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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I have a question about CC, as I never done it before
If I combine a CCed unit with its' base version, will it still have a chance for deployment cost reduction? Or do I need to reduce it beforehand? Or it won't transfer after evolution?
Also, which class should I evolve first? I find my archers incredibly lacking, I still cant clear Deep Forest Road for 3 stars because they have short range, should I evolve Soma first?

1. you can cost reduce the CC-ed unit with it's base unit (not in CC process but by combining it)
2. If you CR it before CCing, the CR will carried over, for example Leanne Pre CC 18 unit cost -> 21 after CC, if you reduce it to 17 before CC it will become 20 after CC
3. something is funny on that map coz the archer in the upper deployment can attack the middle, but the bottom one can't. so It is better to put daniela in the upper and soma in the lower, when the flying enemy come use soma skill so you can easily kill the flying monster
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

3. something is funny on that map coz the archer in the upper deployment can attack the middle, but the bottom one can't. so It is better to put daniela in the upper and soma in the lower, when the flying enemy come use soma skill so you can easily kill the flying monster
This depends on their range, both sides can hit the middle, but it's a small coverage area if they are not CC'ed.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I feel she would get tired of me, and kill me in one of the many 30 minute naps I've been getting the past day.

Note randomly falling asleep makes it impossible to kill LoV Bosses lol.

I was actually talking about Cecil from LoV, not Cecily from Aigis. But good for u if u don't know what I meant :D
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

This depends on their range, both sides can hit the middle, but it's a small coverage area if they are not CC'ed.

Yeah, but from the post of his, I believe he still not have a CC'ed unit
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I was actually talking about Cecil from LoV, not Cecily from Aigis. But good for u if u don't know what I meant :D

Well I'd take him too.... god I hate being this sick lol.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Haha really love it when phalanx 2 drop 2 rubies in one go :D
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

well got lucky and rolled Sherry today :)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Btw guys is there actually a reason to keep the sacred crystals for events if ure not gonna buy any extra ones? If I remember it right, the only type of event that requires a lot of crystals saved up will need u to have about 40-50 of them, which isn't reachable anyways so I dunno if there's any point in doing such events at all. Yeah, u may need some crystals for refills for the other types of events, but aren't the extra 5-8 crystals provided by the event maps enough for that?

So the event are about who spend more stamina get better units right ?

For a second i thought that to participate in event you need crystals :confused:

Most event units have 5 cost reductions (after 2 they cost as much as their premium counterparts without any reductions) and 10 levels of skill. Note, that if we have 'older' events this will differ, but over time it sort of stabilized around this model.

Most events fall into three categories: Completion, Unit Farm or Item Collection.

Completion events are the best kind of event. They provide the hardest maps and you get a reward proportional to number of 'stars' you collect. If you do research beforehand and your team is strong enough you can often 'max out' the event girl and still have leftover stamina to do some dailies / challenge mode farming.

Unit farm events drop the event girl directly. You then proceed to consume all the copies you get, to strengthen your main one. Here, your results will depend a lot on your luck - not only you have to be lucky to get the drops but also to get appropriate reductions. However, if you are strong enough to farm highest tier map you will easily get to something like 3 reductions and 5 skillups. If you are lucky, you will 'max out' event girl, or at least get min cost and 8-9 skill (you can than top off the skill with rainbow fairies) without spending any crystals.

Item collection are most tedious for your crystal bank. Maps drop some sort of item (crystal fragment, map piece, etc.) and your reward is proportional to the amount of items you collect. Those events usually last two weeks and since the amount of items to collect is very high (for example 1500) Big Numbers Law comes into play and you will collect more or less the expected (from probability standpoint) number of items. On events thus far that number only allowed you to get like -2 reduction, +3 skill. It is those kind of events, that you spend a lot of crystals, if you want to max the girl out. On las such event I did spend over 30 crystals. But reward was an awesome black healer, which I really wanted.

So, all in all, many events you will be able to end with more crystals than you started with. Every now and than a girl you really want to get more cost reductions / skillups for and you start throwing crystals at them. This can be only a few crystals or it can be as much as 30.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Most event units have 5 cost reductions (after 2 they cost as much as their premium counterparts without any reductions) and 10 levels of skill. Note, that if we have 'older' events this will differ, but over time it sort of stabilized around this model.

Most events fall into three categories: Completion, Unit Farm or Item Collection.

Completion events are the best kind of event. They provide the hardest maps and you get a reward proportional to number of 'stars' you collect. If you do research beforehand and your team is strong enough you can often 'max out' the event girl and still have leftover stamina to do some dailies / challenge mode farming.

Unit farm events drop the event girl directly. You then proceed to consume all the copies you get, to strengthen your main one. Here, your results will depend a lot on your luck - not only you have to be lucky to get the drops but also to get appropriate reductions. However, if you are strong enough to farm highest tier map you will easily get to something like 3 reductions and 5 skillups. If you are lucky, you will 'max out' event girl, or at least get min cost and 8-9 skill (you can than top off the skill with rainbow fairies) without spending any crystals.

Item collection are most tedious for your crystal bank. Maps drop some sort of item (crystal fragment, map piece, etc.) and your reward is proportional to the amount of items you collect. Those events usually last two weeks and since the amount of items to collect is very high (for example 1500) Big Numbers Law comes into play and you will collect more or less the expected (from probability standpoint) number of items. On events thus far that number only allowed you to get like -2 reduction, +3 skill. It is those kind of events, that you spend a lot of crystals, if you want to max the girl out. On las such event I did spend over 30 crystals. But reward was an awesome black healer, which I really wanted.

So, all in all, many events you will be able to end with more crystals than you started with. Every now and than a girl you really want to get more cost reductions / skillups for and you start throwing crystals at them. This can be only a few crystals or it can be as much as 30.

Waw thanks for the info ^_^ now just hoping that nutaku didn't skip belinda :D
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Thanks for the clarification.I don't play on jp so its good to know in advance.At the moment I'm sitting on 37 crystals and I know I can get 45+ once I clean all the dailies and the few story maps left.
Really tempted to try some more premium rolls but since I'm going freemium I'm going to hold onto those crystals.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Most event units have 5 cost reductions (after 2 they cost as much as their premium counterparts without any reductions) and 10 levels of skill. Note, that if we have 'older' events this will differ, but over time it sort of stabilized around this model.

Most events fall into three categories: Completion, Unit Farm or Item Collection.

Completion events are the best kind of event. They provide the hardest maps and you get a reward proportional to number of 'stars' you collect. If you do research beforehand and your team is strong enough you can often 'max out' the event girl and still have leftover stamina to do some dailies / challenge mode farming.

Unit farm events drop the event girl directly. You then proceed to consume all the copies you get, to strengthen your main one. Here, your results will depend a lot on your luck - not only you have to be lucky to get the drops but also to get appropriate reductions. However, if you are strong enough to farm highest tier map you will easily get to something like 3 reductions and 5 skillups. If you are lucky, you will 'max out' event girl, or at least get min cost and 8-9 skill (you can than top off the skill with rainbow fairies) without spending any crystals.

Item collection are most tedious for your crystal bank. Maps drop some sort of item (crystal fragment, map piece, etc.) and your reward is proportional to the amount of items you collect. Those events usually last two weeks and since the amount of items to collect is very high (for example 1500) Big Numbers Law comes into play and you will collect more or less the expected (from probability standpoint) number of items. On events thus far that number only allowed you to get like -2 reduction, +3 skill. It is those kind of events, that you spend a lot of crystals, if you want to max the girl out. On las such event I did spend over 30 crystals. But reward was an awesome black healer, which I really wanted.

So, all in all, many events you will be able to end with more crystals than you started with. Every now and than a girl you really want to get more cost reductions / skillups for and you start throwing crystals at them. This can be only a few crystals or it can be as much as 30.

Thanks :) So yeah I think this confirms what I said - item collection events aren't for freemium players, at least unless u're willing to do only a part of them and skip the rest. But what if u need 1500 of a certain item and only manage to collect say 1000, can u save them for future events or trade for another unit, worse than the one for 1500?

The other 2 types of events sound awesome, extra waifus and extra crystals :> At least if u're strong enough, but this shouldn't be a problem since we probably still have a lot of time to prepare.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'm still worried about this "accelerated schedule" we're supposedly on for events. It's fine to be trying to catch up to current JP content, but not if it comes at the cost of what otherwise would be free opportunities to get quality units.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'm still worried about this "accelerated schedule" we're supposedly on for events. It's fine to be trying to catch up to current JP content, but not if it comes at the cost of what otherwise would be free opportunities to get quality units.

Honestly I don't see why they don't just do back to back events until we catch up.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Honestly I don't see why they don't just do back to back events until we catch up.

The Events on the Japanese version are already back to back, so catching up isn't actually possible unless they cut down on the amount of time we get per Event, which would be terrible.

I personally hope we just get a fresh start and get all the old Events one after the other.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

The Events on the Japanese version are already back to back, so catching up isn't actually possible unless they cut down on the amount of time we get per Event, which would be terrible.

I personally hope we just get a fresh start and get all the old Events one after the other.

well they can always cut the event time in half and then reduced what needs to be done to get the best unit.

Such as increasing the drop rate of a unit by 100% in the drop reserve effectively allows us to get it twice as fast. If I got my math write (my mind is messed up now) that would bring something that for example had a 50% drop rate up to 75%

The completion could potentially have the stam/charisma cost reduced or we could get increase stam/charisma gen during the event. Making it 90 seconds for 1 charisma point and 30 minutes for 1 stam point.

and then the farm X amount of items could be cute in half such as the event that would take 1500 of any give item instead takes 750.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

so there will be no events for the next few months ? :eek::eek::eek:
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

so there will be no events for the next few months ? :eek::eek::eek:

NutakuDev has not given a confirmation of any specific time lines thus far, so all we can do is speculate at this time. Hopefully they stop by at some point to answer some more questions from us.

So keep your fingers crossed.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

"Probably later this month" is the clearest thing they have said with regards to events, most likely coinciding with when they want to get their first update out, which is "aiming for later this month", via Twitter
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Well 1 star phalax two... hope that is enough to get me three plat faeries

EDIT: really pisses me off that my witch will randomly start attacking shit that is earlier on the path then the ones who are at my prince.... Like seriously attack the units that are the farthest along....
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