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SIM [Old Huntsman] Jack-o-nine-tails [SLG]


Demon Girl Master
Jan 9, 2011
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Section A
Wall of text, initial description and generally outdated information. Refer to Section B for actual game and translation.
Hey guys. There's a game I've been translating lately. Just recently I got it to at least playable state, so I thought I should post it here.

So, originally this is a game of Russian game maker who goes by name Old Hunter (his blog ). Essentially this is SlaveMaker-kind of a game, where you play as a slaver, get slaves, rise them and then sell for profit. But there quite a few distinct features, which made this game very appealing for me.

Like I mentioned before, the game itself is a little bit similar to vanilla Slave Maker 3 in that regards, that you can only have 1 slave in training and 1 assistant at time. You may have other slaves in dungeon, but that doesn't change a lot of thing. And, basically, that all about the similarity (if we omit small things).

So what makes this game shine? For me - it's possibility to interact with slave. First of all, there's a lot of interactions with a slave (not just lessons, but punishing her for misdeeds or vica versa, rewarding her; making her behave like an animal and so on and so on).

There's also this moodlet system, that changes slave's mood depending on things that happen to her (there are also separate moodlets for slaver as well). So, if you don't do anything beside punishing your slave that may lead to her breaking due to chronical depression. On the other hand, if you don't punish your slave properly her attitude won't change and you won't be able to teach her anything or you'll end up spoiling her so that she'll have too hight self esteem.


In this game, slave can be acquired in several ways. First off, the simplest and most common method - buying her from auction.


Then, a slave can be caught in the wilds (Borders of the Fogs -> Patrol, to be precise). Well, technically, you don't catch her - rather, you fight her captors and get a slave for yourself. Or die, depends on opponent. The game's battle system is quite simple, but interesting nevertheless. It somehow reminds me of rock-paper-scissors.


And here what we got for all trouble:


Also, another thing I like very much in this game is the way how personal and slave status and skills are represented. Numbers are cool and all, but coloring the skill differently depending on how developed it is - it's first time I've seen such thing, and I think it's awesome. It's very intuitive as you don't look at numbers and wonder if that value is good or bad. You just look at the word, and if it says 'Stupid'... well, you can pretty much guess her level of intellect, without knowing actual values, hidden behind this word. This actually makes the game fun to play.
Third way of acquiring a slave would be ordering a certain guy within a guild to find one with a traits you would like.

Now then, as I said before, there quite a bit of interactions with a slave. To train slave properly, you'll need two things - know her mood and know her opinion of you. Former is easy - you just ask her about it (if she's willing to talk, that is). Moodlet system kicks in here, so you should receive general outline of bad thing and good things. Latter is equally easy - you just need to ask her what she think of you. But unfortunately, this part is still not translated, so you'll have to use another way - i.e. looking at slave's aura.
Well, you won't see anything unless you cast a special spell for that (Auspex).
So, as you can see, you can make your slave to follow your orders by several ways of influence (fear, habit, devotion).

Well, this is took longer than I expected and I'm running out of topic to talk about. I'll just throw in a few more images and just answer your questions, if there are any.

City interface, to get to Slave market you'll need to navigate to White Town -> Trade square.

Training screen... and whoops, looks I missed some untranslated parts :(

And here are moodlets for our slave trader:

I'm not explaining any of the stats as every and each of them have translated in-game tool tip which will give you general idea about it (gotta click'em all). Well, sex-techniques don't have explanation, but I doubt that they need it.

Oh, and now let me put a disclaimer. It is included as a part of the game, and that's what you agree to at first screen. But it is stored as picture and it was pain in ass to do any picture editing, so for the time being I'll just put translation in this topic.

This game contains explicit scenes of sex, extreme violence and other shocking content, and therefore can't be recommended to anyone. Continuing the game you admit that you've read this warning and you are an adult.
(blah blah yada yada about copyright issues and stuff)

And now another disclaimer from me.
1) The game contains loli (at least images do) - therefore no direct link.

Ok, unlike me, who disappeared halfway through, the_vm actually managed to pull it off and finish the translation, and he has my heartfelt thanks for that. I'm adding his final update log from him to the first post for convenience sake. In case if you have any questions contact the_vm, as he pretty much done the translation.

Section B
There you have it, full english translation is out! It took pretty damn long time to actually finish this than I had planned, so I apologize for that.

1) Firstly, you need to download latest full version (1.2) of the game from author's blog - search "Валет плетей" at google and find his blog. There you will find links for download.
2) Then, apply the translation patch - download it from repository: github.com/thevm/jack/tree/english, scroll down and find link in readme section.
3) After that, unpack it above with file replacement. Archive contains translation and the latest patch. DO NOT TRY TO APPLY TRANSLATION ON OLD VERSION.
4) Launch game from Jack_FastQSP.bat file. Enjoy.

This is just a game. Don't even try to make a slave in a real life, you will be punished very quickly.
Also this game contains explicit scenes of sex, extreme violence and other shock content, including guro and stuff, but you can avoid this content, because it is determined by your actions. Almost any content and fetish can be avoided in this game if you don't like it, so to speak. You can even disable all interaction pics with NSFW option, if you want just to play business simulator on children's matinee.

Do not forget to check your slaves in hospital, or you will get a nasty surprise.

Q: How to play?
A: Check tutorial and choose easiest difficulty. Others are for challenge and training. Click on rate letter at slave's screen to check things that you need to do in order to raise slave's rank. Save often.
For story mode you need to sell slaves to customers in various districts. Choose one, because it will close your way to others, and start to fulfill clients orders, then you will able to enter the House's main building. Finish your way of fame and became a patrician already.
In free mode you can't finish the game, because you're already a patrician. It's a truly free mode, yes.

Q: What's new?
A: Check changelog in readme.

Q: Help, font size is very small, I can't see anything!
A: As I've said before, DO NOT EVEN TRY TO APPLY PATCH ON OLDER VERSION. It will cause problems like that, so download latest version first.

Q: Hey, what wrong with pictures? Something is missing!
A: You either mess up with installation, or enabled NSFW option. Turn that off.

Q: My game turned on russian again, what do.
A: You installed russian version of the fix, install english one. Or maybe you didn't installed translation properly, huh?

Q: My game is crashing all the time!
A: I'm aware about it, but I can't do anything with it. Save often. Mostly it occurs on WinXP. It's a FastQSP fault, we need to wait until player's author will fix this problem. I'm casting revival everyday on him, but I think he's kill.

Q: Game freezes every day/decade. What happening?
A: You probably enabled autosave option. Due to QSP, saves weigh a lot (~5-6mb each!), so no wonder why it takes so long. Either turn autosaves off, endure it or not save at all. You're man of steel, right?

Q: Add this, this and this! And fix this and this! You should do that!
A: Well, I shouldn't. Because I'm doing it just for fun, but if I like your idea, I will implement it. And I have top priority to the bug fixing, so I probably will fix the problem, if it exist and if I will able to cope with them. I'm not author of this game, so still I don't know a lot about how the things done.

Q: I want to help/mod it! How to do that?
A: You will probably run away, because it's not that easy. Still, it's not hard, but it's time consuming.
Download QGen from qsp official site. All helping materials on russian, google should handle that I think.
Change QGen language to english: "Утилиты - настройки - язык интерфейса - English".
Then open up the game. Use search option, it's mandatory.
Look how things done, experiment with them, and maybe you will able to create something.
If you create something good, you can commit to the repository, or just PM me if you don't want to mess with github.

Q: I think I've found bug or something!
A: Tell about them here (PM, if you can't post), or on repository. Will try to fix them. And then release a patch that will ruin your saves as well. So yes. QSP.

About options: they are all DISABLED as a default. Don't be fooled just because buttons shows that ON word, if you click on it you will TURN ON that option, not turn it off. Keep that in mind.

For future: if you will install new patch above old one, due to the QSP specifics, your older saves will not work. Or they may work, but they will glitch pretty badly. So do not complain if you try that. Also, patches are cumulative, install latest one and you will be fine.
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Re: [SLG] Jack-o-nine-tails

Looks interesting, blog seems to have different version than the one in your post (though using google translate).
Re: [SLG] Jack-o-nine-tails

PM sent. Looks too good to pass up.

Thank you.
Re: [SLG] Jack-o-nine-tails

I have also sent a PM, I think it's interesting that the game would try to add more interactions with the individual slaves.
Re: [SLG] Jack-o-nine-tails

How does saving work exactly?
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Re: [SLG] Jack-o-nine-tails

Looks interesting, blog seems to have different version than the one in your post (though using google translate).
Yep, kinda like that. Blog has link for v1.1, and patch for v1.12 is provided with separate link. The version I provide with PM is with this patch already applied.

How does saving work exactly?
When you launch game with FastQSP there should be a menu bar on the top. A second option (Game, I think, sorry don't have it at hand at this moment to confirm) has both Save and Load options, where you save your game. If you played Cursed (by Anonymousman) - well, that's how save work here.
Re: [SLG] Jack-o-nine-tails

Are there female/futa options for the MC, or is it male only slaver ?
Re: [SLG] Jack-o-nine-tails

Are there female/futa options for the MC, or is it male only slaver ?

Regrettably, but no, there's no just option in game. Just male slaver, I'm afraid.
Re: [SLG] Jack-o-nine-tails

PM me please. And just to be sure, the PM will include the game itself? Or do I have to translate the blog and wade through that?
Re: [SLG] Jack-o-nine-tails

PM me please. And just to be sure, the PM will include the game itself? Or do I have to translate the blog and wade through that?

Yep, PM includes the game itself. You just need to follow instructions in first post and put provided qsp as shown in attachment and you're ready to go.
Re: [SLG] Jack-o-nine-tails

what exactly do you mean by playing vegetarian literally don't eat any meat in the game? if the only gore is animals that are going to be cooked I think I could stomach that but if its any human gore I'd definitively would like to avoid that. I'm guessing the scats scenes you simply teach your slaves not to do it or something? maybe this will all be apparent once I actually start playing
Re: [SLG] Jack-o-nine-tails

PM me please, and thank you sincerely for this magnificent translation.
Re: [SLG] Jack-o-nine-tails

So I downloaded the game from the blog itself, I'm just curious, do I have to apply all the patches and not just 1.12? Because I noticed I'm missing some images in certain scenes.

Otherwise, this seems like a great project and I'm looking forward to future translations.
Re: [SLG] Jack-o-nine-tails

So I downloaded the game from the blog itself, I'm just curious, do I have to apply all the patches and not just 1.12?

Nope, because v1.12 is pretty much a final version, so you won't be finding any further patches there, anyway, at least for now. You just need a v1.12 to play.

And regarding images, I'm not quite sure about that. Might be as well that they were just accidentally missed by author himself. As I'll go further in translating stuff, I'll see if I can do something about that.
Re: [SLG] Jack-o-nine-tails

I think I was trying to make my slave do the cleaning I kept selecting the options but the housing wouldnt end up clean and then the guilty -1 would pop up sometimes -3 I think she got a C grade in the house keeping lesson too I kept beating her when she wouldnt clean Im not quite sure Im understanding how the game works but why did I suddenly end up at this screen after just only trying to get my slave to clean? I know she was chronically depressed and I wasnt exactly sure how to fix that since she refuses to talk to me. Is this the game over screen or something? did my slave kill me lol? why can't I click either of the buttons?

Re: [SLG] Jack-o-nine-tails

I think I was trying to make my slave do the cleaning I kept selecting the options but the housing wouldnt end up clean and then the guilty -1 would pop up sometimes -3 I think she got a C grade in the house keeping lesson too I kept beating her when she wouldnt clean Im not quite sure Im understanding how the game works but why did I suddenly end up at this screen after just only trying to get my slave to clean? I know she was chronically depressed and I wasnt exactly sure how to fix that since she refuses to talk to me. Is this the game over screen or something? did my slave kill me lol? why can't I click either of the buttons?

The "Guilty" thing means your slave disobeyed you.

I'm pretty sure she killed you, yes.

As for depression... Some girls are more easily depressed. I'm still pretty confused by the game, but choosing Foster > Make a Gift > Clothing lets you make your slave some... well, clothes, which will stop her from complaining about being naked and cold.

They also complain about the crappy house you're in, the crappy bed they sleep in, and the crappy food they have.

I'm not sure how to address those easily, so maybe you need to discipline your slave more? That makes her depressed, though.
Re: [SLG] Jack-o-nine-tails

...then the guilty -1 would pop up sometimes -3
Numbers popping up near guilty indicate severity of your slave's misdeeds. Punishment and rewards, no matter what type, mostly have 5 options to select, with weight of corresponding action going from 1 to 5.
So if, for example your slave had Guilty[-1] and you decided on bottommost(5) option to punish her, then it will have great impact on her mood. Vica versa, if for Guilty[-5] you selected topmost(1) option it will lead to you spoiling slave. It may help with mood, but will have long-term consequences.

...why did I suddenly end up at this screen after just only trying to get my slave to clean? did my slave kill me lol?
Might it be it. Another reason may be that you ran out of money, which pretty much means game over.

A good way of fighting bad mood is giving reward to your slave. This may be hard with stubborn slave, but if you manage to find at least one action which doesn't lead to Guilty status, that may help - as it will give you some other means to influence slave. Giving her a free time at hot springs may address a few problems, as she'll both relax and wash herself.

About disciplining a slave - you shouldn't stick only to beating. In fact, some slaves may have hidden traits, with may be positive for punishment, but negative for trainings, like Shy (shaming have much more impact on her, but it's harder to learn striptease), Claustrophobia (locking her up has greater influence), etc. These traits are hidden till you actually experiment with corresponding actions, so you should put some diversity in you action.
Also, another good way to put your slave in place is letting her sleep in the cells for a few days.

Why can't I click either of the buttons?
Hm, that seems to be the problem even with original game. If you get game over and can't click any of these, consider pressing Ctrl + R (or Game -> Restart). That should help.
Re: [SLG] Jack-o-nine-tails

Looks like a great project. Really looking forward to the story translations !