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(Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Calm down. PPS devs are known for their non-nonsense attitude towards all kinds of cheating, bordering on paranoia. If anyone from top ranks is playing dirty, you can bet your ass and a half the hammer will fall on them.

Would depend on if they have the same standards for this version. Also depends on what's considered cheating to them. I doubt anyone who made a bunch of alts for farming Elite Guard prizes got anything done to them. Making alts for this event would more or less be about the same wouldn't it?
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Would depend on if they have the same standards for this version. Also depends on what's considered cheating to them. I doubt anyone who made a bunch of alts for farming Elite Guard prizes got anything done to them. Making alts for this event would more or less be about the same wouldn't it?

Well, alts in general are against TOS. Difference between this and Elite Guard is while in EG, using alts could indirectly increase your rank, with this event it -directly- does.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Well, alts in general are against TOS. Difference between this and Elite Guard is while in EG, using alts could indirectly increase your rank, with this event it -directly- does.

I'd argue that using alts in Elite Guard directly increased rank as well since a lot of people were incapable of handling the 8.7m+ bosses. Whereas anyone who made alts could keep farming EP. Even I, as someone who had plenty of higher sed players on my list would have times where there were no bosses but my own up for a couple hours, and sometimes even they wouldn't be finished.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

well, since it's not first time when people abusing with alts I suppose we should ask @Nordland it's allowed to abuse events with alter accounts or punish will find the guys who doing it?
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

I'd argue that using alts in Elite Guard directly increased rank as well since a lot of people were incapable of handling the 8.7m+ bosses. Whereas anyone who made alts could keep farming EP. Even I, as someone who had plenty of higher sed players on my list would have times where there were no bosses but my own up for a couple hours, and sometimes even they wouldn't be finished.

Well aware, lol.. I was in perma 8.7M+ since the event was 4 hours old. I just barely got the 1M EP in before the event ended.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

fallendrgmaster here, going to stick with my moe deck through out the event.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Well, alts in general are against TOS. Difference between this and Elite Guard is while in EG, using alts could indirectly increase your rank, with this event it -directly- does.

Where exactly does it say alts are against the ToS? I could've sworn I browsed it and never saw something like that. Considering I made an alt that's long since been abandoned for the comparison test between staying behind and going ahead a while back.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Where exactly does it say alts are against the ToS? I could've sworn I browsed it and never saw something like that. Considering I made an alt that's long since been abandoned for the comparison test between staying behind and going ahead a while back.

Looking for it.. coulda swore I saw it when I first made my Nutaku account. ..and now I'm not seeing anything reading through whole ToS.. huh.. wonder if I'm confusing it with something else I might have signed up for around the same time.

Well, I might be mistaken then.

..in the meantime, my legendary "luck" continues as I am still on the silver box with 11 items left and have only even -seen- Satoe twice... and got her with 9 left.. things are looking up! Onto the gold box!
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Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Is any event consuming Stamina/Peronamins? I have plenty of those but zero Puddings. Wonder if i should throw Peronamins to Kurito...

I have full Moe deck also. lvl 50-100.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Is any event consuming Stamina/Peronamins? I have plenty of those but zero Puddings. Wonder if i should throw Peronamins to Kurito...

I have full Moe deck also. lvl 50-100.

Well, during elite guard, using the specific EG spinner you could land on rolls that replenished a point of focus.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Is any event consuming Stamina/Peronamins? I have plenty of those but zero Puddings. Wonder if i should throw Peronamins to Kurito...

I can almost guarantee that next event will use them.

But yes, puddings have more value than bottles. I had full bottles in 100+ range and half somewhere in 150-200 before they implemented the squirrel.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

I can almost guarantee that next event will use them.

But yes, puddings have more value than bottles. I had full bottles in 100+ range and half somewhere in 150-200 before they implemented the squirrel.

Ok. I should save those then. Thanks.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

sorry for the noob question; what is the effect of an ex card? never tried it once thanks a bunch guys!!!
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

sorry for the noob question; what is the effect of an ex card? never tried it once thanks a bunch guys!!!

Its been answered already, you could have searched "ex wild" instead of asking to be spoonfed.
Its a feature not yet implemented, but they are used to increase the SED of a lvl 100 card by 3, up to 25 times. So you can make your strongest cards stronger, or maybe you love a card and want to show how special it is to you by giving her more power(hint: dont, just use it on the strongest cards). Till its implemented, just keep the cards.

On other things, 36 gachas into the gold box, first miss of the SR, second miss was at 38 gachas. FML.
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Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

thanks a lot; hopefully it will be implemented on the english nutaku!!! cheers mate!!!
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Oh man, so much to comment on. Where to start?

First off, why have an event gacha? The event gachas are primarily to get slayer cards that give the player advantages, but this just seems like a bunch of cards for "because give us money" reasons.

Second, I'm glad Nutaku decided to use the newer version of the coliseum gacha for this first run. The earliest form of the coliseum gacha in the JP version just had random stuff in it that wasn't sorted into different ranked boxes, so maybe you'd get everything in it and maybe you wouldn't. I had to wait several months for one particular card to cycle around again to get it.

Third, I'm going to have to change my Moe deck for this event. I typically run with a Moe deck and choose a Sexy teammate for my partner, but damn-near everyone on my friends list is using a Moe team so I have to reload fights about ten or twenty times to find a Sexy partner.

Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

He's giving them the benefit of doubt. Also, to be fair, nutaku has said that they dont manage the game, they just publish it, so what cards are into the gacha is according to DMM instructions. So hate DMM, not nutaku.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

I was running a sexy set, but then I realized I have a lot more 8k+ moes than 8k+ sexys.

P.S. Kurito's taunting me. I swear I've gotten like 10 Limited Rs and still no N.