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Nurses Station

Re: Nurses Station

Grace wonders for a moment whether he could be teasing, but it didn't seem that way. "Ookaaay... Must take a while to put the candles on the cake." She said with a weak laugh. "So... what special about this place that..." Grace began, but stopped being cut of by activity from Ellisia.

"... mmm... the east... they're..."
Only mumbles. She was seemingly still unconscious. "Arnval... you have to... inner light..."

Grace looked on puzzledly. "Hey Ell. Ellisia. Can you us us?"

No reply. Grace looks back to Siphon and shrugs.
Re: Nurses Station

Siphon watches Elissia for a moment, then replies, "I think she's still coming out of her fever. The fact she's at least mumbling is good, I think. Anyway, you wanted to know what was so special I stayed here? If you've met her you'll know who I mean. Sho."
Re: Nurses Station

"Oh, yes I met her yesterday, if only briefly. So..." Grace then picked up the meaning from his face "Oh... I see! A special person rather than place." She smiles.

"Ether... commander alvan... I..." Ellisia quietly shares some more mumblings,
"uhn... kni... hold..." The cold sweat has mostly gone now, she does seem to be stabilising, even if her ramblings don't make much sense.

Grace raised an eyebrow at the continuing ramblings, "Commander who? So... what planet is my room mate from eh? Or is there anyone else I might want to know about?" Grace was joking about Ellisia, although she was ready for anything right now.

(I wonder when I should wake her up?)
Re: Nurses Station

Siphon shrugs his shoulders. "I have no idea where she's from actually. Actually keep meaning to ask her, but I always get side tracked. And yes, a very special someone to me."

He thinks a moment then adds, "and no clue who this commander alvan is, if that's even a name. I think at this point her mind is just randomly saying things, or it could be another language actually."

He only now seems to think of this before muttering something in his own language. "Noo havata nek idiom watna shemba eata."

He shakes his head then says, "No one else though, at least that I am aware of any way."

((Up to you, could do it soon, or have Sho catch up to them by calling Siphon's phone.))
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Re: Nurses Station

Kyle, who'd just been continuing the song, pauses when he hears Ellisia's mutterings. After not understanding the meaning of it, for the same reasons as the other two, he merely goes back to singing.

"..But I don't wanna land in New York City, don't wanna land in Mexico, don't wanna land on no Three Mile Island, I don't wanna see my skin aglow. I don't wanna land at Comanche Skypark, or in Nashville, Tennessee. Don't want land in no San Juan Airport, or the Yukon Territory. Don't wanna land no San Diego, don't wanna land no Buzzard's Bay. Don't wanna land on no Ayatollah, I got nothing more to say..."
Re: Nurses Station

Siphon turns around and stares at Kyle. "Dude, where the hell are you getting this stuff from? Or are you just making it up as you go?"
Re: Nurses Station

Kyle looks over at Siphon, then pulls a CD titled "A Pirate's Treasure" out of a pocket. This is then tossed over to Siphon. "Jimmy Buffett. Track 15 on that disc. Volcano. And no, I haven't been seriously drinking today...Yet."
Re: Nurses Station

Siphon stares at the CD for a moment like it has six heads and then slowly shakes his head. "Yet huh? I'd hate to see you when you HAVE been drinking heavy then."
Re: Nurses Station

Kyle laughs. "You already have. Remember what that one incident last year?"
Re: Nurses Station

The only reply Kyle gets is a slight groan from Siphon, and a shake of his head as he lightly taps it against the wall.
Re: Nurses Station

((Might be a little early, but I think I'll wake her up, at least to a degree. I don't want to keep everyone here forever.))

As Siphon turned his head back from the wall he would notice Ellisia had opened her eyes and seemed to be staring at him. Still looking quite displaced, she didn't look like she knew what was going on too well.
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Re: Nurses Station

"Yeah they were. Good Memory."

Siphon had spotted Elissia opening her eyes, and continued to speak to Grace even as he stood and walked over to Elissia's bedside, making certain she didn't try to get up just yet, since he figured she would still be disoriented. The semi glazed look in her eyes definitely confirmed that for him.

"One second Grace. Elissia, I'm guessing you can hear me. Kyle has removed the toxin from you, so your body is recovering right now, try to take it easy."

Turning back to Grace he adds, "I'm still getting adjusted to living here, so if I seem a bit... off kilter at times, at least you know why. I'd be very much appreciated if you notice anything that kind of gives away my otherworldly origins that you tell me. Other than my eyes of course."

Before she could ask him what he meant by that, he would show her. It wasn't hard, a flash of rage had hit him again, and he let it out by letting the eyes flash. For several seconds at least, if she were looking right at him, she would definitely note that his eyes were no longer a normal color, but seemed to be glowing a fiery red, perhaps a burnt orange color? After several seconds though, it was gone.

"Curious though, that snake poison. I wonder if it would have much of an effect on me because of Talvesh? Any idea Kyle?"
Re: Nurses Station

Kyle stops and thinks for a moment, before replying. "Good question. Can't say I've got a good answer to that. When I get the chance, I'll write down what I figured out about it, and get it to you. You'd likely know more about what would affect him than I would."

He'd look off in the distance, and half to himself mutter something. The manner of his delivery makes it seem like a quote of some kind. "Even a thought, even a possibility, can shatter us and transform us."
Re: Nurses Station

((Done. Took me a min to find where it was though.))

He bows his head again slightly. "Very well." Another tilt of the head and he mutters, "indeed."
Re: Nurses Station

(I demand moar drama and angst)

"Is our little sleeping beauty feeling better now? I would hate to see a toy be damaged by an annoying little worm..."

Mia hung upside down from one of the shadowed corners in the room, looking down at them. Probably not the best time to interrupt their chat, but it was better than sitting inside the shadows listening the entire time. Still upside down she managed a smile without murderous intent.

"Good morning to all of you, I trust everyone had a pleasant night?"
Re: Nurses Station

Siphon didn't bother to turn, knowing the voice too well. Though for her, she would now meet a new "toy."

Talvesh addressed her personally this time. "I see you've recovered from the blast wound inflicted upon you. So tell me, why is it your so concerned about how she is when YOUR the one who attacked her in the first place Sholpaka?"

Now he did in fact turn, his eyes a glowing hell fire color, and for a moment, she might be able to detect the anger behind the glare, yet shockingly enough, that was the only indication. It was as if he didn't really feel anything, though that was of course impossible.

He raised his hand to the others. "Still your attacks, WE wish to see what the creature has to say for itself, or if it will continue to spout more nonsensical bullshit."
Re: Nurses Station

Kyle remained silent, although he was now fiddling with what appeared to be a couple of things that were in his pocket. If whatever had started making an annoyance of itself pulled anything...Well, Kyle was well versed in chemistry...
Re: Nurses Station

Mia's reply, oddly enough, contained a slight trace of annoyance at Siphon's accusation.

"Why would I, of all people, use such a vulgar and distasteful thing as poison on one of my toys? It ruins their smell. Besides, do you really believe you'd be standing here in a single piece if I really want to kill you, child?"

She stressed emphasis on the last part of her sentence. Whether or not the "seniority" remark was justifiable was open for interperation, seeing as she had lost track of her "age" long ago. The fact still remained however, she was deadly serious in her remark, at least in her own mind.
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Re: Nurses Station

For a moment it would seem as if Siphon's eyes were drilling through the back of her mind, ((not literally)), scoping out her reply, searching for something.

After a moment a slow nod. "Be whatever you believe or not, surprisingly, despite your seeming insanity and your murderous ways, I do believe you speak the truth as far as the snake goes. As for your remark of killing me..."

He shrugs, then returns his voice to normal. "We've been there before. At least once that I am aware of, though honestly, don't have much memory of why, or how long I was "dead" for. So then, if your not here to fight, what DO you want?"

He saw no reason to belie his age to her just yet, though he wondered how old she really was to be making a remark like that.

((If she's been there this whole time then she KNOWS how old he is, it was mentioned.))