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Nox Home World


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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... And then suddenly they were standing on what was clearly another world. Lush forest, or Jungle, it was hard to tell exactly which from the looks of it, filled much of their view, save for the small clear area they were standing in.

Moments later, the Stargate snapped shut behind them, the wormhole vanishing. After it did, the two newcomers to the planet would get their first true taste of the natural beauty around them.

The sky was an almost aquamarine color, few clouds in the sky, and seeming to be quite the pure environment. They could hear the calls and songs of what had to be no fewer than fifty different species of unseen animal. Before any of them could react much, a small bird like creature flew by them, actually landing on a tree branch no more than a foot away from Mordin and the Major. It seemed to regard them curiously, as if studying them, yet surprisingly, even when they moved, it showed no fear or sign of fleeing. Whatever the bird was, it clearly felt no need to be afraid of them, happily chirping as it observed them.

After several long moments, Talok would speak.

"The Nox will likely be sending someone to meet with us soon. I should warn you though, when you first encounter them, they will seem far less technologically advanced than what you'd expect, grass huts and the like if the same evolution happened for your people as it did for humans in this galaxy. They seem to live simple lives, but trust me, this race is older, and more advanced than all but three races in the known universe. They typically are very private, so don't be surprised if they ask you to not record certain things."

If Mordin had followed Talok's earlier advice regarding filming the gate travel, he'd see something truly extraordinary. The omni-tool had recorded what appeared to be a spiraling tunnel made of energy, with what appeared to be a background of space itself, and distant twinkling stars. It would also inform him that, based on the new information they now had, what they had just done was literally travel through subspace. And, according to the device, the entire journey, which Talok had said was numerous light years, had taken a little less than five seconds.
Re: Nox Home World

Kaidan shivers a bit and stumbles when he comes out of the gate, but he at least manages to not suffer any other ill effects from traveling through the wormhole. Mordin is currently playing back the footage, eyes narrowed and seeming to be deep in thought. If he heard Talok's comment about the Nox, he sees no need to reply.

"Take it they don't get visitors much," the human will observe, especially as the bird lands and doesn't seem to fear them. "They're not going to have a problem with Dr. Solus, are they? I'll do my best to make sure he doesn't get too...zealous in his observations."

Kaidan's commenting, but his attention does seem to be on the environment around them. If he's a spacer, he probably doesn't get to experience many places like this, though his eyes will crinkle a little and there's a soft exhale as his mouth curls up just slightly. It's a 'blink and you'll miss' moment before he's back to being alert for their hosts and to keep Mordin in line.
Re: Nox Home World

Talok shrugged.

"Not as often as they used to anyway. I doubt they'll have too much trouble with him, knowing the Nox if he records anything by accident they didn't want him to they'll just erase it from his device without ever saying a word. The Nox are quite ... physiologically advanced despite seeming basically human on the outside. And we're not alone anymore."

He said it so calmly, they could only assume a Nox was near by. That was confirmed a moment later as a beautiful looking woman with what appeared to be a simple grass made shirt and pants emerged from the forest, smiling at them. She had a mixture of grey hair mixed with purple, pink and several other colors they couldn't readily find a name for, and she stood maybe five foot four. Her eyes were a soft brown color, though despite what appeared to be a relatively younger aged woman before them, the two might have the distinct feeling looking into her eyes that she was even older than the Wraith with them.

"Greetings Talok, I see you've brought some guests. Welcome to Novala."
Re: Nox Home World

"Not currently recording. Saving that for recollection of anomalies. Seems prudent. Everything else superficial." Mordin's omni-tool powers down and he finally looks up and around, blinking a little in the sunlight. He seems perfectly at home in this atmosphere, too, obviously liking the tropical setting.

As the woman emerges, given Talok isn't on alert, neither of the other two men are either, though it's likely they could be, should the need arise. Mordin simply blinks, though Kaidan straightens a little with a respectful "Ma'am" and a nod by way of greeting.
Re: Nox Home World

There was a small smile from her as she returned his gaze with a small tip of her head. Meanwhile Talok had nodded his own head to her, and from the way she had greeted him, it seemed they knew each other. That was confirmed moments later.

"Hello again Lyra. It is good to see you again."

"You as well."

She tilted her head slightly at the group, blinking in mild surprise. The other two men might not be sure why, at least until she spoke again, incidentally revealing at least a portion of one of the powers, and possibly Talok's.

"You've come to talk regarding the Melvar story with the time portals? Interesting. Had you come several days ago, I'd have simply told you everything from memory. However, after the past few days ... I believe showing you may be more prudent. Please, follow me. We will be going to the city itself."
Re: Nox Home World

Mordin's eyes narrow slightly as the two seem to have a conversation without saying anything. He keeps whatever he's thinking to himself but also seems more curious than suspicious. Kaidan looks between the two of them, one of his brows arching as well.

"Can I ask what a Melvar is? And I take it going into the city is something of a big deal?" He glances between Lyra and Talok, the questions sort of being for each of them, respectively.
Re: Nox Home World

It was Talok who answered the first question.

"Telnar Melvar was one of the Ancients that returned from Atlantis. As I recall, he told a story and had bits and pieces of gathered data regarding what he referenced as holes in space/time. It's part of why I brought us here, the bits I can remember remind me of these anomalies. I thought perhaps there might be a connection."

Lyra nodded in response, continuing, as well as answering the second question.

"Yes, and with the emergence of these anomalies as you've called them, we have been able to get some rather unusual readings ourselves. Readings I suspect may be connected to Melvar's story. As for the city, it's not something many outside of our own race ever get to see, or know about. In fact, we've already arrived at the proper location to access the city, though you'll note for the moment, you see nothing but trees and grass."

She waited a moment for them to catch up to her, as well as to soak in that there was in fact no city before them. At least, not until she smiled slightly, motioning her hand ever so slightly in a curtain drawing sideways like motion, and suddenly above the trees a massive floating city simply appeared. There was no shimmer in like one would see with a cloaking device, it just simply wasn't there, and then a moment later it was. Either they possessed an incredibly advanced cloaking device, or they actually possessed the ability to hide it with the collective power of their minds.

"That is where we will be going to in just a moment."
Re: Nox Home World

"Hypothesis likely correct. Will need to take into account actual report. Comparison of data definitely necessary." Mordin follows along, blinking as the city appears suddenly above them. He doesn't quite register surprise, but then that might be difficult, given his race.

Kaidan, on the other hand, seems impressed, judging by the arch of his brows and the lack of blinking. He also doesn't seem shy about letting their host know "That's pretty damn impressive." Cloaking is likely the thought process, given there hasn't been any definitive indication from either Talok or Lyra that the Nox are a psychically active people, just circumstantial evidence.
Re: Nox Home World

Lyra smiled ever so slightly before speaking again.

"Stand by for transport up."

A moment later they seemed to lose a half second of time, and suddenly their surroundings had changed. There were now what appeared to be some sort of metallic, colored walls around them, windows as well looking out over the planet itself. If they looked hard enough, they could actually see the Stargate itself clearly enough, as if the glass on the window had a magnifying property to it on that one pane. A few other Nox were about, all having a similar appearance to Lyra, at least in terms of body structure, hair and clothing. A few greeted them with nods or smiles, a few younger ones with hand waves, but most kept going with whatever it was they had been doing prior to their arrival.

"Follow me please, the archive room isn't terribly far."
Re: Nox Home World

Kaidan seems mildly disoriented when they arrive in the city. Clearly personal 'teleportation' like travel isn't something that his folks are used to. Mordin, as per usual, doesn't seem to change his expression much. As they walk, his attention seems to be on the walls, though it will occasionally drift toward the Nox that they pass, lingering a little on the younger members of the society. Kaidan will politely return nods and smile a little as he waves back, though he's always careful, it seems, to let the Nox greet him first, obviously not wanting to accidentally cross boundaries. Neither man seems inclined to interrupt what any of them are doing, though, save perhaps a moment or two of observation while they head for the archives.
Re: Nox Home World

Soon enough they had arrived at the appropriate room, Lyra standing near them, but with seemingly no interface available, how would they access anything?

Lyra answered that a moment later, at least partially.

"The interface in this room operates off of thought. It was originally designed for only our people, however over the years we have made some modifications to allow visitors a chance to work them. Given what we're looking for here, and that I'm the only one who knows what to search for in this case, I'll operate it, and that will at least give you an idea what to expect. When you are all ready, I'll begin."
Re: Nox Home World

Allowing the one who knows the system to run it seems the most prudent, so for the time being, neither Kaidan or Mordin have objections to that. "Suppose a good place to start would be any logs or recordings you have of --"

"Telnar Melvar," Mordin supplies to Kaidan as he's making the suggestion.

"And his findings." He glances over to Mordin for confirmation and the Solarian inclines his head slightly, obviously on track with Kaidan, given he's not interjecting anything else at the moment. "Your interfaces work off of brainwaves?" Kaidan seems intrigued at this, even if he's not 100% correct in his observation.