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O.O (Red/RK9)


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Name: Unknown, tells people to call her Red
Age: 24
Class: Kototama Speaker
Level 0 Trait: Magic
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.):

Human body underneath the outfit, though the mask does not come off, it does seem to for whatever reason adjust in size to anything trying to get through the holes.

Attitude (What's your character's attidude like, how do they think, etc.): A mute, seemingly not even by choice as even when harmed or pleasured she remains silent. While her mask makes it near impossible to tell what Red's emotions are, as she stares at anything that is the center of her attention. She does 'talk' though, using her magic to draw words in the air before her, and even has weaponized these words. When she spells 'mend' it mends wounds or breaks, when she spells 'sharp' the word itself becomes sharp, and she can fire them at her opponents. Its through this word magic that she fights.

Extra Notes (Have something you want me to know? Include it here.):
Mythical Beings (Angels, demons, devils, etc...):
Monsters (slimes, tentacles, etc.):
Bestiality (Animals, monstrous animals, beastmen):
Monster Girls of any kind (from the MGE):
Plants/plant like enemies (like alraune or shorn weeds and the like):
Cybernetic enemies (robots and other metal things):
Futanari - Would you like to start out as a futanari? Would you like to be able to change and/or be changed to a futa? Would you like to run into futanari enemies/NPC's:
Non-Consensual Sex:
Fey Beings:

Roughness - how rough do you want things to get? (same scaling as the above settings with the 1/5 with 5 being very rough.):

If there is anything you'd like included that wasn't mentioned above, add it in here:

Midgard is now a flourishing realm, far away are the days ruled by demon lords, complete slavery and death. It was Thousand of years ago when elvens, succubi, some demons and the remain slaves fought for their freedom, the few people than survive this war were raised and protected by elves and the kind succubi race until theirs wounds were healed. Sometimes there were evil beings and monsters in the shadow, but after had beaten the cruel dark lords all just look easy for Midgard’s people.
Then after many ages something happened.
All start with a strock of luck, fishermen got to notice a strange mist in the distance deep inside the large ocean, a mist completely different of any usual seen by them before. The tales started to grow in number, ships eternally missing in this strange phenomenon. The weeks passed, then the months and with them the voices asking for help finally reach the royal ears from the noble elven kind.
Researchers and adventurers were send there to investigate until suddenly one of theirs ships got so close the mist and disappear. The remain ones return and for a time all stop, the fear to loss more brave people. Then after months trying to find a way to save them, the people lost got to call back home. Traped with their ship seriously damaged they were waiting to be rescued, the many leaders gather and finally decide to send the best ship than they have with many elite adventurers and soldiers ready to risk it all and find out what they could find in the other side.
The travel take weeks, time enough to know most of the important ones than were traveling with you. Ulric a mighty huge dark haired werewolf, three or four Lilith Succubi between the many in the ship, elvens of many kind and many others beastkind and demon races
Then one day they reach a strange land and the remains of the ship than they had been looking for, all know in the instant what they needed to do, but fortunately they notice a small town not so far from the beach, there they meet the survivors, most of them were women and the remain males were just interested in stay in these new lands, it was strange but soon many others members of the adventurers and soldiers wanted to stay and help to build this town and live there in that boring place.
It take some days, some of the townpeople had heard giggles and flying creatures in the distance missing themselves in the forest not so far of their safe town, after see that they needed to do something, many new leaders appear, any interested in explore these new lands join and soon leave the safe town.

As the silent and quiet girl, Red have a great time to think about her past and anything than she have in her mind with the little interruptions of the friendly futa elves and lustful succubus.

Soon or later many get used to her eccentric conversation way, at least they werent afraid of her, all their anger and agression focused in any sea monster than dare to get between this ship filled with elite adventurers and their goal.

The days passed, they land and meet a small town where the survivors from the previous land remain, most of them women. It was a fortune for the succubi townpeople to meet more males, all celebrate and tried to have all in order, so Red was free to do anything and live in any corner.

It was then when in one of her routine walkings she got to see a strange event happening. Looks like a native was playing with a guard uniform in a gate without any looking and this small beast girl suddenly was now talking with a mage... or witch, Red can suppose than the creature at the side of this witch was a familiar. Red was just three houses of distance of their talk and it looks like the witch need someone to go out and collect things at the dangerous forest.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

Humans: Y/3
Male/Female: Y/3
Female/Female: T/3
Mythical Beings (Angels, demons, devils, etc...): Y/4
Monsters (slimes, tentacles, etc.): Y/5
Bestiality (Animals, monstrous animals, beastmen): Y/5
Anthros: Y/4
Monster Girls of any kind (from the MGE): Y/4
Plants/plant like enemies (like alraune or shorn weeds and the like): Y/4
Cybernetic enemies (robots and other metal things): Y/3
Futanari - Would you like to start out as a futanari? Would you like to be able to change and/or be changed to a futa? Would you like to run into futanari enemies/NPC's: (No start as Futanari): Y/4
Non-Consensual Sex: Y/4
Slavery: Y/3
Fey Beings: Y/2
Corruption: Y/4
Pregnancy: Y/4
Birthing: Y/3
Oviposition/Seedbearing: Y/4
Lactation/milking: Y/5

Roughness - how rough do you want things to get? (same scaling as the above settings with the 1/5 with 5 being very rough.): 3.5
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

Side Quest Mission
Characters: Red, Durga, Elia, Matylda, Cosette

Ekon: A new set of words appeared in the air. 'Pay? Or going for resources?' The masked girl didn't seem bothered by the notes being taken on her, though it was rather hard to tell given her mask had no expression. 'If you'll split with me then I wouldn't mind working together.'

MasterofSuprise: "Resources for now, I mix potions and create salves and the like but I need reagents to make them. Plus I'm curious of what lives around here and I want to study them." the elf witch replied.

Ekon: 'Then give me some potions at the end and I'll come with you.' The words formed to say, the masked woman nodding her head along with them.
GM: Suddenly both adventurers were alone, the huge door open and the guard was nowhere to be seen, maybe something else has taken her attention. From the other side they could see a plain land where the ones in charge usually detect any monster getting closer, then after some minutes they could reach the forest. This was the north door, one of the four gates of this little town surrounded by walls

MasterofSuprise: "We have a deal, I'll have to make them first as I am fresh out of reagents, I used my supplies to establish myself in town. What kind of potion you are looking for? I know many types." Durga said as she kept her eyes sharp on the lookout for anything interesting, Jel trailing ahead of the pair, alert for any signs of danger.

Ekon: Red seemed to blink for a moment. Where did everyone go? Though she'd shrug and follow Durga. Her words shifting in the air. 'Health potions, transformation things, many other things, They usually sell for well.'

GM:They walk together suddenly made them meet some strange creatures, maybe a mix of dears and reptile corrupted by demons, they were eating some plants and looks to had noticed the group running away in the instant, there was not much plants thanks to them. The trio could try to hunt them if they got to catch them

MasterofSuprise: Upon seeing the corrupted creatures, Jel immediately went into a hostile stance, ready to zap any of them if they choose to attack only to tilt in confusion when all of them ran away. "Ah drat, I was hoping to catch one of them, what where they eating anyway?" Durga said, walking forwards towards the mostly eaten plants to study them, her familiar hovering right besides her.

Ekon: Red meanwhile stayed in the same stance as always as she stared at the corrupted creatures. She had seen them before sometimes during her adventures. They usually just ran off. 'The plants, same as normal deer.' Red replied as she walked forward as well. Less focused on the plants for the moment and more on making sure there was nothing else out in the woods.

GM: Both looks to don’t know what kind of plants they had discovered, maybe they have some healing abilities or lethal venom. As for their surroundings they look to had caused something to notice the small stampede, for the noise something big was coming to where they are now

MasterofSuprise: !!! "Something big is coming! It's most likely the giant snakes the ermine girl was talking about, we should flee." Durga said tensely, ready to run if Red agrees.

Ekon: Red tilted her head. It definitely was something big. 'We should.' She'd write, and turned on her feet, starting to head back from the forest. Wondering if they could actually outpace the large creature.

GM: The fear invade them and so they run away of the unknown creature, far away they could heard the trees falling and heavy rocks move away. But fortunately for them that thing was slow, the enough to escape. However, it looks like the forest placed a trick on them and instead get out went deep inside. As they ponder their next action they got to see some moving plants, each 18 feet tall and 9 width. They were two, one moving away as the other remain in place, from it muffed moans come out and so both adventurers got to see a nude dark elf being raped by the tentacles of that strange evil tree creature

Ekon: 'I think we just made this worse. Should have fought the big thing.' Red said as they ran deeper in, though then she saw the dark elf being raped by the tree creature. 'We should help her.' She'd say, before her words seemed to form into a blade, three elongated versions of the word 'sharp' coming out of a 'thrust' word. Before she'd try to launch it at the tentacles that were holding up the women.

MasterofSuprise: "Well sorry, I wasn't willing to test our capabilities against that monstrosity." Durga said in apology as the trio ran away. When she saw the dark elf being raped, she agreed with Red's statement, "Yes, we should free her, I want to take a look at that monster and she may know the way back to town. Jel! Paralyze that plant!" she said as she took out her wooden staff, the jellyfish darting forward with an angry trill, tentacles thrust forward.

GM: Then the fight start, sharp objects sharper than words and jelly stunning power were send to the plant thing, yet the thing was stronger than what it look, easily taking the hits before a strange noise come from it, moving to the trio as the other tree slowly return to help his fellow. At least for now the creature vines can’t reach them

MindFlayer: Elia had been hanging there in the grasp of these tentacled tree things for the better part of what felt like several hours, even though in reality it was only about an hour, tops. She had came at least twenty times into the pussy tipped tentacle that was thrusting over her cock, her cock and balls both beginning to ache from the sheer overuse. Then, she looked up at the pair coming towards them, where she saw the only light shining at the end of the tunnel as it were. "P-Please... h-help me," Elia called out, her voice a little raspy from just how much she'd been moaning since being caught by these things.

(vines cant reach them)(so they cant be attacked in this turn)

Ekon: Red nodded, and formed up more of the word swords. She was focusing on getting the woman free. If they did then they could just run with her in tow. Though this time she added other words layered ontop of the 'Sharp's, adding 'Acid' to them, causing the words to drip a rather generic acid, hopefully to burn through the tentacles easier.

MasterofSuprise: "Damn! This thing is stronger than it looks! Jel, eat fire and burn the tree except for the elf! Red, I'll help you with setting the elf free!" Durga commanded, throwing a smouldering ember at her familiar while switching her staff for her dagger and joined Red in cutting the vines.

Meanwhile, Jel ate the reagent and turned bright red before shooting flaming orbs from it's tentacle tips at the tree itself, aiming at areas farthest away from the hostage.

GM: Between acid and fire, a great pain invade the poor huge tree, his shouts make the other move faster, the noise from his slow tackle cause them to don’t notice when the damaged tree slap the shygirl with one of his branches making the woman fly some feet away until meet a rock with bushes, fortunately more grass than solid object. As this happens the elf got to fall at a side, raped hard but free and conscious. (Second Tree will tackle... in a minute or two because slow)

MasterofSuprise: "You okay Red?! Jel, keep the tentacles off me!" Durga said, before sheathing her dagger and dashing towards the fallen elf, her familiar blasting any tentacle that gets near with fire.
MasterofSuprise: (Oh and dragging the fallen elf away)

Ekon: Ugh, that hurt. Red thought to herself as she pulled herself off the rock. Trying to orient herself to cast more of her acid swords at the tentacles that were approaching her. Trying to get back over to Druga and the elf, and help her pull the elf away from the tree and hopefully they could get away.

MindFlayer: Elia fell to the ground and collapsed, her legs weak, and her arms heavy. It felt hard to move, but she knew that she had to get back up, and fast. "T-Thank you... t-thank you so much. M-My spear, I n-need my spear and shield," Elia panted to Durga ass she started dragging her away from the plant things, reaching out to grab them both as she was pulled away.

Ekon: Red would look for the spear an shield, preparing some 'pull' words to cast on them to draw them closer so they could get them too.

GM: At least her shield and spear weren’t so far away, but it takes them a little more to get out there, the wounded tree was in terrible state yet still aiming to hurt any girl than he could reach. Jel then stop it with his powers mixed with Red sharp magic. Then Jel notice the other tree and dodge just to get at the worse place possible. With a last shriek the living tree collapse over the jelly being hurting and trapping it below it
(Jel is not dead, only that tree)
(they got the equipment btw)

MasterofSuprise: "Jel! Here, take these potions and help me free her! Jel, use your tentacles to burn your way out!" Durga said in a panicked state, giving Red the blue mana potion and the elf the red health potion then looked around to find a suitable branch of some kind as the tree is on fire.

Ekon: Red would turn her attention back to the other tree even as she handed the elf her spear and shield. The word swords forming around her and launching off at it as she tried to help free the jellyfish creature. Taking the potion and downing it to help boost the number of words she could throw at it.

GM: Weak sounds coming from Jel show than he was conscious but weak, trying his best to get free, some pain invading the creature every time more as the time continue passing. Durga noticed some remains of acid too, damaging her clothes a little, but she don’t stop and continued looking for a way to save her familiar. Meanwhile the other tree tried to take revenge and went for them using his vines and roots to hit any of them, but the dark elf manage to block most of them.

MindFlayer: Pulling her shield up, Elia managed to block the tentacles that came towards her and Durga, preventing them from grabbing either of them. "T-Those things are wicked. They've had me here at least an hour," Elia moaned softly to Durga.

MasterofSuprise: Desperate, Durga took out her wooden staff and stuck it under the dead tree, using it as a leverage to push the tree up so her familiar can get free. "Come on... you can do it! I believe in you!" she said encouragingly to Jel. "Help me lift this tree!" she pleaded.

Ekon: Red would head over to the tree that had fallen on Jel, even as she fired more sword word swords at the still active tree. Trying to help Elia as she put her cloth covered hands under the fallen one and heaved, trying to help Druga get the thing off, making a few more words for 'push' to try to help her.

GM: Tired after the continuous rape, the dark elf receive a terrible hit at her shield, she could feel her body almost close to fade, only her will to continue there to protect the others maintain her in combat. Red thanks to the dark elf got there and hurt a little more their foe in the process; the time went slow, almost painful, as they try all to save the creature below the immense tree. Then a tendril come out, Red clothes dissolve a little as she manage to rescue the almost unconscious being. Jel go out alive but so close and damaged to act more and needing a rest.
(Jel and Elia status is danger... what means 1 HP)

Ekon: Red looked at where her clothes were a bit damaged, before leaving Jel to its owner, turning back to tree that was threatening Elia, moving to take over the fight there and the things attention as she threw more 'swords' at it while prepping 'stop' words to throw at any tentacles that went at her.

MindFlayer: Elia quickly grabbed the potion that Durga had offered, keeping her shield up with her left hand, and downing the potion as quickly as she could, feeling herself re-energized after a few moments, where she dropped the empty bottle and grabbed her spear and thrust it out at the incoming tendrils.

MasterofSuprise: "You okay dear? If you can, blast the other tree from afar and keep close to us." Durga said reassuringly after giving her familiar a quick hug. "We got to kill this creature or else we be force to flee to another place, maybe even deeper into the forest!" the witch said, attacking the last tree with her steel dagger.

GM: Jel was weak, wounded by acid and fire yet still ready to protect Duarga of any danger. It take a time, but slowly the many attacks from teh whole group put an end to the plant creature, only with some extra wonds and damage in theirs clothes...bruised but the four alive. (all got some exp, but i will give all at the end, also second tree is only cut and free of fire damage, not like the first)

MasterofSuprise: "Haaah, we did it! Is anyone in need of healing?" Durga asked, searching around the area for alchemical reagents so she can make HP and MP potions while Jel rested on her hat.

Ekon: 'Stupid trees' Red's words spelled out around her as she looked down at her damaged clothes. 'Was this from my acid, or does your floater burn clothes?' She asked even as she looked back up, and looked around to make sure nothing else was going to jump them as the elf recovered.

MindFlayer: Seeing that they seemed to have achieved victory here, Elia panted softly and looked up, the plant creature still in her sights, while her cock was still hard as iron, from the aphrodisiacs that her body had been fueled with. "S-So who are my rescuers, if you don't mind me asking?" Elia asked the two mage girls, glancing up at them, as she started to get back to her feet, the aching in her cock and balls still there, but not quite as bad now.

Ekon: 'Red' The word formed infront of the masked girl. 'You going to be able to walk with that?' The words formed into an arrow that pointed toward Elia's rock hard shaft that was pointing at them both.

GM:Jel was in terrible state, healing and some time would be needed for him to heal fully. At least the witch gor to find some few plants than escaped from the acid and fire. They could heard always moves and noises far away but the area was out of danger thanks to the smoke coming out the first tree

Ekon: 'We should get back to town.' Her words spelled out between the three. 'You can stay with me if you have no lodging.'
Ekon: 'Though I plan to be moving out sooner then later myself.'

MasterofSuprise: "That's a good idea, but I want to brew a HP potion for Jel here and I can salvage some valuable materials from the corpses so that this trip won't be a waste. We should be safe for a bit due to the fire" Durga counter offered. (If they agree, Durga will salvage the second tree corpse for cum and life reagents and if there is time left, fire regeants from the burning tree corpse.)

MasterofSuprise: (my plan of action is to start the process for brewing the HP potion and Jel is smart enough to watch over the process while Durga salavages the reagents)

MindFlayer: "Y-Yeah... I can walk. I think. That potion you gave me was a nice pick me up," Elia said softly, getting to her feet and making sure she could walk before she looked to the two. "S-So do you two know the way back to town? Those things... kinda carried me a little ways from the hunting trail I was on," Elia then asked.

Ekon: 'We can wait then, if we get attacked though, it's your fault.' Red's words spelled out. 'I think I know the way back. Not sure, but maybe.' The woman would go and sit on the rock that she had crashed again, her panties exposed as her hoodie rolled up a bit.

GM: The time go on, as the group tried to collect all what they could, making guard as the noises fade and then started to get closer, moving all the way to them, there was no way to escape this time or hide when suddenly a little cutie thing come out the brushes, her ultra cute eyes looking at the group before say to someone else behind her "They are here...can i hunt now?" Cosette said to the soldier in charge of her. Matylda come some moments later, she was a soldier from the town in charge of her own group of young soldiers... for what it looks the little ermine was not one of them

MindFlayer: "And... assuming we can get back to town, I... don't mind you both staying with me. I'm... kind of one of the daughters of one of the duchesses from back home. So... I kind of live in one of the villas in town. But I was out searching for my eldest sister's trail," Elia said softly to the two as they set out.
(Aust is the soldier Matylda. Cosette is the little ermine girl)

Ekon: Red stared at the new arrivals, and her words formed up. 'Hello, are you here to guide us back? We may be at least a little bit lost after we rescued this one.' Red then turned to Elia, and realized what she said. 'Duchess? Well, that would be nice. Better then my room.'

Aust: "Of course Cosette. YOu've earned that muh. Just stick close and try not to get ahead of yourself. "

GM: "Yes, she is to guide all to your town" Cosette said pointing to Matylda, before the ermine suddenly disappear and start roaming looking for preys.
MasterofSuprise: After brewing up the HP potion and collected the reagents, the trio started making their way back to town but the noises got closer and closer. On their guard, they blinked in surpise when a cute beast girl came into view, soldiers from town appearing right after. Letting out a sigh of relief, "Oh thank the Goddesses, we got lost and we need guidence back to town, my name is Durga by the way."

MindFlayer: "I wouldn't mind putting you all up. Especially for helping me out back there. My sis had been living there, and my cousin Mia does too," Elia said, looking at the newcomers.

Aust: "And yes. We were concerned that you hadn't come back yet and we figured we'd send out a small search party. Given your condition, I figured you'd need the help. Unless you like walking around in your skivvies."

MasterofSuprise: "Yes, we would like your assistance in returning back to town. Shall we be on our way?" the witch replied, her legs shifting a bit to cover what modesty she has left.

MindFlayer: "W-Well those things destroyed my clothing, and even had they not, those clothes are missing and I know not where they are," Elia replied.
Ekon: 'We rescued her. Trees are annoying.' Red spelled in the air, pushing herself off the rock and heading past them. Not seeming to mind the holes in her outfit that showed much of her breasts. 'I'd like to get back before nightfall. Unless we want to get jumped by something.'

GM: "Maybe we can use some of this wood" One of the soldiers said after check the two corpses, it was up to Matylda decide if the group could help to the town as this kind of monster looks to make some really resistant furniture. It would be a safe travel to the town thanks to the smoke and large group. The witch got some materials than she would need to investigate for some hours to decide if they could help her to create potions.
(Durga got reagents to make 10 potions, most of them of low quality, 2 strong and two potent)

MasterofSuprise: Upon passing the gates, Durga finally relaxed, Jel letting out a happy trill and hugged her master. Patting the jellyfish on the head, she turned towards Red. "Thank you for accompanying me Red, if it weren't for your help, I wasn't sure what will happen to Jel. Come see me at my shop tomorrow morning so we can negotiate of what kind of potion you want." then she turned to Elia, "I hope that you will recover swiftly and may fortune bless you. Now I must retire to my shop, it has been an eventful day." Then she departed to her shop, reagents safe in her bag of holding.

Ekon: Red didn't use her words for anything on the way back to won. Seemingly content to follow in silence, looking to see where Elia lived, wondering where she was staying. Though she was ready to head back to her house as well. Once they arrived and Durga talked to her, she'd nod. Though she didn't say anything beyond that, she didn't think it was necassary, and she was rather tired from all her spellcasting.

GM:Matylda have a safe return yet she could notice a huge trial of destruction from an inmense beast in teh forest, maybe even bigger than teh giant snake than she face before.

MindFlayer: "Of course, miss Durga. I appreciate the help too. If you ever need any help, and I can, I shall return the favor. And if you need a place to stay, I would not mind you staying at my villa," Elia said softly to Durga, before turning to Red and smiling. "Well come along then I guess, miss Red. It's not too far," Elia replied softly, leading Red along towards her villa.

Ekon: Red followed along, free lodging in a nicer house, definately not something to turn down. It'd give her more money to head out with when she started the next leg of her adventure.

Aust: "Look, if you do decide to continue, I might conginue my escort here. Since it seems like you need a little help surviving and I just happen to knoW SOM OF THE VETTER HUNTERS AROUND HERE.

GM:Red got to meet the best face than this town could give, it was up to Elia show some of her rewards for her rescue. Matylda gor some good materials to help build some more the town, as also a future quest to eliminate that giant being than could attack in any moment their town. Meanwhile Durga get to her shop, fighting her urges to sleep, as she needed to heal all wounds than Jel could have and also create all the potions than she could and research teh materials unknown for her now.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

Red has lived in that mansion for days, but something deep inside call her and invite her to explore and help in how she could. Sheleave after her breakfast and explore the town, she look the messages in the guild post, maybe she could solve the problem of any in need solving one or two.

Pick up Missions: 10 silvers. (many missions to collect monster remains or plants)
Monsters nests:15 to 30 golds.
Missing people 20 silvers each one.
Get materials and info from island: 50 golds.
Identify slavery market: 150 golds.

Red know than more missions could come or these dissapear, she could also just explore around and few new things, as also find a work in the town.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

Red looked over the board, before picking the monster nests. She wasn't one for recon, and finding missing people was good but it was better to deal with the source. Wondering just what kind of monsters there were around, as she went for whichever one offered the most money.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

There was a cheap one for giant bugs(15), other for kobolds(18), giant snakes(20)and female plants(25) All of tehm in different forest areas.

Then the most hard would be sea creatures in the port at the east and flying monsters at the south. Both giving 30 golds per nest.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

Red pondered for a moment, between deciding actually against the expensive ones, and went for the giant snakes. They would probably be reasonably easy to deal with, probably. She wasn't too good against flying creatures and the like.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

The snake nest should be at the north forest, not so deep inside. So Red fill all the paper needed and move to her mission. Now alone she could heard the wildlife sounds, it was early morning and the sun made her have a good luck of her surroundings.

Then her first track come, she could see the large size in the wet earth, a large creature was near, she could ambush or wait, maybe even just look more. At least nothing has tried to attack her.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

Red looked down at the trail, and then moved to follow it. Her 'eyes' glued on the area around her, as she tried to avoid getting ambushed by the snakes as she followed the path, eager to find the nest, and get some damage done.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

Suddenly as she look everywhere some broken giant eggs were at her path, each of them bigger than her torso.

As she look at them she notice some bushes moving some feet ahead.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

Huh, they came out of nowhere. Red couldn't help but kneel down and check the eggs, trying to see if they were freshly hatched or not even as she kept focused on the bush from the corner of her eye. Figuring one of the snakes was in there before she'd stand up and close in on it. Sending a 'gust' word at the bush, hoping to rattle it with wind and drive out whatever was inside it.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

Most of the eggs were far to be flesh, the wind than she create soon made her find a still young snake, large enough to fit two huge males inside her, the creature looks to had eaten something, she could know thanks to the small wide area in its body.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

Red's eyes narrowed at the bulge, the snake had evidently ate something recently, and she would have to be careful, to not harm whoever or whatever it was as she pointed toward the creature. Firing off a 'concuss' word at it, hoping to stun the snake.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

Taking a break after the hunt, the snake remain almost without make a move, her tongue coming out after the breeze, easily detecting the woman some feet away, but never expecting that strange magic than hit and make the creature faint in teh instant.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

Red seemed rather...confused, that was much easier then she had expected. Heading up to the apparently fainted snake, Red would put two words, a 'see' attached to a 'through.' Near the bulge, hoping to be able to see just what the snake had ate and if she needed to pose a rescue here.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

Red will get to see a male wolf inside the snake, his cock surrounded by some small apendages than were milking it. Distracted the shygirl dont notice than the snake recover her senses, it opened its mouth and bite Red at her arm before some strange apendages like tendrils were trying to push her inside the creature.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

Red saw the wolf, and was rather suprised to see it well, being pleasured inside the snake. Though a moment later her attention was taken by the snake again when it bit her arm. Red trying to shake it off even as the tendrils appeared and were trying to pull her inside the thing. Trying to pull away and fend it off if she could, though she wondered if the snake's bite was venomous.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

The giant snake was removing its fangs to place inside his second dish, moment than Red used to free her arm and get away, leaving behind a good part of her arm sleeve.

She could feel the venom act inside her, getting warm really fast and her vision blurred. It was good than seh notice than this snake was slighty letargic, giving her time to act before the next snake move.

Red: 4/5 FP 4/10AP
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

Red bit her lip and prepped some of her words. Planning to stun the snake back into the land of unconciousness again as she prepped more 'concuss' words around her as she tried to back away and get some distance from the snake.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

Just when Red was aiming, a liquid was shoot toward her by the snake, it hit her mask and leak toward her torso. Her word lost aiming thanks to this and hit the snake bud dont make her faint, she could just suppose as it was hard to see her foe.

The clothes on the area start to desintegrate thanks to the strange fluid, but fortunately her mask manage to endure it. She could see a pink tone at her slowly exposed chest and the focus on her magic slowly fading.

Red 3/5 6/10AP

Snake maybe is wounded and tired.