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Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter


Jun 15, 2009
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This thread is the place for general OOC chat and silly stuff about the game. We totally need one of these, if only to give people a place to post all of the jokes that are going to be made about my GM-ing style xD I… probably won’t be reading this thread quite as attentively, especially if it ends up growing by like 100 posts overnight or something.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

*spams 100 posts* Are we allowed to lurk here yet, or should we be staying in the sign up thread?
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

You can post or lurk or whatever, but I'm not done yet with the character creation threads. I asked Nunu for a sub-forum where I can post the game information and character creation thread, but it might take a little while. In the mean time, you can sit back and relax, and start figuring out if you want a vacationer come to visit Peiquok for summer celebrations, or a townie, or someone caught in the wrong place at the wrong time.

xD This game will allow male and female characters, by the way. I see some only allow female ones, so I should clear that up right away.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

xD This game will allow male and female characters, by the way. I see some only allow female ones, so I should clear that up right away.

I think that's because several GM's either aren't comfortable with, are unskilled with, or are unfamiliar with writing monster on guy rape scenes.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

I'm planning on tossing out a few female monsters, too, though the majority will probably be male, or at least have tentacle, invasive-goodness going on if they're ungendered. I'm not averse to writing guys in rape scenes, though if players are, they should probably write up a female character.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Hmmmm. Looking good. I do have a question through, is there chances of pregnancy?

I has that fetish >.>
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Hmmmm. Looking good. I do have a question through, is there chances of pregnancy?

I has that fetish >.>
No, at least not in the way that would probably tickle your fetish. The whole game will take place over a short period of time, too short for pregnancy to really come into play.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Still sounds good. What are the chances of a character being raped if their mildly doing well? (Average)
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

I don't want to give too much away yet, but almost all of the monsters in the game (and some of the human bad guys) are going to be at least a little interested in raping helpless victims. A character that gets raped isn't out of the game or anything like that.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Huh, interesting. XD I hope there are tentacles and maybe slimes and stuff.... those are such a staple of this forum.

Can our characters die? o.o
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Tentacles, yes... slimes? I can work that out. 'Stuff' we'll have to see about. ;)

Your character can die, though with Janna's system it should be hard to be killed and you'll have time to decide whether you want your character to fight to the death or to back off... the way this game works, you can't die in the one-on-one PM battles, but you can fall unconscious. In the real world, there is a chance to die, but you should have other characters to watch your back.

I'll try to make everything clear once the sub-forum is put up, including the game's premise, and what kinds of things you can expect. I've seen 'corruption' thrown around in some of the different RP's here. Mild versions of that are going to be a possibility.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Isn't this in a subforum? I mean nightmares unamed is a subforum.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

...I've seen 'corruption' thrown around in some of the different RP's here. Mild versions of that are going to be a possibility.

So you're not going to take my approach of 'You reached a new corruption level, now it's time to mess with your character'?
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

:rolleyes: A sub-sub-forum, if you will. xD I've seen them used in other games, so I was hoping to organize this before the game got started.

Pheonix, there aren't corruption levels, but over the course of the game, your character may experience changes. The PM battles may have something to do with that, but more on that after the break. (I'm writing much of what I'm going to be posting out in a text pad for now, so once the sub^2 forum is up, I'll be able to explain things in one big chunk.)
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

I don't really use formal levels either, just that when a character gains a certain amount of corruption it manifests itself in a twist before resetting to start charging again.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

So long as we don't go out on missions, get impregnated, and crawl back to the town hall...

XD I mean in reference to the All Women Must Be Impregnated RP. They all start out in a base and watch each others backs and stuff, too, is all.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

I think that in this system, it will be less about levels, as you'll have 40 character points (CP) to spend at the beginning of the game and you may get more at the end, if the game has a sequel, and more about working with what you've got, and a few bonuses or detriments tossed your way along the way. The game isn't open ended, though it should still take some time to run through!

I've popped my head into that game (got to say that it looks different with all of the avatars in use now that I'm signed in and not lurking!) and I think I can safely say that this game will be different. I already mentioned that it's set over a relatively short period of time so pregnancy won't be a changing factor... and while there should be a fair bit of fighting and struggle and tentacle goodness, the game's more focused on puzzles and working through a mystery of sorts.

;) You guys are making it hard for me to keep secrets.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

I don't think anyone would mind if you spilled them early. X3

How do you mean 'isn't open ended' though? o.o Sorry for all the questions, I'm just excited and curious (and a little confused, but that's me all the time. XD)
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

He has a plot planned is what I'm guessing.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Pretty much. The game will hopefully have beginning, middle and end... though everything but the beginning is pretty loose based on how characters act, react, and interact. I'd like to keep the tone of the game fairly serious and horror-ful (with a side of erotic of course) but aside from that, I can give you guys hints and nudges but you won't have to do things in any order and I'll try to roll with you if you want to go a different direction... for the most part. ;)