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Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

o_o I do not know of this Scott and Todd you speak of -- for me it was a commercial back in the 90's where kids were bullying other kids for not being geeks in an attempt to hang a lightshade on bullying in general.

*waves to Ryu... with the pink furry paddle* >:3
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

>_> Oh Jen. She's going to be either the first one to go or the very last one, if I know my horror cliches!
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

BurningGold said he'd be interested. Of the other three people I poked, I have one tentative yes (they say they may take time to make a character) one who hasn't really said one way or another, and one no... so I guess 2/3 spots filled and I'll wait on that last spot for a while before asking people on the street at random.

Hey, Wallpaper, where'd you find that paddle? I didn't roll a search check for you! :p
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Oh god, I didn't think I was able to attack.

erm... is running back to my bike and 'peace'ing an option
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Yeah, I think we're royally fucked. D: EACH of them have health of 100. Icelus, you meanie... ;_; *uses the disqualified pink paddle on him instead* Please tell me that we won't die like immediately. XD
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

They have a lower arousal threshhold than you. I'm sure if you fucked them, we can win this.

I'll just be... over there.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

*teleports to you guys, whacks each of them with his stick 11 times, then teleports back before anyone notices anything* There, now they only have 1HP each... >_>;
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter


;) Don't ask don't tell.

(XD Damnit, I kind of want to see if that works now. *snort*)

*teleports to you guys, whacks each of them with his stick 11 times, then teleports back before anyone notices anything* There, now they only have 1HP each... >_>;

I like that option! XD *votes for this*
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

June 30th, late morning.

-rainy night of June 28th-

Vait, vait, vait a second...

It was June 28th, at what I believed was yesterday... It might have been small, a clarifacation of the passing of two whole days, but I recall just going to sleep, and waking up the next day... How did two days pass in the meantime between when Shiva passed out, and now?!?

*Curses like Yosemite Sam while pounding both his feet on the ground, making small hops in place in order to make harder pounds, while shouting angrily, "WHY YOU-- YEEEEEHHHH RECKA PULMERATED FRATTIN FROTTED FLATTIN BITTEN SQUAGGY CONFOUNDED RAGGEM FRAGGA RAGGA RAT!!!!!!!!"*
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Vait, vait, vait a second...

It was June 28th, at what I believed was yesterday... It might have been small, a clarifacation of the passing of two whole days, but I recall just going to sleep, and waking up the next day... How did two days pass in the meantime between when Shiva passed out, and now?!?

*Curses like Yosemite Sam while pounding both his feet on the ground, making small hops in place in order to make harder pounds, while shouting angrily, "WHY YOU-- YEEEEEHHHH RECKA PULMERATED FRATTIN FROTTED FLATTIN BITTEN SQUAGGY CONFOUNDED RAGGEM FRAGGA RAGGA RAT!!!!!!!!"*

I'd have to agree with this, I don't think anyone has slept a second time. Aren't most of us still on day 29?
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

*cackles* XD

I hadn't even noticed. Maybe the day change is why just about everyone's getting the raep. *gasp*
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

I meant the day change...

*Starts shooting at Pheonix's feet with pistols seeming to be loaded with an unlimited ammo supply, making him act as if he's dancing while jumping from the bullets*

Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Mommy, raptorjesus is trying to send me to heaven early again!
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter


Sorry everybody. My computer exploded and died finally. I didn't get it replaced until yesterday and (since it is a Vista machine :() it took me about a day after that to get everything actually working again.

I'm back now; hopefully I haven't held anything up too badly.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Hehe, glad to have you back Janna ;)
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

*sighs* Okay, here's the deal. Real life is just not letting me breathe lately and I'm leaving for a ten day vacation (with no internet access, thank God) on Friday.

I'd say that you should continue the game without me but it looks like things have stalled anyway. I'll try to be around when I can until Friday and hopefully things will settle down when I get back and I'll be able to hop in some more.

I'm really sad to see the game stuck where it is. I hope everything is okay around here :(
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Hehe, good to hear from you again, Janna. Hopefully Ice will be back and get a few posts in before your vacation ;)