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Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

There are a few minor fixes needed on Leianna, Loli. Nothing huge.

Her Health and Energy should be x5 not x3. So she should be at 65 Health and 80 Energy.

You didn't pick a combat focus for her, so either her Combat Value or Defense Value should be +2 or both of them should be +1. This also might change your base damage and Arousal damage.

She's only spent 39 points. So you have 1 more coming somewhere.

And then the background and she'll be ready to go just from my first look.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Just two or three things that have come up in PM's that I thought I should post here since it keeps popping up:

  1. Items that are on a person in the real world are not automatically on the person in the subconscious one. They need to succeed a search for them, though finding one's specific weapon is as easy as finding a basic random one!
  2. A character (at least for now) won't remember anything special when they return to the subconscious world -- this may change later, but for now all that they remember is what they retain in the real world.
  3. You must post at least a full sentence in your replies. :rolleyes: I know it's effort, but I encourage you to post even more if you're willing... I try to mirror your guy's posts, so if you want more fap-material, write more! (I'm going to post a battle once it's done as an example of what I like to see.)

I'm a mean drunk, I know, but it's for the greater good of more sex and monsters!
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Player: Lexus punches the monster.

Ice: Lexus is raped.

Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

I feel special now cause I've been posting at least two lines of shit on this huge ass monitor! WOOOO
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Player: Lexus punches the monster.

Ice: Lexus is raped.

Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help


I came
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

RJ should be used to seeing those. . .
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

I've updated the Character Creation subforum with some additional rules that came up during the subconscious battles that have happened so far.

The extra use for energy points should have been there from the very beginning and was just left out because I made a mistake.

The rule for multiple partners is something that came up in someone's battle.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

:O *re-reads the last bit* partners? XD Can I be in that battle? *snrks*

Don't be stonewallin' me, braw!
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

There, updated my character sheet and fixed the stats and wrote a backstory, if the backstory is not to your liking, I will rewrite it in the more standard method ;3
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Intriguing backstory style. I like the literal short story working... that's fun. I'm still adding your points up to 39/40 though I may be having a special-math moment. Otherwise, everything adds up. I just need to run her through a test battle and if she checks out okay (I just need to make sure she doesn't wind up being frustrating to play for you against the weakest monsters, or blowing through the strongest without challenge) you'll be able to join the game!

Faithen, I tossed a PM to you. :( I'm sorry, the game is full so I'm not accepting new character sheets. If you want to save the sheet, please let me know when you've copy/pasted it, as I'm going to delete it soon to keep things tidy.

Wallpaper, no being greedy now. xD Is it strange that I didn't expect anyone to take up being able to use erotic combat to their benefit quite so... vigorously?
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Loli, looking through your character sheet, I noticed that your +10 weapon doesn't have any kind of description. xD What is it?

Also, your stealth at the moment means that you'll be adding +8 to your rolls... you probably don't need that much to get by most monsters. +6 (buying it three times) is generally pushing it.

For example, most monsters require between 13 and 16 to pull the wool over their eyes. Leianna is going to be rolling at least a 15 every time with her current stealth, and around 25 at max, more often 20. That would mean that she's probably never seen by anyone, ever. Ghostie Bruce Willis from the Sixth Sense has less stealth than Leianna, though a verifiable ninja might be on par. xD Moving a point or two into another skill would probably make the game more enjoyable for you and less like skirting around not running into anything.

Lastly, could you add the descriptions to the skills/traits (eg: Charm (+2 Charisma)) for me? That way I can make a quick character sheet and test her out.

Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

I've posted an example battle over in the Character Creation section, in case anybody was curious about how I'd like to see one of them going.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Loli, your character looks like she checks out. You may start posting in the town hall thread (your character will have been picked up at the south east exit by military men late in the afternoon, driven to the town hall and dropped off through a side entrance, without any explanations given.) Drop a post or two in there and get interacting and I'll start you off on a battle.

With that, everyone's rounded up! (Miachan PM'd me to let me know she'd be slow, so that's tied up!)

We'll be moving on to evening in a bit, I'm just going to give the rest of the day for everyone else to catch up, and maybe we can wind up a couple more battles.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

How This is Going to Roll: Alright boy and girls, here is how the forum is going to work what with all these newfangled threads getting in the way.

If you're looking to move between places, you'll need to go through all of the locations between point A and point B, and for the first little while, I'm going to sort of authorize your transition between locations, just until you get the hang of things.

For example: Melissa and Morgan want to head to the Convenience Shop from Town Hall.

1) They both post what they want to do.
2) They wait until I reply,

Melissa and Morgan leave Town Hall for Main Street

3) Out on Main Street, they make any quips or actions that they want to take before writing their intent to move to the Convenience Shop. (If there's something that I need to bring to their attention about the location, I can then do that.)

4) I reply, again,

Melissa and Morgan leave Town Hall for the Convenience Shop

And voila, they're there.

I'm only going to be authorizing moving around for the first little while, until I'm sure that people won't just teleport straight from one location across town... and in case something needs to happen between locations. ;)

Aside from that, once I make my day change post (finally! Sorry for the wait, I've been busy!), you're free to begin exploring and solving puzzles while I begin to set up the next day's PM battles.

Does that make sense, or is anything unclear?
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Even though there isn't a thread for it, can Jen leave Town Hall headed for the library?
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Holy crap, that's a lot of changes.

Sounds doable, though. >_> So we just go out and wander around for a while?
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Pheonix: Mm... the library is probably not going to serve any larger purpose to the game; while one could conceivably use a heavy book as a weapon, doing a search for knowledge isn't going to yield much, especially given that it's a small town and I'd originally intended it to be small enough not to have its own library (meaning that it's pretty damned small as it is!)

I'll sit and think on that, though in the mean time, I'll get you to post in Main Street, since it would be in that vicinity.

Wallpaper: well, yes, but hold your horses for a little while longer, yet...

And while you're wandering, I may be trying to railr... er, point you towards certain objectives in the game, so that nobody feels like they're just wandering aimlessly. The game does have a middle and an end, yet, if people are interested in pursuing that!
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

You know, if Melissa was still in the main version of the town hall, she'd be the one waking up with a girl cling to her leg, but since she isn't... Hello Shiva.