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Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

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Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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It has been a long morning, but Chase is finally finished for the day given that there were only a few cars that needed work. Chase, having taken a shower, after getting out of the work clothes worn to take oil stains in the place of regular clothes, has put on the clothes Chase stored near the showers in the building earlier. Going out into the main room, Chase can see the boss packing up for the day. Alright kid, you can head home now, I'll finish locking up. He says, just before an announcement on the radio cuts off the music.

This just in. The town of Jelton, less than 50 miles away has just reported zombie sightings. I'd suggest people start getting ready, because it looks like we'll be next in the path once the zombies are done there, and the national guard are staying locked down tight with the president in Hawaii.
Re: Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

*giving a concerned look at the radio and a shake of the head Chase waves to the boss before heading towards the door*

"You heard them boss dont take too long i'd get the heck out of here in short order if i were you."

*once outside Chase would make for whatever transportation was available and if none then taking to the side walk using a brisk speed in jogging home*

"just what we need zombies.."
Re: Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

Emerging out onto the sidewalk, Chase can see people starting to react to also hearing the announcement. Everyone nearby seems to be running, knocking down the people in front of them, and trampling anyone who gets in their way. A full panic seems to be developing, although fortunately only a few have gotten to their vehicles. A glance at the nearby crosswalk shows a hint about how bad this situation will soon get. The few cars already speeding down the road aren't even bothering to stop if they see a person on the crosswalk, running them down and going on in their haste to escape. Most of the cars nearby seem to either have people struggling to get in or have others breaking into them and trying to hotwire them. Jogging home, Chase comes across a middle aged woman and her teenage daughter struggling to stay together and not get trampled in the rush of bodies.
Re: Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

*Approaching the two Chase motions for them tostep a little out of the main traffic along the side walks and such*

"panic never fails..where you two heading? I'm on my way home but if i can help i'll try and help ya through these fools killing each other..."

*Chase looks around watching for the flow in people as well as safe gaps of road traffic to cross the crosswalks through*

"sadly things will just get worse before getting better"
Re: Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

Thank you, We're trying to get to our home as well. My ex lives in a town only twenty miles away and I was planning to call him to get us. He might not forgive me for having sole custody, but I don't think he would abandon us completely. Besides, he used to be a cop, so he should have some skill with a gun to protect us with. The woman replies gesturing in about the same direction Chase is going when she mentions going home.
Re: Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

"well i would say just focus on holding onto each other in this throng and keep in front of me"

*Chase wasnt too keen of filing into the paniced people but guiding the two ahead Chase would move to push into the rush keeping the others right ahead. All crosswalks regarded with ample caution considering the way people were driving while chase tried to assist the other two in mo0ving down the road and home.*

"some people just have no sense about keeping calm."
Re: Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

Chase moves slowly with the pair down the street towards her home, passing by the one Wallmart in town on the way. By the looks of things, people were already headed there to loot the place. Just up ahead, however, is a troubling sight: A large SUV has crashed straight through the front doors of Chase's apartment building, blocking the main entrance. Seeing this, the woman speaks up, How are we going to get inside to our home if the door is blocked?
Re: Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

*glancing over to the woman at least glad that Chase didnt have any further to go letting out a sigh and leading them around towards the back of the building*

"There has to be a back entrance in or even fire escapes to at least get into one of the floors...i live here as well by the way. Come on lets check the back we can hurry a little more since we are away from the street a bit now."
Re: Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

At the back of the building is what can only be described as more mayhem. A large tide of people is moving out from the rear exit, hauling bags and various bits of furniture before trying to pack it into over full cars. All the while, people are trying to steal the cars that are already open to be loaded. Chase does notice the fire escape has been lowered. However, there seems to be a constant flow of people trying to get out through that route as well.
Re: Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

*giving a sigh and placing one hand upon forehead a steady stream of mumbled curses at the sights seen*

"well i hate to say that those were my only ideas of getting inside..we can wait out the flow eventually everyone will be done or gone or if one of you two have an idea i'm all ears"
Re: Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

I've never used anything other than the main entrance. Still, we should probably wait somewhere around here. My ex and I may not have been divorced on the best of terms, but he'll probably still come to get us. He lives in Seville, only about twenty minutes away on a good day. The woman says before her daughter adds in. If everyone is going around stealing stuff, why don't we go and grab some stuff from Wallmart? I'm pretty sure we won't be able to go buy food any time soon, not to mention I think they have a gun department.
Re: Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

"go looting?..i dont know its probably gonna be crazy in there...but its not abad idea..to get some supplies at least to travel on..maybe when we get backt he crowd will have thinned out what do you two think?"
Re: Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

That's horrible, I know I taught my daughter better than to go stealing, and you, young man, should know better than to do that as well. The woman replies, sounding outraged, before her daughter steps in.

Mother, the stuff is going to be stolen anyway, and I doubt that the owner or the employees will be coming back any time soon anyway. Would you rather us die for no reason, or have us go over there and find a way to live?

The mother looks sullenly at her daughter before replying, Fine, but we're having a long talk about your morals later young lady.
Re: Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

*simply gave a smirk before moving to head off towards the wallmart figuring the other two would be following behind*

"well look at it this way we arnt going in for anything luxurious only neccessities to keep us on our way or alive..afterall if a zombie comes after me i wouldnt like to be caught empty-handed"
Re: Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

Damn men, act as bad roll models for my daughter. The woman mutters as the two follow after Chase.

Soon the triad reaches the front doors of the Wallmart, walking in to discover a large number of people running around and throwing stuff into bags and shopping carts. If things are this bad now, any city they come across where the people have already fled will likely be even worse. Chase can see Rachel pulling out a shopping cart and offhandedly throwing in a few different glamor magazines.
Re: Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

*Following along behind Chase gives Rachel a nudge*

"what did i say? necessities...your mother is fussing bad enough lets not make things worse by picking up stuff we can do without. come on lets try and get some food before everything is snatched up"

*Chase would push the front of the cart towards the grocery side of the big store and motion for the girl to push along*
Re: Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

Fine, so groceries then guns? The girl responds, heading towards the grocery section.

When they get there, everything is already getting taken pretty quickly. Most of the frozen dinners, ice creams, and expensive foods are being grabbed without a thought, although some of the cheaper stuff like cereals and crackers are still plentiful.
Re: Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

*Quickly makes for the said cheap stuff. it didnt need to be expensive to be able to survive on but Chase does try and get ahold of as much non-perishable foodstuffs as possible.*

"It might not be the most healty diet to live on but its food none the less..keep the cart close please"
Re: Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

Acting quickly, Chase tosses several different bags of cereal as well as quite a bit of ramen, however, most of canned goods have been taken as well although Chase is able to snatch a few cans of green beans. The cart is about half full now, and the girl speaks up. How are we going to carry this around? Are we going to be pushing the cart around everywhere?
Re: Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

*Chase simply gave a head shake while looking back over the items gathered so far.*

"no we are gonna get some back packs or duffle bags and pack it all into those and also we need a few canteens or water bottles so we can fill them with some drinking water. So lets go find some bags and water bottles"
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