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Northwest Exit


Jun 15, 2009
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Main Street eventually hits this exit at the northwest edge of the town.

"Welcome to Sunny Peiquok
Pop 1047"

A bed of lushly coloured petunias has been planted beneath the sign in the shape of a sun and waves.

The road here has been blocked off by the military, but not before the roads that lead to the Hospitals (there is one new, and one abandoned) and and Range Roads.
Re: Northwest Exit

Melissa brakes her motorcycle as she comes upon the blockade, both her and Rosie shifting forward a bit at the short stop. "Sorry," Melissa mumbles. Leaning her head away from Rosie's, her cheek still warm from the closeness, Melissa asks, "Which way?" At the same time, she looks over the blockade, to see if there might be a way through.
Re: Northwest Exit

The blockade in this darkened world seems... somewhat horrific. The blocks used to make the barricade seem unusually tall and cumbersome to have been lugged out on short notice, and what's more, it seems that great roots (or are they veins... or something else? It's hard to tell from here, but they seem ominous enough to make the idea of getting closer seem like a bad one) have coiled up out of the ground over them, and to either side along the cleared grass that flanks the highway, making a quick escape look impossible. A single military vehicle looks abandoned in the middle of the road, the roots having avoided covering it over as well.

Rosie, waiting for the noise of the moving motorcycle to fade to its usual idling state to clear from her ears, looks around the exit warily. Spotting the exit she wanted, she pointed down a narrower range road marked by a bilingual sign, also partially grown over. "That way," she indicates, though she doesn't sound as confident as she could be. Everything is very different...
Re: Northwest Exit

"What the hell?" Melissa says quietly at the sight of the strange blockade. The strange, almost organic, look of the blocks and roots gives her chills. She unconsciously leans back a bit in the seat of the motorcycle, pressing against Rosie, the solid mass of the rifle poking into her back. With a glance around at the seemingly deserted area, Melissa mumbles, "Keep your eyes open," as she throttles the motorcycle up again and heads for the exit.

(head to Range Roads)
Re: Northwest Exit

??? checks Stealth, 11+5+2 = 18

Melissa checks Awareness
9+6+2 vs. 18, failure.
Rosie checks Awareness
5+3+2 vs. 18, failure.

??? attacks Rosie
7+5+2 +2 (surprise attack) vs. 13, Success. Rosie is grappled.

Rosie nods, "Yeah, I'll keep an eye out." She holds on tight to Melissa as they turn away from the overgrown barricade and head for the exit. Neither girl notices when several of the "roots" begin to move, lashing out with amazing speed and wrapping around Rosie's neck, yanking the surprised woman right off the motorcycle and pulling her back towards the blockade.

Melissa hears Rosie scream and feels it when she's torn away. Looking over her shoulder she sees that a number of the pale, twisted vines are reaching out for the struggling hunter, who finally manages to scream, "Hey! Get these damn things off of me! Help!"
Re: Northwest Exit

Melissa's eyes widen in shock at the sight of the vines grabbing the girl. "Hang on!" she yells, braking the bike so quickly it fishtailed and fell over as she hopped off, immediately charging towards Rosie. With the vines such small targets and clinging so close to Rosie, Melissa wasn't sure she could hit them and not the girl. Instead, she drew the knife from the hem of her jeans and began hacking and sawing at the attackers.

(attack vines with knife)
Re: Northwest Exit

Lesser Paralyzer Tentacle = 11+6 = 17
Melissa 6+6 = 12
Rosie 5+5 = 10

Tentacle uses Paralyze on Rosie
8+7 +2 (Grappled) vs. 11, Hit. Stunned for 2 rounds. Recharges in 3 rounds.

Melissa attacks Tentacle
7+6 vs. 10, Hit. 20 damage

Rosie escapes Grapple
5+6 vs. 13, Failure.

The "vines", now that Melissa is close enough to get a good look, don't appear to be the same kind of vegetation that has overgrown the blockade. All the moving tentacles seem to extend from a common base, partially concealed behind one of the overgrown concrete slabs; it must have been using the plant life for camouflage while waiting to strike. Rosie struggles to free herself from the tentacles holding her, cursing like a sailor the whole time, until one of the slightly thicker tendrils slaps down across her arm. She stiffens, her eyes widening in shock, and then goes limp. Melissa can see a thin trickle of blood dripping along Rosie's arm as the thing drags her.

She slashes down at one of the tentacles, her knife cutting through the thing easily and spraying viscous green ichor onto the ground. The spasming tentacle is lined with small suckers, each one of them Melissa can see, conceals a sharp tooth-like point. The tentacles that aren't holding Rosie begin snaking towards Melissa...

Paralyze recharges in 0/3 rounds

Health 70/70, Energy 60/60, Arousal 0/60

Health 60/60, Energy 45/45, Arousal 0/45

Health 30/50, Energy 60/60, Arousal 0/45
Re: Northwest Exit

Melissa takes a step back, trying to avoid the flailing tentacle. Her attention is drawn to the tendrils, their strangeness mystifying her. The sight of Rosie being dragged away though, spurs her into motion as she steps forward towards the girl. "Rosie? Keep fighting!" she calls, then suddenly stops short as she sees the tentacles creeping towards her. Quickly reacting, she plunges the knife directly at them, knowing she can't help Rosie if she herself gets entrapped by the creature.

(attack the tentacles (the ones targeting me) with knife)
Re: Northwest Exit

Tentacle grapples Melissa
6+5+2 -2 (Multiple) vs. 15, miss
Tentacle grapples Rosie
5+5+2 +4 (Stunned) -2 (Multiple) vs. 13, Success

Melissa attacks Tentacle
5+6 vs. 12, Miss. ((I had the wrong defense last round for the Tentacle.))

Rosie is paralyzed
Stun 1/2

The tentacles reach out for Melissa, retreating back just a bit when she slashes at them again with her knife. She manages to keep them from getting a grip on her for the moment, but it doesn't feel like her knife connected solidly that time. Just ahead of her, Melissa can see the tentacles squirming their way underneath Rosie's clothes while they continue to wrap her. Seemingly dazed, Rosie doesn't fight back as the 'vines' slip down into her pants.

Paralyze recharges in 1/3 rounds

Health 70/70, Energy 60/60, Arousal 0/60

Health 60/60, Energy 45/45, Arousal 0/45

Health 30/50, Energy 60/60, Arousal 0/45
Re: Northwest Exit

"Shit!" Melissa cries as the tentacles shoot out at her. She casts a quick glance at Rosie, her expression changing first to confusion then disgust as she realizes what the creature is doing. "I'm coming!" she yells to Rosie, stepping forward to hack at the tentacles between her and the girl.

(attack tentacle)
Re: Northwest Exit

Tentacle grapples Melissa
11+5+2 -2 (Multiple) vs. 15, Success.
Tentacle erotic attacks Rosie
6+5+2 +4 (Stunned) -2 (Multiple) vs. 13, Success. 13 arousal

Melissa attacks tentacles
5+6 vs. 12, Miss.

Rosie is paralyzed
Stun 2/2, Rosie recovers

If the tentacle or Rosie are aware of Melissa's shouting, neither show it. The tentacles gripping her friend move quickly and Melissa sees Rosie's eyes focus again, a shocked expression spreading on her face as the girl cries out, still too dazed to do anything about the pulsing motions of the tentacles between her legs. Possibly distracted by Rosie's cry, Melissa takes a step too close to the thing and, before she can react, one of the long apendages wraps around her arm, pulling at her. She stabs towards the gripping thing with her knife but can't connect.

Paralyze recharges in 2/3 rounds

Health 70/70, Energy 60/60, Arousal 0/60

Health 60/60, Energy 45/45, Arousal 13/45

Health 30/50, Energy 60/60, Arousal 0/45
Re: Northwest Exit

"N-no!" Melissa cries as the tendril wraps around her arm. Rosie! I have to save Rosie! With a sudden burst of strength, Melissa pulls her tangled arm towards her chest while swinging the knife as hard as she could.

(attack tentacle, use 10 energy for +2 to roll)
Re: Northwest Exit

Tentacle positions Melissa for erotic attack
10+5+2 -2 (Multiple) vs. 15, Success.

Tentacle erotic attacks Rosie
7+5+2 -2 (Multiple) vs. 13, Miss.

Melissa attacks tentacles (-10 energy for +2 to attack)
3+6+2 vs. 12, Miss.

Rosie escapes grapple
5+6 vs 13, Miss.

As much as Melissa attempts to tug and hack at the vine-like tentacles latched onto her, the things seem wily. Her knife swishes uselessly through the air where the tentacles weave distractingly, and before she knows it, several more have latched onto her, dragging her closer to Rosie at the very least. Melissa can feel the slick tips of the tentacles slithering across her clothing, searching out hems and holes and slipping deeper.

"Get off!" Rosie gasps, fighting a battle of her own. She's flushed bright crimson, moving a little bonelessly as she struggles out of the paralyzing effects of the toxin that had been injected into her. Unable to escape, she at least manages to keep from crying out embarrassingly again.

Paralyze recharged (3/3)

Health 70/70, Energy 50/60, Arousal 0/60

Health 60/60, Energy 45/45, Arousal 13/45

Health 30/50, Energy 60/60, Arousal 0/45
Re: Northwest Exit

The sudden slithering of the tentacles into her clothes causes Melissa to gasp and freeze in terror. "No!" she cries as she realizes that the creature is preparing to do the same to her as it was doing to Rosie. Forgetting her attempt to kill the creature, Melissa instead beings struggling wildly, thrashing her arms and legs as she works to wrestle free of the tendrils holding her.

(attempt escape)
Re: Northwest Exit

Tentacle uses Paralyze on Rosie
10+7 vs 13, Hit. Rosie is stunned for 1 round. Recharges in 2 rounds.

Tentacle uses Paralyze on Melissa
5+7 vs 13, Miss.

Melissa escapes grapple
5+8 vs Tentacle 13, Graze, +2 to escape next turn.

Wrestling with the tentacles only seems to anger them, as she suddenly feels a pricking sensation of many of those teeth-like extensions raking along her skin. Beside her, Rosie whimpers and goes limp again, but Melissa is made of sterner stuff, and very nearly scrapes free... but there are many of the appendages and when she throws off one, another seems to loop around her again...

Paralyze recharges in 2 rounds

Health 70/70, Energy 50/60, Arousal 0/60

Health 60/60, Energy 45/45, Arousal 13/45

Health 30/50, Energy 60/60, Arousal 0/45
Re: Northwest Exit

Melissa grits her teeth as she feels the teeth scratch along her skin, not out of pain, but anger. "Let go of me," she mutters through her teeth, struggling harder and harder against the living bonds. She begins to try throwing herself away from creature, hoping the sudden jerking motion would weaken it's hold.

(escape grapple)
Re: Northwest Exit

Tentacle erotic attacks Rosie
11+5+2-2 vs Rosie 13, Hit. 13 arousal.

Tentacle erotic attacks Melissa
2!+5+2-2 vs Melissa 15, Miss. (Critical fail, -2 to tentacle's rolls and defense next round)

Melissa escapes grapple
10+8+2 vs Tentacles 13, Success.

Rosie is stunned 1/1 rounds

Melissa can hear Rosie give a low noise that sounds like a cross between a whimper of dismay and a moan for a very different reason, as extra tentacles slipped beneath Melissa's own panties and did their best to sink into her, as well. Her determination pays off, though, as one last tug pulls her free enough that she manages to roll away from the grasping, pale vines.

Paralyze recharges in 1/2 rounds

Health 70/70, Energy 50/60, Arousal 0/60

Health 60/60, Energy 45/45, Arousal 26/45

Health 30/50, Energy 60/60, Arousal 0/45
Re: Northwest Exit

The sudden freedom from the tugging vines caught Melissa off guard, sending her stumbling backwards to the ground. Landing on her backside with a grunt, she takes a moment to steady herself. What the hell is this thing?' she thought, though she quickly pushed herself back up when she heard Rosie's continued struggles. Launching towards the girl, she grabbed the tendrils and yanked, trying to free her.

(help Rosie escape (if I can, otherwise attack))
Re: Northwest Exit

Tentacle erotic attacks Rosie
10+5+2-2-2 (critical fail) vs Rosie 13, Graze. 14/2 = 7 arousal.

Tentacle grapples Melissa
11+5+2-2-2 (critical fail) vs Melissa 15, Miss.

Melissa grapples Tentacle
8+8 vs Tentacle 12-2 (critical fail), Success

Rosie escapes grapple
5+6+4 vs Tentacle 12-2 (critical fail), Success

Launching herself at the tentacles, Melissa gets in good and close, prying the thick lengths away as Rosie shakes her arms and begins to do the same. "Oh god," she was murmuring, biting her lip as she dragged one tentacle (made glisteningly wet in the meantime) from out of her pants. The rest, fighting with the women the entire time, manage to come free long enough for Rosie to scramble into Melissa's arms and out of harm's way. The blonde can feel her shivering, a combination of the toxins in her system and the unwanted arousal leaving Rosie weak-kneed.

Paralyze recharged (2/2 rounds)

Health 70/70, Energy 50/60, Arousal 0/60

Health 60/60, Energy 45/45, Arousal 33/45

Health 30/50, Energy 60/60, Arousal 0/45
Re: Northwest Exit

"Rosie! Rosie, come on, we have to get out of here!" Melissa says, trying to comfort the girl as she half carries her back towards the motorcycle. She keeps the knife in hand, holding it out towards the waving tentacles, keeping them in sight until she feels the motorcycle hit the back of her feet. Melissa glances back at the downed bike, holding Rosie with one arm, while waving the knife as menacingly as she can with the other. "Rosie, You have to stand up by yourself so I can get the bike. Can you do that?"

(attempt to escape on the bike with Rosie!)