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Apr 12, 2009
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A list of found NPC's can be found here along with a little information about them. Some will have stats included, while others may just have a name and a description!

Offspring of player characters will also be found here under 'hybrids', until a player chooses to move on to them. If the player moved on to one of the offspring without their previous character being killed, the previous character will also show up here as well. (Whether or not the previous character makes the occasional cameo is up to the PC!) A 'Graveyard' of characters and NPC's that have been killed can be found in the last section of this thread -- though let's hope it doesn't get any use! :p
Re: NPC's


First Spotted by: Asazune (Random Knight)
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Information: A cruel man with light brown skin, blue eyes, and short-cropped black hair, Bahel enjoys nothing more than tying a person up and listening to them bleat for mercy. He's one of Spitheysh' minions, finding that having a fire demon to back him up, he generally gets more victims.
Fetishes: Bondage
Home Cavern: ???

First Spotted by: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Information: Flaqus is a cheery early bird of a man, with pale skin, green eyes and strawberry blonde hair. He's bonded to a young, snake-like daemon named Spur, and is a loyal resident of the Nest. He's got a friendly rivalry with the Nest's supply depot, often trying to find new ways to raid the building... mostly to test them in the event that another cavern-dweller tries to sneak in and steal resources. Sometimes he keeps the supplies that he steals, though!
Fetishes: Submissive
Home Cavern: The Nest

First Spotted by: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Information: A young woman of medium height, with deeply tanned skin, brown eyes and pale brown hair. She's one of Ozen's followers, and lives in the 'Nest'.
Home Cavern: The Nest

First Spotted by: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Information: Tall and curvaceous, Ozen has pale brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair that reaches her waist whether or not it's tied into many small braids. She's helpful towards newcomers, though she has a mischievous streak that's not entirely benign. She is always seen with her companion daemon, 'Hunt', a black, snake-like creature that's as large as a mature boa constrictor. She lives in the 'Nest', a cavern overseen by a daemon of the same name, which is populated by humanoids and many very odd-looking daemons.
Home Cavern: The Nest

First Spotted by: Enhuvin (Kattunge)
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Information: A woman with blonde hair, ruddy pink skin and blue eyes, Syja is relatively helpful towards newcomers, but possesses a certain level of patriotism to her home, the Air Cavern. She's competitive, though not to the extreme of being a sore loser or winner.
Home Cavern: The Air Cavern

First Spotted by: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Information: A shorter woman with alabaster-pale skin, red hair, and hazel eyes. She's one of Ozen's followers and lives in the 'Nest'.
Home Cavern: The Nest
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Re: NPC's


Air Elementals

First Spotted by: Kattunge
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Information: A slight, short woman with alabaster-pale skin, shoulder-length blonde hair, and pale purple eyes, Mehuia is the picture of innocence. She's cheerful and optimistic, generally short-sighted and quick to trust even after past incidents should have taught her otherwise. Mehuia, considered an easy lay by some, has also garnered a reputation as a good lay, and so attempts to possess her have left her seeking sanctuary with Agape, the patron of the Air cavern. Her relationship with the elemental hybrid is a little odd, for while Agape gives her free run of the Burrows, he's also come to think of her a little like his own, personal pet.
Fetishes: Foreplay, heterosexual
Currently: Following Enhuvin (Kattunge)
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Re: NPC's


Earth Demons

Mistress Falia
First Spotted by: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)
Gender: Female
Age: 52
Information: The owner of the Burrows, Mistress Falia oversees all of the births of her breeding stock. She is uncharacteristically kind for a demon, especially an earth demon, but perhaps this is offset by the fact that she keeps what amounts (to freemen's eyes, anyways) a giant contained ant hive with which to tinker endlessly. She offers rewards for her stock to encourage them to breed more frequently, then makes a great profit off of the unpredictable offspring that she magically ages to sell off to the highest bidder. Little else is known for sure of her by slaves, as they only see her after giving birth, when they negotiate for their most recent reward.
Home Cavern: n/a (Burrows-owner)

Fire Demons

First Spotted by: Random Knight
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Information: In his natural form, Spitheysh is a rich, mahogany brown colour that fades towards a purer deep red towards his extremities, with darker spine-armor. His eyes are hazel. He carries these traits over to human form, though his body is a uniform shade of reddish brown and his short, spiked hair takes on the deep red colour. He's a cruel, self-serving person who isn't above kidnapping and keeping his own humans and other, weaker beings, from time to time. He enjoys bossing around minions, as well. Spitheysh has a sort of rivalry with the light dragon, Axna; the two hate one another, but that may not always have been the case...
Home Cavern: ???
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Re: NPC's


Air Dragons

First Spotted by: Tillias (Rule 34)
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Information: Hazena has exceptionally dark, short bronze fur for an air dragon, while her wingsails, head and tail fin are pale silver. The plating that covers her face, forearms and hind feet are pale brown -- all three of these colours translate to her human form, which is relatively short but luscious in its curves. She's cheerful, by turns modest and forthright depending on how comfortable she is in a situation. She's intent on enjoying herself, though she feels best when surrounded with friends.
Home Cavern: ???

Earth Dragons

First Spotted by: Alexis (xivvix)
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Information: Neiomu possesses rich brown skin, pale-brown belly plating and deep green gems, tail-tip, horns and eyes. In human form, these same colours persists in in skin, eye and hair colour respectively. Shy and rather submissive, he's spent a decade in the Burrows for sure, though perhaps he's spent longer. He certainly looks younger than he actually is! Neiomu at one time took part in Falia's game, but for the last few years he has retreated into the cavern that he claimed for himself upon first arriving, only coming out to do menial tasks for other caverns in exchange for food and supplies. He's a little jumpy and untrusting, given all of that.
Fetishes: Submissive, Oral (receiving)
Home Cavern: Neiomu's Cavern

Fire Dragons

First Spotted by: Tillias (Rule 34)
Gender: Female
Age: 30
Information: A motherly-looking woman with bright red skin, and hair that fades from rich red to golden yellow. Ahket is against Falia's values and schemes and has since become the patron of one of the few caves that are making attempts to change things -- through peaceful demonstrations as well as some more extreme methods, even if Ahket doesn't necessarily condone those. She has one known son by blood, Aleron, and has been known to take newcomers under her wing so long as they don't mind the fact that her cavern usually only covers the bare essentials.
Home Cavern: Ahket's Cavern

First Spotted by: Enhuvin (Kattunge)
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Information: Bright red, with long hair that fades from the same red to a very pale yellow, Kesmei is built a little stocky, but she's tall enough that the extra bulk is held well on her body. She, like many dragons, views humans as being just a little lower on the totem pole, but she loves 'em anyways. Kesmei is rather talented at getting her own way, being relatively charismatic and outgoing. She has her quiet moments, but is more often seen either taking charge or working amongst equals with other leaders. She can be competitive, but usually is so only with other dragons.
Home Cavern: Fire Cavern

Light Dragons

First Spotted by: Asazune (Random Knight)
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Information: Axna possesses faintly opalescent fur -- white under low light, it occasionally glimmers with various colours depending upon what kind of brighter light is bounced off of it. The pigmented parts of his bodies are a deep, burnished gold. In human form, Axna looks just about the same -- his paper-white skin occasionally reflects hints of colours, while his short-cropped hair and eyes are a deep enough shade of gold as to be thought an unnaturally shiny brown. In human form, he's tall and rather chiseled, possessing the look of a gallant (if sometimes confused) knight. A do-gooder at heart, Axna often finds himself wrapped up in the affairs of mere humans without really meaning to be there. He'd rather just swoop in, save the day, and run off again before he hears a single 'thanks'. He has a certain rivalry with the fire demon, Spitheysh, who he loathes with a passion. Most of the time, Spitheysh is the one to foil Axna's day, so the light dragon goes out of his way to spoil Spitheysh' if he sees the demon doing something wrong.
Home Cavern: ???

Water Dragons

First Spotted by: Enhuvin (Kattunge)
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Information: Dalli is dark blue in colour, with fin-webbing that fades from dark to pale silver. In human form, her skin is the same dark blue, and her short, spiky hair is a mid-grey colour, as are her eyes. She is tall and curvaceous, though trim in terms of fitness. She is very outgoing, forward and sometimes forceful when it comes to sex. Dalli is a little crude in terms of humor, though she never means to hurt another with her words.
Home Cavern: Air Cavern
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Re: NPC's


First Spotted by: Alexis (xivvix)
Gender: Male
Age: 4 (physically mature)
Information: This is a swarmer-style daemon, one of a large colony of like beings. His body is composed of two long, thick tendrils that are a fleshy pinkish red in colour, as well as being faintly iridescent. It possesses a pair of long, insect-like wings that allow it the ability of flight, albeit at the expense of being very noisy flight. A harder set of wings form a carapace under which his frilly wings fold when not in use. These carapace-wings are iridescent black, shimmering all different colours in bright light.
Home Cavern: The Nest
Currently: Following Alexis

First Spotted by: Phoenix (Pheonix Alugere)
Gender: ???
Age: 1
Information: A snake-like creature about as long as one's forearm, Bind is an un-bonded bonder daemon, meaning that it's waiting on a human or humanoid to link minds to. Liking tight things and places, it can only communicate in sensations and sometimes images.
Home Cavern: The Nest

First Spotted by: Enhuvin (Kattunge)
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Information: Hammer looks almost entirely like a gryphon, and his fur and feathers are pitch-black. His eyes are a piercing gold colour, and he has a certain predatory expression that's difficult to get comfortable around. Hammer is untrusting, especially of strange males, and is willing to put up a fight to defend whomever he's protecting should they fall across questionable circumstances. He is often seen in the company of his gryphonic companion, Plover, and works for the Air Cavern patron, Agape. He can also be found guarding the air elemental, Mehuia, when she isn't in the cavern. While he comes across as being ready for a fight, Hammer is capable of dropping the facade of predatory danger if he's comfortable around another, and especially enjoys getting his ruff scratched and his wings preened.
Home Cavern: Air Cavern

First Spotted by: Phoenix Alugere
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Information: A long, black snake-like creature, always seen on his human bond, Ozen's, shoulders. He's rather self-conscious about himself and doesn't like to be touched by anyone other than his bond. He lives in the 'Nest' along with his daemon clan.
Home Cavern: The Nest

First Spotted by: Phoenix (Pheonix Alugere)
Gender: Female
Age: 29
Information: This daemon mimics vegetable life, standing in the center of a clearing that is also the center of a dense, jungle-like copse of similar, tree-like daemons. Classified 'female' only because no woman has been known to get pregnant while in the Mothertree's clutches, this daemon seems content to communicate freely only with other plant-mimicking daemons. It uses humans, on the other hand, for its own difficult-to-sate sexual pleasure, with little regard for their own limits and tolerance. Composed of a fleshy trunk and alveoli-delicate branches, the Mothertree possesses half a dozen or more grasper-tentacles that hide within its 'foliage' when not in use. When a human or humanoid comes close enough to grab, it hefts them up over a hollow about waist-deep in the top of its trunk. Placing them in feet-first, it binds them in place by squeezing the hollow around their legs and securing their upper half with its vines. While its gullet descends rather deep into the tree, it's not wide enough for a full-grown human to slip into, and isn't used for digestion in any case.
Home Cavern: The Nest

First Spotted by: Phoenix Alugere
Gender: Hermaphrodite (identifies as female)
Age: 32
Information: The patron daemon of the 'Nest' cavern, Nest ensures that any daemons that feel estranged from the more humanoid races get respite with her. She also opens the cavern to humanoids that are comfortable in living with such creatures. She is a massive, black, snake-like creature capable of lifting a grown man with ease, and perhaps even a smaller demon. Her body is composed of many tentacle-like tendrils that seem to wrap about and disappear when not in use. Most of these tendrils are used as digits to manipulate objects, but several end in male reproductive organs. Nest will occasionally 'seed' more of her kind; in a way, she is like a hive queen. She doesn't speak directly to humanoids, only through other daemons.
Fetishes: Humans
Home Cavern: The Nest

First Spotted by: Enhuvin (Kattunge)
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Information: Plover looks almost exactly like a gryphon, and reaches to about waist-height at the shoulder. Her fur and feathers are a tawny red colour, and her entire body is covered in thick stripes and whorls in the 'classic tabby' fashion. She has a pragmatic personality, is generally laid-back, and enjoys getting her feathery ruff scratched to the point that she will thump her leg on the ground when someone hits just the right spot. Plover works for the Air Cavern patron, Agape, and is almost always seen in the company of her gryphon-like companion, Hammer. She is often sent out to guard the air elemental, Mehuia, when the elemental is away from the cavern.
Home Cavern: Air Cavern

First Spotted by: Phoenix (Pheonix Alugere)
Gender: ???
Age: 1
Information: A snake-like creature about as long as one's forearm, Sharp is an un-bonded bonder daemon, meaning that it's waiting on a human or humanoid to link minds to. It can only communicate in sensations and sometimes images. Its mind-voice sensation feels a little like knives being drawn delicately along flesh, with a more piercing sensation when it is angry or frightened.
Home Cavern: The Nest

First Spotted by: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)
Gender: Female
Age: 5 (Physically mature, if small)
Information: A snake-like black daemon with no visible face, Spur is bonded to the human, Flaqus, and while she doesn't speak aloud, she is quite chipper and wise-talky to her bond. She's outgoing, and is very fond of water -- the only time that her arm-length form is seen away from Flaqus is when she's cavorting in water!
Home Cavern: The Nest

First Spotted by: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Information: A bundle of limbs, Syu most closely resembles a very long-legged spider with a relatively slender body. His legs and body are roughly furred in grey, with bands of shiny silver marking his joints and stripes along his back. His legs have many joints, and each end in digits that can be used both to walk and manipulate items. Syu is telepathic, able to speak to others in a quiet whisper that, if one isn't listening for specifically, often sounds like an errant background thought. He is employed as the Nest's supply depot supervisor for the night shift.
Home Cavern: The Nest
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Re: NPC's


First Spotted by: Tillias (Rule 34)
Race: Human/Fire Dragon Hybrid
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Information: Aleron is a carefree hybrid, born into the Burrows and knowing no other life. He pays lip service to his mother, Ahket, and her anti-Burrows beliefs... but he's also happy to be in a place where sex is the main selling point. He's an especially fond visitor to the Fire Cavern, though he's been known to wander elsewhere in search of a pretty lady! Usually he gives what he gets from Falia away, not wanting his home to know that he's been going against them.
Home Cavern: Ahket's Cavern

First Spotted by: Enhuvin (Kattunge)
Race: Air/Water Elemental Hybrid
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Information: Agape has pale, faintly blue-tinted skin, white hair, and blue eyes, is slender in build, and has an expressive face. He is generally charismatic, fun-loving and possesses a prankster streak, though in private he is prone to throwing temper tantrums when he doesn't get his way. Agape is the patron of the Air Cavern. He is extremely temperamental, prone to taking favorites amongst the Air Cavern from one week to the next and discarding them when he grows bored of them... but at the same time, he's responsible about his Cavern and inspires a kind of patriotism in those who reside there that makes the Cavern quite a tight-knit community. Agape has a friendly rivalry with the patron Fire Cavern.
Home Cavern: Air Cavern

First Spotted by: Alexis (xivvix)
Race: Human/Daemon Hybrid
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Information: The child of Alexis and an unknown Swarmer daemon, Alela is extremely short, standing at only 2'3". Built quite slender, she otherwise looks like a mature human woman... save for the large pair of frilly wings attached to her back. She has iridescent auburn hair, hazel eyes, and tanned skin, and when in flight her wings make quite a loud buzzing noise, so she has rather a lot of trouble sneaking up on people! Hot-headed and libidinous, she tends to hunt down and attempt to take mates by force, usually stalking her quarry until they seem to be alone. Even if she's capable of speech, she talks rarely, though she tends to open up to other daemons more quickly than to humanoids. She gets attached to those that she likes rather quickly, only leaving when she finds an interesting looking mate. In that sense, she's very selfish.
Fetishes: Humanoids
Mother: Alexis (xivvix)
Father: Unnamed Swarmer Daemon (NPC)

First Spotted by: Alexis (xivvix)
Race: Human/Earth Dragon Hybrid
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Information: Naleimo could pass as human if it wasn't for the green gems growing from his shoulders and thighs, as well as the long, jelly-like-tipped tail that he keeps hidden from view in his trousers. He has deeply tanned skin, almost brown, black hair, and pale green eyes. Unlike most humans, however, he generates his own magic -- enough to power three spells per day, or to supplement most of his meals for nutrient intake. Personality-wise, Naleimo is outgoing, friendly, and personable.He loves to joke around and makes friends everywhere he goes. Naleimo always lives for the moment, trying to spend his days without a care in the world. Not particularly enjoying the idea of being nailed down, he tends to wander the Burrows, looking for new things, and people, to enjoy. Speaking of which, he's somewhat perverted, even by Burrows standards, and never passes up the opportunity to make a suggestive comment or cop a feel. He enjoys his magical ability and uses it to show off, or sometimes as a fun little addition to a romp in bed. He also likes to hide his tail, not out of shame, but because he enjoys surprising people with it (it's helped him out in more than one game of cards, and is a good way to break the ice with a lady).
Fetishes: Sensualist
Mother: Alexis (xivvix)
Father: Nieomu (NPC)

First Spotted by: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)
Race: Human/Daemon Hybrid
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Information: The child of Nest and Pheonix, Phoest is Nessix's twin brother. He is quite tall, reaching seven feet, and has silky black skin and black eyes, the sclera, iris and pupil all blending into one pitch black shade. His shoulder-length hair is very dark red, verging on black as well. Phoest has four pairs of lengthy tentacles along his back, though each curls up and folds away so as to seem almost invisible against his skin. He can cast his mental voice to others in a one-sided form of telepathy, though he can't read the thoughts of others. Personality-wise, Phoest is a horny teenager even if he doesn't want to admit it. He's open to eying and even coping a feel off of those who catch his interest, but he's noble enough to ask for sex instead of trying to snag what he wants by force.
Fetishes: Sensualist
Mother: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)
Father: Nest (NPC)

First Spotted by: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)
Race: Human/Daemon Hybrid
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Information: This short young woman could not be classified as purely human even if one weren't to brush her long, auburn bangs away to reveal her eye-less face. Her skin is pitch black, while her reddish hair falls to just below her shoulder blades. Her grin, maybe not quite inhuman, is still rather unsettling at times. Xapheal likes to act mysterious and she tends to get away with it. When she comes nearby, turns her face in ones direction, and smiles like that, it's enough to give a dark demon pause. Xapheal has inherited the ability to make small changes to the genetic structure of her offspring, though these may only occur when the offspring still resides within her womb. Even from the first moment of implantation, she can change small things like pigment and (to some extent) body size and weight of the offspring to come. For her, it may become a bit of a battle between what she wants and what Falia wants, though that isn't certain yet.
Fetishes: Sensualist, Daemon Hybrids
Mother: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)
Father: Shale (Pheonix Alugere)
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Re: NPC's


Sold/ Moved from the Game

First Spotted by: Pheonix Alugere
Race: Human/Daemon Hybrid
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Information: The child of Nest and Pheonix, Nessix is Phoest's twin sister. Nessix has Pale skin, grey eyes and mahogany red hair, and looks otherwise human save for the pair of tentacles curled up at her shoulder blades. She retains a level of flexibility far superior to a human.
Mother: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)
Father: Nest (NPC)
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