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Official Database


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Nov 10, 2008
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This is an official database on races, and may also contain historical event time lines and such. This is for all players to add stuff in about their characters, and any events that would be common knowledge at this point, and can be edited as needed to include newer things. I'm reserving a few posts myself to use, so check back in for updates here and there.
Re: Official Database

The Alterans: The Alterans were once a single unified race living in a galaxy far off in one corner of the known universe. Many chose to live simple lives on the surface, not relying heavily upon technology, but there were many who worked in secret, advancing in leaps and bounds. At some stage, they split into two beliefs, one who believed it was their duty to allow less advanced races to grow naturally on their own without outside influence in their development and culture. They would later become the Ancients. The other faction strongly believed that since they had the technology to create life, they should be considered gods and worshiped as such. They would later become known as the Ori. A great split occurred between the species, and a small war erupted that encompassed several planets and star systems. Eventually, the Ancients decided to leave their home and start new somewhere else, allowing both factions to pursue their way of life. The great migration as it is sometime referred to, occurred sometime around 65 million years ago. From this point on, the species lived in different galaxies.

The Ancients: The Ancients came to our galaxy about 65 million years ago, and are believed to have been directly responsible for the sudden disappearance of the dinosaurs on Earth. They arrived here in a different type of city ship than is seen today, and quickly set about creating life in their form. During the trip, stargates were manufactured for the new galaxy. Not long after their arrival, a vast network was established within the galaxy. Along the way the Ancients met at least three other species whom they established a great alliance with. Those races were the Nox, the Asgard and the Furlings. The Ancients at one time suffered from a plague, believed to be sent upon them by the Ori, though this has come into question given the Ori had no prior knowledge of life even existing in this galaxy. The Ancients did however have a series of long range communication stones, even more advanced than that which the Asgard had, capable of linking two minds and swapping them into the body of the other person across unlimited distances, provided the other person also had a stone. This could be used to report situations quickly without breaking cover on specific missions such as recon, or observation of a lower species.

Eventually, the Ancients became all too aware of the problem the plague was causing, as many of the new life in their form began to suffer from it as well. In a last ditch effort to save the galaxy, the Ancients used a device on the planet known as Dakara to wipe the galaxy of all but a handful of species, and re-seed the galaxy to have the same genetic markers that some of their kind had. These people were immune to the plague for some reason, and couldn't carry it, so they were chosen to be the new blue-print for humanoid life. Shortly after this project was completed, the Ancients became aware of an ascended race known as the Sentinels, who shared similar beliefs to the Ori. The Ancients left them alone, at least until the Sentinels invaded this galaxy using a super-gate. The Ancients dispatched the first wave of ships easily, commandeered the space gate, and built a defensive station near it to destroy anything that tried to use it. Undeterred, the Sentinels continued to send ships via hyper-drive, leading to an all out war. Eventually, the Ancients won the war when they devised a means of trapping the Sentinels in an isolated artificial universe. This ironically led to the development of Zero Point Modules. With the Sentinels gone and not issuing orders for an attack, their armies fell silent, and the Ancients left them alone to rebuild their societies, not thinking them a threat any longer.

Some time after the Sentinel War ended, or perhaps during it, the Ancients became aware of a strange signal that seemed to exist in the very fabric of space itself. Studying it for about a million years, they realized this signal could only mean one thing. The universe hadn't been a random creation, but rather an intentional creation by a sentient being. Proof of a god some might say. Intrigued, the Ancients designed a special ship named Destiny, and sent it out to investigate other galaxies for the same signal. The first galaxy they sent it to was the Pegasus Galaxy, later a site the Ancients would move to. About this time several Ancient scientists theorized that for such an intentional universe to exist and have been built, there must be others that could be reached, and other dimensions as well. This would be confirmed to some degree, but never truly in the scope theorized.

Quite some time after Destiny was launched, the Ancients decided to pack up their entire city and leave our galaxy for the Pegasus Galaxy. They wished to investigate the sounds coming from the space there in person, as well as explore a new place. Some time about five million years ago, they departed in Atlantis. Upon reaching Pegasus, the Ancients set about seeding life in the galaxy, as there appeared to be none at all, a strange thing for them to find. In time, a thousand planets had humanoid life on them, some of them advancing far enough to be made aware of the existence of the Ancients. In some cases, other Ancients secretly conducted experiments in guiding the progression of other races to see exactly what, if any damage, could come from outside interference. The results varied, and are probably listed in personal archives of the scientists involved.

Not long after their arrival, the Ancients began truly researching ascension, and made a breakthrough after the unfortunate Atoshka incident. The Atoshka had been sent to investigate an unusual magnetic disturbance on the star in their system, and all hell broke loose. A massive flare unlike anything the Ancients had ever seen flared out, and the pilot of the ship managed to barely open a hyper-space window and reach Atlantis. Unfortunately, even his quick reaction wasn't enough to save him, or his crew. He survived only for a few hours after warning the city of the approaching disaster before succumbing to radiation burns. The crew were all killed instantly, and it's unknown how the pilot managed to survive. Fortunately he did and the Ancients were able to protect most of the planet from a devastating radiation storm. Shortly after learning his actions saved their entire species and their planet, the pilot died, and then ascended. It was the first time any of those living in Atlantis knew of one of their kind ascending, and he would not be the last.

Many years later, the Ancients encountered a powerful, terrifying enemy known as the Klarnell who preyed on these human worlds. The Ancients went to war with them, but the Klarnell proved more than a match for even them, and after about a hundred years, Atlantis was the only place that was untouched by the Klarnell. After a long siege lasting several years at least, the Ancients were forced to abandon their city and sink it, returning to Earth through the stargate. Initially they had planned to return after figuring out something they could use, but something happened, and the Ancients quietly went into the night, vanishing from the universe, or so it was thought.

A few years ago, a single Helia class Ancient Warship was discovered. While the crew ultimately were killed and the ship destroyed, much was learned from these living Ancients. Now, it has been discovered at least one Ancient is still alive, having been left behind on Atlantis to help her kind when they returned.

The Asari: Little is known about the Asari race beyond what Siphon has shared about his knowledge of them. What he does know stems from his relationship with the Asari named Daina Eil'Mori. What is known is the Asari are blue skinned and mono gendered, capable of telepathic contact as well. Beyond that, the Asari seem to be a well kept secret.

The Asgard: The Asgard are an ancient race of kind beings, who rarely use their military power unless it is needed. For a long time, the Asgard opposed the Gou'ald, enforcing a protective treaty on planets they and the system lords had negotiated would never be attacked by a Gou'ald. The Asgard were also in a brutal war at one time with the replicators before Siphon and his friends managed to help the Asgard defeat their ancient foe. Extremely advanced technologically, the Asgard were once part of the great alliance of races with the Ancients, and entered into an alliance with the Alverans quite some time ago shortly after the discovery of their war with the replicators. The Asgard participated in the second war with the Sentinels, as well as the Ori war.

The Asgard possessed hyper-drives almost on par with the Alverans, and energy weapons comparable to a Kara Class plasma beam. Their shields were nearly as advanced as Alveran shields, but little was ever disclosed about their power sources. The Asgard lived in the Ida Galaxy, and frequently travelled to other galaxies as explorers, for research into solving certain issues, and in some cases, to simply meet with old friends.

The Asgard at some stage in their evolution became incapable of sexual reproduction, and chose a path in cloning while they tried to solve the problem. Eventually the process became irreversable, and the Asgard were nearing extinction. Desperate, they tried one final gambit to continue existing, and it most likely would have worked if not for the Klarnell attack that ultimately wiped out their species. Their extinction will likely send massive shock waves throughout the entire alliance network, and could lead to some issues down the road with crafty Gou'ald who see this as an opportunity ...

The Alverans: The Alverans are descendants of the Ancients, and in some areas have advanced beyond their ancestors. Originally from a different dimension or universe, it's unknown exactly how or why the Ancients reached the place the Alverans once called home. As of twelve years ago though, the Alverans came to our universe, and adventure has ensued for those who first met them.

The Alverans have a city-ship similar to Atlantis, only smaller that is known as Alverus, and have established many outposts, some on former Ancient outposts that we know about. The Alverans have picked up in many cases where the Ancients left off, and have given the galaxy a much needed boost of stability that it had been lacking for quite some time. A powerful race to be sure, but peaceful unless they have to defend or go on the offensive against an enemy. The Alverans are currently the most advanced race within the Milky Way or Pegasus Galaxies.

The Bentari: Servants of the Sentinels, the Bentari are hulking brutes who anger very easily, but are technologically advanced enough to be a threat. The death of the Sentinels did not seem to stop them, and they continued their attacks until the start of the Ori war, when the last of them are believed to have been wiped out by the Ori themselves.

The Cral'nek: A race of symbiote creatures originally created as a medical advancement, but who gained intelligence to be considered a new species. The Cral'nek are the perfect symbiotic creature, sharing everything with their host and never taking an unwilling host, much like the Tokra. Those who have a Cral'nek symbiote are said to be stronger than normal, quicker to heal and have incredible mental defenses due to having a second mind capable of helping in mental attacks, defenses or overall problem solving. The Cral'nek however will not share information on their numbers or how they perpetuate their existence with those who are not a host, perhaps because they believe most humanoid races wouldn't like the answers.

The Draque: A former servant race to the Sentinels, with their eradication they became free and almost immediately surrendered. The Draque are a powerful race, capable of cloaking individually, sneaking up on prey and then becoming visible just before striking with precise blows. Beyond what is known about Sivok and his group, the Draque have appeared to withdraw after the Ori war to regroup, and rediscover themselves.

The Enoly: Another former servant race to the Sentinels, they resemble walking fish men. Advanced technologically, they aren't on the same level as the Draque in both their technology and their mental capacity. In fact, it took a month for them to be convinced they no longer had to follow the orders of a dead race and could choose for themselves what to do. After the Sentinel war, the Enoly have simply vanished, perhaps to decide upon their course of action in life.

The Furlings: Very little is known about the Furlings, who appear to have been extinct for quite some time. What little is known about them is that they were extremely advanced, possessing an archway device that operated like a transporter over vast distances. A planet that was believed to be a Furling controlled planet was discovered six years ago, however all that remained were scraps of technology, and bodies which appeared, at least from the skeletal remains, very human. It is unknown if these were Furling bodies, or perhaps a human race who they protected. The only other thing known about them is that they were part of the great alliance, but no one has shared anything further about them, leading to the belief that the Furlings liked to live quietly and in secret most of the time.

The Gou'ald: The Gou'ald for a very long time were power hungry, seeking to be worshiped as gods. They are actually a race of parasitic symbiotes who took control over their hosts. During the Ori war, the Gou'ald got their asses kicked, and many of them who had been raised to believe they were unstoppable began questioning what they knew. Eventually a number of them defected over, and were able to convince most of their kind of everything wrong with what they had done. However not all of the Gou'ald saw things this way, which has led to some skirmishes between those small handful and the greater might of the System Lords. The term 'System Lords' is actually more a title than anything now, as these Gou'ald only control a handful of places in their domain, with willing followers, rather than forced worshipers or slaves. Surprisingly, a handful of cultures still willingly serve the Gou'ald despite knowing they aren't gods, because it is all they have ever known, and now they know they are doing things for good, rather than feeding power hungry creatures.

The Ingrali: The Ingrali are a mysterious race of creatures who are known to be perfect mimetic shape-shifters. Little is known about their technology other than they are comparable to the Asgard, and were once at war with the Sentinels. After an initial mis-understanding between them and the Alverans was rectified during the second Sentinel war, the Ingrali became allies. However after the Ori war, the Ingrali returned to the shadows, and haven't been seen since.

The Kih'Andari: Genetically similar to the Vorians, they are criminals who tried to use their telepathic powers for evil. Cast out by the rest of their kind and exiled, the Kih'Andari have secretly been developing technology to strike back at the Vorians.

The Klarnell: Very little is known about the Klarnell other than they are supposedly a dying race who became incapable of sexual reproduction some time ago. Unlike the Asgard, the Klarnell weren't sated by their cloning, and turned to capturing humanoid women to forcefully use as breeders. It was determined that only the females of their kind couldn't reproduce, but the males could, hence why they took female prisoners. The Klarnell appear to hail from far into the future, coming through rifts known as anomalies that breach the boundaries of space and time. They also appear to have either tamed, or created their own attack pets which are clearly geetic modifications, and have complete control over them somehow. Beyond that the only thing truly known about them is that they were able to fight the Ancients to a standstill, ultimately forcing them to abandon Atlantis. However recent scans taken by the Etherian construct E.O.S may shed some light on the biology of the Klarnell.

The Ori: The Ori were and are two separate things in a sense. First, you had the evil ascended Ori who sought to be worshipped as gods. Then you had their advanced followers, survivors from the war we had with them who were not ascended beings, but flesh and blood just like us. The Ori faction long ago split from the Alteran race and the Ancients, and held a grudge for millions of years. When they became aware of our galaxy, they sought to convert or destroy it, partially in their need to be worshiped, but partially out of spite to their long lost brethren. At least as advanced as the Ancients and Alverans, they originally proved too much for the allied forces that first tried to stop them. As time went on, with a little bit of clever thinking by Siphon himself, a means to combat them finally was found, and the tide of war turned. Near the end of the war, Siphon was killed, but managed to ascend and confront the last of the ascended Ori leaders, Adria herself. In an epic battle, Siphon managed to defeat her, but vanished altogether. It would be some time later he returned alive again, having been sent back by the other Ancients. Those who had been followers of the Ori quickly learned the truth, and quite literally begged to be forgiven for being so blind. Since then the survivors have renamed their species the Valkans, the term Valkan meaning reborn in the Ori language. Adding the s literally translates to calling them "The Reborn Ones". Since then, until very recently, the Valkans remained silent, trying to decide if they would maintain a communication with outside races, or if they needed more time to learn from their mistakes.

The Nox: The Nox may seem primitive at first glance, but it is an illusion. The Nox are one of the oldest races in the Milky Way, if not the oldest, and are both technologically, and physiologically advanced. The Nox keep many secrets about their kind, but are known to have a floating invisible city, have incredible mental powers, and even have the ability to revive the recently killed. They are a peaceful race, preferring to remain out of combat, and only use their powers offensively to transport hostiles back home, or far enough away that they get the point.

The Re'tu: The Re'tu are an arachnid type species that exist 180 degrees out of phase and are virtually unstoppable without a specific type of energy weapon, or a specific device that converts weapons to be able to hit them. However if timed right, most weapons can in fact affect them if you hit them when they briefly become visible firing their own weapons. A long time ago the Re'tu met the Gou'ald, when the Gou'ald were slave masters and warlike. Concerned about an enemy like this, the Gou'ald nearly wiped out the Re'tu, which prompted a war. While the majority of them now recognize that most Gou'ald are no longer a threat, a number of Re'tu still believe that humans must be wiped out to starve the Gou'ald of hosts. Until recently, this sub-faction had been quiet, but no longer.

The Replicators: The Replicators were nanite machines that literally ate everything in their paths, seeking only to self replicate. Anything they consumed they became aware of how to defend against, making them a terrible enemy. It was only through ingenious 'lower thinking' and a handful of high tech baits that the Replicators were finally exterminated once and for all, or so we thought. The knowledge of how to create them still existed, and a number of replicators were used as a weapon against the Ori near the end of the war. Fortunately, they were stopped, and the Replicators were once again extinct, information on how to create them removed from all databases. However, rumor has had it that some human form replicators might exist in the Pegasus Galaxy, though this has not been confirmed.

The Tokra: The Tokra are genetically identical to the Gou'ald, just following a different path of life. The Tokra refuse to be with an unwilling host, and refuse to use a Sarcophagus themselves. At one time the Tokra were at war with the Gou'ald as a resistance cell, but now they are mostly all on the same side, just differing in their beliefs over the Sarcophagus.

The Tollan: Little is known about the Tollan, as they prefer usually to keep to themselves. What is known is that they are highly advanced, though not on par with the Alverans. They have been an ally of the Vorians for some time, and only recently have they opened a line of communication with the greater alliance.

The Velokians: The Velokians are Vanessa's people, a race of humans who were transplanted to a new world centuries ago by the Gou'ald. At some point the Gou'ald abandoned them, and they became somewhat advanced technologically, capable of space travel but not extreme distances by ship. They utilized the stargates to trade and explore, and for the most part were an unknown until Siphon met Vanessa near the middle of the second Sentinel War.

The Vorians: The Vorians are a human species who may have been transplanted by the Gou'ald centuries ago and then abandoned. They have become powerful telepaths, and are quite advanced having learned and reverse engineered technology from both the Draque and Ancients. As of right now, they are a newer ally, who could prove to be a solid addition to the ever expanding alliance.

The Wraith: The Wraith are part human, part bug and are very hard to kill. All wraith can eat like a human, however they also possess the ability to drain the life force of a living being. Wraith are capable of incredible self-regeneration directly proportionate to how recently they have eaten or fed on someone. Wraith do not die from aging so long as they eat, and some are millions of years old. The wraith currently are in the middle of a civil war, with one side choosing not to feed on humans, and the other doing so for both sport, and because they take some twisted form of pleasure in feeding on living beings.
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Re: Official Database

I've placed some information regarding most of the races either mentioned, or that would be known about in the database your characters have access to. I may be adding some specific names into this database, and I do have plans to get some ship descriptions in at a later date, so stay tuned for more information.
Re: Official Database

I thought I'd take up the offer to add our own database entries. Whilst very little if any of this could be considered "common knowledge", it's something that Ellisia or her comrades might discuss with the other characters and friends during conversation or if asked. Otherwise, it's just nice to have it here. I've collected up most of the stuff I've scribbled out for Etheria over time.

Scale view of a few key landmarks/constructs.

Diagram of 'Etherian Space'

Etheria is a strange and unique place, with it's own rules and hidden pocket of space. Ancient and artificial, but also weathered by time and nature. This digram and piece wrote for it tries to approximately explain the general space that it exists within.
(Note: The "inner" sphere, includes both the light blue orb and the area inside the first white border it sits in.)
Inner sphere
- This region of space houses the tower and surrounding landmass and city, and is the most stable portion of Etheria. Semi regulated weather patterns occur in this area imitating the natural weather of normal worlds. It has a balanced breathable earth like atmosphere throughout, and 1G gravity that pulls downwards towards the apparent planet bellow. Multiple lesser orbitals and satellite structures also occupy the outer regions of this sphere. An illusion of the planet bellow and the stars can be seen when looking out from here. A vast blue sky including the local star and sometimes clouds filling the view during the day time. The region is divided vertically by the sea that encircles the Etherian landmass, and seems to reach out hovering in open air. The further out you go, the "shallower" the sea gets, until it eventually disperses into a razor thin mirror, and then fine mist. Various floating smaller landmasses also exist in this area.
Mid sphere - This fairly expansive region houses notable greater orbitals and servant structures such as I.O.S and E.O.S as well as more lesser constructs. The atmosphere here (both above and bellow the central landmass) is somewhat thinner, being comparable to tall Earth mountains, and also exhibits strong and near constant high speed winds. The winds move in a consistent outwards spiral, blowing out towards the edge of Etherian space. Living beings visiting this region for extended periods will also be subjected to slightly abnormal spiritual pressures, commonly resulting in temporary soul sickness if without training or a particularly resilient soul. Gravity in the 2nd sphere is also weaker, being comparable to Earth's lunar gravity.
Outer sphere - The outer most region of Etheria. Once crossing the border between the 2nd and 3rd sphere gravity begins to divert and pull strongly and dangerously outwards. Once within the 3rd sphere the dimensional warping that makes the planet and stars visible from central Etheria will fade and be replaced with the true edge of Etherian artificial space, appearing as a gigantic dark stormy ocean of water in constant turmoil. Ferocious winds rip the waters surface without end, and the water itself is in constant motion both at the surface and bellow. Looking back "up" towards central Etheria, dark clouded skies will obscure much of the view. Anything that travels beyond the depths of the sea itself, if the violent waters don't destroy it first, will be met with the void. Items that sink through to the void are utterly destroyed and returned back into the aetherial plane for Etheria to reuse and form into new mass or energies.

Visual of the Solace Class Cruiser / Light Carrier.

Size comparison of the Solace Class and the USS Enterprise super-carrier. Measured to be in scale. :
(The Enterprise is one of the largest present day aircraft carriers in service today, at roughly 360 meters in length.)

(Sinnve's Golem "Ophlankia" is a Kesaii-Va class)

Sol-Hathis (shown without flight gear)


Golem size comparison and historical info

Ship and Golem Specs Data
(Slightly out of date)

A (kinda artistic visualisation of a...) communication from Maia-Ve sent to the Etherian tower.

Reference Image for Knights light armour/duty uniform. The special fabrics used are astoundingly resilient to any attempt to cut, rip or pierce, as well as being highly heat resistant and non-conductive.

They are also machine washable and will never shrink, fade, or bobble.

Reference image for Knights outer uniform cloak. :

Reference image for a young Anima technician wearing a shielding robe.

Anima technicians are the people responsible for creating, maintaining and caring for the many hundreds of "Anima" (artificial souls) that keep Etheria running smoothly. Working with the largest and most ancient of these Anima require special protective robes such as the white vest seen here, to protect the wearers own soul from over exposure to the massive energies involved. The extended sleeves are a traditional part of the outfit, worn by those serving in historic constructs such as any of the towers, EOS or IOS, but wouldn't be worn by those currently serving on military vessels. Similar outfits are also sometimes worn by those who need to interface with a large number of interconnected Anima, to aid control and prevent potentially harmful feedback issues.

(The top of the silhouette shown is the front of the Sylph.)
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