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Nicki (Toxicshock)

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Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Nicki searches to bags, hoping to find something useful. After searching most of the bags, however, she is unable to find anything useful.

Search Again
Travel N/S/W
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Not at all taken aback by the fact she could find nothing helpful, and being at the end of the hall. She tried to remember the paper she had saw before. "Northeast stairwell huh?"

*head north*
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Nicki enters the room to her north to discover a cell. There is a dresser, a small cot and a sink in the room. Perhaps more interesting was the man sitting on the cot in a straight jacket. He merely stares at the girl in undewear standing in front of him.

Nicki DEF: 3
Man HP: 5

Flee S (17%)
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Nicki was quite surprised to see another person here... albeit, in a straight jacket. It's still the first person she's seen. Nicki imagined why he'd be in a straight jacket, it still is a form of restraint. Possibly he's here against his will too, why else would this Dr D keep his arms tied up like that?
Whatever he is, he hasn't done anything to harm her yet, so maybe she could strike up a conversation and hope he wasn't really crazy.

"Umm Hi, how'd you get in here?"
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Nicki looks at the man, waiting, hoping for a response from the man. The man begins to rock back and forth on the bed, looking at the floor. He mutters something under his breath that she can't quite understand. His rocking are surprisingly quick, almost trance-like.

Nicki DEF: 3
Man HP: 5

Flee S (17%)
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Taking advantage of the fact the man wasn't interacting with her, and taking the hint that he didn't really want to, Nicki tried to back out slowly, the way she came.

*Head southward*
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Nicki tires to back out of the room when the man jumps outward at her, shoulder checking her into the door, knocking her to the ground. She looks up at the man in time to see his arms fall to his sides, revealing that the arms were never tied. He merely stands over her, still rocking back and forth.

(Flee fail)

Nicki DEF: 2
Man HP: 5

Flee S (17%)
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

(Heh, I have some funny luck. The last time you updated, I saw that you were going to sleep, so I didn't think you'd respond after I posted my action. Then when got to the main page, I clicked mark all threads read because I'm OCD, and apparently you did respond. So when you updated a few hours ago, I was going "Wait, why the hell did they get updated and I didn't?" Then I realized I'm stupid)

Nicki took a hard shot as the man pounced and smashed her into the door. The man had already shown he wasn't interested in talking, and the way he was staring at her didn't at all make her comfortable in whatever he actually was interested in. Hoping to return the favor, Nicki threw her foot upwards, hoping to stomp him right in the crotch.
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Nicki strikes quickly, hoping to catch him off balance. She lands a kick hard into the man's groin, causing him to fall onto the floor. She takes this opportunity to get back to her feet. Adreanaline rushing though her, she ponders what to do next.

(Crit Hit)

Nicki DEF: 2
Man HP: 3

Flee S (50%)
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Seeing him fall to the floor, Nicki stood up herself. She didn't like how close he still was to her and her exit, so she tried to take the opportunity to soccer kick the man while he lay on the ground.
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Nicki sends a swift kick to the man on the floor. He however, blocks with his arm, causing Nicki to stumble backward a few steps.


Nicki DEF: 2
Man HP: 3

Flee S (50%)
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Unrelenting in her attack, Nick keeps up her kicks to the downed man. it was obvious he was still active and not stunned, so her idea that he might have tried to stop her had she ran seemed correct. He was still dangerous and she was gonna do something about that.
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

The man rolls onto his side away from Nicki before she has the chance to kick again. By the time she swings, her kick lands straight into the man's back. He lets out a groan that sends chills down the girl's spine. The pain and anger combined in his yelp is very disturbing.

Nicki DEF: 2
Man HP: 2

Flee S (67%)
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Actually surprised at how she had hurt the man, she lost a little bit of the rage behind her attack. More worried about herself now than hurting the downed man, she takes off for the door hoping to escape.
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Nicki makes a quick two steps to the door. With the man rolling on the floor in pain, she easily closes the door back behind her. She dins herself back in the dirty, dark hallway. She can either travel West, or south through a doorway.

Nicki DEF: 2

Travel W/S
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Trying to make her way to the northeast, it seems she ran across a dead end. Going more south would only prove to be a problem, so that only left west. Hopefully she could make her way back north after that. She takes note to do a better job of remembering her surroundings.

Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Nicki travels back to her west and quickly runs across a T-intersection. The hallway continues to her west, while the other hallway forks northward. Looking around, she spies two guards walking down the hallway toward her.

(For combat purposes, they multiple enemies will be treated as one.)

Nicki DEF: 3
Nicki CONST: 4
Dave HP: 2
Steve HP: 3

Flee N/W/E (17%)
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Guards? That can't be good. Dr. D went far out of his way to make sure everything was set up for him. Normally running into some authority in this situation would be helpful, but these guys are definitely not on her side. Worried about the fact there were two of them (hehe not really) Nicki panicked, she swung wildly, hoping to strike the first guard she could reach.

(Hopefully it's Dave, I don't like him)
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Nicki strikes out at the man with the "Dave" name tag before either one have a chance to say anything. Unfortunately for the girl, Dave sees the attack coming and blocks her attack, quickly snapping her arm under his armpit, pulling painfully her next to him. "Well Well, what do we have here?" He says with a smile, looking deep into Nicki's eyes.


Nicki DEF: 2
Nicki CONST: 4
Dave HP: 2
Steve HP: 3

Cant' Flee, Grappled
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

She couldn't connect her punch, instead getting tangled around the man, almost feeling it torn from her shoulder. Nicki breathed heavily, scared of how quick the man was and how vulnerable she felt. Staring into the man's eyes, she hardened up, and took a deep breath. "Nothing you can handle!" Having her arm tucked in her armpit had her close to the man, so she tempted to headbutt the man directly in the nose.
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