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Northwest Exit

Re: Northwest Exit

Tentacle grapples Melissa
4+7 vs. 15, Failure

Melissa runs to the bike and escapes
Rosie runs to the bike and escapes

Melissa feels the tentacles dragging across her body, trying to find a hold and grab her again, but the and Rosie both manage to avoid the things.

"Let's get out of here!" yells Rosie, climbing onto the bike again behind Melissa and drawing her own knife, slashing at the approaching tentacles. The motorcycle's engine roars to life again and the two women speed away from the blockade. Glancing back over her shoulder, Melissa sees the tentacles waving angrily in the air.

Melissa and Rosie leave to the Range Roads

Health 70/70, Energy 56/60, Arousal 0/60
Health 60/60, Energy 45/45, Arousal 27/45
Re: Northwest Exit

Eh, eh, eeeee! Jen starts squealing in terror as she raises the stick and starts swinging it through any open space she can find as though trying to bat away some airborne menace in the confines of the vehicle.
Re: Northwest Exit

"Alright, Niko, Cally, Jen, nice to meet you. Let's hope we get through the next few minutes without being dead," the dishwater blonde grinned cynically, and began down the road. She was driving pretty slow, with the windows down so that she could keep an ear out for Buster's bike, but she managed to make some decent time along the road out of town.

When Jen began shrieking and waving her stick around, the woman nearly slammed on the breaks. "Jesus Christ, what the hell is wrong with you?" she asked, easing the car to a stop. She had wrapped her arm around the back of her chair so that she could twist and glare at Jen... already being on edge, it didn't help that someone was whacking up the inside of her car and screaming like a fucking banshee!
Re: Northwest Exit

B-b-but... b-bird d-d-d-... th-things w-w-were tr-trying t-t-t-t-t-...THEY WANTED TO EAT ME! Jen cries out before curling into a sobbing ball in the back seat, books held tightly to her chest. Her form seeming much smaller than it was as she shook and cried from terror in her little balled position.
Re: Northwest Exit

The car was still idling as Cara tried her damnedest to slow her jackhammering heart. Glancing at Niko, then back at the little quivering ball of Jen, she gave an exasperated sigh. "Listen, kid, there's not bird things in here or out here, alright? Calm the fuck down, you nearly gave me a fucking heart attack!" She was being more harsh than she meant to be, though Jen had scared her.

Leaning out of her window so that she could see Buster, she called out, "S'alright, just had a special moment back here!" 'Special', the way that Cara said it, didn't sound like something the woman was particularly impressed with.
Re: Northwest Exit

Buster had pulled his bike to a stop after Cara's had immediately halted. Taking a half step off his bike, he tried to squint and look up to see the problem. Cara had called to him outside the window and tried to explain that the situation was ok, but Buster still was curious about what she meant. Special moment? ... ehh whatever. I'll ask her later when we're not about to die. Buster turned to look back down the road to where they came from. He wasn't looking for anything in particular, but he couldn't help but feel bad for the people who didn't come along, and he still was curious about what the hell was going on. Shaking his head, he remounted his bike and waited for the car ahead of him to start off again.
Re: Northwest Exit

Hearing Cara verbally bite her head off, Jen simply whimpers as she keeps crying. Her quivering form trying to ball up even tighter and sink down between the seat she's in and the one in front of her. The Hockey stick has now fallen to be on top of her like some sort of really skinny shield. ...I... I d-don't w-w-wanna d-die...
Re: Northwest Exit

Niko openly flinches to Jen's cries, though Cally's head just seems to droop a little; she doesn't even look at Jen even though the younger woman has bonked her thigh and her shoulder a couple of times with that hockey stick.

"We need to hurry," Niko informs Cara, his voice low and tight sounding as Jen begins to calm down, or at least to quiet down.

With the sound of the motorbike rumbling, and with Cara and her passengers inside a running car, nobody hears the odd cadence of scraping, clopping noises on the asphalt...

Awareness Check
8+5 vs 15, Miss

10+4 vs 15, Miss

6+9 vs 15, Graze

Cara begins forward again, though only a few seconds after that, Jen can hear an odd noise like a cross between a whinny and a growl and, looking up, she sees the outline of a strange, scaled man peering in at her from out of her side window...
Re: Northwest Exit

AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! L-L-L-L-LIZARD MAN!!!!!!! Jen shrieks, scrambling away from the window over the laps of the other passengers. She then tucks herself in between the front and back seat, holding the nearest person's legs above her as a sort of shield.
Re: Northwest Exit

Cara gave another curse as Jen screamed again, swerving slightly and screeching to a halt again. Turning to glare bloody murder at Jen, she looked out the window to see if she what the damned girl was running from.
Re: Northwest Exit

Buster quickly skid his bike a little as he brought it to a stop once more behind them. Again he steps off his bike and peeks around a bit to see if he can get any word from Cara.
Re: Northwest Exit

Cara is treated to the sight of the faint outline of trees from the side of the road. More than likely, Jen's seeing things again...

A moment, afterwards, however, and she sees the shape of a scaled torso rising up the side of the car, standing so that its lower stomach is level with the car itself... it doesn't seem to split into normal legs, however, as strong muscles like those of a horse's chest flank the open windows. Strange, slick tentacles ooze up through the open windows on Jen and Niko's side, not that Jen is sitting on her side right now anyways! The entire car shifts as the body strains, and the four inside can feel the car being lifted, though not successfully rolled!

Buster, from his viewpoint, sees a great, only vaguely centaur-like body in the mist on the side of the car... it seems to have six reptilian legs, though two of them are struggling to lift the car as the other four anchor the beast. A writhing mass of who-knows-what lines its entire underbody... but what's worse is that he can see a second trotting (clomping) out of the trees, moving towards the first as it brays noisily, eagerly...
Re: Northwest Exit

"Ho-lee fuck," Cara exclaimed, watching the torso, dumbfounded, and then giving a further curse as she felt her car move. Slamming her foot on the gas, she tried to get the car going, not wanting to get rolled by that hideous thing!
Re: Northwest Exit

Peeking around the side of the car, he was surprised to see some giant creature attempting to pick it up. Noticing another creature just like it coming at the car from out of the forest, he could only stand in the horror of it for a second before realizing standing there will solve nothing. Not at all thinking about what he was going to do when he got there, Buster ditched his bike and took off top speed towards the creature attacking the car.
Re: Northwest Exit

Jen stares wide eyed at the tentacles coming in on her side of the car and slowly crawls to the dead center of the floor without fully leaving her ball. The whole time she whimpers and sobs, unable to form a coherent thought through her terror.
Re: Northwest Exit

Cara: 10+7=17
Buster: 9+4=13
Centaur 1: 6+6 = 12
Jen: 7+4=10
Centaur 2: 4+6 = 10
Niko: 6+3=9, 8+3=11
Cally: 7+4-2 (catatonic)=9, 4+4-2=6

Cara stomps on the gas and the car jerks forward, though the creature holding her is given just the momentum that it needs to roll the car. In a sickening wave of vertigo, Cara's car tips sideways, raining her belongings out the window and around its four passengers. Jen, not buckled in as the other passengers are, bounces around like a ragdoll for a second before the car settles on its roof, wheels still spinning. The centaur creature (though its a vague comparison at best, given the thing has six legs and a heavily scaled body) brays in triumph...

Buster attacks
8+4 vs Centaur 12, Graze. 5/2=2 damage vs 3 pt armor (0 damage)

...though its interrupted when Buster comes charging out of the blue (or grey, in this case) to wreak havoc. Not that the man seems to be able to do anything; he tries to punch the creature and comes away with scraped knuckles. Those scales are hard! He can see that second centaur clearly now, and hear it as well as it howls at the first. Both of them are clearly focused on Buster... which is probably bad news.

Jen, thankfully unharmed by the rolling despite her free state (it probably has something to do with how she's curled in the fetal position) is able to see escape through any of the four windows that are now peculiarly at ground level. The front and back windshields are cracked, though not shattered. Everyone inside the car can hear the wheels still racing and the vehicle is making a pained noise, considering Cara's still got her foot on the gas...

Niko unstraps himself, narrowly avoiding being dropped on his head as he groans in confusion. "Must hurry," he gasps, looking into the back seat. Cally, hanging upside down by her seatbelt, her blond ponytail dangling to the upturned roof, looks by turns ashen-faced and flushed, but a spark of recognition returns to her face. "What happened," she asks, blinking rapidly and bringing her arms around to try to take some pressure off of the seatbelt biting into her shoulder.

Health 80/80, Energy 75/75, Arousal 0/73
Health 75/75, Energy 55/55, Arousal 0/57
Health 50/50, Energy 70/70, Arousal 0/37
Health 50/50, Energy 50/50, Arousal Threshold 0/42
Health 50/50, Energy 75/75, Arousal Threshold 0/48
Centaur 1
Health 100/100, Energy 60/60, Arousal Threshold 0/48
Centaur 2
Health 100/100, Energy 60/60, Arousal Threshold 0/48
Re: Northwest Exit

((What is this I don't even--

D: ))

Cara was making noises of outrage and fear the entire time that the car was tipping over, at the last second curling up as the thing landed on its roof with a sickening crunch. God damnit what the hell was happening?! Her car was practically her home; this was about the equivalent to her of someone having a tornado crash through their house.

Once the car had settled, Cara did the same as Niko, dropping to the roof and trying to climb out of the car. "Fuck!" She exclaimed, only one of a long line of curses as she tried to both escape and determine if she'd broken anything. At least her foot was off the gas pedal.
Re: Northwest Exit

Taking a step back after his punch had only left his hand hurting a bit, Buster had no idea how he was going to fight one of these things let alone two. But then again, a lack of idea has never stopped him before. He attempted a juke and dived at the centaur-like creatures back, hoping he could ring his arm around its neck for a grip. It would obviously try to fight him off, but hopefully moving quickly, Buster might be able to get a hold of it from the back/top.

Re: Northwest Exit

As she bounces about the car, more of Jen's shrieking cries ring out as the woman is inundated with fear. Eventually, she stops bouncing about like a pinball and notices what's happening. With another shrieking scream Jen crawls out of car along the side opposite the centaurs, dragging the hockey stick in one hand and her books in the other. Given her panicked state, unless someone stopped her, she was liable to dart off to try and escape as soon as she left the car.