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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

You've seen the drop rates from this Event, right? You'll always be starving for Silvers unless you use the Premium Summoning all the time.

Yes and I've looked into the other events that could come in the future. Not every one is like this, and regardless of if they were. Eventually you'll run out of things you need silvers for... More then likely you'll end up needing a specific silver and get many of other silver units... and complain about not getting the specific class you need.

Not going into the fact you will eventually have millions of gold lying around with nothing to actually level up.... so 2k spree. Which is more silvers... Honestly it just matters how much time you put in.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Aigis doesn't run unless it is in an active tab. I setup my units and just want to idle until mission completes.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Aigis doesn't run unless it is in an active tab. I setup my units and just want to idle until mission completes.

Use Google Chrome, pop out the tab running Aigis, set your units and alt tab to your other Chrome window and do whatever you want :)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Guess I'm the only person who intends to bring every unit to the absolute best....
*Shrug* Oh well.
For me I want specific units to be maxed out, some of those goals are very far away. Probably looking at a few years for both Sybilla (time and rainbow fairy). But mostly I just want to be able to use the units I've gotten and for them to be affective and not just immediately replaced the first major update that brings out new character types. Looking at the JP wiki, it looks like units for the most are very well balanced having their pros and cons regardless of which you choose. So I think that is what will keep the game going and stay true to its purpose.

For me, my goal is to make "my" perfect team. I'm not there yet, and don't expect to be for a long time. There are many units and challenges that still await my experimentation.

Just for reference I have only looked up one video to see how a working strat went, and that was for castle retake. After my 5th failure, I decided to take a look to see what I might be doing wrong or what position I was missing that was more critical. It was through this video, I re-added my second witch to my team instead of using only one. That one unit made a big difference. Oddly enough the rest of the strategy I didn't even follow, I made my own with "my team". Because I wanted certain units on that team, the strat couldn't have been followed as the vid showed anyways.

Not many people use multiple Valkyrie and princesses, but I use 2 of each, namely cause I like em. Will it always be the most efficient use of my 15 slots, probably not, but part of my goal is to figure ways to beat those maps with my team as is. Sometimes improvements are necessary (having 2 witches for example instead of just 1). As new units come out, some slots will change (Cellia replaced Katie, yea a bandit sadly but useful for some dailies currently). But overall my dynamic will remain consistent with my play style regardless of what units may come, as there are certain things that are must haves and some things I simply wont play with (pirates, sorry but I really dislike pirate/bandit themes) as they do not fit my goal of the team im making.

Obviously some maps a single specific team is impossible (all male, all female, ranged only, melee only ect). But for every other map, I want a team that can take em all on. Right now I'm actually almost there with my current team for mission maps. Got one slot that really just rotates currently, haven't found my "preferred" unit for that last slot. I will eventually, not sure when it will be, but it will at some point.

On another note, concerning having too many silvers. Currently there is no such thing. If room is an issue, which it eventually will be, getting some pre CC's ready for empowering is always a good idea. From my reading, the most desired Silvers to keep around for empowering will be witches and archers, eventually some others we don't currently have, but a large chuck of units people will want to empower, will use one of those two types. So keep it in mind. For me I've already run into having golds that I couldn't do anything with, and ended up sacing em for leveling other units. I see that being more common than people sacing silvers (at least if they want less regrets).
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

For me, my goal is to make "my" perfect team. I'm not there yet, and don't expect to be for a long time. There are many units and challenges that still await my experimentation.

This is where our play style differ probably greatly. You wish to make your perfect team of fifteen. Even if that means using multiple of the same units. You want a base 'master of all' team. Granted there are maps like you mentioned that will not allow that.

I on other hand am playing to the story line of the game. The whole 'get girls to love you so they fight harder' thing. My team would be the harem I'm building to win a war against 'evil'. Apparently love conquers all. The 15 limit are simply my elite troops I'm taking on a mission.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I on other hand am playing to the story line of the game. The whole 'get girls to love you so they fight harder' thing. My team would be the harem I'm building to win a war against 'evil'. Apparently love conquers all. The 15 limit are simply my elite troops I'm taking on a mission.
I wouldn't be so sure as to being "greatly" different. Part of my goal is to have an all female team, it's just not really possible at this point for me, given units I have and that are currently available.

I simply wont neglect the use of male units just because they are male, but if a replacement comes along, they are pretty much a shoo in. Katie got dropped from my roster currently simple because she under performs compared to my other soldiers. Eventually when I get enough time fairies, she will be back in, right now her cost keeps her out, but she wont stay out forever. As I said some of my goals, to achieve my perfect team, are likely a year or two out at best.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

The only 3 male unit i felt worth using atm is:
Gerome (soldier (plat) - awaken skill +2 initial cost to deploy)
Julius ( HA (plat)- def up skill and magic resist for awaken, u understand how important is MR for HA unit right ? and there 1 more if they decide to put Ana event (yes that female on ur strategy screen) It make prince title buff have additional effect. For party % stat buff it also buff them MR (for atk+ prince atk become magic like princess))
Hien (Ninja (gold) - Atk up skill, I know those black ninja have instant death skill but i need that atk up ninja and low cost to chip away monster hp at important point *usually to kill archer /mage anyway / awaken - cost -1)

Edit: Conrad - reason cuz tons of ppl love him :D
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Interesting discussion. Out of my slots, 12 are mostly fixed (pending gatcha upgrades), and 3 are garbage "what-do-i-put-here" slots.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Well I'm happy to finally get Belinda cost reduced by 2. Bleh man the drop rates are horrid. Dunno if it's worth trying to get her CR down to 3 or if I should farm up affection items.

As for my main team it definitely has Nanaly no matter what. Other then that I have a mix of Silvers and an odd gold her and there. Mostly follow the rule of having two of each of the main classes (soldier, HA, Archer, Healer, Mage) and adding on everything after. Probably will change units once I find some that I like better (Still hoping to get a Princess sooner or later, but that's doubtful).
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

It's dependent on the prince's level.

At level 99, Savior increases stats by 19%.

There's an upgrade to Savior around level 160 or so, I forget.

Do you even know what Savior is for? It's to buff Prince passive Skill

At Level 99 with out Savior, Prince give boost to his comrades by 12% when deploy. Savior basically to increased that boost by 7%

You need to read the wikia dude
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

The only 3 male unit i felt worth using atm is:
Gerome (soldier (plat) - awaken skill +2 initial cost to deploy)
Julius ( HA (plat)- def up skill and magic resist for awaken, u understand how important is MR for HA unit right ? and there 1 more if they decide to put Ana event (yes that female on ur strategy screen) It make prince title buff have additional effect. For party % stat buff it also buff them MR (for atk+ prince atk become magic like princess))
Hien (Ninja (gold) - Atk up skill, I know those black ninja have instant death skill but i need that atk up ninja and low cost to chip away monster hp at important point *usually to kill archer /mage anyway / awaken - cost -1)

Edit: Conrad - reason cuz tons of ppl love him :D

Anna's Title-based passive only affects the Prince, she won't give the MR to other units.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Anna's Title-based passive only affects the Prince, she won't give the MR to other units.

ergh did mention in there already...
hp = regen
atk = hit become magic atk
def = dmg reduce ? (forgot)
morale = MR

Edit: nvm i understand what you mean yeah its misinfo from what i got...
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

ergh did mention in there already...
hp = regen
atk = hit become magic atk
def = dmg reduce ? (forgot)
morale = MR

Edit: nvm i understand what you mean yeah its misinfo from what i got...

def title = block +1 IIRC
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Anyone remember at what level you get the stamina refill 100 or 101?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

For me, my goal is to make "my" perfect team. I'm not there yet, and don't expect to be for a long time. There are many units and challenges that still await my experimentation.

On another note, concerning having too many silvers. Currently there is no such thing. If room is an issue, which it eventually will be, getting some pre CC's ready for empowering is always a good idea. From my reading, the most desired Silvers to keep around for empowering will be witches and archers, eventually some others we don't currently have, but a large chuck of units people will want to empower, will use one of those two types. So keep it in mind. For me I've already run into having golds that I couldn't do anything with, and ended up sacing em for leveling other units. I see that being more common than people sacing silvers (at least if they want less regrets).

There's no perfect team honestly speaking. After 6 months of playing on the Japanese version, I eventually obtained the 15 members of the team I will primarily use to challenge missions. All of them above 50CC40 with max affection. Three months later, I have a lot more units (most at 50CC40+ with max affection) that I can slot into the team to fill in any gaps for certain missions. I realized that there may be a core group of units that I want to get awakened, but there are other units that are important enough to use from time to time. The great thing about Aigis is discovering what part of your team is weak and then focusing on making them stronger. :p

Here's a preview of my unit list for the Japanese version:
34 units with 3 of them not having max affection after 9 months of play ;)

As for the silvers, I would make a list of what you'll need in the future. It would help because you'll know which one you can freely use.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Any Idea about silver healer on this week event? I tried Witch strike back II but no luck so far.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I thought the silver healer was on witch's pursuit?