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Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

Niko's hesitation drew quick response from Jezebel. Her patience was incredibly thin, for the moment he showed that he was not about to do as she told him, and slam himself inside her on demand, Jezebel drew back a leg, pressing her foot against his chest, before pushing hard, and sending Niko to his back. He could not arise, or perhaps retaliate before Jezebel pounced upon him, bending his cock upwards with her crotch in an unbearably pleasurable way as she sneered at him, yet somehow maintaining a clearly psychotic grin, "So haughty, so ARROGANT!" she screamed, just before her tongue slithered out of her mouth like a long snake, twirling itself around the head of his shaft, and squeezing hard enough to make Niko feel as if it was going to burst from all the pressure.

Her tongue loosened it's grip after a painful moment, twirling around his now sore, sensitive head, before returning to her mouth, "You turn me on so much! I just might accidentally KILL you!" she cackled with laughter as she sat with dominance on top of Niko. She slammed her hands down on Niko, forcing his upper body against the ground as her eyes flashed, and tentacles came forth, seemingly from nowhere, which wrapped around his wrists, and pulled them above his head, far more powerful than his muscles could handle.

Jezebel leaned in quite close to Niko's face, now gently thrusting with her hips, sliding her pussy lips along his length. Breathing down his neck, Jezebel smiled a toothy grin at Niko, before lunging forth like a beast, and sealing her lips around his neck, her fangs sinking into his flesh, seeming to enjoy causing him pain, rather than the taste of his blood. Almost as soon as the bite took place, Jezebel drew back, with Niko's own blood trailing down her widely grinning lips, dripping onto Niko's chin, "Delicious~" she giggled, "Learn, my precious Niko, that you have no choice if I do not allow it. You breathe because I do not stop you from doing so. You experience pain for my amusement... You obey... Because if you don't..." Her hand gripped Niko's face threateningly, squeezing him hard enough for his jaw to hurt as her grin only grew wider, "I'll let that be a surprise! Mua-ha-ha-ha-ha!"

She suddenly wrenched Niko's face, her bipolar mood switching it's tone as his face was violently shaken, his neck actually making a slight crack sound from his violent treatment, "LEARN TO FUCKING SMILE! Or I'll carve a smile into your miserable face!" she shouted threateningly.
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

(Well, I called that one right.)

Niko, not exactly surprised, but still not able to do much of anything about it, remained mostly pliant as Jezebel jumped on him. He might not be surprised, but that didn't mean he liked it at all, of course. Not that he had many options. His transformation had given him some improvements, sure, but he was smart enough to know that he wasn't in Jezebels league. Not yet, at least. None of these thoughts showed in his eyes, however, as they remained completely neutral.

For the first bit of it, Niko remained impassive, not making until she bit into his neck. At that, he issues a grunt of laughter, considering her actions rather ridiculous, which Jezebel more than likely interpreted as a sign of pain. When she grabbed his face, however, his expression twisted into a smile, though his attacker was once again most likely unable to see it. While his position was certainly uncomfortable, it was hardly the worst he'd ever had to put up with. Hell, the goblins that had captured him two days before had been rougher than Jezebel. As for her humping his cock, after it had been squeezed by her tongue, the treatment was hardly pleasant, not providing any real stimulation.

When she shook his head, causing his neck to crack, he actually let out a little sigh, the crack having released a little tension that had been in his neck since he'd been summoned to Jezebel. He would have had plenty to say back to Jezebel, of course, had he been able to talk, but her hand on his face prevented that. As it was, he could only grin up at the powerful demoness as she savaged him, attempting to assert her dominance over him in the classic, matter over mind manner.