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Of Beasts and Monsters (Helvorn/Pervy)


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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"This is the problem, M'lady."

The lower ranking mage assistant explained, presenting the image of a posturing minotaur. By the look of it, the creature must have been aware of the scrying magic somehow, no one flexed their bestial muscles and inhuman physique this flamboyantly for no reason.
She looked at the cow-man. Sure, he seemed physically imposing, but simply by not allowing herself to be dragged into a direct contest of strengths, she was pretty confident she could handle him, nonetheless.

"We can deal with the goblin tribe just fine, but the beastmen leading them are a problem. As if this wasn't enough, they are drawn to this location.. yes, the underground city. So there is potential trouble with creatures that live there, although, gods willing, they'll just wage war upon one another, solving both of our problems. Still, I am sure one of your calibre can feel something dangerous brewing there.. the elder certainly mentioned it. And.. yeah, that's why we send you in. Any questions before I teleport you as close as I safely can? You will be on your own afterwards, M'lady..."

Ilsa Dragonstar regarded the bestial minotaur as she toyed idly with one of her sparkling locks of the blond hair that cascade down her back in flowing waves of gold halfway down her back. She was exquisitely beautiful with the tall, slender form and striking features of the royal family. She was not a princess but still close enough to the Blood that the innate magical and warlike powers that made the current family the clear ruler of the High Elves for thousands of years was clearly manifested in her intelligence and grace. Ilsa was young and perhaps overconfident or she might have questioned why she was to be sent on this mission yet all doubts had been brushed aside. She was young, eager and too happy and full of her own immortality to do anything other than nod sagely as the mage-assistant conjured forth an image of the potential foes.

"Powerful, virle and filled with a bestial cleverness," Ilsa mused wisely as she wrapped her finger in a gleaming curl of hair. "I can sense the menace in the city but the threads of fate... under the city dwells the real threat and the true fulfillment of my destiny as a paragon of the People. Has your magic determined a map and layout showing the concentrations of the goblins and their masters as well as the likely entrance to the undercity?"
"Apologies, M'lady." The servant bowed briefly. "It seems that the beastial creatures are organized as would be expected, weaker goblin tribes outside, the minotaur leaders in the more intact ruins. Yes, there seems to be something going on in the tunnels underneath, but there seems to be no shortcut.. M'lady will have to push her way into the ruins that these beasts occupy and descend from there. Naturally, a few goblins or even a Minotaur should not be a problem to you, if you prepare yourself."

The explanation went on a little, about logistical details, but Ilsa tuned them out. Go in, deal with the threat, find out what's going on beneath the ancient ruins. It wasn't too hard, to follow, as she watched the mage redraw the final runes of the teleportation ring and begin chanting.
With little more to do, she stepped through, briefly disoriented as the world around her shifted with transportation magic.. and then, she found herself.. actually several metres up in the air, falling towards the ground! Damn imprecise long-distance teleporation magic, but it beat being teleported into the ground.. her mind registred the dense foliage of overgrownt trees behind her and tents, as well as larger structures in the distance behind them infront of her, but the most striking feature of her new surroundings was the rather hard looking stone filled tundra approaching her.. how'd she handle this....
Ilsa Dragonstar would not be hindered by the bestials no matter how well they tried to organize. She was of a long and magical lineage and had been trained in the arcane as well as the martial arts. "I can move stealthily and use my magic and arms to overcome any barriers that they might throw in my way. If I keep moving I can face only a few and those not prepared. If more face me then they will taste the wrath of the Royal family!" She listened half heartedly to the boring details. One of the perks of being a Royal even if half a dozen or more steps from the throne was that you had assistants, servants and staff to handle all those nitty gritty things. Ilsa was a big picture woman, a doer of great and grand deeds and surely this raid would be sung throughout the Realm.

She may have been light on the details of logistics but Ilsa was well prepared for the sudden wrench of teleportation and the immediate falling sensation. Mages always aimed a bit high to avoid accidents involving two objects occupying the same space. It wasn't explosive but it wasn't pretty. Ilsa expected such an entrance and with the grace of her heritage and training tucked into a rolling, forward dive to come up springing to her feet. As she steadied herself Ilsa restisted the urge to bow to a non-existent audience and instead crouched down to look around. She would need to chart a path around or through the tents immediately ahead of her to break through into the ruins of the city. Now how to do that...
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The ground itself was barely worth Ilsa's gracefu landing, which it confirmed with a mushy squelching noise... some mushrooms, growing upon heaps of.. things Ilsa'd rather not consider. It seemed that height aside, the teleportation had been spot on, and the elegant elf found herself at the back entrance of some goblin tunnels.
The downside was that she was not at the backside of some goblin tunnels.

It was a set of caverns, a ragged flag with blasphemous smearings to their vile tongue unafraid to identify this place as what it was, and heaps of destroyed, badly smelling things by the wayside, just tossed out there. Ilsa decided not to risk looking too close over some of the trash, just to not risk finding the bones of humanoids, as she focused her eyes to pierce the relative darkness in the caves ahead.

It seems those caves, dangerous and untrustworthy as they may seem, are her best bet, leading deeper towards the ruins and a few minutes of careful, steady travel, without encountering a goblin, confirm this, as the caves break open again, showing a few tents and simpel fortifications.. pushing past here would be an issue. Sure, she could deal with one goblin, or ten, but too many might exhaust her in time...
[[Push through the Goblin camp?]]
Luckily, there are other tunnels, it should not be too hard to sneak around them..
[[Try a side-tunnel]]

(Keep in mind, we are trying an alternative approach here, so we'll play through the lewd things.. not the safe options mwhahahaha! You wanna take the camp:)

Ilsa sneaks forwards, carefully raising her blade, ready to dispatch a few of the goblins, then deal with the rest in open combat. Her eyes steeled on the camp ahead notices the snapping just a moment too late. A trap! Some sort of wire, but what's worse is that there is some debris, covered in an oily substance crashing down on her, not only drawing the goblins attention but also splattering her.. or worse, if she can't come up with a good plan quickly!
Ilsa's acrobatic landing may have been a bit of grandstanding in another but for her it was a natural act of grace. She'd been trained by the best of teachers in not only the most effective means of fighting and magic but in the ways of each that would be the most beautiful. As a member of the royal family even somewhat remotely it was her duty to show grace and control in her every move. She shook her head in faint disgust at the crude sigils of the goblins, certainly she expected no better from them but a critique of their failings was not her mission this time. Instead she let her eyes adjust to the gloom as she pondered her options. She immediately moved forward to sneak through and around the camp as any advantage she had in speed and magic would be nullified in the close confines of the tunnels.

When the trap was triggered Ilsa didn't stoop so low as to curse although she did mutter a soft sound of displeasure more for the ugly spattering of goo on her clothing and body than anything else. Ilsa moved immediately and muttered a soft chant to cast a minor but important spell that normally was used to keep her appearance fresh and clean while on campaign. Instead she invoked the power of magical force to clean off her hair, blouse and arms of the black goo. As she did so she moved quickly forward to get out of the immediate vicinity of the trap.

OOC: Cast Prestidigitation to clean off the goo
This disgusting goop was clearly below her station and elven grace. Ilsa cleans herself easily enough, although there is an odd tingling sensation where the stuff hit her nonetheless, good she got rid of the foul liquid quickly.
Speaking of foul, the creatures had noticed the trap triggering, as well as the disciplined, but not hidden magic chanting, a good dozen of the creatures assembling, pointing at yeering at her, one of them readying a spear, throwing the primitive thing that almost seemed to move in slow motion at her, far from a threat.

Although even as she prepared to defend against it, she did notice that something about her body was.. odd. She was still more graceful than any human, goblin, or beast, but only by a narrow margin. That goop was likely poisoned and as magnificent as her people were, they were not known for their great poison resistance. Oh well, she could still fight, just how much could a simple poison like this affect her? At best she felt a little flushed, like one might after a drink of good wine or eating a little too much spicy food. She could deal with this, and the goblins easily enough. Perhaps she should keep one alive to question it however? Another spear flew towards her in her moment of indecision. This was getting .. annoying, she propably ought to do something about them, and ignore the heated sensation.
Ilsa gave a smirk of satisfaction as the minor magical working cleaned off the attempt by the goblins to besmirch her beauty with some kind of black goo. Certainly style and beauty weren't everything but if one was going to be good and Ilsa knew that she was very, very good, almost perfect even... then one should do things with grace even if the only ones around to appreciate it were disgusting bestials and degraded goblins. She shook off the feeling of warmth and tingling as a reaction to the cleaning effect of the magic and even if it was a poison Ilsa was so much better than them. Once she dealt with the noxious throng gathered before her she'd work a bit more magic to purge herself and continue on her way.

She dodged the first spear and then batted aside the second with contemptuous ease. Ilsa decided that she couldn't be bothered with even fighting such creatures as the increasing warmth started to concern her. With her free hand she reached into her pouch and pulled out a pinch of a colored sand and with a step forward sent a shimmering blaze of light at the huddled group. Immediately she charged forward to attack any that might have resisted the effects.

OOC: Color Spray! I'm enjoying these low level spells.
Ilsa was convinced of her superiority, and the blasting of magic disorienting and dazzling the simple creatures proved it only more. It was rediculous, just one spell, and they were all disabled. Ilsa had to marvel at the beauty of her own spell, swirling and glittering and shining.
She noticed, that the goblins shook the effect off relatively quickly. She noticed it, but it took a moment for her mind to digest the information. It was an odd feeling, her thoughts wading through nice, refreshing warm water. Could that poison actually have affected her?

Rediculous the idea. Even with a goblin coming closer, all it could do was a superficial scratch of her skin before being dispatched, splattering her with more of the goo. She looked down and could positively watch some of the filthy blade having stained her perfect skin, that should make her angry, but she shrugged, impartial. Did it really matter all that much? She yawned a little and sheated her sword, those goblins were so easily dealt with they were barely worth attention. She turned over, chuckling at how pathetic two of the things were, now having come up on her, securing her with a rope so crude she could easily breake out of it, if she bothered to anyway. As if she'd care about such trivialities. She tried to just walk on past the goblins, deciding to just get her mission over with, but .. huh., there was a rope stoppping her, also a goblin, rubbing some icky goo into her.. ugh, she should propably ask him to stop that, the goo was doing something to her..
Ilsa moved effortlessly through the goblins as befitted one of her race, lineage and training. The goblins, even a horde of them were no match for her skill, grace and power. Indeed she didn't have to struggle or fight for her victory was assured. There may have been some influence on her mind of the poison but she had been carefully conditioned to fight off the effects of mind twisting magic and drugs so it couldn't be poison. She paused and leaned over, crouching to help the goblins get that rope around her neck. It was scratchy and a bit uncomfortable but in the life of a true warrior little discomforts had to be ignored or borne stoically especially when it was so minor.

She rubbed the goo into her skin as the blackness of the poison or whatever else it was that the goblins were using made pretty patterns on the pale perfection of her skin. Ilsa idley made the image of a flower and then the triangular symbol of fertility on her cheeks. It was pretty although such decadent creatures would never appreciate such things.
Something about the whole scene was a bit disconnected, but perhaps that was just Ilsa's imagination. Like the part where she'd stopped fighting them and instead followed them in almost a drunken haze, the fertility symbol upon her cheek pulsing warmly and making.. other parts of her warm as well, as she was lead to a tent, a grinning goblin, female, this time, but not a whole lot more pretty than her male bretheren seeming to wait with an enthusiastic grin.

It seemed Ilsa had inspired the crude creature, as it dug deep into a jar of white paste, adding circles and handprints and indubitably her own symbols of fertility to the designs, and snarling at a male goblin that got a bit too grabby before Ilsa's art was done.
Although, for that, she first had to strip and reveal her beautiful elven body fully.
So, naturally that was what she did. There was some doubt, especially as the goblin smacked white hand-prints upon each of her elven breasts, hefting them up and examining them with the enthusiasm of a farmer as she commented. "Yes, yes, good breeder feeders."
But the swirling of the strange fingerpainting and goo marking her made this all seem like more of a fevered dream. Especially the fanciful drawings of small circles over her lower belly. It was propably just her imagination, but still the art created the buzzing of a pleasant, content warmth deep within her...
Ilsa ignored the discontinuities in the situation as she was led through the goblin camp. She even congratulated herself on properly infiltrating the camp by fooling the miserable goblins to get them to bring them deeper into their clumps of shabby tents and closer to her goal. It didn't really bother her that she was roped and led like a beast through the filthy paths as that was surely part of her plan to lull the goblins into a sense of comfort before destroying them. Instead she enjoyed the feelings of warmth and arousal that flowed from the fertility symbol on her cheek. Ilsa would use the power and beauty of such a mark to distract the horny little creatures from her later attack. And of course the filthy goblins would never sully her purity! Even their spattered blood would dribble off her enchanted armor and clothing.

She waited impatiently as the ugly female goblin, a priestess or shamaness of their primitive gods if Ilsa read the runes and fetishes inscribed on her clothing and the tattoos covering her face and arms began to add further markings to Ilsa's perfect body. At a grunted command Ilsa carefully and elegantly removed her clothing, laying out her armor and folding her clothing with perfection. Ilsa knew that such symbols had little power over a High Elf such as her. She had innate resistance to magic of all kinds especially that which affected the mind and of course the magic of the goblins was deeply inferior to anything that Ilsa had ever faced and defeated. She stood poised and gorgeous with a slender body and large firm breasts that were the glory of the elven kingdom.

When the goblin cupped her breasts Isla shrugged. Of course she had good breasts, good heavy... milk producing breasts. Yet it was the woozy, fevered feeling that the markings, the paintings on her skin seemed to cause. She rubbed her belly and smiled, thinking how warm and heavy she felt.
The goblin nodded appreciatively at her now white-paint covered and for a fair elven maiden quite dark colored nipples. the males of the goblin tribe were, however, far more.. direct in showing their approval.
Somewhere along the line, Ilsa had lost the last of her clothing and equipment in the tent, as the elf was presented before the lustful green tribe, like a piece of conquest, her head still buzzing from warm arousal, skin flushed with finger paint laced with questionable herbs, pushing her sensual hungers into overdrive.

Wait wasn't there something about enchanted armors protecting her? Oh well, worries for later. As was the sensation throbbing through her body, as she realized she'd likely been marked with primitive, if potent magic to be properly fertile. Naturally, this was again so primitive she was far above it and hardly needed to even bother resisting any of it's influence upon her.

Ilsa certainly did not feel warm and heavy -enough- right now, although a good filling of elven men-cum would do the trick for that.. a shame only ugly goblins with their small dicks were around... then again, looking at the group of sub-humans that now watched her with.. different intent, they weren't -that- unimpressive either.

It was easy to shift into a more intense cognitive dissonance. She was a proud high born, so naturally, she was not being groped by goblins and forced unto all fours. She was a mighty spell-warrioress, so she was not being tricked and defeated and used, and she was most definitly too powerful and pure to have the goblins quite literally line up to use her body.
She was all of these things, certainly, and even her imagination was superior to the goblinoids, so good could she imagine the feel of little dirty hands groping her, and the female snickering and encouraging the men, she could perfectly imagine their smell, even the taste, as one of them pushed its cock past her lips. She wondered how she'd act in such a situation, if she was not a warrior-mage but a fertile elf-whore. Just theoretically, of course.
Ilsa glanced down with faint curiosity at her breasts. The goblin shamaness had murmured something about good feeders when looking at her breasts and the Elven noble couldn't help but cup them as the small green woman stepped back. Her nipples were a deep chocolate brown now like a woman nearing the end of her pregnancy. The color stood out nicely against Ilsa's pale, milky complexion causing the woozy elf to heft and her nicely shaped bosom as she admired her own feminine beauty. She knew that the growing heat in her breasts and the change in color were clear signs of elven superiority demonstrating to the gathered tribe gazing her her nude body that an elf, especially a woman of the royal family was a magnificent and powerful physical specimen.

She stood proudly as the goblins swarmed forward. Ilsa's body was heated and the magical and herbal paint applied to her pussy lips made her sex puffy and swollen while a smear of wetness stained both her thighs. The sudden sharp pangs in Ilsa's lower belly spoke of a churning shift in her womb as the magic of the miserable goblins mixed with Ilsa's own elven life force. She immediately dismissed any possibility of the herbal and magical notations on her body inducing any serious change to her fertility or even a more serious Heat such as the members of the lower orders suffered. Even if such a thing were possible against her own magical resistance and tokens of protection the elven kind was far too highly refined to be compatible with even the most virile of monsters such as minotaurs let along miserable goblins.

Ilsa moaned softly as the world swirled around her in a fugue. If she was kneeling with knees wide and ass in the air, if the heady and irresistible scent of goblin semen added a haze of drugged arousal to her it was of no importance. Ilsa would never be sullied by rutting creatures as they took all of her sacred orifices at once. Surely not... nor would the deep penetration into her heated sex, lips thickly swollen and dark with lust be of any issue. That her clit had been teased and slavered with a reddish paste causing it to swell as well had no bearing on her feelings of pleasant arousal and heavy, thick, filling desire.
Ilsa's bossom felt good, warm and throbby. That described her lower lips as well, actually. She was granted little time to contemplate this, in her woozy state, although she definitly was right about the assesment of all those goblins admiering superior elfish beauty, ravishing her with their eyes. If perhaps not with all the things she expected in mind.

She dreamt of a high and mighty elf, a firstborn noble, on her hands and knees, being taken by the small, primitive creatures that couldn't even reach her properly. It took three of them to do the job one normal man should be able to do! Then again, there were not three, but thirty, eager and happy to do whatever they wanted to their sow, fucking her, filling her, grinning and joking to each other in their crude language as they stained her perfect skin with their cum, a swirling dream of sensuality in which, to her admitted shame, the elven noble found herself spiralling into a climax, at the sheer rediculousness of it all.

And then, she awoke.

She awoke naked, her body throbbing nice and warm, if a little sore. Several goblins around her, asleep, naked, with stupid grins on their faces, and the whole weight of the 'dream' hit her. As did the feeling of defilement all over her body, her dark nipples, her cum-stained skin. Against the elfish resistance, the goblins potent mixture had worked.. it just had ended faster than expected. She'd been poisoned, violated.. and if she was unlucky enough, impregnated by one of these creatures spawn. Impossible!.. or?

She pushed herself up with effort. She had to banish the rage at her defilement out of her mind, had to fight the urge to slaughter these creatures.. lest they wake up and poison her again. She had to gather her things, and then, rush to cleanse herself, throughoutly. This had not felt good, no matter what lingering lies the drugs and her body told her.

She grabbed her things, worried, as she almost startled a goblin, her eyes lingering upon it's green-

She ran. Away from her shame, out of the camp, and, towards, luckily, the sound of rushing water. A river, coming from an underground cave into the open ravine she was in, indubitably cool, but just what she needed, right now.
She never realized that her rushed exit had, even through her elven grace, been a little too loud to not attract as she stood at the lakeshore, a lithe, elven, but now subtly more fertile looking beauty...
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Ilsa sneered at the sleeping goblins as they lay about in comatose piles of green ugliness. Surely such scrawny creatures had succeeded only by the sheerest luck. They were pathetic specimens indeed although her eyes could not help but linger on their still half erect, knobby green members. Ilsa looked down and dismissed the pulse of warmth in her loins as a lingering reaction of righteous anger at the temerity of the little monsters to even attempt to defile a high born noble of the royal line such as herself. Surely such beasts were nowhere near the perfect elegance of the elven male, there was no comparison. Ilsa shook those thoughts from her mind as she gathered her clothing and gear. Yet she couldn't help but notice the shocking dark color of her heavier and fuller nipples and areolae, the markings of crude magic and fertility covering her body, the delightful throbbing of her puffy lower lips and nubbin as well as the shameful stain of goblin semen on her sex and down along the inside of her inner thighs. Ilsa ran her tongue along the inside of her mouth and grimaced at the bitter taste that could only be goblin cum as well as the fullness in her belly that spoke of a thorough feeding administered while she was poisoned and delirious.

She didn't flee of course. An elf of her lineage was not afraid of weak monsters like these goblins. Of course they had been lucky and Ilsa was still woozy from the poison so a retreat was well advised. And her mission was not with the goblins so heading out of their camp and closer to her goal was not only tactically clever but a wise move for any pursuit would never be focused toward the center of the complex! Ilsa congratulated herself for her cleverness as she ran. Of course her movements were thrown off subtly for it seemed soemthing was wrong with her gait. Ilsa's hips seemed wider or changed a bit which was impossible for the magic of the goblins was not that potent. She was already stepping into the cool flowing river as her hands ran over sleek flanks; perhaps... maybe... but no... any change was just a simple bruising or swelling. Now Ilsa should clean herself off, use a bit of magic to purge her body of the filthy goblin spend and then resume her quest.
It'd take three to four goblins to rival one Elven male. A pratice Ilsa had not seen herself engaging in to confirm a day ago, but what was done was done.. and would never happen again, because she most certainly had not enjoyed any of this and even now, her subconscious was not gnawing at her to relax and let the warm, soothing fertility circulate throughout her body and prepare her for a new purpose.

Ilsa had formerly been a tall, lean warrior woman, now she was still the same, but with the woman infront of all other attributes, not that she'd emphatize it so. Just her body bruised up from the.. activities. It would heal, she would heal, never sharing this story with anyone, all people needed to know was the tale of her success. That was all they'd ever know, she nodded to her half-reflection on the moving water and...

Her keen elven senses tingled a moment before the creature approached... damn it. Her weapons, clothes, all left by the riverside.. and there he came.

A black-furred, dark skinned bull-man, muscular, male, musky, indubitably, seeming to come with the same intent to wash himself as she had.. until now, anyway.
He grinned over to the elf, simply stating, in a coarse, accented common tongue: "Nice."

Ilsa was in a bit of a pickle now. She could easily deal with such a creature.. if she wasn't pretty much naked. Her skin felt warm before, but now, with his gaze upon her, it was positively hot, burning up as he took her womanly curves in. "Always thought elves were a bit scrawny, but hmnn..." he snorted and grinned.
On the one hand, Ilsa was aflame with angry emberassment. Justified, of course. The stinking male beast had dared to glance at her so!
On the other hand, if she.. let him know how she felt, right now, well.. he didn't seem the type to accept his beastly inferiority to a high elfen maiden in stride.

Perhaps, this called for a more.. diplomatic sollution. The man-beast was clearly intelligent enough.. and interested. She could...
[[Pretend to seduce him...]]
[[Joke around but slowly reach for her weapon...]]

(letting you decide which one may be the better option.. remember, the 'good' option gets you lewded and continues, the 'Bad' will lead to you succeeding in the adventure :( )
Ilsa used the time in the water to heal the scrapes, bruises and contusions she'd suffered from the encounters with the filthy goblins. The cool flowing water enhanced the power of healing magic as she worked with fingers to flush herself out of any evidence of her recent activities. Still she found the that goblin cum had thickened and resisted removal even as her body clenched and shivered as Ilsa worked a pair of fingers in her shockingly sensitive channel to remove what she could. Ilsa could feel that the flow of her own magic had shifted much with the subtle and reluctantly not so subtle changes with her body. The center of the flow of mana was now focused equally in her head and her womb instead of solely in her head and mind as was proper for an elf of high lineage. She fought the urge to relax, to give in to the warm and sensuous flow of power through her fertile belly. Ilsa cupped her breasts, massaging the warm orbs that seemed fuller and heavier, nipples longer and far more sensitive as her mind twisted. Such things, even the shift in her magic flows were minor for a high born elf. Isa would take a little time to recover, perhaps with a healing mage or two and all would be restored as before. There were rumors of other women disappearing for a few months or even half a year or more but Ilsa knew that whatever she might need could be done in a trivial week or two given her own power and will.

Her thoughts were broken by the appearance of the minotaur. Ilsa sniffed at the sight of the crude, bestial creature that was so clearly inferior to her in every way. Yet her eyes could not help but linger on his muscular arms and chest as well as the heavy, virile testicles swing between powerful legs but it was the thick, sheathed cock that made her lick her lips. Ilsa shook her head and dismissed the warm feelings flowing through her belly and the flush on her face and chest. She was evaluating him as a foe, understanding his strengths and weaknesses... Ilsa didn't let herself panic as he advanced down to the edge of the water nor did his burning gaze as his eyes swept over her pale, naked body, breasts standing proudly on her chest disturb her concentration. No, she would easily deal with this creature even standing nude before him, exposed and vulnerable, sexy swollen and achy...

Ilsa considered an immediate magical attack and then discarded the idea. The bull minotaur had not attacked, indeed he seemed rather... appreciative. Ilsa knew that she was deep in enemy territory and a violent and likely loud conflict would only draw other minotaurs... strong and virile bulls who would surround and attempt to subdue her, hold her down, bend her over and... No... she would use her wits, her skill at diplomacy and bluff. Ilsa would take his foolish emotions, twist them and then use honeyed words and his vile, repulsive but obvious attraction to her gorgeous and perfect elven form to befuddle, charm and then subdue the monster. It wasn't a seduction. No... nothing sexual about the use of her looks and sex to interest the well... built... creature. Ilsa would tease of course, that might cause sexual feelings in the beast but Ilsa couldn't be responsible for the reactions of a clear inferior. Yes... it would work and she would again be victorious!

"Scrawny? Ahhh... no... I think you misjudge the beauty of the Elves. I am Ilsa Dragonstar noble born of the High Elves. Surely you like what you see do you not? Mortal eyes rarely are blessed with such a sight. And what brings such a virile, manly bull such as you here to the river?"
Ilsa's water-wettened body was an exquisite sight to behold, she could hardly blame the minotaur for.. his interest. A part of her wondered, how much of the minotaur was man, how much beast. How much was instinct, looking at a fertile female, nicely preparing herself for him.
She also pondered about the changed flow of her magic. Was a part of her body changing, parasitising her own considerable mana to keep rediculous fertility magic going? A rediculous theory, right?
She had expert control of her magic. She could easily refocus herself. She exhaled, and felt the sensation of life energy throbbing between her legs. It was.. too enjoyable to stop, right now, anyway. Perhaps after she calmed down.

Her magic wanted it. She wanted it, this soothing, warm sensation of a new purpose, her body, her primitive urges and self rewarding her for such thoughts. Obviously she was above them, even with the.. admittedly interesting specimen of minotaur before her. She exhaled, her body tensing up and the warmth she'd pulled back to regain control over herself a little flooding back through her flesh. Sure, she caught herself again almost immediatly, but another nice throbbing of warming energy had been repurposed to sexualize and ready her, rather than maintain her control over the arcane.

The ... encounter with the goblins had helped her in one regard.. she had an easy time posing like a sensual, seductive female, even flirting with the minotaur, who grinned, stepping closer, the peeking of a red prick growing from his sheathe indicating his interest in what she had to offer, although she tried her best not to stare, who knew what staring at that beautiful bullcock could do to her already slightly distracted mental faculties?

"Honestly, I just wanted to wash up." He grinned, stepping closer. "Not minding the bonus, however." And then, with little warning, his hand pressed upon her bottom, giving her an appreciative squeeze, a squeeze that send all of those nice, warm, magical feelings rushing right there to meet him.. hmnn.. she could relax a bit and just let her magic flow as it desired, perhaps her butt would bubble up ab it if he squeezed it enough, that was so hot.
"A bit small but, definitly a proper woman. So what brings you here. You better not be an adventurer coming to slay us all. I'd have to capture and enslave you, you know." The minotaur man grinned a not entirely kind grin, and unless Ilsa tried something to push him off, that strong, fur covered hand would remain just where it was, squeezing and evaluating her bottom, briefly dipping in between her legs, checking her.
"Hooh you seem nice and ready. Hey, wanna get on all fours and have a good time?" He enthused, his hand unashamedly rubbing places it was definitly not supposed to... good as it felt doing that.
As her magic waxed more strongly in the nexus of power that was her womb Ilsa was unaware that her body was glowing faintly. It wasn't enough to notice, not in daylight certainly but the magic was finely tuned to draw the eyes of males to her. Unbeknownst to her this affect flowed from her new sexuality like a charm spell that acted to arouse those of the opposite sex with a desire to breed her. The effectiveness of the magic was limited in range but like the mixing of male and female it thrived and strengthened off of masculine power to more powerfully affect more virile males.

Ilsa instinctively posed for the minotaur as her nudity seemed a natural, feminine offering to such a overwhelming creature. Surely the sight of an elf such as her, even if her nudity was a bit risque was a treat and privilege for a crass and crude monster. A delicious, well hung bull should be worshipping an high born noble with a thick, turgid erection... pulsing, dripping with seed... grateful to quench the liquid heat of her pussy. Ilsa's thoughts were elsewhere, on a higher plane as she communed with her pure and powerful magic such that she almost jumped with shock as the minotaur was suddenly close enough to grasp her ass.

"Wash... umm... yes... My good man... your hand..." Ilsa blushed as her sex throbbed wetly between her soft thighs. She felt heavy, swollen and moist as her lips spread in puffy welcome to the rough touch on her ass. She considered pulling away for a moment for surely it was improper to be handled in such a fashion by a simple brute. Yet her mission required that she allow some limited touch, a seduction and then a quick coup de grace to eliminate him. Yes... yes... that was it... submit to the distasteful... sensual... irresistible... groping and then... sex! No... ahhh... no... then... No, she'd seduce and then silence him.

Wiggling a bit, Ilsa placed her hands on his rock hard, massive chest and then traced her hands over his biceps, arms that would trap her as she was fucked... No... no... focus... "Oh, so forward... do you ask all girls to get down on all fours and present like a bitch in heat the first time you talk to them? What if I was one of those dastardly adventurers? Maybe you'd have to capture and enslave me and show me no mercy?"