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Newlywed Life (Jenna;TiffTiff)

Re: Destined Union (Jenna;TiffTiff)

Jenna listened to her husband speak to her quietly, just holding him close, and when he turned to look away she would nuzzle her cheek against his gently. "Do human women really have it that bad? That they have to pretend they aren't interested in men, to act... well, like a lot of men act here I guess..." she said, trailing off a little bit at the end as she realized the similarity, at least in her mind. "I'm not a pervert, though. I just enjoy having sex. They're different" she continued after a little pause. "And I'm not even that aggressive compared to... well, a lot of my people! It's not like I'm always riding you all day, even though we were just married." She paused again, thinking, gently rubbing his back. "It's okay though. I don't really know what to do either... We've only been together a short time, we'll learn each other with time. What we like, how we fit together..."
Re: Destined Union (Jenna;TiffTiff)

"Men have it bad too." he said. "Men who are too lustful are deemed a threat on the grounds that they will even lust after a mamono and endanger the community. Women can threaten men by telling them that they will be reported for lust to the local church, and men can do the same for women by declaring they're a witch or lustful woman. It's a place ruled by paranoia, where the most desirable men and women are preyed upon with threats. That's why my parents put me into the military. They figured I'd be less subject to that kind of activity, assuming i'd turn out to be a good looking kid." he said, as if he wasn't entirely sure himself what counted for male attractiveness.

Griffin gently rubbed Jenna with one hand. "You better be the best wife I could have hoped for." Griffin declared, almost coldly were it not for his grin. "Or else I'll have to whip you into shape... With the help of your mother." he threatened her playfully, knowing how much the idea of being educated on relationships would probably irk her.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna;TiffTiff)

Jenna listened with more than a little bit of incredulity as her husband talked more about the state of things in his homeland. It seemed... really horrible, to be honest. As if everyone were scared stiff of mamono, and that as a result of that they put each other through ridiculous torment, some using the fear as leverage against attractive people, or any people really. How ridiculous was that? "I'm glad I wasn't born into such a place as that" she replied quietly at the end, "it sounds just dreadful. Like everyone is in a rush to condemn everyone else." His teasing about making her into the perfect wife with the help of her mother made her huff at him, puffing out her cheeks a little and giving him a defiant look. "I don't think you'd really like my mother's version of a good wife" she said, though she knew that he had been joking, "I'd probably be riding you constantly until I got pregnant so that we could have a granddaughter for her."
Re: Destined Union (Jenna;TiffTiff)

Griffin laughed at that. Her comments on the way most human beings lived in the order were apparently shared. "Yes, it certainly is a rather chaotic way of life. But the tellings of how mamono will make humanity vanish from this world are enough to scare people into following those teachings. It seems that they aren't entirely wrong either. I mean, look at the ratio of girls to men here. The mamono greatly outnumber the men. Surely it can't be due to the men you had years ago up and walking away. In a world where men only mate with women, the amount of men in the world will vanish." he said with a tone of seriousness.

When she talked about what her mother found to be an acceptable daughter, he merely grinned and made a small comment about her being well close enough to the dream.
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Re: Destined Union (Jenna;TiffTiff)

Jenna's husband seemed to share her thoughts about live in his former home, though what he said next gave her pause. She let out a quiet murmur, nuzzling cheek to cheek with him again as she thought about it. "I hadn't really thought about it, but that is true" she replied quietly, "at least for lizardgirls like us. Every so often a human boy will be born, but it's very rare. I guess... if every male were to be with a mamono there wouldn't be many left for their children to mate with." She felt a little silly for not having recognized the implications of that before, of what it might mean for humanity, but there were solutions, right? The humans just had to make sure to mate with each other too, to ensure that there were enough males for the next generation. Things would still be lopsided even so, and it somehow seemed likely that the mamono couples would outpace the humans in reproduction. Her mind was drawn from this by his little compliment, which she wasn't entirely sure was genuine but which she chose to take as such. She just cuddled up to him, wordlessly holding him to her, still intertwined with him in quite intimate fashion... She likely wouldn't be the one to break it off, though it was quickly approaching time to return to the caves.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna;TiffTiff)

Not being one to break up the embrace, Jenna would find that Griffin would not be one to do that either. In fact, so comfy was he in the scaled girl's embrace that Jenna would eventually find that Griffin's consciousness was no longer with her. The knight had fallen asleep next to her, happily dozing off on the dirt, pebbles, and brown grass.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna;TiffTiff)

Jenna laid there cuddled against her husband for some time before actually realizing that he had fallen asleep. For a few moments she just gazed at him, the look on his face... She couldn't help but smile to herself and give him a quick little kiss on the cheek before slowly and finally pulling off of him, letting out a quiet sigh as his cock slipped out of her. She took some time to readjust his pants, ensuring that he was covered once more, and then picked him up, carrying him with one arm hooked under his thighs and the other under his arms, holding him to her chest as she brought him back to their shared home. Laying there so cozy had made her a bit tired as well, so if she wasn't interrupted she would lay him in bed and then strip herself down and get under the covers with him, laying her head against his chest and letting herself drift off to sleep with him.
Re: Newlywed Life (Jenna;TiffTiff)

Laid in bed and snuggled up to, Griffin responded in kind, hugging Jenna closer as the warmth of his body smothered her own heatless skin. As a species always in need of warmth, it was an undeniably pleasant feeling, and Jenna would spend her night in delightful comfort...

Chapter 2: Newlywed Life

Waking up from a lengthy sleep, Jenna would find Griffin still sleeping in their dark underground home. The slightly moist air felt good on Jenna's skin. Being a reptile, she had no ability to sweat, so the heat of Griffin's body combined with the moisture to help regulate her body temperature allowed her to wake up feeling as comfy as could be. He was sleeping soundly, his arms curled around her. Getting up would probably make him alert as well.
Re: Newlywed Life (Jenna;TiffTiff)

Jenna's eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness as she awoke, though she could feel from the way her husband was breathing slowly and steadily that he was still asleep long before she could see the peaceful look on his face. The two were still intertwined together, his arms around her just as hers wrapped around him, one of her legs poking in between his and the bed, the other between both his limbs. She didn't want to wake him up, in no small part because it was just so pleasant laying here in bed with him. It was nice and cool and moist as always in the cave, but then his body gave off such nice warmth, she felt like she could have just nuzzled into his chest forever. She would lay there for a few minutes more before finally deciding that she couldn't stay in bed too much longer, and then she would start to plant quick, gentle little kisses on his face to try and wake him up that way, his forehead and nose and cheeks and lips, gripping him just a little bit more tightly to her.
Re: Newlywed Life (Jenna;TiffTiff)

At the first few gentle kisses, Griffin stubbornly refused to immediately get up, giving a grunt of denial. At further kisses, he groaned, letting go of her in favor of stretching his arms above his head. "Hnnnn... What time is it. It's so dark in this cavern system." he complained, rubbing his eyes to get the sand out.
Re: Newlywed Life (Jenna;TiffTiff)

Jenna held back a chuckle at the way her husband tried to keep from waking, still planting those little kisses all over his face until he finally gave up and began to stretch out his arms, for sure awake. "Mmm, I'm not entirely sure" the lizardgirl replied before giving him one last quick peck on the lips, "it feels like mid-morning to me, though. Did you sleep well?"
Re: Newlywed Life (Jenna;TiffTiff)

"Yeah," he nodded. "It's a bit strange to sleep with another person next to me, but it also feels oddly natural." he said, getting up from bed to look around. "So, I'm hungry. What do we have to eat around here? I need my energy for the day." he declared. As it turns out, another lizard girl was cooking a mass amount of food from the various catches that the hunters got from the woods. Once dressed, the husband and wife would likely go eat provided Jenna had no objections, or they'd make their own food. Either way, Jenna's mother would be spotted approaching her daughter and her husband.

"Jenna, humans who know Griffin are here. It seems they're rather upset." she declared, holding her tongue for a moment while Griffin stared at her. She ended up finishing her thought. "And one claims to be his father." she announced.

Griffin heaved a big sigh upon hearing that. "Well, I met your family, time for you to meet mine." Griffin said calmly, finishing up his food and standing up.
Re: Newlywed Life (Jenna;TiffTiff)

"There's usually someone cooking up the morning's hunt" Jenna replied, getting up herself. "Some people make their own meals, but a lot of us eat communally like that." She would dress herself as normal and head out of their den towards the common area to find a meal, holding hands with Griffin along the way. As always someone good at cooking had been chosen or volunteered to prepare the communal meal, so they sat down and ate happily together... at least until the lizardgirl's mother walked over to them. What did she want this time?

A knot started to form in Jenna's stomach as her mother spoke, a seed of worry growing. It wasn't often that a group of humans came to the Great Hollow, at least not unless they were looking to be challenged for their hand in marriage. Usually in that case it meant that they were dangerous and in a violent mood. That one of them was apparently her husband's father made her feel sick to her stomach, thinking that there was probably going to be a fight on her hands, one that she might not be able to win if it was against a skilled and experienced opponent, even if a human. "They're armed, I assume?" she asked, her voice quiet as she thought, unable to finish her portion. "Yes, I suppose I will get to meet them" she replied, standing up while her tail waving nervously behind her. "I think... it's very possible that they'll want to kill me" she said, her eyes darting over to her mother briefly before settling on Griffin. "Do you think I ought to arm myself beforehand, or would that only provoke them further?"
Re: Newlywed Life (Jenna;TiffTiff)

"Yes, they're very much armed, and seemingly very angry." her mother replied. "It seems they're here for a fight regardless, unless they're walking from here with Griffin in hand."

"Not going prepared for a fight in this scenario will be the death of you." Griffin announced to Jenna. "I certainly hope in what little time we had, you became a good enough fighter to avoid dying here." Griffin declared, before getting himself ready and well equipped with all his things, getting his sword belt on around his torso to hang his blade over his back, in addition to coming armored.
Re: Newlywed Life (Jenna;TiffTiff)

Jenna took a deep breath to calm herself, turning to head to the room that she and Griffin shared. "Alright... I suppose if I have to fight I will" she replied finally, ignoring the rest of her husband's comment. She wasn't looking forward to this. She certainly didn't want to be the one to kill her lover's father, if it came to that. She had been training hard since she returned to the Great Hollow, and she felt like she had progressed a lot, but there was still doubt in her mind. Most every time she had fought a hostile opponent she had lost... though that was before she had learned any magic. Once in their room she would strap on her leather armor carefully, making sure she did it right, and then tying on her sword at her waist. Another deep breath, and she would start out to the entrance of the Great Hollow, ready to confront the group of humans. "So... what do you think of this?" she asked quietly as they walked, "What if I am a good enough fighter? I feel like I need to be careful in more than one way here."
Re: Newlywed Life (Jenna;TiffTiff)

Griffin shrugged. "I'd argue that my dad is a more skilled swordsman than me, but if you used that technique you used on me... The rape one... You might stand a chance? Otherwise... Yeah, sorry, I can't lie about your chances." he stated honestly. "... So, since I don't want you raping my dad, I guess you should just... Run away if he gets angry." he suggested, as they walked outside and into the open air, where several lizard guards were and a squad of humans in armor were waiting, 4 women, and 3 men behind a tall man in similarly black armor as Griffin with black hair smoothed back along his scalp that came into a pony tail behind. He also had a thin goatee that ran along his face.

"Griffin..." the black haired man greeted his son with a voice of concern, before noting the lizard girl with him. "... And this must be the 'creature' that somehow managed to subdue you." he said with vile on his tongue. "Griffin... This monster is not at all capable to be your wife. A mere reptile. What in the Golden Heavens has gotten into you?" he questioned his son.

"Yeah... About that." Griffin. "Her fighting style is miserable, she swings her sword like a club, her boobs are the smallest of her species, and yet... Yes, I did lose to her. Sorry, father. She used... Other techniques. I was caught by surprise."

His father shook his head. "Regardless, he's not yours, he never was. Hand him over, scale woman." his father demanded. "Or I shall cut your limbs off to force you to let go."
Re: Newlywed Life (Jenna;TiffTiff)

"I can't just run away" Jenna said frankly, frowning at her husband. Was he really concerned she would be killed, or was there some other motive for his trying to put her off fighting? "If his challenge is unreasonable I can always refuse it, though. I'm not obligated to duel anyone to the death" she continued just before they stepped out into the sunlight. They were greeted by the sight of eight humans in front of the guards, an equal number of men and women, though it was easy to pick out their leader, the one who had started all this... The lizardgirl's father-in-law reminded her a lot of her own father, actually. He was tall and imposing, with long black hair that he tied in a ponytail, a bit of facial hair rounding out the look.

Almost immediately he started to piss Jenna off, of course, calling her a "creature" and talking about her with hatred in his voice, as if she wasn't even there. Griffin's response to him made her just as mad too, denigrating her in front of everyone. "My boobs are not that small" she said in a huff, crossing her arms under them, though he was only exaggerating a little bit. She didn't bother to refute that her fighting style was at least ugly. Her arms remained crossed as she addressed the man managing not the flinch despite his threat. "My name is Jenna" she said firmly, "and it isn't like I'm holding your son here against his will. He's my husband, not a slave. If he wants to leave with you then he can go." She gave Griffin a look now, confident that he would choose to stay with her despite her not using the marriage magic to influence him. "I love him, after all."
Re: Newlywed Life (Jenna;TiffTiff)

(Inspirational Music used - )

"Nonsense. If Griffin truly wanted to marry someone, he'd marry a real woman. Not some transformed beast dressed in sheep's clothing. The succubus curse is fake, and you are a fraud." his father stated simply.

"The fact remains that I'm married to her." Griffin stated. "I'm bound no matter how you look at it. But know this, father. It was not she who bound me. It was an accident. Do not cut her to pieces as the resulting conflict will only result in this clan bringing it's anger down upon our forces, and you will not have even killed the one responsible."

"What nonsense do you speak of, boy?" his father grunted, looking a bit surprised Griffin seemed sane of mind, at least to an Order Knight.

"It was the orcs. They employed the use of a Sea Bishop, who tattooed my body with her magic by chance when my unit was attacked. They were confused, thinking that the lizard people were attacking, when in fact they were trying to save us. Through Jenna I am before you again, so show the beast some mercy." Griffin stated, spouting various finely crafted lies.

"Is that how it was?" his father inquired, his keen eyes focusing on Jenna. "My boy's mind isn't broken, so I'm liable to believe this story. However, I still find your affection for him disgusting, and I shant indulge you, monster." he stated harshly. "Your people solve matters with duels, yes? Draw your blade and I shall defeat you quickly while sparing your wretched life. Then I will solve the matter of my son being bound to you."

Griffin looked at Jenna with a side glance. The look on his face held nothing back, he thought that she was marginally inferior in comparison to his father. "Father, I object." Griffin stated.

"Shut up." His father spat in disgust to Griffin's words.

"This matter is mine. Before marriage, her race decides matters with battle. Worthy men are taken into their fold. Because I am strong, she is interested in me." he stated. "Rather than you, let me be the one to fight her." he requested. "Once I defeat her and thusly repel her, I will rejoin you. I owe her for saving my life." he lied. "This is by my code of honor, father. The very same you taught me."

His father was silent. A mixture of rage and thought was evident on his expression. Knowing him so well, his son knew how to talk to him. "Fine. But make it quick." his father resigned, stepping back to allow them a psudo arena.

Once his father was satisfied with the result, enough anyway, Griffin turned to Jenna. "Well... Twas a bit earlier than I expected. I wanted to train you up to be a worthy opponent, however... It's come to this." he said, while Jenna could feel and know that she was in great control over Griffin. She could win this fight, if she wished hard enough for Griffin to fail. And given the way he was looking at her... Twas as if he was trying to lead her to that conclusion. "How about a proper battle?" he offered.
Re: Newlywed Life (Jenna;TiffTiff)

Jenna barely even knew what her husband's father was on about with this succubus curse fraud stuff, but it was really starting to annoy her. Griffin spoke up then before she could, starting a conversation with the man trying to explain the sudden and unbidden nature of their marriage, albeit concocting several different lies in the process. The lizardgirl didn't really like it, but she was willing to tolerate it in this instance at least. The story wasn't too far off in any case, as they were married by accident. The older warrior's reaction was positive, but still infuriating... It was pretty clear how little he thought of Jenna and her kind. He challenged her to a duel, with his son's fate as the stakes. Griffin gave her a pretty unnecessary look then, one that told her what he thought of her abilities. Just looking at his father she was fairly sure she would lose in a proper battle. He was obviously much more experienced than she was, more than enough to make up for the limitations of his human body.

Again before Jenna could even get a word in edgewise her husband interjected, appealing to his father's sense of honor to allow the duel to be carried out between he and his wife instead, the fight a repayment for her supposedly having saved his life. The lizardgirl thought it worked just fine the other way around too, which was closer to the truth, though she didn't say anything to that effect. The older man had to think about the proposition for a long while, his expression showing that he was quite annoyed at the prospect... but he acquiesced anyway. Thankfully. Jenna knew exactly what Griffin was playing at here, that regardless of how skilled the two of them were and the difference between them she had some amount of control over him thanks to the magic that bound them. A not insignificant amount of control actually. His father stepped back and he turned to her to speak, and she managed to put on an air of grave seriousness as she drew her sword.

"I think you'll find me a more than worthy opponent already" she replied, "I've been training long and hard, and I'm ready for you." She would wait for him to draw his blade and assume his stance before concentrating a moment, her sword quickly bursting into magical flame as she assumed a defensive stance. "Come on then, come at me" she said, and their "battle" would commence... The lizardgirl would fight cautiously, trying to disarm rather than harm her husband, and with her magic she would make him a few steps slower than he otherwise should be, would dull his reaction times to her counterattacks. She didn't want it to be obvious that she held sway over him for obvious reasons, knowing her father in law would certainly not approve of any outcome she manipulated in such a way, but there was no way she was going to allow herself to lose this duel. No amount of pride would be worth losing Griffin, in all likelihood.
Re: Newlywed Life (Jenna;TiffTiff)

Griffin seemed all too aware of who would win this duel, and for what reason. Though when Jenna gave him invitation to attack, he fought much like he did when he trained with her, almost exactly in fact. Such that Jenna's body reacted appropriately, remembering the moves he used. Though he was fast, Jenna's body was faster once she knew all the moves that were coming. Their blades clashed, steel banging against steel in rapid succession, before an attack of retaliation actually put him on the defensive. Word by word, she recalled the lesson he gave her for training. Ducking a horizontal swing, rolling away from a stab before he jumped back from her retaliation again, gaining ground to reset the conflict again. This conflict would continue, with Jenna keeping up a good appearance while knowing all of Griffin's moves used during training. However, he suddenly did something he didn't do before, completely blindsiding Jenna as he blocked her sword arm with his own, slamming his wrist against her own wrist. Then he slashed upwards, cutting her outfit a bit across the chest as she felt his blade grace along her flesh, drawing blood ever so slightly.

Griffin continued with this new assault, slicing and slashing, with Jenna barely able to keep up. Driven back against a tree and forced to use her power over him, Jenna felt someone on her chest slip off in that moment. The green leather used in her one-piece was cut so much that the flap that covered her breasts simply leaned forward, exposing a single breast. Seeing this, Griffin reacted even more strongly than before during their first fight, hesitating his blade as he was gripped with shock of having seen something he didn't expect, and so arousing. He left himself wide open, a kind of opening even a moderate fighter like her could see. One slash of her blade, and Griffin's flew across the field, slamming into the grass.

At that, Griffin's father flew into a rage. Tossing curses and yelling in disbelief. Calling his son uncountable amount of names at the way he lost. "How could you hesitate just from seeing that!? You fucking amateur!" his father cursed, before Griffin snapped back at his father. "How!? You wish to know how!? It's because you only ever trained me to fight men, you fool of a father! I cannot beat her because she is a woman! I was never, ever trained to fight a mamono! Ironic, isn't it!" Griffin shouted, sounding rather upset towards his father. Rather than respond, his father turned and left in an angry huff, ordering the soldiers to come along as they simply left, not wishing to speak any further.

Once they left, Griffin sighed. "I never felt your power used on me. You memorized my moves, as I expected you would. But when it comes down to it, martial arts isn't the only weapon mamono have." he said, before turning to Jenna, now without his sword. "I can beat you as a warrior, but not as a woman. I could barely focus while you're wearing that skin-tight outfit anyway. This time, I lost of my own weakness." Griffin declared, before stepping up to his now quite official wife. "I resign myself as your undisputed husband, Jenna." he said calmly, wanting to see Jenna's reaction.