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Nurses Station

Re: Nurses Station

"That would be nice. As much as I could try to be stuborn and go it alone, I don't imagine I'd be able to outrun you anyway. Thank you." She say's gently testing her legs. What ever they had used against the poison, it seemed to have worked. She felt mobile enough, just a little "tingly" still.
Re: Nurses Station

Aya nodded. "Your welcome." She still seemed a bit unsure here, but she was definitely starting to relax some.

Siphon bowed his head just slightly. "Indeed, then it is settled there. I take it at least your feeling a bit better Elissia?"
Re: Nurses Station

Ellisia looks away a little with an inwards wince as she remembers back to the morning, or at least as much as she could remember up to the point she lost conciousness. "A bit better? You could say that. I don't want anybody to experience just how painful that was. But here I stand. So yeah, I'd say I'm feeling... immesurably better." It hadn't been like other pain that the body would shut out. She'd endured vicous injurys before, the scars hiden by the healing abilites of her sword spirit, but nothing compared. Not slightly. She snapped out of that, hoping to make it nothing more than a memory she'd need not visit. Though she wondered whether the sword spirit would share her experience with future knights in dreams like the ones she had today. There was another matter that came to mind. She looks up again. "Does anyone else know of the snake danger?It was a bright yellow, with black markings. Last I saw of it was when I hurled it into a bush outside the girls dorms."
Re: Nurses Station

"I'm afraid not right now, we didn't know what kind of snake to be looking out for, though frankly I've not seen ANY snake around here since I found you. Will start spreading the word out a little bit later, maybe get Ian to help with that since getting word out is his forte." Siphon seemed a bit concerned, a part of him wanting to find this snake, another wondering why no one else had reported seeing one.

Aya frowned slightly and finally replied. "I'll keep my eye open for something like that, if I find it... do you want it dead?"
Re: Nurses Station

Ellisia was a little surprised at Aya's question and straight forward aproach, not that she knew her. "Well, I think that may be the surest option to avoid any other incidents. Though don't take any risks with it. I was lucky I didn't colapse out of sight or back on the dorm path somewhere."

((I almost feel sorry for the little magus. Had a (terrible) accident. Enslaved by Mia. And now the school is out to lynch him. Ellisia certainly doesn't have any sympathy right now though. It's shoot to kill for both of em. No other way to play it.))
Re: Nurses Station

"Well, given that we think it's tougher than your average bear," slight Yogi Bear accent, "'dead' might not be too easy of a option. Personally, if it's that dangerous, I haven't got a problem with it, especially since the majority of the populace here can't bounce back like our girl here." Sho's on her feet now, moving over to give Elissia her arm. She doesn't want to coddle but has a feeling she'll need the support. "Still, it wouldn't hurt to get the word around to keep away from any snakes matching that description. Most people won't go near them to begin with unless they know they're not poisonous, so that's a plus. That, and I'm sure word of it being here already spread around. Again, bonus." She looks over at Siphon and Kyle. "You guys can do your part with the boys, I'm sure we can handle getting the word out to the girls." She smiles, glancing at Elissia. "Ready to go, milady? Your chariot awaits." She pats her elbow.

((And, if you don't want to hang around, Squid, and I'm not here, just have Sho escort ya to your room, no big.))
Re: Nurses Station

Aya seemed to hesitate a moment, obviously deciding how much information she should say on something. Finally she spoke. "Alright, if I see it, then I'll try to fry it alive. Let's just say I don't need to get that awful close to kill it, and fire is probably going to be effective, I hope?"

She didn't seem too certain, as if she was asking a question on the last part, even as she moved to support Elissia from the other side if needed.

Siphon nodded to Sho. "Got it, just watch yourselves out there."

He stopped and blinked, his head snapping up at Aya's words in surprise. While he said nothing, it was clear on his face, he wanted an explanation, but later. One didn't say something like that without good reason, and he suspected that they might want to know why she had said that.
Re: Nurses Station

Ellisia smiles back a little more meekly than is normal for her, and takes the offered arm, "Yes, I'm ready." She says picking up her bag from the bed and slinging it carefuly over one shoulder. The broad sword inside made it rather heavy, but she didn't want to say. Prefering to carry that particular burden herself regardless.
Re: Nurses Station

Aya moved over to her other side to support her, just in case. While she suspected that Elissia would say no, she had to offer. "Um, would you like for me to carry that for you until we get to your room Elissia? Might be easier for you to move without it weighing you to one side."

Regardless of her answer, Aya was not moving from her side, and was close enough for Elissia to steady herself on if she needed to do so.

Siphon remained quiet for now, still trying to figure out what Aya had meant with her previous comments.
Re: Nurses Station

"Thank you, but I'm alright. It's not that heavy." Ellisia says, next turning her head back round to Siphon and Kyle. "I'll see you later then. And Siphon, I know I said it yesterday, but I'll try to explain some things tomorow. Hows meeting for breakfast sound? I should be able to last that long without having another incident."
Re: Nurses Station

Aya just nodded, understanding, though she still remained close by, just in case. Either way, she was going where they were, and having the extra eyes would help some, she hoped.

Siphon bowed his head again towards Elissia, a small smile on his face. "Meeting for breakfast sounds like a plan, and Elissia... No fair getting into any more trouble without at least calling one of us there to help kick it's ass, ok?"

She can tell he's joking lightly by his smile, though he is still not wanting to admit to even himself just how bad off she was when he found her, and it bothers him greatly that he couldn't do much. "Just get some rest tonight and take care, got it? Sho, Aya, make sure she gets there safely, and I'll see you both a bit later on. You heading back out again tonight Sho?"
Re: Nurses Station

"Roger that." She gives him a little salute with her free hand. "Boys," she nods to them. At his question, she pauses. "Eh, probably not. Going to make sure Elissia gets settled okay and then turn in for the night, I think. Maybe I'll surprise you and ambush you at breakfast, too." She grins. "You guys get back safe too, okay?"
Re: Nurses Station

He nods. "Alright, will be happy to have ya there. We'll get back safely, I'll give you a call when I'm safely back home just as insurance though."

He turns and moves over, opening the door for them.
Re: Nurses Station

"Okay. I'll wait for it, then." She smiles at him and, if the other two are ready to go, escorts Elissia out.

((and threadchange for the girls?))
Re: Nurses Station

((Oh snap, I've got people stuck. Sorry about not being around. I made a quick post in the dorm thread to try to free people. Should be back soon though.))
Re: Nurses Station

Grace arrives at the Nurses station, shortly after everyone else had left. "Oh. She's out already?" She says entering the room. Simon who was still sitting in the same chair he had been on before looks up from his book, a different one by now, and replies, "She has returned to the dorms, along with the others."

"Oh, well ok then. Maybe I can find her there. Thanks...", She says, cutting off early at thanks, 'uh, whatever your name was again...'

With that she heads off to the dorms.
Re: Nurses Station

Kyle, who'd space yet again, merely got up and headed back to the dorm, without saying anything to Simon, or getting any nearer than was necessary.
Re: Nurses Station

Siphon would let them both go, only pausing Grace long enough to add, "Sho and a new gal we met tonight who has registered at the school took her back to her room. Get back safely, actually, scratch that, I'll walk you over to the outside of the dorm."

Obviously he still had some doubts as to what was going on around here. He stood and followed Grace, walking her back as far as he could, unless she protested. "Simon, you get back safely too, got it?"
Re: Nurses Station

((Oh, I misread stuff then. I thought he'd already left. No matter though.))

"Uh, Sure. I guess it can't hurt to have someone to walk with. I don't know what I'd do if miss creepy turned up again."

Simon merely nods. The thought of his own safety hadn't even crossed his mind. He wondered whether another shadow could hurt him.
Re: Nurses Station

He nods back to Simon, then turns back to Grace. "Well from what you showed me earlier I would wager if you had the time you could probably at the least get away from her, though getting enough space and time to set up might be the hard part. At least this way if she does show up, I can probably get her to try and attack me, giving you a chance to try something. Shall we then?"

He indicates the door, allowing her out first if she wishes to take the offer.

((Not sure how much RP we ought to do with this before they get to the outer areas, and he has to turn back, so I will let you decide on that.))