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Not a Hangover (Dyna)


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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(Intro is a little short, but it's been awhile since I started someone at the top of a skyscaper, so ;))

Alana Dearing had a rather rude awaking on the morning of the event. Her boss had recently shifted her to the night shift, working from 8 pm to 4 am, so she was still alseep when the monster attacked. Her neighborhood was rather close to downtown, thus when the attack began her apartment skyscraper suffer quite a bit of damage right away, waking Alana up as her windows on her 20th story room blew out from a nearby explosion. A support beam broke and fell, hitting the girl in the temple, knocking her out cold. While the injury was severe, it was not life threatening. Infact, one could say the injury saved her life, as she was unable to join the panic out on the streets only to be killed like the thousands trying to get away.

It was only when the large explosion occured around four and the building suffered a massive amount of damage again that Alana awoke on the floor with a headache. Her apartment was trashed, not from looters, but from the shaking caused by the day's attacks. Her power was out and the light mainly came from a strange red glow from outside through the hole where the window was. She still had no idea what happened.
Re: Not a Hangover (Dyna)

(Well I think the introduction is fine and does the deed :) I just hope that you dont mind if I do gramatical errors or tense errors. I just try to make the story nice from my side. ^^)

Alana opened her eyes as the explosion riped her out from the unconsciousness, not knowing what recently happened. Was it an terrorist attack, did a gas line exploded and destroyed the electricity for her home aswell?
She slowly raised her upper body, holding her own head and took a look around her apartment. She widened her eyes in an shock, as she seen the mess and the destruction in her apartment through her blurry vision.
Hence she was sleeping, she didnt worn much and suddenly she started to feel an cold wind on her back. Still totaly puzzled and not able to think proper she truned around and wanted to close the window and her eyes widened even more in a shock... "Oh my god...." she said to herself as she seen the gaping whole in her apartment. She slowly and carefully approached the place of her former window and tried to look down, seeing what the hell is going on there.
She still saw everything quite blurry and so she only was able to see some of the destruction. It was still enough to freeze her for some seconds. Her heart was beating fast and she could feel every heartbeat of her.
Her mind got more clear, as she stood there and she had only one thought now....

Still holding her head, she tried to ballance herself and went hastly more into her apartment. She barely could see anything there, she just seen the destruction. She took a swift look around and searched for more clothing... was her dresser still intact, from which she also would take a flashlight? Was the wardrobe still there? If they were, she would try to hastly take some cloths out of them... a top, a shirt, a miniskirt, jeans... whatever, just something so that she doesnt has to run out there in her undies. If they werent intact anymore, she just would walk fast, but carefully to exit of her apartment, trying to find some shoes there. She didnt wanted to step in some glass or other things, which could rip the skin on her feets open.

Dominated from her fear and still shocked, she only wanted to get out now. Not searching for anything else, not trying to search her phone... she just wants to get out!!!

After she also looked for some shoes and eventually hastly tried to put on everything she found, she layed her hand on the doorhandle with an gulp... not knowing if there still was an way out of that building.
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Re: Not a Hangover (Dyna)

The sight out the window was indeed quite grizzly, no one could blame Alana for her reaction. Her apartment offered a good view of the city in flames, alot of the buildings had chunks missing from them too.

Fortunately for the distressed girl, her dresser, and therefore her clothes, were pretty much as she had left them, though anything on top had fallen off and there was some plaster bits around it, as with everything else in the room, as the ceiling was in the process of crumbling, though Alana was not in any danger right now. She could get dressed, but it was probably not a good idea to linger too long. Besides, fashon wasn't all that important in an emergency.

The hallway was clear, no people, and no real debris, save structural damage. There were no objects in the hall to begin with, so no clutter from that. All the doors were safely shut to the apartments, save one right near the stairs. The stairwell looked okay from here as well. The other end of the hallway had the elevators, doors shut right now, but probably not working anyway.
Re: Not a Hangover (Dyna)

Alana took a white blouse and a pair of jeans out of her wardrobe and hastly put them on. She didnt bothered though to close the buttons on her blouse. After she also swiftly took on her jeans, she also took a simple pair of sneakers. She was aware that it wasnt a good idea to run away in stilettos or high heels.

Alana grabed her flashlight with both hands and holded it on her chest, switching it on and left her apartment. She sighed reliefed, as the hallway seemed to be intact. Not bothering to investigate any further she dashed towards the stairwell. Her hair, aswell as her blouse was flying around as she runned over to it. She was aware that the elevators shouldnt be used in such circumstands.

As she finally reached the stairway, she lighted hastly down with her flashlight. Looking if the way down was clear. If it was, she would try to run fast down the stairwell.
Re: Not a Hangover (Dyna)

The flashlight strangly failed to turn on. No amount of shaking or fiddling with the batteries would change that. Alana would have to go on without it, though fortunately it wasn't too dark. The windows of the building, blown out or otherwise, provided enough light to move around without tripping on things.

Alana had quickly gone down three flights of stairs before she tripped, she had been going too fast. She crashed into the door for the 16th floor after falling down a few stairs with a loud bang, overall not hurt, but sore from the experience.
Re: Not a Hangover (Dyna)

Even when the flashlight didnt worked, she hoped that she maybe will find some batteries later, so she took it with her.

She grimaced in agony, as she fall down the stairs. The flight down them still hurted her. As she finally crashed into the door she cursed a loud "FUCK!!!" and thrown her flashlight down the stairs in anger. She slowly got herself up, sitting on the ground and examined herself. She sighed reliefed again, hence she wasnt hurt and tried to calm herself abit down. Low she mumbled to herself: "Be calm... if this happens again, I'm maybe not that lucky... be calm..."

Then she stood up and dusted herself abit off. She took a look at the floornumber to see, how much floors are still in front of her. If she is able to see it, she sighs and keeps going on down. But this time more carefully. It felt strange for her to move "slowly" down the stairwell, while the hell is going on out there... but the shock of that flight was still in her. She whiped a strain of her hair from her dusty face and carried on to head down.
Re: Not a Hangover (Dyna)

After a few moments Alana was able to recover enough to go on. She really hadn't made it all that far. Unfortunately for her, just as she passed the 1/4 way mark, she heard a loud howl coming from down below. Something had heard her and was now below her, blocking the path but out of view. The howl was like nothing Alana had ever heard, no normal dog would make such a noise.
Re: Not a Hangover (Dyna)

It was like in an horrormovie and this "howl" was creepy and Alana stopped immediately to walk down. Freezed she kept on the stairs while a shiver of fear went through her.
One thing was sure... she didnt wanted to know what for an "thing" does that noises. She slowly walked backwards up, till she found an door to another floor and tried to open it. She wanted to escape that noise. If the door opens, she would go through it and closes it carefully behind her. If she isnt able to open it, she would freek out and jiggle uselessly on the door, knocking on it and even banging her whole body slightly against it... but not very strong. She never slamed a door before so she would be very carefully at this.
Re: Not a Hangover (Dyna)

It was only a few steps to the door to the 15th floor. This door in particular had been ripped from its hinges for some unknown reason, so Alana could of course just walk right through. The hallway was in alot better shape then her's, aside from a small pile of plaster from the ceiling and the general lack of light it looked mostly intact. All the rooms had their door shut securely, though perhaps if checked Alana could find some that weren't locked.

However, the damaged door also meant that she could not shut it behind her. Fortunately, whatever made the noise did not seem aware of her presence, Alana was far enough away and being careful enough as to not alert it.
Re: Not a Hangover (Dyna)

Alana heart was beating fast, her eyes were widened and she breathed heavily. Her whole body was tensed and wanted to flee from that noises.

She didnt saw much in that hallway, as she took a swift look around, so she decided to stay there and searched for another way down, or at least a place which is save from that... thing... behind her.
Since there was no obvious place at which she should ran first, she checked the first door which was near her. She tried to open the door and jiggled on it. If it didnt opened, she ran to the next door and tried again to open it.
Alana was either not aware that this thing in the stairwell wasnt aware of her, or it was her flight instinct which disabled any logical thoughts.

Her fear would have build up the more doors she would have tried to open. Eventuelly she would even have banged with her fist on some doors, if no one seemed willing to open.
Re: Not a Hangover (Dyna)

The first door was secure, barring Alana from entering, but the second opened without trouble. On the other side was an apartment much like her own, in a trashed state just like hers had been. However, it around half of that had been caused by someone searching, quite frantically it seemed, through the dresser, under the bed, and elsewhere. A pile of clothing was on the floor, a woman lived her as evident by a pink bra on the top.
Re: Not a Hangover (Dyna)

As the first door didnt opened, Alana rushed fast to the second door. She seemed worried, thinking that no door will open. Right after she imagined herself trying to open every damn door on this floor, the door in front of her opened with ease. Her face brightened up and quietly in her mind she thanked god, even if she wasnt religious at all.

She walked fast into the apartment and swiftly closed the door behind her. With her eyes closed and breathing deeply, she leaned against the closed door. She somehow felt save again... a bad fallacy? ...
After a short moment of calming herself down, she took a swift look around the apartment, still leaning with against the closed door to the hallway.

Puzzled she started to walk slowly away from the door, trying not to make much noises. "Plunderes....?" she quietly said to herself, as she investigated the apartment further. She took a quick look in the bathroom and in every other room, looking if maybe a another survivor was here... even when she doubt herself, that someobdy was here...
While she did that, she also asked herself what plunderer, or maybe the woman which lived here, searched so franatical.

Since she was quite trapped in this apartment, with that strange.... "thing" outside of the apartment, she also started to search through the apartment herself. Searching through the pile of cloth. Maybe she also finds a weapon... a knife maybe from the kitchen, or just a freaking bottle from the fridge... or maybe even a hole in the ground, so that she could drop herself a floor down.

Nevertheless she still had an uneasy feeling in her stomach. She knew that she somehow has to get out of here, but she was to afraid to leave her "safespot" empty handed with nothing to defend herself against the thing outside of the apartment... if she has no other choice...
Re: Not a Hangover (Dyna)

The apartment was devoid of life besides Alana, a search revealed noone. She didn't find much else, either, though there was an extensive collection of booze in the fridge, if Alana was deadset on using a bottle as a weapon, she had her pick.

Also in her search Alana couldn't help but notice how large the window in the bathroom was. The same size as her's, but it was clear someone had used this window to escape earlier, there were two muddy footprints on the wall before it. While she couldn't see from here where they'd gone, it might be worth checking out.

As Alana searched, she heard the monster come close to the door, but before the girl could even think about reacting, there was a noise from somewhere else in the building, like a large mouse scraping against the walls, and the beast howled and took off down the stairs again, leaving Alana in peace.
Re: Not a Hangover (Dyna)

( Sorry for the late update, but university is a bitch now...)

Alana sighed disappointed, as she found nothing, but some booze in the fridge. Desperate she grabed a bottle and wanted to use it as weapon against the dog-thing.
Right as she grabed the bottle, she heard the monster at the door and tried to flee into the bathroom. A cold breeze from the window hit her back and she wasnt sure if the fear of the monster outside, or the breeze make her shiver.

Tensed, with both hands grabbing the bottle she waited for the monster to barge into the apartment, as suddenly a terrifying noise blow all her fear of the monster at the door away... at least for a short moment.
Her eyes widened and she stood there like glued to the spot... this strange noise made her freeze more as the monster outside and she was even more worried about her situation.

The howl of the monster outside riped her thoughts away from the strange noise, towards the monster outside again and she felt even more trapped... till she that the monster was leaving her in peace.

She closed her eyes for a short moment and took in a deep breath. At least the monster on the door was gone... or did it just exchanged with a bigger monster outside of the building? .... Alana didnt wanted to think about that and she put down the booze, which she wanted to use as weapon.

Alana didnt wanted to run directly into the monsters "arms", but the stairs seemed to be the only normal way left down...
Her thoughts drifted around, thinking about a way to leave the skyscraper, till she felt again a breeze from the open window and finally she has seen the footsteps on the ground... "...could it be that...." she took a look at the window and examined it, she wanted to know if she somehow can use the window as escape... where the window leads and how save it is to crawl out there.
Re: Not a Hangover (Dyna)

Looking out the window, Alana could see a small ledge, just barely big enough for someone about her size to use to stay up here, though she'd have to hug the side of the building. More footprints made it clear someone else had tried this, but there was no sign of them, or any sign of a way down from outside.
Re: Not a Hangover (Dyna)

After Alana examined the window, she took a quick look back at the door to the hallway and shaked slightly her head.
She turned back to the window and gave it a warily look. She put carefully a leg over the windowframe, followed by her upperbody.

She now sat on the windowframe, with only her left leg still inside of the apartment and stroked a strain of her blonde hair out of her face. It was qutie windy up there and the wind played with her hair and let her still open blouse flattered around.

Carefully her left leg followed and she was totaly outside, only sitting on the windowframe. Her legs shivered... "In TV it always looks so easy..." she thought to herself, as she finally taken all her courage and tried to stand up from the windowframe, pressing her body very thight against the building and vveeerry slowly and carefully she tried to move forward.

While she stood there, she tried to distract herself, asked herself what happened at all... and also why the former owner of the apartment took this way.... maybe due to the "thing" in the hallway?...
Re: Not a Hangover (Dyna)

The wind was whipping around against Alana's back, but she held firm. She could see the tracks going around the corner, that was probably the best bet. She could not see around it, however, as it was too dangerous to lean back and check. The noise around her was quite scary, even if it was just the wind, it sounded like things howling, either from this skyscaper, or the ones nearby. The ledge was slippery, for some reason, making her walking even more dangerous.
Re: Not a Hangover (Dyna)

Carefully she walked on, her body was tensed and her legs were shivering. While she walked along the edge, she only thought that this was a "STUPID STUPID STUPID IDEA!!!", nevertheless, she carried on.
She tried to ignore the noises around her, but it was useless. Even if they came maybe only the skyscraper itself, they still gave her a shudder through her spine.

She noticed, that the edge was slippery, as her feets suddenly started to slip slightly away.
Her eyes widened and her heart was beating hard, but this shock made her at least forget the noises around her.

As she finally reached the edge, she didnt cared what was behind it. She just wanted to get onto solid ground again.
So she tried to get around the edge and looked for a place to enter the building again.
Re: Not a Hangover (Dyna)

Around the corner was a battered and dirty fire escape. It was bent and sagging, the mess coming from a mixture of mud, and maybe a faint trail of blood. However, the thing still looked sturdy enough to take her the remaining way the ground, and the building next to this one had a fire escape close by too, one that Alana could jump or fall to in an emergency, though she might hurt herself. It looked to be more intact then this one, as did that building in general. There was no sign of the person that had come before her.
Re: Not a Hangover (Dyna)

(I start to feel quite bad, that I reply that late... hope you dont mind...)

Doubtfully Alana looked at the first fire escape, but she wanted to get a more secure ground under her feets.

Glancing also at the second fire escape, she decided to take the first one. Walking meters over the ground at the side of an skyscraper, while barely escaping a beast was enough thrill for her, she didnt needed also a jump to another building now. Still she kept that second fire escape as emergency jump in mind.

Alana tried to get onto the first fire escape, assuming it wouldnt collapse under her, she would have grapped the railing.
She felt at least more secure as on the edge of the building. Finally she noticed the mess and eyed it with an disgusted look. The blood there gave her again an uneasy feeling and she started to ask herself if the former owner of the apartment really took this route.... or if she maybe wasnt that lucky... nevertheless, Alana tried to shake these thoughts out of her mind, while heading carefully down.

If the fire escape wouldnt be able to bear her weight, she would desperatly try to do a jump to the other one.