share any more words with a monster that doesn't even know how the male body works! E-even if you did know something, I still wouldn't want to be near you any longer anyway!" he quickly added.

Grenberia pointed to the man upon Jenna's questioning, "I told you I observed them, didn't I? You think I was stupid enough to charge into their camp and not know who to look for? I think all of the men in the camp calling this guy 'Griffin' was enough of a hint." she said matter-of-factly, before standing up, and collecting his blade anew, just as she did before. "I plan to take something home to the lizard clan to prove I'm an adult. If all you wanted to do was challenge him, then get lost." she directed at Jenna. "I'm not gonna grow up to your age and still be considered a child!" she shouted.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"I can't help it that that's how fighting works! Would you have rather that I had been trying to have sex with you!?" Jenna shouted defensively, her annoyance shining through again, until Gren started talking. The lizardgirl slumped, sitting perhaps more heavily than she intended to on the man, and thought. It took her a few more moments of thinking for her sister's words to sink in, and for the situation to really reveal itself to her.

She looked back down at the Griffin, her face filled with too many emotions to read. this is my future mate? This stubborn soldier, who hates me? Who won't even have a proper conversation with me? I don't work miracles... she thought, before looking back up to her sister. "Gren, you aren't an adult" she said flatly, watching as the girl picked up the Griffin's sword. "There's more to being an adult than bringing back a man. Especially one who wouldn't even consider being your mate! You're only being childish now, trying to find a shortcut and lashing out."

"When have you ever seen anyone from our village bring back an unwilling man, anyway? Who do you really think would be impressed? Those people are made fun of! Constantly! They'd certainly have fun with it if they knew how you beat him! Please, Gren, just be reasonable and think about this. It won't benefit you at all to try and do this" she said, her tone and the look on her face softening, almost a sad look crossing her face. "I think you'll regret it. You'll be much happier some day if you're with a man who loves you, like mom is." She was hoping desperately to diffuse the situation, and to get her sister calmed down. She didn't know quite what the girl intended to use the sword for, but in the back of her mind she knew where her own was.
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Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Grenberia folded her arms, gesturing at Griffin underneath Jenna, "And what are you gonna do, Jenna?" she inquired, frowning, "I have a plan. I'm gonna show that I bested a human warrior of renown. I'm gonna get praise for my strength, and make good on my name as Grenberia! You got that, Jenna!?" she shouted. But, instead of attacking, she took the sword and it's sheath, sheathing the sword and the sheath together, before turning her side to Jenna. "As my sister, I treasure you, Jenna," the small lizard girl said, "but you are weak. I'll leave you be for a while, and let you decide what you are going to do. If you choose to honor your pride as one of the lizard clan, then we can duel properly to see who is stronger, to properly place my doubts of your strength. But if you can't handle it, return to your cave." she instructed Jenna, before suddenly bursting off, and vanishing into the forest.

Watching her go, Griffin let out a sigh, "I won't claim to understand what just happened at all. However..." he looked up at Jenna, "... Get off of me, you pervert."
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna frowned sadly as her little sister shouted out her ambition. There didn't seem to be any way of changing Grenberia's mind. Nothing she could think of, anyway. She was glad when the girl sheathed the Griffin's sword, not so glad when she challenged her to a duel and walked away. "Wait, Gren!" she called out, but it was too late, the girl had already darted into the forest at top speed.

Jenna balled up her fists and shook slightly before punching at the ground, ignoring the man underneath her completely. "Damn" she muttered, the whole situation getting to her. She couldn't possibly refuse the challenge, it was a matter of honor, and of pride. She also couldn't conceive of trying to injure her little sister. "What am I even supposed to do about this?" she asked to no one in particular.

Finally she got up off of the Griffin and picked up her sword, looking down at him with stress-induced anger in her eyes, and shouted "I am not a pervert, damn it! I accidentally had sex with you! Believe it or not, I don't care, but I didn't want that, and I wish it hadn't happened, but I can't go back and change it. So stop insulting me!" She closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead for a moment in frustration, before opening an eye and watching him. "If you want your sword, come with me and I'll get it back for you" she said, her arms hung tensely at her sides. She still wasn't sure how she was supposed to handle this man, or what to do outside of meeting Gren's challenge.