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Not a Hangover (Dyna)

Re: Not a Hangover (Dyna)

As Alana set down on the fire escape it creeked loudly in protest. Fortunately, a few tense seconds were the only result, it held the girl's weight. She could carefully descend, she might slip but as long as she kept alert Alana would be fine. However, with the noise the metal made, this brought another concern. While confirming it could hold Alana's weight, it also signaled that this was by no means a stealthy way down. That's fine, if Alana didn't care, but if she wanted to be quiet, going down on these stairs might not be a good idea.
Re: Not a Hangover (Dyna)

Alana winced as she heard the creeking noises of the fire escape and stood still, after she went 1 floor down. Carefully she looked around, if someone... or maybe even something has noticed her. Again the other fire escape went into her mind.
Unsure she stood at the fire escape. She wasnt sure if it is worth to risk to injure herself, just to be abit more stealthy, but on the other side it could attract these beast from the stairway again, or maybe even other beasts.

Tensed she bit herself slightly on her underlip and finaly she decided to keep walking down. Even if she attract other beasts, she still could try to escape them, which is by far better as moving on injured.

Still she looked carefully around, looking for everything suspicious which could notice her.
Re: Not a Hangover (Dyna)

The girl's luck would hold, despite the creeking, there were no signs of something hearing her. She got close to the bottom undetected, but noticed the last three stories of the stairs had broken and crashed to the ground. The drop wasn't too far, but it'd hurt, and Alana might get stabbed but a jutting edge. The other stairwell was still an option, or she could take her chances back in the building and out.
Re: Not a Hangover (Dyna)

Alana stood on the creeking piece of junk, which was once a fire escape. She had grabed the railway, to make sure that she doesnt fall down unsure she looked at the other fire escape and then down at the ground... "Only 3 floors..." she muttered to herself. Sighing she looked back at the building and looked if one of the windows on the lower floors wasnt locked.
She didnt wanted to hurt herself and she clinged to her hope, that the beast in the building was far away now.

If none of the windows would open, she would try to make the jump to the other fire escape.
Else she would first take carefully a peek inside the window and look at the apartment to make sure it is save, before she would enter.
Re: Not a Hangover (Dyna)

This low to the ground the building had some decoration, nothing fancy, but it kept Alana from having to worry about falling as she looked for a window. Fortunately, the first window big enough for her to fit through was left wide open, leading to a nice living room of one of the larger units near the lobby. It was a bit messy, but nothing like the upstairs apartments. It was entirely possible it was from a quick exit by the residents, rather then from the earlier shaking. The place looked clear, and sounded quiet, but Alana could not see into the hallway or the other rooms of the apartment.
Re: Not a Hangover (Dyna)

Slowly Alana entered the apartment through the windows, her body was tensed and she breathed nervously.
As she was inside, she wanted to make sure that nothing else was in there, which could suprise her. Slowly and carefully she tried to sneak near along the walls, checking every room and hallway in that apartment.
Re: Not a Hangover (Dyna)

The place stayed silent as Alana waited, not for long, but time seemed to pass slowly in the tense enviroment. She didn't even hear the monster from before, it might still be up high in the tower. Likewise, when she did a search, she did not find anything hostile. What she did find were signs of the previous owners. Two open suitcases, left behind and open. Mostly clothes and stuff that would be of no use to Alana, but there was also a small medical kit, perfect for someone on the run like her. One last good sign, there were no signs of any struggle whatsoever, the people must have gotten out clean.
Re: Not a Hangover (Dyna)

Alana sighed reliefed, as the apartment seemed to be empty. As she found the medical kit, her face brightened up. Quickly she grabed it.
The searching of the apartment for usefull things distracted her of tense enviroment and the finding of the medical kit let her feel more save.

But since the apartment had nothing else to offer, Alana looked at the hallway door. Only now she noticed again how quite everything is and the tnesion build up in her again.

She gulped and walked carefully towards the door to the hallway. As she reached it, she leaned against the door and tried to listen to the hallway. If she didnt heard anything, she would slowly open the door and peek outside. Checking where to head now.
If she would hear something, she would look through the peephole (if there was any) of the door or open it and peek slowly to the hallway, checking what this noises are.
Re: Not a Hangover (Dyna)

The building was mostly quiet. All Alana could hear was dripping water, coming from across the hall. Interesting, but not threatening. To her right was the way out, she could actually see into the dimly lit lobby. It was utterly trashed, debris from the counter was all over then floor, but fortunately not a monster was to be seen. Not even a shadow moved.
Re: Not a Hangover (Dyna)

(I'm still alive :eek: ... took me some time to reply tho... :()

With wide eyes, the young girl eyed lobby. The floor seemed calm enough for her, if not even too calm and with her heart in her mouth she dared to open the door further more.
Only now the blonde noticed that her breathing was the loudest noise in the floor, even louder as the constantly dripping water, which was about to drive her mad.

Alana clinged onto the door handle, as she slowly and carefully set one of her shivering legs out of the apartment. Her young body was tensed and ready to dart of to the lobby from the slightest noise and her eyes darted now also from left to right. Suddenly her breathing stopped and the room was once more quite, only filled from that mad making dripping of water... she gulped and once more her breathing filled the floor.

"Go already, you are already much too long at this doorway... now GO!", the frightened girl said low to herself. But it was hard, the fear made her body stiff and her legs weak.
Still she knew she had to go! Finally the girl grasped some courage and pushed the door wide open, while darting towards the lobby. The still open shirt flattered around her well formed body aswell as her blonde hair did flattered around her charming face, while she was running to the lobby. She didnt cared about any sound, nor if she may attract that animal again, she wanted to get out of here and that as fast as possible!
Re: Not a Hangover (Dyna)

Thanks to being careful, Alana managed to move out into the lobby without incident. Things remained just as quiet, for the moment, and now the girl had a lot better view of things. Not of the stuff in the lobby itself, that was quickly confirmed to be a complete write off, but down the streets near the building. Down either way she could see at the cross roads were burning cars lining the sidewalks, along with debris from the other buildings. She couldn't see down the other directions on those roads, and wouldn't be able to without exposing herself. There was also a passage back into the maintenance area of the building, but it was dark and Alana could not check it out from the lobby.