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Nidala Andalor (TentanariX)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Name: Nidala Andalor

Race: Elf (Dark Elf)

Class: Necromancer

Starting HP: 90
Starting Mana: 75
Starting Sexual Stamina: 145

Nidala's Skills:

Amplify Damage - This skill allows the Necromancer to curse her target to recieve DOUBLE physical damage, or strips Physical Immunity. Mana Cost - 5. The curse lasts 15 turns, or until the Necromancer is raped. This spell can't be resisted. Magical Attack. If an enemy is under the effects of Amplify Damage, your attacks can't critical hit.

Lower Resist - This skill curses target foe to take DOUBLE elemental damage, or strips all elemental immunities. Mana Cost - 5. The curse lasts 15 turns, or until the Necromancer is raped. This spell can't be resisted and can't miss. If an enemy is under the effects of Lower Resist, your spells can't critical hit.

Spiteful Spirit - This curses a foe to take any damage it inflicts back onto itself, damaging itself. Mana Cost - 10. The curse lasts 5 turns, or until the Necromancer is raped. This spell can't be resisted or miss. Useful when you have an ally to curse the creature trying to rape her. Your companion won't resist while this spell is active on her would be rapist, and it will deal whatever their pleasure damage is to their health, while your ally takes no pleasure. Has a 15 turn cool down from cast.

Shadow Strike - This allows the Necromancer to hit for 400 Shadow Damage. Mana Cost - 0. This spell can't crit hit. Magical Attack.

Class Specific Skills:

Magical Armor - This skill activates at the start of any combative round, shrouding the Necromancer in a protective "armor" that deflects incoming sexual pleasure, 25% of each attack. It will continue to absorb until it has taken a total of 400 damage, at which point the armor will fail and the Necromancer will be subject to the full intentisy of her rape. As the Necromancer gains levels, the armor will absorb more damage, an extra 40 per level. Once the armor has failed, the Necromancer must free herself, or be freed from rape and any grapples, and remain free for ONE full round of turns, starting from the time she was free. If she is grappled before a full round has passed, the timer will reset.

Golem Strike - This skill is default, and so long as the Necromancer is free from rape and able to attack, the Golem will pound away with Physical Damage on her target. It does 200 damage per attack, increasing by 40 damage per level the Necromancer gains. It has a chance to critical hit along with her, and has it's own seperate critical hit roll.

Deathly Touch - The Necromancer has a small chance upon her orgasm to make her bodily fluids toxic to demons. She has a 20% chance of having her orgasm inflict poison status on her rapist. If she does, the poison does 200 damage every turn for twelve turns. If the enemy penetrates her again or continues to rape her while under the effects of Deathly Touch, the poison will spread in it's body faster and be more aggressive, dealing 600 damage for each remaining turn she's being raped. Clever Necromancers may be willing to take a risk and if grappled, allow her attacker to penetrate her again and hasten it's demise.

Nidala's Reply:

Nidala woke up nude on a cold floor, sunlight bathing her nude form. Looking around her, she could spot nothing of use to her, nor could she remember how she'd come to be here. She spotted a door, but it looked like it was locked from the outside, and she couldn't get out. As she started to dwell on her situation, a hidden speaker activated, and a creepy voice filled the room.

"Welcome to the Planet of Pleasure my lovely Nidala. You have been brought here to serve as entertainment for my friends and I, as well as a new breeder. You'll get to immerse yourself and enjoy lots of sex during your stay, and if you perform well enough, you might even get to have sex with me later. Try not to get broken too quickly my love, there isn't much fun in that. Now, be a good little sexy thing and run along now to enjoy your fun times! Oh, and you can't hide in that room forever, we'll come to you eventually, and if we have to, well let's just say you'll be getting fucked raw."

As the speaker turned off, there was a clicking sound, and the door swung open, allowing her to leave this room if she wanted to.


1: Move out!

2: Stay and see if they really will come to get you.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Nidala Andalor (TentanariX)

Nidala woke up shivering, her nubile form cold, instantly alerting her to current state of undress. She blinked her eyes blearily, placing her hand on her forehead, before sitting up slowly and uncertainly. She didn't have to ponder long before the PA system roared to life, the creepy voice filling the bleak room. As the voice, her apparent abductor, finished with it's warning of being fucked raw, she would quickly spring up to her feet, sadly being without a weapon she felt even more defenseless and could only hope that she could find something of use outside of the room. Either way she wasn't to go hang around the sick freaks who had kidnapped to come and ravage her without a fight. She slowly and cautiously made her way out of the room and into the rest of the dungeon.

((Move out))


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nidala Andalor (TentanariX)

Nidala discovered as she stepped outside the room that she was not in a dungeon, but rather outside on a breathtakingly beautiful planet. The sky was almost an aquamarine color, while a sparking blue ocean could be seen off in the distance. Eleven moons hung in the sky along with three suns! The grass was blood red in color, as if someone had bled for all eternity over the place, yet it didn't feel like anything but grass. What drew her attention the most was when a lovely woman appeared suddenly, as if she'd been invisible until now.

"Hello, my name is Cassidy. I will attempt to guide you through this horrific place as best as I can. While I am limited in how I can help you, I can give you information on various things you will find here as the situation calls for
it. Also, if you haven't realized it yet, you have special abilities, all you need to do is open your mind to them and you can make use of them. I wish I could help you more, but I'm afraid I'm ... not in a position to do so. When
the time is right, I will appear to you again. Good Luck, and may whatever god you believe in watch over you."

Suddenly, she was gone, as if she'd never been there. If not for the fact that when she had paused briefly a look of absolute terror had crossed her lovely features, Nidala might have thought she'd hallucinated her. However, a look like that couldn't be just a hallucination. Whoever that woman was, she was absolutely terrified of this place, and that didn't bode well. Nevertheless, if she opened her mind like the woman had said, she'd discover she had told her the truth about the special powers.


1: Move Onward.

2: Sit and process what has happened/the sights (chance to be caught).


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Nidala Andalor (TentanariX)

Nidala opened her mouth as to object or ask questions, but before the words could come out the mysterious woman disappeared just as curiously as she had came. She would stand there for a brief moment trying to process what had happened before shaking her head to clear her mind and stay focused on the task at hand, exploration and hopefully escape.

((Move Onward))


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nidala Andalor (TentanariX)

Nidala moved on, and found herself in a small wooded area. As she moved along though, she saw movement out of the corner of her eye! Swinging around in preparation for battle, she might be a tad surprised when a drop dead beautiful woman appeared, daggers swinging at her! As Nidala moved to avoid having her head lopped off, the woman seemed to sense that her intended target wasn't what she originally thought, for her swing suddenly stopped, and she just stared at Nidala, blinking her lovely green eyes several times. She opened her mouth several times before finally finding her voice.

"You ... your a ... an elf? A living Elf, not one of those corrupted things. Oh god, I'm sorry ... I thought you were one of them ..."

Companion Spawn:

Aya Morioka: Aya is a smoking hot woman who is from Earth, and appears to be half american and half asian descent. Aya has shoulder length blonde hair with lively green eyes, and physically her body looks like one you would see on a poster for "sexiest woman alive". Aya is tough in a fight, but surprisingly vulnerable emotionally. Part of this may have to do with having seen her former group all get raped to corruption here, and the sense of fear that she too will be raped eventually, and not be able to escape. She's been alone for some time now, so if/when she meets another person, she's likely to cling to them at first. Aya won't give in to any sexual attacks, she will always fight.

During this time ...

Trap Evasion Rolls:

Aya: 19 vs. Trap ???: 4

Nidala: 29 vs. Trap ???: 1

Movement suddenly caught the eyes of both women, who instinctively rolled aside, almost next to each other. Turning back as one, with weapons ready, both women saw the yellowish tentacles that had nearly gotten them waving about from the tree they'd just met under. Eventually the tentacles gave up and retreated back into the tree tops, completely hidden to them both. Aya shook her head as she said, "oh wow ... we almost walked into that trap. I uh ... I'm sorry I almost cut your head off ..."

In just a few moments, the girl had gone from nearly trying to kill her, to shocked, to apologetic, then to almost happy to see another person, back to ready to fight when the trap almost had them, and now she seemed almost about ready to cry. The look in her eyes suggested to Nidala that the woman had seen unimaginable horrors, and that she'd been alone for some time now. Likely, there'd been some mental damage done to her because of this. Still, the woman did seem to have managed to survive whatever she'd been through, and to Nidala it appeared the woman had yet to be touched by whatever else was out there. Mentally damaged or not by the situation at hand, there was no denying that this woman, whatever her name was, had to be an accomplished assassin. Hell, she'd nearly taken Nidala out by herself, almost without Nidala even noticing the attack was coming.


1: Move on while talking to her, ask her name etc.

2: Talk with her but stay here for now (chance to be caught)


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Nidala Andalor (TentanariX)

As Nidala would walk down the odd terrain she had found herself in, another a naked woman would spring out at her from out of nowhere and begin swinging daggers at her wildly, yet with shocking precision. It was mere luck that the dark elf had managed to avoid being lobotomized by the stunning beauty. As the woman stood there blinking at Nidala and opening and closing her mouth, she simply gazed deep into the captivating emerald orbs of her assailant, feeling a heat build up in her core and loins beginning to moisten before the woman finally spoke. "Y-Yes... I am an elf... In a sense. I'm a dark elf. A... sub-species of the elven race. I used to live under the earth before I found myself lying naked here. Elves and Dark Elves don't exactly... mingle. And no... I'm not corrupted, whatever that means." She said as she would just manage to catch movement out of the corner of her eye and dodge rolling out of the way of a group of yellowish tentacles that taken root in the tree they found each other under. As the woman responded, seeming on the very edge of tears, Nidala started as to place her hand on the woman's shoulder gently before letting it fall to her side. "It looks like you've been through a veritable hell... I would offer to console you, but we don't have time for a therapy session as it is... We have to keep moving. The more we continue movement the less chance we have of getting captured. Whatever sicko has set this shit up doesn't seem to appreciate idleness. We can talk as we travel and you can tell me more about yourself and everything along the way, if you wish." She said as she cautiously and gently took the woman's hand moving ever onward, trying to coax along gently.

((1.Moving on while talking to her, etc.))


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nidala Andalor (TentanariX)

The woman nodded, getting to her feet and moving onward with Nidala. Despite how upset she seemed, the woman easily picked her way through the areas they went through, making very little sound outside of her words when she spoke.

"My name is Aya. I .. um ... I'm not really sure how long I've been here, quite some time now. At least a few months I think. You're the first living being I've seen since the last of the group I woke up with ..."

She trailed off, both a flash of guilt passing on her features, and the sense that she didn't know how to describe what had happened evident.

"Well ... this corruption ... I don't fully understand it, but the more you get raped, the more your soul becomes ... polluted I guess is the right word. At a certain point, it reaches the point of no return, and you basically become one of those things. There were six of us when I woke up, an Elf, a Mathosian, a Sylvari, a Norn and a woman who said she was a hybrid of two species, I forget which ones. I didn't recognize any of the species names, or any of them, but I've come to realize that if we're on a different planet, I'm probably going to have to get used to meeting other races, from other worlds. Anyway ... one by one those things picked us off, until it was just two of us. We got split up during another attack. By the time I got back to her ..."

She shook her head, but pushed onward, determined to get a grip on herself.

"By the time I got back to her it was already too late. She wasn't fighting anymore, she was ... enjoying it. We made an agreement that if one of us got turned, the other would kill them, we didn't want to become one of those. I guess that thing that had her knew about it, because they both vanished before I could keep my promise to her. After that, I just have kind of been wandering about for god knows how long, until I came across you. The reason I thought you were one of them was because of your skin tone. When our Elf was corrupted, she looked just like you did, and she tried to rape one of the others. Until you dodged the way you did ... you could have passed for her actually."

As they moved along ...

Trap Evasion Roll:

Aya: 1 vs. Trap ???: 5 (No other rolls needed)

... neither woman noticed that the ground they were walking on was of a different color. Suddenly, the ground gave out from beneath them, and they fell into some kind of pit! Before they could react, their bodies were grabbed by countless tentacles from inside the pit, restrained and quickly penetrated! Aya cried out in both pleasure, and pain as she was roughly penetrated, and Nidala might catch the telltale trickle of blood running down Aya's leg, indicating the tentacles had just taken her virginity!

Both women suffer 35 Pleasure, and gain 55 KP from their rape. Nidala has 110 stamina, while Aya has 125.


1: Get it off!

2: Fuck yeah, take me to paradise once!


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Nidala Andalor (TentanariX)

Nidala listened attentively to the other woman's tale, nodding solemnly when talk of the corruption began. It seemed like the beings responsible for them being here took a shining to corrupting their victims and rather than breaking their wills, they would prefer to twist their minds and souls into willing pleasure dolls. "Than we shall make a similar promise, Aya. If I can manage to find the neccesary ingredients, I shall make a lethal poison capsule that we can store in... Our orifices, that we can take out and ingest and take should either of us get that far gone, in case we cannot kill one another first." She said before she felt the ground give away to them and they fell into a pit before before being immediately seized by dozens of tendrils. She heard the squeal and shriek of Aya's penetration and noticed the trickle of blood indicating hw r new friends defloration. "Hold on, Aya! I'll try to get us out! Our journey will not end here!"

((Get it off! Cast Shadow Strike at tentacles and try to climb out.))


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nidala Andalor (TentanariX)

Nidala found that her spells would not work at all, and that she'd have to physically struggle!

Escape Rape Attempts:

Nidala: 27 vs. Trap: 18 (Free)

Aya: 27 vs. Trap: 25. (Free)

Nidala freed herself first, and by the time she was able to look at Aya to help her, the woman had gone completely berserk and torn herself free with a last ditch effort. Climbing out of the pit together, Aya just shook her head.

"Tentacle Pits, really? As if everything else weren't bad enough, now we have to worry about the damn ground being fake too?"


1: Move on before something discovers you.

2: Other?


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Nidala Andalor (TentanariX)

Nidala merely stared down at the ground with a baleful expression for a moment before turning to Aya, "As a rule of thumb I would suggest we not trust anything in this world or take it at face value, save for each other. I get the strong feeling that everything is intent on raping or killing us. We should continue moving lest something else comes our way."

((1.Move on))


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nidala Andalor (TentanariX)

Aya merely nodded in reply, her eyes now scanning every single step they took, a small look of fear on her face. As they moved on however, she called out to Nidala, pointing off to what seemed to be some sort of shrine in the middle of the woods. Before Aya could say anything, Cassidy appeared.

"You have found a Shrine of Power. When activated, this shrine PERMANENTLY raises ALL of your stat points by 2. If you wish to have this permanent buff, you must defeate Weeping Kelaino and her Venus Suck Trap ally. If you wish to pass on this, you should leave now."

Just as fast as she'd appeared, she vanished again. Aya turned to Nidala and shrugged.

"Sounds really useful for both of us but ... I'll let you make the call. Never fought one of these before, so I have no idea what to expect."


1: Let's take it!

2: Let's just leave.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Nidala Andalor (TentanariX)

Nidala would cautiously follow behind Aya watching her step to avoid any more potential traps like the last one. When she heard the woman call out to her she ran in her direction until she arrived at a small shrine. Before either could speak Cassidy once again appeared before them presenting them with a challenge. The boost of power seemed promising, but this plant woman and her pet would be their first ever real threat they would have faced. Real nice of her to ever only pop in and give a heads up and not really help in anyway.... she thought sardonically to herself as Cassidy once again poofed out of existence.

"Aya. Im going to cast a spell and armor up. You try to get some damage in on the pet, I'll join you shortly." She said as she would quickly cast Dark Armor before running to join Aya in the battle.

((1. Let's take it!))


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nidala Andalor (TentanariX)

Nodding once in reply, Aya moved in to take the lead. As she moved in, an energy field went up around the area, trapping them inside it with their foes!

Enemy Spawn:

Weeping Kelaino: HP: 5,000. Stamina: 300. Pleasure: 55.

Level 2 Venus Suck Trap: Pleasure: 45. HP: 500. Weak vs. Cold.

Initiative Rolls:

Aya: 17 (1st)
Nidala: 9 (2nd)
Venus: 1 (Last)
Kelaino: 3 (3rd)

Aya for her part didn't miss a beat, and lunged in for her attack after using her clear focus ability. She has 35 MP left.

Attack Roll:

Aya: 15 vs. Venus: 29.

Aya Misses! 3 turns left in Clear Focus State, 14 Cool Down.


1: Go for the Plant.

2: Attack the Boss.

3: Other?


Dec 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Nidala Andalor (TentanariX)

As Aya went off to attack the plant, Nidala would focus her energy for a few moments and chant. After a while a large construct would form from the void. "Go assist Aya with the plant creature m my minion! I will try to handle its mistress!" She said before preparing a bolt of dark nether energy to fire at Kelaino.

((3. Summon golem to assist Aya with the plant, and if possible attempt to attack Kelaino with Shadow Strike.))


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Nidala Andalor (TentanariX)

((Interesting choice. Don't see why it can't work though.))

Attack Roll:

Nidala: 15 vs. Kelaino: 10

Nidala lands for 400 damage, leaving Kelaino with 4,600 HP.

Her Golem lands for 200 damage leaving the Plant with 300 HP.

Grapple Attempts:

Kelaino: 29 vs. Nidala: 14.

Nidala is tackled!

Plant: 19 vs. Aya: 1+5=6.

Aya is grabbed!

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Aya: 18 vs. Plant: 26.

Aya can't break free!


1: Try to struggle free!

2: Other?


Dec 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Nidala Andalor (TentanariX)

"Gah! Get off of me you bitch!" Nidala would curse out at the woman that tackled her, striking, and kicking at her in an Attempt to shove her off of her. If she was successful she would try to help out Aya by launching another shadow strike at the plant.

((1. Struggle to break free.))


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Nidala Andalor (TentanariX)

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Nidala: 18 vs. Kelaino: 25.

Nidala can't get free!

Penetration Attempt:

Kelaino: 16 vs. Nidala: 3.

Nidala is powerless to prevent the winged woman from making her have a futa cock, and just as powerless to prevent the woman from sliding her incredibly TIGHT pussy over Nidala's new tool! Pleasure exploded through her body as the woman began riding Nidala! Nidala suffers 42 pleasure after her shield blocks some of it, but she still gains 75 KP. Nidala has 103 stamina left, while Kelaino has 245.

Penetration Attempt:

Plant: 25 vs. Aya: 9.

Aya is completely overpowered, imbued with a futa cock of her own, and then raped. Aya cries out in shocked pleasure as the woman part of the plant claims Aya's cock in her mouth, and begins to hotly suck Aya off! Aya thrashes about, trying to get free, and cries out both in fear, and pleasure as suddenly the plant walls close around her, trapping her inside! Suspended upside down, Aya can, for the moment, only cry out as she's sucked off and on, her pleasure mounting. Aya suffers 45 pleasure and gains 65 KP from her rape, shuddering as she loses her virginity in a whole new way. Aya has 115 stamina left.

Escape Rape Attempt:

Aya: 5 vs. Plant: 10.

Aya thrashes about desperately inside the plant's walls, but she can't get herself free! Her clear focus shattered, Aya realizes she might be trapped!


1: Try to escape the ride!

2: Enjoy the ride til you pop!


Dec 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Nidala Andalor (TentanariX)

Nidala curses her luck as she finds herself unable to escape from the winged womans grapple, and soon finds herself growing a penis and having said member being forceably enveloped by the woman's pussy. She let's out a deep gutteral moan of pleasure from the overwhelming new sensation. As her eyes flutter open she says Aya in a similar predicament, being enveloped by the plant. If her golem was still active she would have it continue attacking the plant in an attempt to free Aya, but she herself was sadly more or less disposed at the moment. She would take a gamble and let the Winged Woman continue raping her in hopes of her corrosive fluids would deal some decent damage to her and possibly stun her long enough to get the upper hand or maybe talk the woman out of her assault.

((2. Continue the ride till she pops.))


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Nidala Andalor (TentanariX)

Nidala has given in to her rape for now.

With no resistance being given, Kelaino mercilessly rides Nidala, who suffers 110 pleasure as the winged woman hits her most vulnerable spots! Nidala's body shudders as a powerful orgasm rips through her, spurting out of her cock uncontrollably! Nidala gains 160 KP and has 138 stamina left. Nidala is in the adrenaline boost state for 8 turns. She also activates her Deathly Touch Skill! Nidala allows the pleasure to pass through her shield!
Kelaino has 135 stamina left. She also loses 200 HP and has 4,400 HP left. 12 Turns of Deathly Touch remain.

Pleasure Roll:

Plant: 29 vs. Aya: 27.

Aya continues to have her dick sucked, crying out as each blowjob motion brings her one step closer to the edge of an orgasm. Her most vulnerable spots are hit by the skilled dick sucking plant creature, intensifying what she feels, causing her to buck wildly! Aya suffers 90 pleasure and gains 90 KP from her continuous blowjob. She has only 25 stamina left until she suffers her first orgasm of her life!

Escape Rape Attempt:

Aya: 20 vs. Plant: 24.

Aya can't get free!


1: Risk some Corruption and losing your adrenaline, allowing Kelaino to continue raping you for a heavier dose of damage.

2: Try to break free and attack her yourself, instead of 'enjoying' the rape.

Current Stats:

Name: Nidala Andalor

Race: Elf (Dark Elf)

Class: Necromancer

Starting HP: 90
Starting Mana: 75
Starting Sexual Stamina: 138/145

KP: 290/50,000

Shield: 358/400

Nidala's Skills:

Amplify Damage - This skill allows the Necromancer to curse her target to recieve DOUBLE physical damage, or strips Physical Immunity. Mana Cost - 5. The curse lasts 15 turns, or until the Necromancer is raped. This spell can't be resisted. Magical Attack. If an enemy is under the effects of Amplify Damage, your attacks can't critical hit.

Lower Resist - This skill curses target foe to take DOUBLE elemental damage, or strips all elemental immunities. Mana Cost - 5. The curse lasts 15 turns, or until the Necromancer is raped. This spell can't be resisted and can't miss. If an enemy is under the effects of Lower Resist, your spells can't critical hit.

Spiteful Spirit - This curses a foe to take any damage it inflicts back onto itself, damaging itself. Mana Cost - 10. The curse lasts 5 turns, or until the Necromancer is raped. This spell can't be resisted or miss. Useful when you have an ally to curse the creature trying to rape her. Your companion won't resist while this spell is active on her would be rapist, and it will deal whatever their pleasure damage is to their health, while your ally takes no pleasure. Has a 15 turn cool down from cast.

Shadow Strike - This allows the Necromancer to hit for 400 Shadow Damage. Mana Cost - 0. This spell can't crit hit. Magical Attack.

Class Specific Skills:

Magical Armor - This skill activates at the start of any combative round, shrouding the Necromancer in a protective "armor" that deflects incoming sexual pleasure, 25% of each attack. It will continue to absorb until it has taken a total of 400 damage, at which point the armor will fail and the Necromancer will be subject to the full intentisy of her rape. As the Necromancer gains levels, the armor will absorb more damage, an extra 40 per level. Once the armor has failed, the Necromancer must free herself, or be freed from rape and any grapples, and remain free for ONE full round of turns, starting from the time she was free. If she is grappled before a full round has passed, the timer will reset.

Golem Strike - This skill is default, and so long as the Necromancer is free from rape and able to attack, the Golem will pound away with Physical Damage on her target. It does 200 damage per attack, increasing by 40 damage per level the Necromancer gains. It has a chance to critical hit along with her, and has it's own seperate critical hit roll.

Deathly Touch - The Necromancer has a small chance upon her orgasm to make her bodily fluids toxic to demons. She has a 20% chance of having her orgasm inflict poison status on her rapist. If she does, the poison does 200 damage every turn for twelve turns. If the enemy penetrates her again or continues to rape her while under the effects of Deathly Touch, the poison will spread in it's body faster and be more aggressive, dealing 600 damage for each remaining turn she's being raped. Clever Necromancers may be willing to take a risk and if grappled, allow her attacker to penetrate her again and hasten it's demise.

Weak vs. Tentacle Rapes (Penetrated ONLY) (+5 pleasure), Weak vs. Blowjobs (+5 Pleasure). Strength: Half MP loss on Caster Skills.

Name: Aya Morioka

Race: Human

Class: Assassin

Starting HP: 105
Starting Mana: 35/40
Starting Sexual Stamina: 25/160

KP: 210/50,000

Special Skills:

Swift Edge Chain: This chain hits for 150 up to three times for a maximum of 450 damage. Each hit MUST connect to keep the chain going. Physical Attack.

Rune Carve Chain: This chain hits for 100 up to five times for a maximum of 500 damage. When this chain ends, the Assassin uses her limited magical powers to detonate invisible runes left behind by this chain. For each hit that landed, the detonation deals 100 damage, for a maximum of 500 additional damage. Mana Cost - 15. Physical Attack on the Carves, Magical Attack on the Detonation. Magic Damage is not affected by Clear Focus, it requires a roll. Has a five turn cool down.

Beast Swipe: This attack deals 300 damage and stuns the target for one turn. Three turn cool down. Physical Attack.

Signet of Agony Chain: This chain hits for 100 up to five times for a maximum of 500 damage. When this chain ends the Assassin uses her limited magical powers to detonate invisible runes left behind by this chain. The detonation deals 100 additional damage, and if 3 or more attacks landed prior to this then the target is placed in an energy hold for two turns. Mana Cost - 25. Physical Attack on the Carves, Magical Attack on the Detonation. Magic Damage is not affected by Clear Focus, it requires a roll. Has a five turn cool down.

Clear Focus: This semi-passive skill allows the Assassin to deal twice the normal damge she normally would with each attack. This skill lasts for four turns and has a cooldown of fifteen. However, if the Assassin is raped during this time, the skill ends and enters a twelve round cool down from the time she escapes rape. Mana Cost - 5. This skill may be used to pre-buff before any physical damage dealing attack and does not consume your turn. This does not stack with critical hits OR amplify, essentially replacing them. This does not crit hit any shadow damage dealing spells.

Class Specific Skills:

Evasive Boost - This passive skill gives the Assassin's a +5 to evasive rolls, allowing her a greater chance to evade attacks. (Not factored into the character sheet.)

Assassin's Defense - When an Assassin is raped to an orgasm (pussy ONLY), her body can release a powerful muscular contraction which takes 10% of the enemies maximum health, and hurts them enough to prevent them from attempting any moves for a full turn, and eliminates their chance to avoid an attack for that round. If she is sucked off or gripped in a pussy, nothing happens.

Class Specific Weaknesses: +5 pleasure when ridden in a pussy. 0 turns left in Clear Focus State, 12 Cool Down.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Nidala Andalor (TentanariX)

With her poison having entered into the winged woman, Nidala figured it would give her some time to help Aya. The poison would continue to harm her unless she had a way to cure it, but she could at the very least try to help Aya with her plant "friend". She would try to dislodge herself from Kelaino by kicking violently at her midsection . if successful, she would trygo spring herself off the ground and run towards Aya and the plant before kicking up Amplify damage and unleashing a shadow strike at the plant .

((1. Attempt to get free. If possible use Amplify and Shadow Strike plant raping Aya. Also is it possible for Necros to cure their own deathly touch?))