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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Haha ok then i wont argue with you about what is considered worst.
Wow. Just wow.

Why not, if your so convinced of your opinion show me IN THIS GAME, not JP, why she is better. Cause thus far I have not seen a single instance of where she is better.

Could that change? Probably. I don't pretend to know everything but your attacks against me are unneeded and unwarranted. I gave my opinion on the units as I see them right now and my own testing with them, in our current game.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Wow. Just wow.

Why not, if your so convinced of your opinion show me IN THIS GAME, not JP, why she is better. Cause thus far I have not seen a single instance of where she is better.

Could that change? Probably. I don't pretend to know everything but your attacks against me are unneeded and unwarranted. I gave my opinion on the units as I see them right now and my own testing with them, in our current game.

That wasnt an attack, i only know that you are not aware of enemys that are not in nutaku ver. yet

Btw. here are the stats for Themis
and here for Lilia
they both have a def skill.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Considering I have all 4 of Princesses and have used all 4 of them, my stance still stands. Of the 4 she is the weakest, period. She kills less quickly then the others with equal levels, given her cost. IMO Themis is better and she's a gold.

There are units I prefer for Def, a princess isn't one of them, as stated before it is my play style, please don't try to tell me "your wrong" when I said from the get go it is based on my play style. Some agree, some don't. It can and does largely depend if you tend to play offensively or defensively.

Also I never said she was unusable, I said of the 4 I believe she is the worst, however a princess is a princess is a princess, they still ignore defense and when you don't have one, any princess is GREAT.

Betty only affects gold dropped once awakened. Cuterie affects chance for drops, to my knowledge she doesn't change what drops, just the odds that it will. Anyone is willing to correct me on this one.

Sorry to butt in, but from what I read Themis is still the weakest princess in this version, stat wise Lilia is stronger, max lvl wise lilia is 70 while themis is 60, affection wise lilia is 396 hp + 60 attack while themis is 360 hp, both skill is defensive but lilia start with x2 def while themis is 1.5x. other than 1 cost difference I don't see anything on themis that beat lilia :D
but yeah princess is princess having one is still better than none

That wasnt an attack, i only know that you are not aware of enemys that are not in nutaku ver. yet

Btw. here are the stats for Themis
and here for Lilia
they both have a def skill.

May I know what type of enemies are they? from what I get it will be an enemy where defensive duelist will be more useful, am I right?
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

That wasnt an attack, i only know that you are not aware of enemys that are not in nutaku ver. yet

Btw. here are the stats for Themis
and here for Lilia
they both have a def skill.

I mentioned Themis specially for that reason.
As I said, I do have them.
Doesn't change the fact I still prefer Themis over Lilia.
Aesthetically, lower cost potential. Just my preference for Def.

I'm just curious.
Do EITHER of you have a level 60/70 princess?
I sure as hell don't, it's costly and more time consuming to get units that high.
Right now at this stage of the game, there are plenty of units to build up instead of maxing a singular character.
If that's how you roll, so be it. But unless you are taking your princess to that cap, it's largely an irrelevant argument for what we have in play right now.
Themis is easier to level, she caps faster, she's lower cost (mines 16), more common (ie: easier to get being a gold instead of a plat). Right now I simply don't see Lilia as better.

And frankly, put, she isn't better then what I currently have and NEVER will be. So I'm not overly concerned if some day in the distant future that her DEF magically becomes relevant, cause for me it doesn't now, and wont then either.

No one as far as I know on this site is even close to maxing out their teams, they all have still a bit to work on even if they are using nothing but silvers.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Yeah Lilia is better than themis thought wish i could get sybilla or even despara... :(

Yet im happy i got Lilia than some silver crap :cool::cool:
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

May I know what type of enemies are they? from what I get it will be an enemy where defensive duelist will be more useful, am I right?

Here look at that vid.

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

do soldiers with call for reinforcement skill even get an improvement? reduced CD maybe? phyllis level 2 still only increases 5 points.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

do soldiers with call for reinforcement skill even get an improvement? reduced CD maybe? phyllis level 2 still only increases 5 points.

Only gold and above soldiers, get CR 2-3 and the skill lvl only affects CD
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Well first... why don't we just stop this 'argument' and just give me all your unwanted princesses. Problem solved.

do soldiers with call for reinforcement skill even get an improvement? reduced CD maybe? phyllis level 2 still only increases 5 points.


proven wrong
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I mentioned Themis specially for that reason.
As I said, I do have them.
Doesn't change the fact I still prefer Themis over Lilia.
Aesthetically, lower cost potential. Just my preference for Def.

I'm just curious.
Do EITHER of you have a level 60/70 princess?
I sure as hell don't, it's costly and more time consuming to get units that high.
Right now at this stage of the game, there are plenty of units to build up instead of maxing a singular character.
If that's how you roll, so be it. But unless you are taking your princess to that cap, it's largely an irrelevant argument for what we have in play right now.
Themis is easier to level, she caps faster, she's lower cost (mines 16), more common (ie: easier to get being a gold instead of a plat). Right now I simply don't see Lilia as better.

And frankly, put, she isn't better then what I currently have and NEVER will be. So I'm not overly concerned if some day in the distant future that her DEF magically becomes relevant, cause for me it doesn't now, and wont then either.

No one as far as I know on this site is even close to maxing out their teams, they all have still a bit to work on even if they are using nothing but silvers.

haha I don't have 60 but I have 55


but then again it is irrelevant, I mean I just want to correct your statement which is Themis > Lilia in current version. Leave alone the level, Stat wise from attack to Magical Resistance, Skill and affection bonus prove that Lilia > Themis. I don't want to argue about what you like or what I like, all I want to say is the data prove Lilia > Themis. and potential wise Lilia could be leveled to 70 which is 10 level higher than Themis

Here look at that vid.

So def skill is not useless after all haha
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Here look at that vid.

Interesting, shows Kerry being useful after awakening and the need for a good HA and spam ninjas? Maybe its just me. :D

Stat wise from attack to Magical Resistance, Skill and affection bonus prove that Lilia > Themis. I don't want to argue about what you like or what I like, all I want to say is the data prove Lilia > Themis. and potential wise Lilia could be leveled to 70 which is 10 level higher than Themis

So def skill is not useless after all haha

Stat wise she is better.
Okay does that mean she is better overall compared to other princesses.
You are obviously not grasping my point here.

I am not the only one here who thinks stats are not the most or only important item to the overall usefulness of a unit.

An example, just an easy short list:
Availability: Themis
Cost by unit cost: Themis
Cost to level: Themis
Stats: Lilia
Aesthetics: Variable, preference only; no winner.

Sorry but in my mind Themis wins that.
If stats are the only important thing about a unit then by all means "you win", go with that.
I don't rate them on that alone and I've stated such in an earlier post (probably in the 60's range page wise).
It's why I stated I like the Elaine (silver Valk) over Kerry (Gold def based valk). That train of thought is no different here.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

female mage... want dat nao :eek::eek:
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Interesting, shows Kerry being useful after awakening and the need for a good HA and spam ninjas? Maybe its just me. :D

To bad ninjas cost to much to deploy early.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

female mage... want dat nao :eek::eek:

I want a good platinum female bandit.... I have four silver bandits... so I'd love to get a combination of.... Laila, Ceria, Imeria, and Rorone.

EDIT: Also I'm not sure I should waste a silver unit to CC phyllis now... since I know she doesn't get call reinforcement 2.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I want a good platinum female bandit.... I have four silver bandits... so I'd love to get a combination of.... Laila, Ceria, Imeria, and Rorone.

Rorone is the worst female Bandit, stupid event unit, her skill change after cc, it is a pain in the ass to max cr. and skill her up.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I concur, Female Mage > Beards.

Dont worry after we get Dessert maps, we get that here.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Rorone is the worst female Bandit, stupid event unit, her skill change after cc, it is a pain in the ass to max cr. and skill her up.

A bandit is a bandit is a bandit. Since I don't use male units (with the exception of Valerie... since mages are so damn important). I'll take her.

Dont worry after we get Dessert maps, we get that here.

Will instantly be max level and cc'd....

EDIT: wait a minute... you only get her from events and the lotto... YOU TEASE!
EDIT2: wait no... her page just doesn't show where all she is available.... well that is... stupid.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Interesting, shows Kerry being useful after awakening and the need for a good HA and spam ninjas? Maybe its just me. :D

Stat wise she is better.
Okay does that mean she is better overall compared to other princesses.
You are obviously not grasping my point here.

I am not the only one here who thinks stats are not the most or only important item to the overall usefulness of a unit.

An example, just an easy short list:
Availability: Themis
Cost by unit cost: Themis
Cost to level: Themis
Stats: Lilia
Aesthetics: Variable, preference only; no winner.

Sorry but in my mind Themis wins that.
If stats are the only important thing about a unit then by all means "you win", go with that.
I don't rate them on that alone and I've stated such in an earlier post (probably in the 60's range page wise).
It's why I stated I like the Elaine (silver Valk) over Kerry (Gold def based valk). That train of thought is no different here.

Haha yeah I rate it by stat

Availability: Themis (luck based someone could get lilia rather than themis)
Cost by unit cost: Themis (this is the only thing themis is better (1 second difference))
Cost to level: Themis (this is solely handwork side and I don't think the difference is that far)

but yeah if you are seeing thing from that point, then you could say that themis is better, but once again from my perspective where I believe strength in this game = stat which consist of HP, Attack, def, magical resistance, skill and unit cost, data prove that stat wise from all aspect except 1 second difference in deployment, lilia is better :D

Case closed I think, we do have different point of view ^_^ which is not wrong at all
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

And thats an H-game so aesthetic preference win always.

@Lafate That is the only map you can get her.
she is a reward if you get all drops in that mission.
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