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Newlywed Life (Jenna;TiffTiff)

Re: Destined Union (Jenna;TiffTiff)

Jenna got a little bit nervous when her husband and mother started talking a little deeper about religion... That was somewhat dangerous territory. Especially when Griffin started talking blasphemy. She gently began to pull him backwards with the arm around his waist. "Well, ahhh, we'll just be careful" she said quietly, moving as if trying to get him to back out of the room with her. "We've done enough training for today, I think" she continued after a moment, "I think the two of us are going to go home for the day, alright? Come back tomorrow." With that she would turn and sort of drag her husband back to their cave if necessary, sighing heavily once she was out of earshot. "Well, that went well" she mumbled somewhat bitterly, "mom is so... frustrating. I can kinda see why she's worried, but it's like no matter what I do she thinks I'm this total idiot who can't take care of myself."
Re: Destined Union (Jenna;TiffTiff)

"She just sounds like a normal mother who's overprotective of her daughter. She seems to think you cannot fend for yourself as a rationalization towards thinking she needs to protect you. If she thought you reliable, surely she'd have little place in your life." Griffin offered his thoughts. "Though, I can understand the fear of angels. When some of the most frightening mamono have threatened mankind, it is usually the Valkyrie who come from the Heavens and smite them. It isn't hard to imagine the perspective of mamono who are on the opposite end of all that as opposed to the humans who cheer for the angels. So, fear is to be assumed, but as far as what your mother spoke of it's totally natural to assume some foul play is at work. Worst case scenario, it could be an angel's ploy to build up the idea of mutual coexistence, only to crush it and destroy the efforts of those trying to make it a reality... Which seems to be a popular thing now." Griffin shrugged.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna;TiffTiff)

"Hmph" Jenna grumbled, thinking about Griffin’s talking about her mother, "I guess that makes sense… But she’d have more place in my life if she wasn’t an ‘overprotective’ bitch to me all the time, if she didn’t drive me away all the time. I mean, I wouldn’t have run away from home in the first place. I probably wouldn’t have a husband yet, and it certainly wouldn’t be you. But anyway, I’d spend more time with her if she wasn’t so harsh." The next bit about angels was a little bit more difficult to understand, if only because she wasn’t the most knowledgeable. "Well, if some race of mamono conquered humankind, we’d run out of humans. That’d suck… So even if it isn’t good for the ones who have to fight against angels and lose, the rest of us and our children benefit by having more access to men" she said after a moment, nodding. She would keep going until they were at home in their own cave, and then sit with her husband at the somewhat crude table. "So… I think I’ve got a bit before I’m really tired enough to go to bed. Wanna do something? It might be a little late to go out into the Hollow though…"
Re: Destined Union (Jenna;TiffTiff)

Griffin shrugged, both at her reply and at the suggestion that they go out and do something. "Because there was often little else better to do while I was in training, I'd often just look up at the sky while in my sleeping tent. I wouldn't mind doing that if you don't mind going outside of the Hollow." he said, quite eager looking to get some fresh air out of the caves.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna;TiffTiff)

"We could go to that place I've trained with Dad some. It's got a very lovely view" Jenna replied, nodding her approval of the idea. Some fresh air would nice for her too; she wasn't quite used to spending so much time underground again yet, after so long living out on her own in the forest.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna;TiffTiff)

"Sure, that's fine." Griffin agreed without much argument, and would be silent for most of the trip up until they reached their location. Even then, he quietly chose a soft spot of dirt to roll over onto before letting out a relaxed sigh. The volcano was acting up in the distance, drawing Griffin's attention, causing him to appreciate it. "The volcano's fumes look great in contrast with the night sky." he comments, though would wait to see what Jenna did before talking further.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna;TiffTiff)

Jenna stayed quiet as well while the two of them made their way through the Great Hollow, winding around until they came out at the training ground. It was a beautiful night, of the sort that she had come to appreciate when she had struck out on her own, so she was glad that Griffin had suggested this. The nearby volcano was even putting on a bit of a show, rumbling and casting off a reddish glow as it belched smoke into the dark sky. "It is rather pretty" she replied to him as she sat down next to him on the dirt, hugging her knees for a minute or two before joining him in laying down. "It’s always been pretty up here. Especially at night with all the stars" she said quietly, tentatively reaching out for her husband’s hand to give it a gentle squeeze. "Is it so bad though, being in a cave?"
Re: Destined Union (Jenna;TiffTiff)

The squeeze of her hand was returned in kind by Griffin, who massaged her hand with his thumb as he gazed at the stars intently. "I guess you could say that. But there are also benefits. Shielding from the weather is quite nice. No matter how bad it gets, your tunnel system seems capable of handling the worst of storms. The rock is sturdy as well. Surely no hurricane can tear your homes apart. Tis reliable and efficient, though simple. I can appreciate that." he replied, before looking over at her. "What do you think of the future? I'll admit, my plans took a turn when you came crashing into my life, along with your little sister. Though, I imagine if it's you, you haven't thought about it." he chuckled a little at her expense, continuing to rub his thumb along her scales as if to massage the verbal wound he gave her.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna;TiffTiff)

Jenna laid back and listened to her husband talk about the merits of her homeland, just enjoying holding his hand. "It’s true, the weather is always constant, and nice and cool at that" she replied quietly, turning her head to meet his gaze. What he said made her huff slightly, puffing out her cheeks a little bit. "Hmph. I…" she said, and then turned to look up at the stars again. "I haven’t thought much about it, no… I was never good at planning. I just kind of… do things. Of all the things I expected to happen to me, falling in love and getting married were not things I had considered. I just kind of followed Gren that day on a whim and to test myself. I guess I… I want to get stronger. And I want to build up our home and… eventually… our family" she continued, blushing a bit at the last part. "There’s also that dream I had, though. I want to find out what it means. And I would like to… well, fulfill it. To fight against whatever evils threaten our home once I have the strength."
Re: Destined Union (Jenna;TiffTiff)

Griffin let out a hum as Jenna confirmed she put no thought into it. It'd likely only anger her further, but it was a frustrated gesture from him, no matter how much he expected it to occur. "And I'm somehow the key to defending your home. I may be good at fighting, thanks to my mentor, but that's a lot to ask of me. I mean, saving your entire home? Whatever is threatening the warriors I see here could very well wipe me out as well. I'd need the support of the troops I was with if I wanted to improve our odds. But like any other human being, they care little for the woes of mamono. I don't see myself easily convincing them to rejoin forces with me under my current conditions, even if I hid it. I'm sure someone would spot my tattoos or notice the new aura about me, like other men who've been branded as a mamono husband." Griffin announced.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna;TiffTiff)

Jenna let out a quiet grumble when her husband hummed out his frustration and began to speak, a light murmur under her breath. He seemed to have an answer for everything, and it never seemed to go along with her. Of course, that was probably just because he was a more thoughtful, realistic person than she was… It was true enough that other humans probably wouldn’t just go along with them, even with the Griffin’s former authority, whatever it was. "The dream did say something about convincing everyone about an evil that threatens both mamono and humans. I don’t even know what it might be right now, though…" she said after a moment, squeezing his hand a little tighter. "I’m going to need your help, not just in fighting…" she continued, scooting up closer against his side and laying her head on his shoulder. She sort of forgot about the stars, or the volcano in the distance… A good cuddle would have been fine too, but she wanted something a bit more out of this, though she didn’t want to ask for it. She felt like there was just something she hadn’t quite figured out yet…
Re: Destined Union (Jenna;TiffTiff)

"Threatens Mamono and Humans?" Griffin inquired curiously. "I can't begin to wonder what that could be." he said honestly, looking a bit confused as to what Jenna may have been hinting about from her dream. Though, when she cuddled closer and squeezed his hand, Griffin looked to her on the grass. He stared into her eyes for a few seconds, his expression unchanging, before he announced, "You look like you wanted to finish that last sentence with something perverted." Griffin announced. "And you're getting really close to me. I'm new to this kind of thing, but are you taking a nicer approach to asking me for sex?" He asked, though looked a bit dizzy for a moment.

"If you asked me if I wanted to, I wouldn't say no..." he said, his face developing a blush. His enlarged manhood began revealing itself, before Griffin seemed to growl, and roll himself on top of her, grabbing her wrists and pinning them over her head. "I haven't even finished recovering the juices in my balls and you're asking for more! This better satisfy you for weeks!" he declared, before unzipping his pants, and pulling aside Jenna's clingy clothing to reveal her sex, and pushing his length against her folds.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna;TiffTiff)

"I really can’t think what it would be either" Jenna replied, "in the dream it looked like there were demons in the sky, but that seems… unlikely somehow." When she scooted up closer to Griffin he just gave her a look for a few moments before speaking. She blushed along with him, smiling as he told her that he wanted exactly what she did. "I didn’t know how to ask… didn’t know if you would really want to. I was worried that you didn’t really want me if I didn’t make you with the marriage magic" she replied quietly.

She could tell that her husband was getting hard, though, at the prospect of having sex with her. He didn’t hesitate for long, rolling over on top of her and grasping at her wrists, pulling them together and holding them to the ground above her head with one hand. Of course, she could have shrugged off such a restraint easily enough with her strength if she had wanted to, but there were few things he could do that would make her want to. "No promises" she replied when he made the comment about satisfying her for “weeks.” That was… probably not a realistic desire in any case. When he unzipped his pants that huge cock of his quickly poked out, drawing Jenna’s gaze and making her blush again. She still wasn’t sure if he liked what she’d done to him there… but she knew she certainly did. He tugged her panties to the side quickly and pressed his member against her pussy, and she bit her lip as she looked up at him lustfully, definitely ready for him already.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna;TiffTiff)

When Jenna gave no promise that she'd be satisfied with this, Griffin merely groaned, too lustful to care. Though her comments about the marriage magic earned her a twisted lip expression from Griffin, as if his first words to follow were going to be, "Really?" Instead, he looked at her directly while grinding his length against her pussy. "What kind of future do you think I looked forward to by saving you from those orcs? I didn't do it just for the sake of it. Use your head." he scolded her, reminding her that he came to her rescue before they suddenly were married by the bishop there.

Then, Griffin positioned his hips back, pressing the tip against her entrance, lubricated by her own excitement, before sliding himself in, moaning at her tightness as Jenna was quickly filled up before he even got halfway inside.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna;TiffTiff)

The look her husband gave her made Jenna grin up sheepishly at him; she felt like he was about to criticize her, and that she maybe sort of deserved it even. Indeed, she had been wondering why he had come back for her after the orc had taken her. She hadn’t thought it was because he wanted to be with her forever, though… She couldn’t bring herself to muster a response to him, not with the way he was grinding himself up against her wet slit… and soon enough he began to slip his cock into her. It was still such a tight fit, he was just so very big thanks to that magic, and the lizardgirl groaned out softly in pleasure as he stretched her around his girth. She could feel his tip bottom out against her cervix even before he was at the halfway point, her entire inner passage wrapped around his dick already. Was he getting bigger, or was it just her imagination? She wrapped her legs around his waist gently, bucking her hips to urge him even deeper, to spur him on to pierce her womb, to batter into her gut.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna;TiffTiff)

Her legs wrapping around him, Griffin let out a moan as, whether she liked it or not, the magic she was blessed with by the Bishop was pouring into him. She could tell it was fueling him with her need, sharing her feelings of lust with him. He reciprocated with his deep and rapid thrusts, making love to her and embracing her lips with his own in a deep embrace in such a way that easily trumped the she orc who met her end. Griffin seemed keen to it as well, as if he could truly feel what she felt, or perhaps just understand it without words having to be spoken. When she felt out of air, he moved more slowly to kiss the fins on the side of her head. When she felt him hitting a very good spot, he made sure to brush his length along that area until she was satisfied.

When he had to take a breath for himself, he shook his head. "This marriage thing is so surreal." he commented, while looking at Jenna in a slightly familiar way. He was very clearly judging her for her perversion. Very clearly, as if he could tell how perverted she was from the feelings flowing into him.

After a moment, he laid back into her, thrusting this time with slower passion, taking things at his own pace despite how needy she'd no doubt be. They'd lay in the grass together, with Griffin shifting in and out of her, before Griffin would hug her close, and roll over, letting her on top of him. With his hands on her hips, he let her take over while he rested for a moment.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna;TiffTiff)

It felt as if the marriage magic that bound Jenna and Griffin was working both ways quite against her will, although now it wasn’t exactly forcing him to feel what she wanted. It was more like it was revealing to him what she was feeling, putting on display her love for him, her lust, her need... and it certainly was a need for him. If he wasn’t reading her feelings then he was at least adept at reading her reactions, because he was giving it to her exactly the way she wanted it, thrusting in fast and hard, the tip of his cock battering at her cervix at the end of each effort until the barrier finally gave way, squeezing tightly around him as he forced his way into her womb. The lizardgirl shuddered and held him closer as he claimed the deepest part of herself, and as their lips locked together in a loving, passionate kiss she knew that this was so very much better than anything that orc had done to her! It felt like he was getting better each time they slept with each other, certainly leaps and bounds better than their first time.

She closed her eyes, her tongue teasing against his as she felt him alter his thrusts slightly, sometimes moving more shallowly, other times as deep as he could. It was as if the magic was giving away more than just her feelings, teaching him things about her body that she herself didn’t know. Griffin sought out her most sensitive spots, driving himself against them with force, stroking them with as much of his impressive length as he could manage… it made Jenna squirm softly beneath him, her moans of bliss muffled by the kiss they shared but still loud even so. When she needed to catch her breath he finally broke the kiss, only to plant more on her cheeks and the fins of her ears, the little affectionate touches winding her up even more.

He paused for a moment then, taking a few deep breaths and giving the lizardgirl a look that she was becoming more and more familiar with… a sort of accusatory look, the fact that he was judging her quite clear. He was basically calling her a pervert… which wasn’t untrue, of course, but... "Yes but, but… I can’t help it!" she stammered, her cheeks heating with a blush, "I can’t help how much you turn me on! I’ve never felt this way before, never anything close…" Of course, as she said so she was still squirming beneath the man, now not so much in pleasure, more in a needy way. She had only realized how close she was to her peak when he had stopped moving, when the lack of stimulation became almost a torment. It was sort of embarrassing as a mamono, really, the degree to which he had her going. She was so horny she could hardly stand it, and it was only going to get worse…

When he resumed his thrusting it was slow and gentle, almost as if he was teasing her, though that probably wasn’t true. Probably. Jenna’s moans had turned to quiet little whimpers, her legs quivering as they held weakly around her husband’s waist… though she couldn’t bring herself to object. It felt so good, even if he was keeping her almost painfully on edge with the pace of his movements, and it somehow felt like it would have been greedy to demand that he rush to satisfy her. All she could do was endure and hope that he would decide to speed up soon.

Instead, however, Griffin pulled her even closer against him and rolled over onto his back, pulling the lizardgirl on top of him, and as he held her by the waist it was clear that he wanted her to take over, at least for a while. It was Jenna’s chance to bring things up to her desired pace, to push herself over the edge… she tried to restrain herself at first though, starting to move her hips slowly as she leaned in to press her lips against his, kissing him passionately. She couldn’t stand to tease herself so for very long, her pace gradually picking up after she broke the kiss, sitting up straight and putting her hands on his chest. It was sort of a shame, she thought, that they hadn’t bothered to take off their clothes… but then that would have been all the more time not spent making love.

Jenna’s hips moved more and more rapidly, causing a lewd squelching sound to emanate from their crotches as her husband’s thick cock displaced the juices she was so soaked with, forcing them to ooze out onto him. Another little source of embarrassment for her… she had never imagined that a man could make her quite this aroused before. She could feel her body weakening, could feel her orgasm approaching, and she began to try desperately to bring that same sensation out of Griffin, tightening her inner walls until they wrapped so firmly around his girth that it was almost difficult to ride him. Of course, that worked both ways… She could feel every vein in his dick, every little crease and ridge, and now each motion made her quake with pleasure, made it harder to focus on what she was doing. She clenched her eyes shut, moaning more loudly, her body becoming desperate for release.

When it finally came it felt as if a wave were crashing over her, playing havoc with the lizardgirl’s senses and making her lose all control. Her eyes shot open wide and her back arched, her tail curling upwards until the tip of it rested over her shoulder, wriggling about quite regardless of her intentions. Her toeclaws curled and twitched, her feet clenching up almost painfully as the sensations overwhelmed her, and she let out a sharp moan of ecstasy… Griffin would feel her tight inner walls spasm around his cock, tightening hard and then loosening a second later, only to repeat the process again. Jenna didn’t stop riding him either, though she did lose all rhythm, her motions becoming erratic and almost frenzied as she tried to both prolong the feeling for her and hopefully to give it back to him in turn.

It felt like quite a while before Jenna finally came down from her peak, though in truth it hadn’t been long at all. She paused only briefly, sitting with her husband’s dick stuffed deep inside of her, before leaning down to lay more heavily atop him again, nuzzling her cheek to his and panting into his ear as she caught her breath. This marriage thing certainly was surreal… she felt a blissful peace lying on top of him in her afterglow, feelings of love and joy flowing into him thanks to the magic that bound the two of them. Even so she would start to move her hips again ever so slowly…
Re: Destined Union (Jenna;TiffTiff)

For perhaps the first time, Jenna would see Griffin legitimately blush. Her statement that he excited her so much seemed to flatter him in a way that he wasn't familiar with. It was so effective that Griffin didn't seem able to contain himself, diving forth and locking his lips with her own before thrusting in earnest. Suddenly, she would feel the marriage magic waning. But it wasn't getting weaker. Rather, it was quickly becoming unnecessary. He seemed to be taken by a passion all on his own as he drove his enlarged cock deep into Jenna's pussy with gusto until he eventually flipped them over, letting her take the lead. His arms wrapped around her as she moved her hips up and down along his length. He kissed her while bracing his hands against her back, making sure he could feel her against him. A hand pet along her long blond hair, while his blue eyes stared into her gray ones. "We lost our virginity together, just like this." he noted that the position they were in was the same as when Jenna took his dick inside of her, removing both of their virginities.

"Isn't it weird? If you didn't rape me in that moment, we would likely have never gotten married." he noted that her raping him caused the series of events that led to this. So her being a rapist is entirely the reason she found love. Griffin seemed amused by this fact rather than upset. He retook the offer of lips if Jenna still offered it, shifting his hips to slide his length into her pussy, no longer as afflicted by her tightness as he was when they first made love. The marriage magic also helping them to comfortably, and happily make love.

Eventually, Griffin put his hands on her rump, moving them both a bit faster, until Jenna was moving in the pace she desired, quickly brought to her peak, while Griffin hit his own as well thanks to her folds twitching and squeezing him. His teeth clenched, and his face went red as she squeezed him in her climax. So much so that the sensation of his cock delivering his load was vivid. Every drop, ever pump right to the tip and out, delivered into her womb, was felt in detail.

In the after glow, Griffin let out a breath he'd been holding in the whole climax. Drool was running down a cheek of his, and his eyes looked hazy. He took a breath in, as if about to speak, but all he did was let out a heavy sigh of relief. When Jenna began moving her hips again, Griffin put a hand on her back and winced, his eyes closing from apparent pain. "It's sore..." he told her, hoping she'd understand.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna;TiffTiff)

As Jenna and her husband coupled she could feel something strange, something she hadn't before... In the past the magic that bound them together in marriage had always been there, feeding her feelings into him, and his into her. In this moment, though, as Griffin blushed like she had never seen him before, she could feel it fading away, though not by her intent. It was almost as if it didn't matter, wasn't necessary... That sent a thrill running up her spine. Though she couldn't feel it so much directly anymore, she could still feel his love for her, without any need for magic. And that was an incredible feeling. Even having sex, though, he was goofy. When he mused about the way they had met she gently put a finger to his lips before kissing him, not wanting to think about that. It was sort of undignified, she thought, that she had raped him. By accident, even. Just like the way they had gotten married, really...

When she came her husband came with her, his cock throbbing and pulsing for a moment before she felt his hot seed splatter against her cervix, quickly gushing into her womb. This too was an incredible feeling... she could feel his member expand ever so slightly inside of her with each spurt, could almost feel it traveling through him she was so tightly wrapped around him, which only made her orgasm all the better. She focused on that feeling as she frantically rode him, on the feeling of his release into the deepest parts of herself, before finally collapsing atop of him. She couldn't help but smile at his reaction; he had apparently enjoyed himself so much that he had drooled all down his cheek, and his eyes were slightly glazed with pleasure. Even her gentle little motions drew a groan out of him, as apparently their lovemaking had made his dick oversensitive and sore... She immediately stopped, just laying against his chest, gently wiping the drool off his face with a finger and kissing him again as she allowed her inner walls to relax around him. She couldn't bear to let him pull out just yet unless he insisted, but she was content simply to hold him gently inside of her and bask in the afterglow together, perfectly happy and content.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna;TiffTiff)

Deciding to bask in the afterglow, they laid together, his length resting inside of her. "Despite learning so much... There's a clear difference between human and mamono women. Meeting someone so... Unreserved like you is so surreal you know. Most women I saw always kept away, were never speaking unless spoken to, all towards the idea of not acting like 'one of you' so they weren't put under suspicion by the church. It's just..." Griffin sighed. "It's just that... You're such a pervert that I don't know what to do... Not that... Being perverted is bad. I guess." Griffin faced away, off to the cliff of the mountain. "It's just weird because I've never met a woman like you before. No idea how to act. What to do."