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Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

The figures slowly lowered their weapons, but still looked tense. They still didn't say anything, but one, who looked to be a girl as well, rushed over to the other to whisper something in his ear after sizing Melissa up. They had a quick hushed argument, but then lead figure spoke. "Who are you, and how do we know we can trust you. Answer quickly!" His voice was full of authority and confidence, but he had a bit of an accent, probably not a local, or even a citizen of this country.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

As the immediate threat lessens, Melissa lowered her "weapon" as a show of good faith. "I'm Corporal Melissa Aberdan, Army Engineering Corps. I blow stuff up," she said, smiling slightly along with her quip to hopefully help lighten the mood. Seeing that the joke didn't go over too well, she quickly continued, "You can trust me because I didn't jump all over you and try to hump your brains out, like everything else we've come across since the shit hit the fan." She waited a moment, then added, "What about you?" Having noticed their accents, Melissa wanted to ask more, but didn't want an already dangerous situation to escalate, at least not yet.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

There was a long, tense pause. The man and woman looked at eachother, then turned to leave. "We are sorry for disturbing you, we will leave you in peace. We will scavenge elsewhere." The woman followed behind, not saying anything. Neither gave Melissa a second glance, though they weren't exactly hurrying away.

(Sorry for being so short, but you successfully difused a situation that could have ended rather badly for you, so you got bonus points for that ;) )
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

(Diplomacy ftw! ;))

Melissa stared as the two armed figures turned to leave, surprised at their curt reaction. She took a look back at Jamie, to see if the sergeant was too drugged up to have noticed the intrusion, or give her a reassuring wave to stay put if she wasn't. After waiting a moment for the figures to walk out of the room, Melissa followed slowly, making sure not to give the impression that she was acting in a hostile manner.

"No need to worry about disturbing us," Melissa called out to the two, the peg held loosely in her hand, pointed at the ground, "it's not like we were... doing anything." She bit her lip at her fumbling words, then pressed on trying to gather information. "You're the first non-sex crazed person we've seen in a while," she says before taking a moment to look the two over. "We were heading to a base out here. What about you? Where you from?"
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

In the darkness Melissa could make out Jamie sitting up in bed, clutching the sheets tight. Scared, but still in control, it seemed. The man turned back to address the soliders once more with a sigh, measuing his words carefully, either from lack of experience with the language, or just trying to be diplomatic. "While we mean you no harm, we have not had... the most pleasent experience with the military." Something she had said seemed to strike a chord with him though. "You are... different from the last group we encountered... but we are still wary." His companion was once more whispering nerviously to him, only getting a nod in response. "If you wish to propose we work together... We would need... assurances that you wish us no harm."
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

The man's mention of running into someone from the military sparked Melissa's interest, though the idea that whoever they had encountered had been less than helpful was a bit worrying. "I don't know who you talked to before us, but I can tell you the whole reason we're out here is to try to take care of the situation out there," she said, trying to reassure them if she could. While she was sure that what she said was true, Melissa was still wondering about just what had happened out there that left them in the mess they were in. Blowing up the bridges to seal the place off, then that explosion. Shit, I don't really blame them for being afraid.

"We're heading for a base," Melissa said again, still determined to continue their original plan, "and you can come along if you want. I don't know how else to... assure you we don't want to hurt you, but you're the ones that got the drop on us." She paused a moment, then realized that she still didn't know anything about these people. "Who are you?" she asked, "What are you two doing way out here?"
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

"We will not be going to any base. We have our own arangements. And when you arrive, maybe you will question if it was a wise thing to do as well." He turned to leave again, the woman heading out in front of him, but he paused at the door. "We are simply surviors. We will be around, and you may follow us, but we want nothing to do with your bases and camps." Without another word he walked out into the night.

Jamie came up next to Melissa and nerviously leaned against her slightly. "Who... was that? They... that was confusing... They weren't hostile, but didn't want to get close to us..." The woman stifled a yawn as the excitement drained from her.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Melissa watched as the two figures walked out into the night. 'They must be crazy.' she thought, 'Moving around at night. Not wanting to head to a base where they'd be safe...' She turned to look at Jamie and shook her head. "I don't know, but they didn't seem too fond of the military. Maybe it's better they left." Putting an arm around the sergeant, Melissa led her back to the bedroom. "Get some sleep, Jamie, we need to get moving as soon as the suns up." With the 'threat' gone, Melissa was beginning to calm down herself, starting to feel sleepy as well.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

The other woman yawned as she headed back. "Yeah... it's still late... let's get some more sleep." She scooted over to the side to let Melissa up again if she wanted, flopping back on the pillows, but didn't pass out right away like before. "Ugh... I think that burst of excitement might make it hard to go to bed. I hope I don't wiggle and disturb you." She was kind of out of it, though, as her head bobbed unsteadily. "It's kinda cold at night, in the desert, don't you think." Her voice was drifting off, despite her seeming to try and stay awake.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Climbing into bed beside Jamie, Melissa mumbled softly that she agreed. "S'okay Jamie. I can sleep through anything." As the woman mentioned the cold, Melissa noticed it herself, sliding slightly closer while sighing into her pillow.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

As the excitement faded both girls were out quickly without even realizing it. The next thing Melissa experienced was the dull ache of waking up after a long day, from the exertion of their ordeal. The next thing she noticed was that the sun must be a good ways up already, as light was streaming in through the mostly blocked windows. They had been so tired they had overslept.

Jamie was still out, curled up a bit and loosely holding onto Melissa's arm. She was dreaming, her lips mouthing a word or two in her sleep, but otherwise she was still save for the up and down motion of her breathing. Interestingly, a chirping bird outside provided a little ambiance.