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Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

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Re: Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

The woman, who has been avoiding doing anything so far, grabs a few of the plastic bags used to put vegetables in. These are free. Why not at least use these before stealing more? She asks with a scathing look at Chase. Meanwhile Rachel runs off to come back with half a dozen Gatorade bottles. Would these work? We can always refill them once we drink them.
Re: Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

*gives the woman a flat look and speaks quite calmy getting a little annoyed but such looks Chase was receiving from this woman*

"so if we have to hike any distance at all you think those dinky little bags are gonna survive long? heck i got my back pack back at my apartment but thats one bag for alot of supplies so i figure we want something durable not a plastic bag. Maam"

*turning to look at what rachel had brought Chase gave a nod*

"good those will help. we should have a decent enough bit of supplies food wise so lets get out of here..honestly its only fair someone else get their shot at some grocerys as well..lets hope the gun area still has something we can use for protection"
Re: Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

Moving back to the back of the store, the triad fines that the glass casing around the guns has been broken open and only a few guns are left in the main area of the store and next to no ammo. It seems as though, aside from a few loose shells and bullets lying about, all the boxes of ammo have been taken already. The only guns left are a shotgun, a small pistol, and a hunting rifle.

The woman is still hanging around behind the two, thoroughly upset about her daughter running around stealing things.
Re: Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

*frowns looking at the selection left Chase leans over to Rachel a bit*

"hey can you go gather as many of the loose shells laying around please? we are gonna need all we can get. also do either of you know how to handle a firearm?"

*Chase would walk over and gather the three weapons onto the counter looking them over at least being a minor collector chase is checking to make sure they look in decent order*
Re: Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

No, and there is no way you are going to make either me or my daughter go on a murdering spree with stolen weapons, young man. It's bad enough that you want to steal, but to shoot people as well? The woman says sounding outraged, while the girl simply ducks behind the counter and out of her mother's sight as she starts picking up ammo. Not wanting to attract her mother's attention, the girl simply shakes her head 'no', but gestures for Chase to take the pistol as well as whatever Chase decides to take.
Re: Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

*Chases smacks a hand flat on one of the glass counters before turning to the older woman*

"This isnt about some damn murdering spree this is about being prepared for self-defense. i have no intention of firing a single shot at another person. These are so if some dead corpse wants to bite a chunk of me they can eat some lead first. now stop being so damn holier then thou and either make a suggestion that will assist us or shut up. I didnt drag you here you came on your own now help or get out of the way. and stop calling me young man...my name is Chase"
Re: Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

While I never... Rachel, come on, where going back to the apartment to wait for your father! The woman says starting to stalk away angrily.

Instead of following, Rachel walks over to Chase. Mom, you can go if you want, but at least Chase has a good plan. We don't know if dad'll even be able to get here. We should at least prepare for the worst. She says causing her mother to stop and stare at her, before grabbing one of the plastic vegetable bags and emptying the woefully small amount of shells she had picked up into it. They're are probably duffel bags in the sporting goods section, why not head there next. She says to Chase.
Re: Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

*nodding at Rachels suggestion Chase took the shotgun and the small pistol leaving the hunting rifle not expecting to be any good at all with it. before setting the two guns into the cart with the food*

"listen maam why dont you go home and wait at the apartment i live in the same building..yu might be able to get ahold of your husband or something..you should start gathering whatever food supplies are there...i'll be doing the same when i get back to my apartment."

*Chase turns and begins to push the cart towards the sporting goods section next intent on getting out of this place soon enough*
Re: Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

Yeah, mom, we'll get back later. Cya then. Rachel says, chasing after Chase as her mother stands there sputtering.

Chase and Rachel eventually reach the sporting good section. The place seems to be as badly looted as the rest of the store, and it seems as though every single baseball bat, even down to the models, has been taken. There don't seem to be any duffel bags either.

Would tent bags work in place of duffels? Rachel asks, gesturing at the outdoors section just a row over.
Re: Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

*chase would nod in agreement moving over to the next section to look for tent bags and hopefully something in the outdoors section that might pass for a decent weapon*

"good thinking lets be fast so we can get back to the apartment building on the double"
Re: Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

Emptying a few tents from their bags, Chase place them in the cart. Also while searching, Chase finds a pocket knife and a few trekking poles which might be work as flimsy weapons. Nothing though really grabs Chase as being weapon quality, however.
Re: Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

*giving up for now chase would grab one of the tent bags and begin loading the food supplies gathered into the two bags*

"we dont wanna have to push the cart back to the apartment plus we can probably skidattle a little faster with the stuff packed up like this. so just fill up as fast as ya can so we can scoot"
Re: Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

Rachel nods in agreement before she starts to stuff another of the bags. In no time The two have filled six bags with their loot and head back towards the entrance. A glance outside shows that there are fewer pedestrians, but more cars speeding down the roads. The sidewalks don't look safe anymore as cars are driving along them as makeshift extra lanes. Getting back to the Fortunately, however, the apartment borders on the parking lot for the Wallmart and is more easily reachable. The fire escape is also clear now, although it would be interesting going up the first ladder with the bags of stuff.
Re: Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

*Leading rachel to the apartments through the lot borders rather then the sidewalks Chase would first head to the rear entrance to check there first before even considering the fire escape*
Re: Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

The flow at the back door seems to have slackened off as well, the pair could probably worm their way through. Every so often, however, someone will either run out, or walk out under heavy load, so the apartment couldn't be completely abandoned yet.
Re: Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

*Knew even with people still leaving it would be easier to worm their way through the outbound traffic instead of climbing a ladder with bags*

"which apartment do you live in rachel? we can make a stop by there first"

(by the way which apartment do i live in? also i'm heading out for a bit so you can rest finally from posting for me ;p )
Re: Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

Mom and I are on the third floor, room 303. Hopefully she'll have some stuff ready, and maybe even got up with dad. If anyone can get us out of here, it's him. Dad's a retired cop, you know. Rachel responds as the two start up the stairs.

(You get to be room 413)
Re: Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

*giving a nod to rachel Chase couldnt think of much more reassuring then what was already said and so walked up quietly to Rachel's apartment.*

"okay you hold on to the bags you have for now after i load whatever i can get in my apartment i'll come back down and see how you and your mom are okay?"

Chase would drop off rachel at her apartment and then proceed up to the next floor trying to think of what exactly was there to gather
Re: Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

As Chase reaches 413, Chase starts to hear shouting from somewhere downstairs. However, for now, though, the room is still locked and closed, although Chase doesn't have much inside of it. Chase should probably finish quickly, since from the sounds of things Rachel might be in the line of fire from someone's shouting spree.

(Your going to meet up with Tassadar soon, so things may slow down as you move into a joint thread.)
Re: Oil and Exhaust (Chase Onson)

* Chase would search for the cleaning supplies for the revolver which would end up being the only non-essential supplies carried with right now considering it was empty. After doing that and scouring the rest of the apartment for any food left over Chase would head down for rachel's apartment knowing that her mother wasnt gonna be making things any easier*
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