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Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

(This is actually two turn peroids, just so you know. I figured we didn't need a break for "okay, keep doing this")

The monster gasps, and puts a hand to the back of Melissa's head, petting her and running fingers through her blue hair. His rod is twitching in her mouth, he probably hasn't gotten any foreplay before, so he's pretty aroused. He generally lets her go as deep as she wants, but when she reaches her limit her forces her to take a bit more in a few times, showing her who's still in command.

It doesn't take long for the monster to cum, he suddenly arches and moans twice as loud as he had been. His hand tightens on Melissa's head, forcing her down to swallow the vile tasting stuff. For a moment it seems as if he's going to keep her there, where she can't breath, but then as his orgasm fades he lets go, hand loosely trailing down. Just like every other male, he need to recharge after a good orgasm.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

(good thinking ;) )

As soon as she felt the creatures hands on the back of her head, Melissa understood what would happen. She gags the first few times it forces it's cock down her throat, but works to control the reaction afterward. She needs to stay in control in some way, despite appearances to the contrary. When the creature arches its back and pushes itself down her throat to release its seed, though, she has trouble fighting it, closing her eyes and shuddering as she is forced to swallow it's cum.

Sitting there, waiting for the monster to relent, gives Melissa a moment to prepare herself. As soon as the creature's hold falters, she pulls back, the motion bringing one last lazy stream of cum to land on her lower lip, hanging there as she pushes herself to her feet. Wasting no time, she dives for the shotgun, bringing it around to fire at the temporarily weakened monster.

(get shotgun and fire 2 shots)
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

(you have six shells left btw)

The creature was in bliss, and as such didn't even have the chance to twist it's pleasure filled face into a shocked expression until the solider already had the gun up, ready to fire. It looked positively horrified as she pulled the trigger and blew its head into a fine red mist, the lifeless body flopping to the pavement.

Strangely, while Melissa didn't notice until after the rush, Jamie was standing, well leaning against an object like a crutch. She had been staring, mouth wide with a faint drip of drool, at what had been going on, hard to say how long she'd been there.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Staring a moment at the spot where the creature's headless body lies limp, Melissa lowers the weapon while breathing in and out deeply. While she wanted to react to what had just happened, her concern for her companion leaps into her mind. Immediately, she spins around and calls, "Jamie?" jumping in surprise at the sight of the sergeant standing nearby. She lets the weapon fall to her side then rushes forward, her free hand out to the woman. "Jamie, are you alright? I didn't see what happened to you after it jumped me," she says, worried about the injured woman.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

"Uhhh." She sits against a wrecked car, her legs giving out a bit. "Yeah... I'm fine... I just tried to get up and come help... I wasn't very fast though... and I saw you... yeah..." She blushed, it was clear the Seargent had been watching Melissa's trick for a few moments, too dumbfounded to react. She didn't seem any more injured then she had been before, but had probably used up alot of energy moving from where the cart has crashed to where the bluenette had been attacked at.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Listening to the sergeant's embarrassed words, Melissa feels a flush rising to her cheeks. "You saw that?" she asks, feeling extremely self conscious, something she isn't used to. "I... uh... I did what I had to..." she says, trying to explain her actions, "Just did what I had to..." She notices her fingers starting to hurt from her grip subconsciously tightening around the hilt of the shotgun, then forces herself to relax, before hurriedly bringing her free hand up to her lip to wipe the last bit of evidence of her encounter away.

"Well, we still need to get to base," she says, trying to change the subject. Slinging the shotgun over her shoulder, Melissa moves over to Jamie and holds her arm out to support the woman. "Let's get back to the cart, and head out." Although she tries to act like nothing is wrong, Melissa is having trouble meeting Jamie's eyes at the moment.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

"Yeah, good idea." The embarassed woman quickly shifted her thoughts away from that, her confident leadership personallity coming back. She still eagerly accepted the support, though, but her walking seemed to be much better then it had been. "The stuff spilled out with me, but I don't think anything broke, or got opened." The sarge spared a moment to look for the sun. "We're pretty close now, that's good."
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Quickly, but carefully, escorting Jamie down the ramp, Melissa begins looking around at all the supplies that had spilled out of the cart. Along the way she feels the need to clear her throat a few times, looking away from Jamie as she does. "Well, we didn't bring too much, it shouldn't take long to gather up again." Melissa leans Jamie against another car close to where the cart had fallen, then quickly goes about putting the various cans and bottles back in the cart. She holds on to one bottle of water, looking at Jamie with a blush, before asking, "You... want one too?" After getting the sergeant situated in the cart again, Melissa looks at the water, hesitating a moment as she considers her options. Finally, she takes a swig, swishes it around and spits, before drinking a few more mouthfuls. "Let's try to find base before it starts to get dark," She says, stepping behind the cart and pushing it back towards the road and in the direction of the base.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Jamie was quiet until offered the water. "Yeah, uh... thanks..." She saw Melissa's blush and blushed herself. Looking away as she got in the cart, she tried to focus them back on the task of surviving. "Yeah... we aren't far... but that took a few minutes... I don't recognize anything... cause of the debris... We took the truck around here on the way to the bridge, right?" She grunted a bit as she thought, for the moment the way was obvious, but up ahead there was a split. Left towards the suburb interior, or right towards the desert. The base was probably straight ahead, just over the horizon, but the road here didn't go that way. There was a large green sign, but the paint with words had been scoarched off by something...
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

A groan is Melissa's response to the sergeant's question. Since she had ridden in the back of the truck on the way from the base to the bridge, and the back had no windows, Melissa has no idea what they had passed along the way. Still, with what had happened only a few minutes ago, as well as the dangers they had faced in previous suburbs, Melissa is wary of heading right back into that kind of area. But a desert? Would a road through that really curve back around to the base?

"What do you think, Jamie?" she asks, motioning to the split in the road. "I think we have enough supplies to last a little while in the desert. At least we'd be able to see anything coming from a distance before it got the jump on us." She clears her throat, then pushes the cart towards the split. "But, it's your call, ma'am," she says, slowing down as she waits to see if the sergeant has any objections. The woman had started coming back into her usual leadership role, and Melissa wanted to help her recover as best she could.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

"Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. But if we get lost... we won't have cover for tonight." They reached the junction, Jamie eyed the path into the desert thinking. "There are a few houses, or other buildings out there, just in case, I suppose. Probably a pretty secure place to hold up too, and easy to scope out."
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

"Alright, then let's try to get as far as we can before we need to look for one," Melissa says, pushing the cart towards the road into the desert.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Once away from the buildings around the junction the road cleared quite a bit. There were a few burnt out cars, but mostly in the ditch, and never actually blocking the road. Plus, it was flat, so Melissa's job got a lot easier down this path. Jamie sat contently in the cart, the seargent actually started to hum to herself, getting her hopes up a bit. "Gee, I wish we had a map, ya know..." Her voice was a bit cheerful, the earlier events forgotten as they started to make great progress. Up ahead the road continued straight between two mid-sized hills, with more to either size. An interesting, but not unsusal isolated grouping to contrast with the larger mountain range in the distance. They cast long shadows upon the road and surrounding desert as the girls approached.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Even if it is a little hot, the desert is proving to be quite a nice change from the suburbs, with danger seeming to lurk behind every corner. "I almost feel like we don't even need one," Melissa quips back to Jamie, "There's only one road. We'll find something eventually."

With the straight flat road making it easier to push the cart, Melissa takes the opportunity to relax a bit, holding her head back and closing her eyes while trying to catch a breeze. The sight of the hills ahead and the shade they provide spur her on, and she speeds up, eager to cool off. "This looks like a nice place we can rest for a bit. Get our bearings."
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

"Well, I meant for back there, and if this was the right way to the base..." She looked around, not tired herself, but she knew she wasn't doing any of the work, and Melissa would get tired. "Okay, just pull us over wherever then, I guess, but if we don't find the base within like... five minutes of starting again, we should try and find some kind of shelter..." Indeed, there wasn't much light left at all, night was coming up fast.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

"Yeah, it is getting late," Melissa says while rolling the cart through the shady area. She stops for a second and pauses to stretch, as well as drink some more water. As a soldier, she is expected to be able to march for long periods of time without much rest, so it doesn't take long for her to be ready to move again. As soon as she does, she starts looking for some kind of shelter. A building, a shack, a cave, anything.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

As the two rest there is a long period of silence. As Jamie is about to take a drink she suddenly stops, eyes going wide and motioning Melissa over. "Did you here that?!?" Her whisper is harsh and excited. "I think I heard something moving around at the top of the hill, like they stepped on a crunchy rock or something!" She tries to keep her voice down, but isn't doing a very good job as she points up the side of the slope.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Scrambling over to Jamie, Melissa looks up to the top of the slope the woman pointed out. She didn't hear anything, but with how dangerous the city had become, she isn't about to doubt that there may be something up there. Melissa quickly decides that it would be better for the two woman to move and hopefully find some shelter, rather than try to investigate the sound, or stay around here much longer. "Come on, Jamie," she says, moving to put the woman back in the cart and get moving. "Let's not stick around to see what that was."
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

"Uh okay... yeah... if you went to check it out, I could be ambushed..." She used her arms to get in the cart as much as she could. Her legs were actually looking alot better, by tomorrow she could probably use them to walk around somewhat normally.

As the two set out again, everything seemed fine, at first. Jamie had just spotted some kind of building up ahead and was starting to point when there was a sudden explosion to their right, knocking the cart out of Melissa's hands and into the ditch on its side, like before. The bluenette herself was knocked to the pavement, out of the corner of her eye she could see some kind of monster on the hill. It had a long rear end, shaped like a gun. She wasn't dazed enough to not be able to put two and two together.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

The sudden explosion leaves Melissa sprawled on the ground, her ears ringing. At first she is suffering from too much shock to do anything, but she quickly remembers how she was pounced on by the creature from before while she was on the ground and immediately scrambles to her feet. "Jamie?" she yells, her words sounding far away, "Jamie are you alright?" After a moment of searching she sees the sergeant and the cart thrown to the ground, and takes a step towards her, before she sees the creature on the hill.

'What the fuck?' she thinks, looking at it's back end. 'It's got a gun on it's butt?" Rather than sit there and think about just what the thing shot at her, or how it would work without blowing itself up, Melissa runs over to Jamie, rocking her to wake her up. "Jamie! Jamie! Get up, I need the launcher!" She says to the woman, trying to retrieve the grenade launcher she had given the woman earlier. With the creature able to launch explosives at them from such a long distance, escaping it with the cart seems impossible. Charging it with the shotgun doesn't strike the soldier's fancy either, so she falls back to a weapon she knows can handle the situation.

(get the grenade launcher, fire on the buttgun creature)