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[Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

If you wanted only to consider the strongest card out of the group, then the Fire starter has the best individual card in it. I think the Light deck is pretty bad overall and should be avoided. I never really got sold on either the Water or Nature decks either for that matter.

I picked the Dark deck, but if I had it to do over again I think having a fully decked out Fire HR might not be all that bad an idea even though its only a single card, its a monster of a card.

So for me its really only a matter of picking between the Fire and Dark decks. I think I just need to upgrade a few cards and I should be ok when I go back into the arena to fight battle other players.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

If you wanted only to consider the strongest card out of the group, then the Fire starter has the best individual card in it. I think the Light deck is pretty bad overall and should be avoided. I never really got sold on either the Water or Nature decks either for that matter.

She dies easily if your opponent draws a decree because of her defense though.

Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

While Fire HR sound really great... take care of the cost + the skill cost as well..
Light deck is not bad since they have balance atk and def....
As i been using light deck card its easier to start summon in defensive position since they can't atk when they were summoned anyway, then the next turn you can start fliped your card to atk....

I'm sure ppl who sue water deck know that enemy tend to atking a non- fliped (hidden) card anyway and suicide themself (heck sometime this AI even suicide themself on atk card -.-)

Well its only 1st day and my deck already jumbled up with all the new card from gacha..... at least i got 1 SR card (giving UR exp card lvl 1-->53 instantly).... Its the water card that gain 300 def (permanent) when this card atk (yes you read that right atking not being attacked -.-)
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Its the water card that gain 300 def (permanent) when this card atk (yes you read that right atking not being attacked -.-)

Not necessarily the worst thing since you can swap defense/attack for a turn to go offensive. Then once you run out of swap cards you can use it for just defense. Pretty easy to get the swaps since they're normals also.

Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I've noticed with this release that Luv Slots and Luv Bingo were banished from the main page of Nutaku's site. They're still found on the games page (along with "Hellfire Girls: 'Murica Edition" which I hadn't noticed before today), though.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

As far as the Fire deck is concerned Silvia is great and strong but I prefer the mage that deals 400 direct damage to your opponent's Life Points. Call all three and suddenly those five Defense monsters the opponent has are useless.:p
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Can you lose decking out?

Which decks have best starting skill and draw power?
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Can you lose decking out?

Which decks have best starting skill and draw power?

Yes, having no cards to draw means you lose. It plays like a pretty traditional card game.

The leveling of cards is interesting, but it DOES also mean you might have to level up to three copies of a card...
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

is gatcha 10X 2000points not working for any one else either? i have 2,600 points but it only lets me use single. i only have 77 of 155 cards on me, so i'm not full.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

is gatcha 10X 2000points not working for any one else either? i have 2,600 points but it only lets me use single. i only have 77 of 155 cards on me, so i'm not full.

If you haven't drawn your free daily, it won't let you do the x10.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

good card game, but the AI is dumb like really dumb it prefers to attack rather then switch the card to defense, wastes powerful spells early match, and seems to not take total attack power of card specials into it's decision making
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

did you guys notice that when the AI has 0 cards in hand. it will take both cards it draws and summon them rather then pay 1 as the mana cost. pretty op, since that means it will always summon 2 cards even when it's behind.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

The AI also has a habit of pointlessly suiciding cards
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I'm bad at this game. Just lost a match because I accidentally clicked the defense button instead of attack when drawing a card and there's no way to fix that mistake.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Interesting game.
Reminds me of Alteil but with a hentai aspect.
Other than the typical time gate of stamina, it runs well and is engaging thus far once the actual battles start. The time between battles is currently frequent enough to be good, but if they stall it out do to levels this could quickly become a moot point.

Anyways, I do like what I see. I rate it 10x better than PeroPero, and at least twice as good as Lord of the Valkyries, given all the options from the start/release of the game.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

did you guys notice that when the AI has 0 cards in hand. it will take both cards it draws and summon them rather then pay 1 as the mana cost. pretty op, since that means it will always summon 2 cards even when it's behind.

Protip: you don't have to pay a card as mana tribute in any given turn if you don't want to. Just 'End Phase' to skip that step ;)

EDIT: I'll also just say that I'm really hopeful that this game does well. I've always loved CCG's/TCG's, ever since I saw my first Magic: the Gathering duel. To my preferences, Angelic Saga is the epitome of what I want out of an "ideal" CCG. All the "monsters" are cute girls. No land/resource filler cards, but still a strategic resource system in place. "Multi-color" decks are also highly accessible, and possibly preferred for a more balanced/rounded deck.

At first, waffled between Water and Dark decks, but very happy with my ultimate choice with Dark. Hitwoman Natalie is exactly the sort of card I want to build a whole deck around. Cat Burglar Nina is really cute, but the rest of the Dark cards are kinda lacking aesthetically for me. Thankfully, I picked up a full playset of Amazonian Hilde out of the gacha; she was an instant Favorite. I really like that feature; being able to choose who I have cheerleading me during the game is just brilliant. Actually, there's tons of minor game features present in this launch that I am impressed with. I can see now why Nutaku was so excited to bring out this title.

@Nordland Hey, first of all that was a great walkthrough! Thanks for posting that! My question: how much is Nutaku communicating with DMM about anti-cheater measures and sharing known cheat strategies employed in Angelic Saga? For a competitive game like this, moderation of cheating will be of utmost importance, right alongside smooth, bug-free gameplay.

EDIT3: Great, sleeping Cthulhu, I just can't stop... Anyways, my only complaint so far is that there is no friendly "unranked" duel feature with real players. The current AI is so stupid, it can't even serve as a decent way for me to test out my decks. The only reason I am engaging in it is to fulfill the daily quota of 5 for my Mission reward.
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

the AI seems hilariously bad in arena.

Many times I've put a single defense creature that was higher than both of the opponent's creatures combined, but they end up attacking both their units into it and lose both
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I guess there a reason the AI HAS to be bad in arena.....
Have you guys fight someone with crazy deck already yet ?

Cuz i did and that cause me lose my 100% win streak -.-
His deck is just overpowered R HR SR with i dunno the stat is totaly overated than my team.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I guess there a reason the AI HAS to be bad in arena.....
Have you guys fight someone with crazy deck already yet ?

Cuz i did and that cause me lose my 100% win streak -.-
His deck is just overpowered R HR SR with i dunno the stat is totaly overated than my team.

I played against someone who kept getting better draws than me, and I still managed to beat them because the AI is terrible.