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Nicki (Toxicshock)

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Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Nicki comes across a door that has a sign above it to her south. The sign simply reads "Up." There are a few piles of random junk around the door, but nothing else.

Nicki DEF: 3
Nicki CONST: 4 + 1

Travel N/S
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Nicki walked up to the door slowly, staring at the sign. She didn't remember noticing any other signs along the way, which only went to convince her this was important, that this was the way she needed to go. She reached out for it and decided to enter.
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Nicki enters the door to find a stairwell very similar to the first. Much like the first, the door closes behind her. While she partly expected this, she still jumps. Looking upward she notices two spiderbots crawling down the stairs toward her. Assuming the top door is locked as well, Nicki knows the only way out is to fight.

Nicki DEF: 3
Nicki CONST: 4 + 1
Spiderbot A: 3
SpiderbotB: 3

Attack bit A
Attack Bot B
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Already startled by the sudden door slam behind her, Nicki's eyes opened wide in fright as she came face to face,.. or panel, of two mechanical monsters. Her last experience with only one of these things, she had ended up running from, and this time, she knew she'd be forced to fight them. Stepping back into a comfortable stance, knowing hesitation would be a mistake, she ran straight towards the first bot, attempting to punch it dead on. Hitting the front flat part of it wouldn't hurt her first, and hopefully she was faster than what she hoped was a slow oiled machine.
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Nicki runs full tilt at the first robot, hoping that taking the initiative will be enough to win this fight. She lands her fist into a panel of lights and sensors that buckles under her powerful blow. Sparks fly out of the top of the robot. She backs off a few steps and notices the robot is not moving nearly as well as it had a moment before.

(Crit Hit)

Nicki DEF: 3
Nicki CONST: 4 + 1
Spiderbot A: 1
SpiderbotB: 3

Attack bot A
Attack Bot B
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Seeing the effect of her strike, Nicki stepped away from the now seemingly disoriented robot (.... if robots can, in fact, be disoriented). Figuring this enemy to be a minimal threat for now, she turns sideways and kicks her foot at the other robot, hoping to hit it hard enough to knock a few screws loose, or at least push it back enough to create some distance between them.
*attack ze B*
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Nicki tires to rally her strike, damaging it in a combo attack. her attack is not successful, however, and this robot appears to be much more agile.


Nicki DEF: 3
Nicki CONST: 4 + 1
Spiderbot A: 1
SpiderbotB: 3

Attack bot A
Attack Bot B
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Nicki's kick missed completely on the now faster of the two robots. Although she tried to capitalize on her situation, that opportunity was now gone and she decided her best choice was to take down the one damaged robot, deciding that fighting a single robot would be better than two. She stepped away from the second robot towards the first, turning midway to try and shift her weight into punching it once again.
*attack robot a*
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

The girl turns to finish off the second robot, but before she can strike, she is caught around her ankle by a cable fired from the first robot. She falls hard on her face with a thud.


Nicki DEF: 2
Nicki CONST: 4 + 1
Spiderbot A: 1
SpiderbotB: 3

Attack bot A
Attack Bot B
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Stepping forward at the robot, it seemed she turned a little too late, finding her ankle caught and bound and she tripped over it to the ground. Immediately realizing the ground is the last place she wants to be right now, she grabbed at the cable with both hands, hoping she could use it's tensile strength in tugging the robot violently forward, maybe even rip it out of the bot.

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