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Next Of Kin (Jenn)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Jenn, lucky enough to make it onto one of the life boats on the side of the ship she sought passage on, and avoid whatever fate those monsters had in store, found herself slowly coasting along the water, being forced to bear witness to all of the other boats that made it with her being attacked by the creatures that pursued them. Both man and woman alike were caught by these monsters, and from what she saw, it looked as if they were being raped... Tentacles forced into a woman's lower entrances, and strange octopus-women, mounting on top of men they had stripped. She heard all of the moaning, and sex for some time, as the boats slowly drifted apart, leaving Jenn, as one of the few to maintain her dignity.

Jenn cruised along the water, sitting inside her boat for a dreadfully long time. Boredom felt as if it was going to claim her sanity, before, as the sun began to rise, she caught sight of the shoreline of the strange island she was told they were sailing to. And it wasn't long after that, before her little boat ended up on the shore, washing up far enough so that she might get out, and avoid getting utterly soaked...
Re: Next Of Kin (Jenn)

Seeing that the little boat was grounded, Jenn stepped out into the gentle waves and began walking up the shore. She didn't really like getting unnecessarily wet, so she stared ahead at the land, taking in what she could of the island where she had landed and walked quickly.

Well, I suppose at least I'm away, but somehow I don't think this is exactly what I was looking for. And those... things... that attacked last night. It seemed like they were raping everyone. I mean, I know things can get lonely at see, but raiding a boat for sex seems a bit extreme.

Jenn had also never previously seen anything quite that non-human. Well, except animals, obviously, but this was... disturbing. She'd always felt a little outcast among "pure" humans, but having the entire lower body of an octopus was a little more extreme then odd eyes.

I wonder if this was the island the ship was going to? In hindsight I probably should have inquired a little more as to where we were going so I might have a chance of finding my way back to civilization instead of just taking the first ship and being utterly lost. Hell, maybe there's civilization on this very island. And if there's not I suppose knowing where land was wouldn't help without a ship and people who knew how to sail it...
Re: Next Of Kin (Jenn)

As Jenn walked quickly through past the beach, and through the forest, thinking heavily, perhaps a little too heavily on her current situation, she suddenly heard something that sounded very familiar. She didn't know from where, but there was no mistaking it. She heard what sounded like faint purring, coming from an unknown location...
Re: Next Of Kin (Jenn)

Jenn patted her sleeve, reassuring herself that the small knife she kept there was still present, before turning slowly in a circle, trying to figure out which direction the sound was coming from. The thought had occurred to her that if there were some non-humans here, there might be others... even part-cats. Of course, it could also be a panther or something else not at all human - she was pretty sure some of the great cats purred - and even if it was a cat-person... well someone who had ears and a tail and who knew what else would probably look at her as a human even as a pure-human looked at her as not.

No matter. Whoever (or whatever) is making that sound, figuring out where they are and maybe seeing what they're doing can only help.

Once she figures out which way she thinks the sound is coming from, she creeps as quietly as she can toward the source...
Re: Next Of Kin (Jenn)

Looking around, Jenn's eyes suddenly catch onto something glinting in the sunlight, reflecting back at her from a nearby bush. As soon as she looks closer, she notes they're cat eyes, and before she can react, it leaps out of the bushes. The "cat" that emerged was hardly a cat at all. What leaped out was female in shape, much like Jenn herself, only she was completely naked, had paws where her hands and feet should be, cat fur going up the wrist and calf before becoming something more human, and large cat ears. Her hair was curly, and brown, as well as her fur, which was also brown in color.

With that being said, Jenn found a completely nude, B cup breasted cat girl leaping quickly at her, and knocking her to the ground before she could react. Once Jenn was pinned, it looked like the woman was leaning down to tear her throat out, before Jenn found her face suddenly smothered in affectionate licks from her assailant. The purring continued as Jenn found her face drenched in cat saliva, and whether or not she chose to move her arms was rendered useless, as the cat girl placed her paws on Jenn's arms, before letting out a mewl, and actually speaking in English, saying, "Mine!" as if it were fact...
Re: Next Of Kin (Jenn)

The sudden attack startles Jenn too much to respond quickly, and the aggressive licking is nearly as surprising, so it's not until the strange woman speaks that Jenn is finally able to respond.

"What? Let me go!"
Re: Next Of Kin (Jenn)

The seemingly crazy cat woman purrs at Jenn, her tail swishing back and forth in excitement as she looks down at Jenn, "Can't you understand English!" she suddenly shouted, putting a little pressure on Jenn's chest, "You're mine now! I claim you!" she announced, looking down at Jenn as if she was the woman's catch of the day.
Re: Next Of Kin (Jenn)

"You claim me for what? You can't just 'claim' a person!"

Jenn shifted underneath the woman's weight, wondering if she really was crazy... She didn't look like a slaver, but in an uncivilized part of the world who knew what kind of things went on. Maybe I should try to get my knife...

A further look at the woman's face, particularly her teeth, disabused her of that notion. At least with herself pinned and the woman's mouth a foot from Jenn's neck.
Re: Next Of Kin (Jenn)

The cat woman laughed, "Too bad! I just did!" she announced, her tail still swinging about, "So that means you have to do whatever I tell you to!" After she said that, Jenn might have recovered enough to see the cat girl was blushing, and would see that her inner thighs appeared wet, glinting off of the sunlight... If Jenn knew anything about cats, she'd see this one was in heat... And apparently wanted sex. Now.
Re: Next Of Kin (Jenn)

Jenn did not in fact no terribly much about cats, her family never having owned one, but by now she'd recognized what it was that had the woman's face red. As soon as she realized it, she began blushing herself. Wait, what? But I'm not... I can't... I mean, she ought to have found a male cat-person or whatever. And she really thinks I'll do whatever she says just because she 'claimed' me?

"Okay... and just what is it you're going to tell me to do?"

As she speaks, Jenn tries to shift her weight so that she'll be in the best position to try to flip the other woman off her if things go badly.
Re: Next Of Kin (Jenn)

The cat woman blushed, and got a little angry at Jenn, "Stupid! I'm asking the questions here! Wait-no! I don't wanna ask any questions!" she shook her head, to shake of how she'd confused herself, "Just shut up!" she demanded, before slowly starting to bite her lower lip, as if uncertain herself over what she wanted Jenn to do, "I... I want you to... Just don't move! Or else I'll claw you, and it'll hurt! I promise!" She announced, before blushing even more, and reverting to her cat-like habits, rubbing her head along Jenn's body, occasionally giving her face a lick, and not soon after, she was rubbing her whole body along Jenn's, as if worshiping her in some manner... Or maybe she, being an animal that resembles a pet, wanted to simply be loved? The way she rubbed on Jenn certainly seemed like the cat girl wanted attention...
Re: Next Of Kin (Jenn)

Jenn, still pinned to the ground, was starting to be a little freaked out by this woman. I don't know what she's doing. She doesn't know what she's doing, but she claims to have working claws and I'm about helpless just now... For a moment she wished she had some catnip - she'd found some once, and discovered it didn't effect her, but perhaps for this woman it'd be efficacious. But no, that'd make her crazier then she already is. Besides, where would I get catnip while pinned to the ground by a cat? What else do cats want... not food, I hope.

At this point the cat-girl starts rubbing her head against Jenn and the memory of an old inn cat doing the same brings up another possibility - wanting to be pet. Jenn glances at her left arm, held to the ground by the woman's paw.

"Could you maybe let up on my arms a little? It kinda hurts..."
Re: Next Of Kin (Jenn)

The cat woman hesitated for a moment, before slowly pulling her paws off of Jenn's arms, "I-I'm only doing that because I want to! You can't boss me around!" she announced, looking at Jenn determinedly, before reverting to that pathetic appearance, only much more enthusiastic, using her legs to rub Jenn, even going as far as bumping into her nether realm with her knee, and snuggling her face against Jenn's breasts...
Re: Next Of Kin (Jenn)

The sudden rememberance of how a cat might play with its food before it kill it chills Jenn briefly, and she decides that if the girl can't decide between prey and owner... well perhaps she could push the cat-girl in one direction.

"Yes, of course..."

Hesitatingly, Jenn moves one hand up to the woman's head and scratches her behind the ears.
Re: Next Of Kin (Jenn)

The cat girl gave a bit of a 'hug' to Jenn with her paws, and closed her eyes shut as Jenn began scratching the back of her ear. Jenn began to hear a pleased purr from the naked girl as she leaned her head into Jenn's hand, obviously seeming to highly enjoy having Jenn scratch her there, before she suddenly turned her head to face Jenn's hand, bumping her forehead against her palm, almost lovingly...
Re: Next Of Kin (Jenn)

Jenn continued scratching her while trying to let her rub against her other hand. Meanwhile, she tried to slowly shift herself so that she was next to the cat-girl instead of under her.

It's.... working?
Re: Next Of Kin (Jenn)

Jenn easily managed to slide herself slowly out from under the cat-girl, but as she began to free herself, even while scratching, and rubbing her head, the cat girl reached out with her paws, and grabbed at Jenn's sides, pulling her on top of the cat girl. Jenn felt the girl's arms and legs wrap around her, the paws on the girl's arms gently digging into her flesh, as she purred wildly. The girl leaned upwards, and bit Jenn playfully on her neck, as Jenn felt the girl's tail suddenly working it's way up, and "bumping" into her womanhood, touching her panties with her tail...
Re: Next Of Kin (Jenn)

Jenn allows herself to be pulled on top of the cat-girl, and starts at the playful nip. Unconsciously, she tries to pull the offending tail away from her with one of her own legs. She keeps scratching for all she's worth, and otherwise tries to keep the woman's limbs from wrapping around her, somewhat distractedly.

Okay... great. I'm on top now. I could try to run... but I don't think I'd make it far before she caught up. I suppose I could try to pin *her*, but I'm not sure I'm strong enough. Crap.
Re: Next Of Kin (Jenn)

Even as Jenn tried to push away the tail, it kept brushing along her panties one way or another, sending small sexual waves of pleasure along her slit as she was rubbed. The girl pulled away from Jenn's neck, a trail of droll running down her cheek as she stared up at Jenn with glazed, lustful eyes. "Please, fuck me..." she begged, "I'm so hot... I'm going crazy... Please..." The cat girl then leaned up just enough, and placed a kiss on Jenn's lips, sticking her tongue without warning into Jenn's mouth, and lapping at her tongue with her own. Her juices already beginning to soak the ground beneath them...
Re: Next Of Kin (Jenn)

Taken aback, Jenn pulls away from the kiss. "Wh... what? I mean, I can see that you're... I think you must have meant to find a man, I'm not..."

Distracted, she fails to make any move to stop the girl's tail, which certainly contributes to the remarkable blush covering her face.