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O.O (Red/RK9)

Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

Even as she was giving birth, the poor women that was Red was getting fed on, her puffy breasts, inflated from the bites, milk and venom causing them to swell enough for a few of the tiny snakes around her to slip inside, even as her insides started to get bit by the snakes that were hatching within her. Making her hips widen until finally she'd be able to force a few eggs free, managing to get some of the small snakes outside of her even as others moved to cover her. The masked woman half buried in the small creatures as they tried to absorb her body heat, or drank from her. Their bites and movements keeping her arousal running high as she felt her addiction to the venom getting worse with each bite and nip.

Finally though the process would be done, the eggs birthed, and for the moment she was 'free' other then all the snakes living on her. Trying to move, she just tried to go somewhere, hopefully toward the howling, but she couldn't see where she was going, so who knew where she'd end up.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

The remaining willpower inside her made her get up, this caused some snakes bite her again, each time an inmense pleasure shoot rushing all inside her, if she werent so special she would be now having a complete sex broken smile and eyes looking all way up. She arched her back in complete bliss, many snakes got to get inside her two used naughty holes, even one slid a little out her mouth hole at her mask and smell a few at her breasts and arms.

She couldnt stop her arms to touch herself and pleasure the little snakes, accepting their friendly bites than give her new nutrients. Her feet could notice the cold wetness at the cave floor and her ears the howling being closer with each step, there was not much balance left and many times she fall over her filled big breasts, a few snakes escape in surprise yet others punish her, the torture making her squirm in more pleasure. Soon red was unable to walk, so filled at the venom dosis to have her legs work correctly, crawling or using the walls to help herself. The end of her remain self was close to end when in the floor, something sniff at her, a large creature with fur.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

So many snakes, playing around inside her, biting her, teasing her venom tinged skin. She wasn't able to stop from playing against them, her body rebelling against the tiny part of her mind that was still rational and trying to get them somewhere as she practically welcomed the small snakes in biting and feeding off her. Though occasionally she'd fall over given how large her breasts were at the moment, and the venom acting against her body's control.

Eventually her short burst of energy that had let her walk ended up coming to an end, and she was forced to lean on the wall and push herself along, until finally she couldn't go any further as she felt something sniffing at her, the masked woman trying to get her eyes to focus, to see what the furred creature was...
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

In the deep darkness a furry tail wag up, close enough for the poor shygirl manage to see it. The creature push and take her out of balance, making her slutty front body fall over it, any snake still inside or over her would escape or be killed by the huge creature.

She was not sure at all, but it looks to be a wolf, huge enough to carry her without problems, small milk drops fall as the beast take her out there, soon followed by others of his own kind. Taken away, even more deep inside the forest until they let her rest. Red could see the hard swollen member of her savior, maybe the creature has been biten many times before take her out there. She was also in need to eat and let others take her burning neithers. Another wolf was lapping her wet privates, and her breast were feeding that big wolf.

The effect of all that venom still is on her, she has not eaten anything in maybe a whole day, but her body only feel the need to get more bites or get filled with more eggs. It was then when she notice one of theirs red hard dicks close her face.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

Rescue, or at least, being taken away from the snakes. Either way that was more then a good thing in Red's mind at the moment. Letting herself relax as she was being carried by the wolf to an unknown place, taking a chance to rest even as her body half hung over the side of the wolf, letting her see it's rather significant member was hanging below it, evidently it had been bitten a few times.

Then she jumped a little bit as the wolf shifted her, and bit onto her breast lightly, feeding off her as another wolf in the pack played with with her weeping slit, and she felt herself drawn to another of the wolfs that was standing nearby, its red shaft bobbing tantalizingly. Shifting toward it she'd slip the cock into the mouth hole of her mask, eagerly sucking on as she tried to bring her hands up to play with the cocks of any other wolf nearby.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

Red soon could enjoy the warm touch from the wolves virile parts in her hands and the strong scent as also taste in the one at her mouth. At the start she was unable to know the number of beasts around her, their fur warming her the night and in every moment her body was used by the wild creatures.

Her mouth was filled completely with the red staff, sealed her hole soon by the wolf knot. Between her legs another large beast spread her limbs and go deep inside her, she could feel the inmense cock strech her walls and hit her cervix with power in each pound. Ussually they take turns to fill her insides and drench her in the thick scent from teh whole pack, her mask soon was completely dirty in their seed and her belly always round, every load in her cunt precced to a knot swollen cock trapped in her insides until the creature in turn have enough and drop her for another to use her.

But all this was caused by the venom, Red needed this, her body corrupted couldnt taste any other food, only warm nutritive cum, the marks in her body also were cured by this odd fluid. As her mind recover she could understand than her captors were just helping her, it was her broken self than always start this, getting in four and spreading her holes or sucking any dick wolf.

More time passed and her eyes recovered, she could see the wolf than she saved between them, she also could see her body changed to give birth soon the pack inside her womb and she was already used at the new scent in her whole being.

It was already night, each of her lovers decide to cuddle with her after her usual meal, no one was looking at her, so she could escape and try her luck in the dangerous forest, pregnant and with only cum in her stomach. At least she has recovered some of her magic.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

To say Red was in a venom induced haze would hit the nail right on the head. The masked woman couldn't keep herself from touching, stroking, licking and sucking every wolf cock she could find. Not to mention letting the creatures use her shell all they wanted, drinking from her breasts or flooding her womb with their seed. As the days went on she'd realize that well, it wasn't really the wolves using her, it was her doing all she could to make them use her. The toxins were slowly wearing out of her system, but until then she literally needed their cum, she needed to be fucked relentlessly and constantly, impregnated and fed.

She wondered how long the toxins would last, but for now as more and more of her senses came back, she'd still take advantage of them to play with the wolves, snuggling against them at night for warmth after extracting a meal from them, her belly filled with the wolfs pups. While she could have escaped, she didn't see a reason to do so. The wolves seemed friendly and helpful, she wouldn't snub their help by running off with their pups. At the very least she'd stay to deliver those, hopefully by then she'd have recovered entirely.

Maybe she could even find a way to get the wolves to come with her, could be useful to have something around to help get between her and the enemies.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

The nude shygirl awake from her rest, she could feel the warm given by the huge beastcock inside her rear entrance, her body move and talk for her, there was not trace of the venom, but still it has caused many changes on her whole self. Her own anus was now sensitive, used to be taken everywhere, she welcome the pleasure in her second pussy. Her breasts were always filled with milk and the wolves drink from her, the intense pleasure caused by the venom also affected her milk orbs but she know than in the town anyone could cure her.

Her body itch daily in lust, but she got to reduce it rubbing some wolf spunk on her most arousing areas, at least now she could eat anything more than their nutritive seed, they daily hunt and bring food, meat than tehy place for her to eat for their childrens inside her, when Red recovered her magic she could use this to prepare her food and do anything else than she wish, as the wolves trust in her, she was part of the pack, the mate of all five of them.

That day the labor started a few hours after the dawn, thanks to the changes in her hips the birth was easier and somehow she got more pleasure than pain, maybe was the venom or something else from the wolves or this world, something than invited her to enjoy give birth without fear of any damage or pain. The newborn pups latch on her, sattling their hungry untill all were ready to sleep. Red not only cum in the birth of her five wolves babies but also between feeding them. She noticed how the wolves clean her and their childrens, as they notice her growing lust. Red was taken again by them as always they do when her body demand it, even before she got to know it. The huge red member going all the way inside her pussy or ass, as other come toward her mouth to feed her and reward such good work in the birth.

Her body recovered and was ready to be impregnated again if she want it, she rested a little before be again full of energy. Without more venom inside her but with her body changed, she was ready to decide her fate, get her chance to leave or let them share with her a long lustful life.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

As the venom finally drained out of her, Red realized that she was...going to probably need some time to detox, and to get a few cures and changes done in town once she got back to the city. For now though, she didn't mind, she was too busy playing with the wolves, her belly growing more and more with each passing day.

As her magic came back, Red would indeed use it to try to help the wolves, cooking food, keeping them warmed at night, or healing them of wounds they picked up while hunting.

Eventually her pregnancy would come, and the woman unable to resist the pleasure that seemed to come along with it, causing her to climax from birthing the litter, and as they fed off her. Though said feeding soon had her on her hands and knees, as the pups drank from her tits and she was filled from both ends by the wolves.

The day after she had recovered entirely though, and she'd pick herself up. Looking at all the wolves around her as she pondered, and spelled out in what words she had tried to pick up while she was there. Unintelligible to pretty much anyone but the wolves. Trying to ask them. "Do you want to come with me?" Maybe she could start a side business raising creatures.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

Her offspring would grow in great speed, but not enough for them to reach adulthood, not at least after some weeks or months at least, they got to open tehirs eyes on the night and at the next day they could already play between them or fight to milk from the shygirl's milk, even then they never hurt her breasts, she was the only female with milk, so she was needed to be taken with care.

Red was in good conditions, her diet mostly of meat and cum has serve her well. She could get up and run without problems. Soon after feed her pups she tried to try to comunicate with the wolves, she was almost sure than they understand her, pushing her to the exit and following her, the large wolves looks to be in good mod and she has been used so much than she could even get over one, but they needed a way to take the puppies with them or they will not leave so far.

There was a small rain outside, it come and leave every hour, it dont affect the pack in tehir hideout but once they start walking it could end to be a small worry, as also the inmense forst as Red dont know where exactly they are.
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Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

With the rain overhead, Red wouldn't let the 'pack' she had picked up get wet. Not to mention her currently still not really clothed self. Instead she'd point up to the air and form an umbrella of 'deflect' words above them to run the water off to the sides, followed by another set of words that'd be a 'sight' combined with a 'fly' and a few other things. Firing that one into the air and letting herself see through it, hoping she could maybe spot the town in the distance.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

The shygirl used her powers to defend her lovers and babies from the storm and also to find out how to return to the town. She was pretty far, but still her powers managed to see where she should go. There was not time to lost, so she and all the wolves move in middle of the rain, they remain close and alert, trying to protect the fertile breeder of any danger, the little wolves would request milk from time to time.

Fortunately, the forest dont have many creatures on it, most of the beasts were in theirs shelters and the few still facing it were focused in easier preys, like bunnies. It was a long walk, too much to try fly, thankfull the wolves would let her ride them to reduce the travel time until finally she would see the walls after the forest end. The long travel was beyond being enyoiable, as her moisted cunt rubs at the vigorous wolf fur when she was over any wolf.

The gate was closed, guards in their post looking any menace, so when she come they pondered if they should save her or mantain the gate closed.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

Red waved up at the walls as they finally got back to town. Her riding atop the largest of the wolves in the pack that had helped her. Not exactly able to say anything for obvious reasons, the woman sent up a small note trying to explain what had happened to her. Mentioning that she had gotten into some trouble with a nest of snakes and the wolves had helped her out and that had been where she had gotten lost to for the last while.

She hoped they'd open the gate, but if they didn't she'd try to lead the wolves to somewhere nearby to sit for a while and then go back to the gate herself, or failing that, go look for any abandoned cabins or houses in the area they could take over for a bit for now.
Re: O.O (Red/RK9)

Red have an old farm given by Elia, 2/3 of the land are fields or unused space. Red could eat and sleep in her new land, her succubi clothes would restore in six hours, so after awake they will appear at her body again, the times than this continue happening is unknown as the succubi clothes than she choiced have a limit at their magic and beast than drain magic take extra sets if they manage to eat them all.

Storage and Livestoke
five baby wolves
eight creepy baby monsters
6 male huge Wolves (one of them the Alpha)

(Sluts...captured girls)
1 Bunnygirl Soldier (not trained but weakened and aroused)

Special Local Fruit Plant 35 (unknown...they taste good)
Dick Bush 30 (unknown)
Slimy flower tree 20 (unknown)

For now her water source is damaged and she needs to get special food for her Livestoke, wolves at least can hunt alone but must be observed and educated to dont damage inocent townpeople or capture more girls from there unless Red dont care.