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Nurses Station

Re: Nurses Station

A nod of the head comes back from Siphon. "Very well. Take care Simon, and again, give us a call if anything comes up please."
Re: Nurses Station

Kyle, who had apparently spaced out completely, suddenly spins around to face the door. "Ah...Sorry, Simon. Absit invidia, but it seems that I've forgotten to finish something I had planned...I'll try to catch up with all of you later, if need be."

With that he leaves the room, then heads off somewhere at a somewhat hastened speed.
Re: Nurses Station

"People come and go so quickly around here," Sho muses with a bit of a grin as she watches Kyle take off. "So long as you're good, Simon. Her roomie, Grace, might stop in to check on her, so don't worry if she shows up. I'll try and slip over later tonight, if I can get around curfew, in case you might want a break." The wink she gives him suggests she probably won't have much difficulty doing that.
Re: Nurses Station

Siphon nods. "One of us will definitely swing by, or possibly both of us."

He turns to Sho and adds, "so, there are no classes apparently today. Still some daylight left. What shall we do then if we're heading out now?"
Re: Nurses Station

"Get ready for later, maybe? I, personally, would like to swing by the dorms and see if there's been any sign of Al or more reports of snake sightings, maybe warn people that there's a poisonous snake running around." She grins. "Maybe you ought to talk to Matt." There's that evil glint in her eye.
Re: Nurses Station

A smile as he adds, "yeah we should at least get our swimming stuff together. Meet up at a set time or should I call you before heading out?"
Re: Nurses Station

"Let's meet up, that way we can head out together, in case there's any more big bad wolves waiting in the woods." She checks her watch. "Shouldn't take too long. Half-hour? Hour? I'll call you if I get delayed?"
Re: Nurses Station

"Alright, where to meet then?"

He thinks a moment. "Half should be easily sufficient for me, but will leave it to you."
Re: Nurses Station

"Half should be fine for me, too. Meet outside the gate? Near the woods but not in? Or at least in very far?" She double-checks her watch to make sure she'll have the right time.
Re: Nurses Station

"Entry way to the woods sounds fine, I'll meet you there then in thirty."

He reads off what the time is on his watch, then sets them to be in synch with each other. He moves over to give her a hug and whispers, "see you soon."

With a warm smile he turns to head on out.
Re: Nurses Station

"In thirty." She returns the hug and waves to Simon before slipping out the door after him.

((As if it weren't obvious...thread change.))
Re: Nurses Station

((This is a tad long, but it kinda had to be. Important post for Simon and Ellisia.))

Simon simply nods and watches them go. Sometimes he wondered about other people. He always watched and listened, but somehow felt he rarely really understood what was going on. He did, and then he didn't.

Anyway, he had a job to do. He stepped into the room and passed the barrier. Ellisia's eyes shot open before his first foot landed. That empty presence was back, but who was this? This wasn't Mia. She tried to get up once again, but only managed to sit half way up. Her limbs were still numb from the toxin. Simon walks calmly over to the opposite side of the room and sat down. "Hello again. How are you feeling?"

Ellisia quickly scanned the room, the others had left. But she did recognise this person after all. This was the one she had chased all across Etheiria, and ultimately her reason for coming to this world. She was certain now, Mia was no alternate form. They were two very separate beings after all. She frowned at the boy sitting across the room. "You... why do you show yourself now? Here to mock me, or finish me off?" She says with contempt. She was helpless in the face of the enemy once again, and this time there was no one around to help. Where were they? Had they really left her all alone, and allowed this shadow dweller to creep up on her? She eyed her bag in the corner of the room. Her broadsword was inside, for what little it would do even if she could reach it.

"Neither. I came to apologise." Simon replies. Ellisia responds only in silence. She was more than fed up with manipulative shadows toying with her. Simon leans over to the bag, and draws out the sheathed sword. Ellisia's eyes lit up with fury at the sight, but quickly turned to confusion as he handed the weapon over to her. Simon continues, "I am sorry for the trouble I caused in your world. I was only looking for a way out. I did not mean to hurt anyone."

Ellisia thought this person must know that she was still no threat like this. It was typical behaviour for these creatures. "Is that so. And how do you relate to the other shadow here?" She asks sceptically.

"In no way what so ever." Simon replies as flatly as ever.

"Am I to believe that it is mere coincidence that two greater shadow beings inhabit the same place, that you are totally disconnected from the malice thrown on these people?"

"Yes. If you would. I don't know where that woman came from, but we are not alike. This has been my school and home for over six years now. She turned up the other day. If you came here to hunt a dangerous shadow, you would seem to have found one, if not the one you expected."

"Oh, and what are your goals here then?" Ellisia loses the frown and returns the blank face she was talking to. Was this 'boy' serious? There was no way to know with these shadows. They seemed to make a habit of misleading and toying with the truth.

I just want to be left alone. My exams are coming up, and being decapitated would rather mess up my studying."

"I imagine the time it would take to reform would throw your schedule right off track would it?" Ellisia says almost sarcastically. can't help but raise an eye brow at the notion of a shadow dweller worrying about exams like this.

"Reform? Oh no, it would be troublesome because I would be dead. I am but only human after all miss. I'm afraid you seem to have me confused with some form of shadow demon. I was born on this world, little over eighteen years ago and not far from here either."

Ellisia's frown returned. Was it not enough to poison her? Now these shadows insisted on sitting beside her bed trying to make a fool of her and spinning nonsense. "Human teens do not wipe out a city garrison of soldiers, they do not destroy buildings, they do not incapacitate a mid ranking Spirit Knight! I've heard quite enough of this."

"Please calm down, your not well and getting worked up won't be helping you. Indeed. I did nothing. I merely ran while your soldiers insisted on trying to restrain me. I would have gladly gone to your courts and explain my case, but my shadow you see makes such things much more difficult." Simon continues to state in a matter of fact tone, though he notices Ellisia's frustration and growing exasperation at his story. "I am doing my best to explain this clearly."

"Your... shadow?" Ellisia begrudgingly asks with tired eyes.

"Yes, my shadow was the one that hurt your men. I wish I could stop it, but there is no way I know of. Anyone that comes close is at risk. A soldier attempted to question me, I suppose I appeared suspicious, and when I stepped away he made to grab me. There was nothing I could do. It was not long before the situation escalated. Had I not found a way back home, I don't know what would have happened. Again, I am truly sorry for the mess I made. I never wanted to hurt anyone."

Ellisia sighs as deeply as her weakened lungs will allow her. Now she didn't know what to think. She didn't want to let herself be duped by a shadows simple prank, yet she was aware that some times there are exceptions, and being over zealous or over accusing could blind her from the truth as much as any trick. She could sense the shadow there. That much was certain. Though the strange explanation he gave, did make some sense thinking back to the reports of the incidents. The subject never made any hostile actions, always fleeing or desperately trying to negotiate before brutally attacking with an unseen force. Ellisia grips the broadsword to her chest and lets herself slide back down into the bed exhausted. If he intended on killing her, he would have done so before the conversation, and neither could she stop him. If there was any more to say, she could do no more to stop that either.

"I don't know what you are, but if your not planning on killing me, and your speaking the truth in what you say, then I'd appreciate being allowed to get my rest."

"Oh my, didn't I say when I came in? I'm Simon. Siphon asked me to look after you while he was busy. I one hundred percent promise not to kill you. I brought you some flapjack too."

She didn't recognise the name, but it would do. Right now she didn't much care. Any normal human would be dead fives time over from the poison that hit her, and even with the spirit holding her together her nerves had been severely fried by the snakes neurotoxin. "I'm not quite up for food right now. Save it for me..."

"Yes of course."

She drifts back into her sleeping state of repair. Why did they have to send a babysitter with a otherworldly shadow?
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Re: Nurses Station

Some time after the two had concluded their chat, Aya had woken up and decided to make her way over to this nurse station. She made her way to the door, pausing as she saw a woman laying there. That had to have been the friend Siphon had said they were worried about, and she hoped the male was Simon, otherwise it might turn bad if this other male here was someone out to hurt her. She steeled her nerves, then spoke softly.

"Simon I presume? Do you have a moment?"
Re: Nurses Station

Simon lowers his book and looks up to the unknown woman. This was getting strange. People coming up to him seeking minutes and moments. People didn't normally come looking for him. "Yes. I'm Simon... how can I help you?"
Re: Nurses Station

She hesitated, obviously afraid of disturbing the sleeping woman if she spoke too loudly. Finally she said, "my name is Aya Morioka, I know you won't recognize it, but it is polite to introduce myself to you, or at least that is what I understand anyway. Siphon asked me to come here and tell you to call his 'cell', whatever that is, and let him know I had arrived here. I suppose you could say in a way.... he and I might be related, if you know what I mean when I say quite distant family? May I come in?"
Re: Nurses Station

"I can do that. Certainly, come in." As he says this he shuffles his chair further over one way to make more space in the room. He kept an invisible watch on Aya, purely to make sure she didn't get to close. Unknown people were the most likely to make unexpected movements. He just had to be careful as always. He reaches over to take the nurses phone off the wall, studying it's design for five seconds, and takes the note from his pocket to make the call.
Re: Nurses Station

She smiled gratefully and slowly entered the room, allowing him time to move to the phone. While Siphon obviously trusted the younger man, and she had no reason not to trust him yet, she still kept a polite distance from herself and Simon. He could have no way of knowing that she did so for another reason, for if something startled her badly, she didn't want to burn him by accident.

"Thank you very much."

She paused for a moment, and when he was off the phone again she indicated the woman on the table. "What happened to her if I may ask? Siphon said that he was concerned as to how she was doing, so I assume something bad happened."
Re: Nurses Station

In no time at all Simon was already back in his book, though it didn't seem to prevent him from replying. "A snake bite. Rather nasty one too. And a neurotoxin by the looks of it. But she seems to be pulling through quite well."
Re: Nurses Station

Some wordless humming can be heard coming from the hallway. Before long, Kyle has poked his head in the door. "Simon, quick question. Has there been any change with Ellisia?" At this point, it appears that Kyle hasn't seen Aya in room.
Re: Nurses Station

"Snake bite? There can't be any poisonous snakes around here, the climate isn't quite right for it. At least, I don't think it is? Did anyone find said snake and get rid of it after, or is it still out there?"

She pauses at the humming sounds, eyes narrowing slighty, and then turns at the sound of another voice. "Oh, hi there."