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Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Diagasvesle has officially dropped out of the game, though I'm undecided to allow another person to take his place, or to keep our group of players as is.

Therefor, let's put it to a vote. What do you guys want -- new blood or to keep things exclusive? I may have a new character that shows up, show up on the nightmare version of the game as if they have clawed their way back to redemption for a second try... just to make things more tense.

Lastly, I was planning on having another day change over once you all managed to solve (or at least get a bead on) the first puzzle. Day change causes a couple of tricky things to happen -- firstly, I do some rolls to determine if you manage to stay in the real world or not, secondly, the days are going to become more dangerous as time goes on (meaning more frequent appearance of monsters, and a lack of a safe place...) Things are moving more slowly than I'd planned, so while I'm not going to throw a day change at you out of nowhere, I'd some input on what you need to get going!
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Two questions for Melissa. One, are Melissa and Rosie already at the altar or do they still need to move to it? I.E. can I begin using it in my next post? Two, do we keep our items if our clothes are damaged or lost? (the box of bullets, first aid kit, cell phone, etc)

I personally would be fine with other people joining the game. We've already had miachan come in a bit late ;). As long as you are okay with it, Ice, go for it.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Two questions for Melissa. One, are Melissa and Rosie already at the altar or do they still need to move to it? I.E. can I begin using it in my next post? Two, do we keep our items if our clothes are damaged or lost? (the box of bullets, first aid kit, cell phone, etc)

I personally would be fine with other people joining the game. We've already had miachan come in a bit late ;). As long as you are okay with it, Ice, go for it.
Melissa and Rosie are close enough at this point that I'm not going to make you spend an extra turn just moving. You should be able to use the altar right away (So I should probably describe the damn thing at some point... >.>)

Your items will be fine even if your clothes get destroyed. The slimes attacks only hurts clothing and armor (at the moment...) You might drop them on the ground and need to retrieve them after the fight ends since they're probably being carried in pockets. Any items in your hands will still be useable.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Diagasvesle has officially dropped out of the game, though I'm undecided to allow another person to take his place, or to keep our group of players as is.

Therefor, let's put it to a vote. What do you guys want -- new blood or to keep things exclusive? I may have a new character that shows up, show up on the nightmare version of the game as if they have clawed their way back to redemption for a second try... just to make things more tense.

The character is far back enough the swapping in another user for the character would take a lot of catching up, however forgetting her and assuming that she just disappeared with everyone else while a newbie comes strolling into town would be a lot more believable/convenience
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

The character is far back enough the swapping in another user for the character would take a lot of catching up, however forgetting her and assuming that she just disappeared with everyone else while a newbie comes strolling into town would be a lot more believable/convenience
We could also find a new player hiding out somewhere in town if they got away from the military somehow.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Right, so best solution is the get rid of one and introduce another, not just swapping in someone.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

I wouldn't mind a new character showing up. Xetia never really interacted with anyone anyways, so new blood would be... refreshing. XD Hopefully someone who will post more often or at least be a little easier to interact with?

Feel free to move things along as fast as you want... I'm still catching up on reading posts so I would be happy if I could have enough time to, you know, be caught up!
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Ryu, everything about your character is checking out so far except for the traits -- you have them listed as costing 8 points, but his current setup costs 16, making your character about 8 points over. Cutting half of your traits out will have him balance out properly.

(Any idea how he got to Peiquok? It's a fairly out of the way small town, so if he's not a townie, it would be nice to know what brings him there!)

Poke me when you've made your changes so that I can do that test battle, though aside from the Traits he's looking pretty capable already.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Questions and Help

Ack! My mistake. For some reason, it completely slipped my mind that traits cost 2 points each instead of 1. I'll fix it. ^^;

And for how he got there, we can just say he was there for a kendo match and decided to stay and have a look around town afterward.

EDIT: There. Should be ok now.
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