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SIM [Old Huntsman] Jack-o-nine-tails [SLG]

Re: [SLG] Jack-o-nine-tails

Patience is vital when it comes to patching this game. Change one line of text, one letter even - old saves no longer compatible.
It take a long while to get going in this game and frequent patching is sure way to get fed up with starting from scratch over and over again.

And if despite all that you still can't wait you can update from repo mentioned one page back, takes about 20-30 minutes to figure it out and get it right for the first time.
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Re: [SLG] Jack-o-nine-tails

Note: I'm not allowed to post URLs, so you'll have to use google and look earlier in the thread. The QSP tools are available for free download; google for txt2gam and click the "Developers" link at the top of the translated page for QGen.

the-vm seems to be working on a translation on github. You can compile it yourself in the mean time. You need Python 2, a git client, and the QSP tools QGen and txt2gam.

I followed the instructions in "first way to merge this" on the readme, with a few changes needed. First, in split_file.py, change
for file in listdir(dir):
for file in listdir(unicode(dir, 'utf-8')):
(Otherwise it may barf on the unicode filenames.)

Second, I needed to use a different process in QGen after merging jack.txt.

First, make a backup copy of jack.qsp, like jack_original.qsp. Then open jack.qsp in QGen. Immediately "save as" jack_en.qsp--QGen seems to save automatically sometimes. Then import the merged jack.txt into jack_en.qsp. Save. This QSP doesn't quite work for some reason; something's probably missing. So re-open jack.qsp--which should still be original--and "merge" jack_en.qsp. Confirm replacing all the events or whatever. Then save, and it should work.

Much obliged. The only problem I see people having is that Python, at least in my case, didn't automatically add itself to the Environment Variables. Took a while to figure out that was the reason the .bat wouldn't work. Otherwise, people can just open that .py program and call the merge_file function directly instead of using the options (which was what I did).
Re: [SLG] Jack-o-nine-tails

Python, at least in my case, didn't automatically add itself to the Environment Variables
When you install it there's a checkbox for that.

Please add me to the queue for the translation :D
Re: [SLG] Jack-o-nine-tails

OK, so translation now is near finish line. Only #txt left, with pretty big chunk of text, but I will eventually translate it in english as well.
I'll be honest, my translation quality as I can see now is not at professional level at all, because I don't know this language as my five fingers, I apologize for that. I have only near infinite amount of enthusiasm, free time and average language knowledge, and that's it. But if there is someone who can turn bad english into a good text, I will appreciate everyone, who can help with proofreading.
If you want to help, and working with repository is too hard for you - all files in repo is txt files, you can download them, check them and fix only text lines. Then, you can upload fixed files in archive at mega (for example) and link me in PM. I'll include you in a translators list in game credits, if you want.
Re: [SLG] Jack-o-nine-tails

I've put a handful of hours into this game and can't for like of me figure out what causes girls to break, or how to fix them if possible. It's pretty frustrating having a happy obedient girl completely stop learning and lose all value as soon as I am getting ready to sell her. Has anyone figured out what causes that to happen?

Thanks for all the hard work the developer and translators have done by the way, this is a pretty entertaining little game and there's a shame there aren't more like it.
Re: [SLG] Jack-o-nine-tails

I was wondering, does anyone have a link or something to the old version that's compatible with the patch that's at the front of the page? I was getting a bit impatient and wanted to play the previous version that was somewhat translated and didn't have the font shrink down to microscopic size before the new patch was released for now.
Re: [SLG] Jack-o-nine-tails

I was wondering, does anyone have a link or something to the old version that's compatible with the patch that's at the front of the page? I was getting a bit impatient and wanted to play the previous version that was somewhat translated and didn't have the font shrink down to microscopic size before the new patch was released for now.

I was wondering this exact same thing. I would love to play the game in any working form, even if it's downgrading the version.
Can we still PM you for a link for the old version?
Re: [SLG] Jack-o-nine-tails

From my experience girls break when you keep them in bad mood for long periods of time, or to a lesser extent when you train them in... lets just say more unpleasant things when their pride is high.
So try to pace out training especially during the first weeks so you won't have them refuse and have to punish them too often. Some damage to spirit is unavoidable but once slave starts to obey a little its easy to pick right things to do and right rewards for them.

As for the reverting back to the old version, not sure why would you do that. Ver 1.2.1 from the authors blog combined with translation from the_vms repository works flawlessly, at least for me, so it might be something off on your side.
I would post my patched jack.qsp but its the_vms work and it's unfinished so it's up to him whenever to present his work in more accessible way or to let people work their way with files from repository
Re: [SLG] Jack-o-nine-tails

I'll be honest, my translation quality as I can see now is not at professional level at all,

We don't care, even a machine translation would be good.
The fact that we have some human intelligence behind it is a big bonus.
Re: [SLG] Jack-o-nine-tails

I'll be honest, my translation quality as I can see now is not at professional level at all, because I don't know this language as my five fingers, I apologize for that.

No need to apologize, the fact that you are doing this for free for people you don't even know is already a big merit in my opinion.

Thank you.
Re: [SLG] Jack-o-nine-tails

Quick update:

I am making decent progress at proofreading. sadly, the last 2 days were fail because i got my oculus rift (ofcourse i had to take advantage of every free minute) AND i managed to hurt my left hand wrist and probably should not be writing long paragraphs. But meh, its not that bad.

There is still a decent amount of proofreading to be done so dont get your hopes up too soon, but i wanted to give you guys an update.

Also, if someone with decent english skills has some free time, your help would still be appreciated. 10000 lines is still pretty much (about half of it is code though)
Re: [SLG] Jack-o-nine-tails

I good English! No but seriously, I can do some proofreading if you need it. Just PM me.
Re: [SLG] Jack-o-nine-tails

Putting myself in the file d'attente of people wishing an updated translated sexy game for christmas :)
Re: [SLG] Jack-o-nine-tails

Another neat update for today:

Most of the needed proofreading is nearly done for now, but VM is still working on a 3300 line pure text file. As soon as he is done with that, i fear that he will ask me to proofread that one before releasing the english version to the public.

I must admit though, I feel terribly slow at doing this. I want to keep the sentences as close to VMs original translation as possible, but sometimes.. that is REALLY hard. Like "what integral story bro?" hard. Or like "all your base are belong to us" hard. And sometimes, its even "I want her to be if not what you are thinking is right" hard. But thats past and most of it should be proper english now (I DO make silly mistakes myself though).
Re: [SLG] Jack-o-nine-tails

Hi everyone.
Tried to answer this before, but had not the rights at the time, sorry for the necro-ing.

I've put a handful of hours into this game and can't for like of me figure out what causes girls to break, or how to fix them if possible. It's pretty frustrating having a happy obedient girl completely stop learning and lose all value as soon as I am getting ready to sell her. Has anyone figured out what causes that to happen?

It depends on what you are refering to by "to break".
According to the code:

A) Slaves have a Sanity stat which is Ego + Pride + Temper.
If Sanity < 3, she breaks, has all obedience stats set to zero, except Custom, which is maxed at 5. She'll do everything with dedicated "broken" descriptions. And her grade is stuck at F-
Ego and Temper are better high, but it makes training harder (a lot), and many check boxes and punishments make them go down.
Pride is better low, so you'll probably not have those points added to Sanity.
Some items make Temper go up each day (Spiked Collars, Hooves, High Boots,...)
Golden Cage makes Ego go up, but spoils the slave if not given after a +5 good behaviour, and takes whole day.
There can be other bonuses elsewhere too.

B) Slaves can get Angst/Despair, when threatened, beaten, tortured, punished, thrown in cell, or by seeing something done in the torture chamber. Bad mood from any source will also up Despair. Check aura to see Despair level. When too angsty, the slave will go in a bad mood self-sustaining cycle, and has a chance to end her life.
Don't do too much of the above things, get her a better mood (clothes,...), and let her go in the Garden to fight Angst.
Despair is NOT Fear. Fear is a good stat to have and is part of the Obedience stat. Some actions give both Fear and Despair.
Re: [SLG] Jack-o-nine-tails

Another neat update for today:

Most of the needed proofreading is nearly done for now, but VM is still working on a 3300 line pure text file. As soon as he is done with that, i fear that he will ask me to proofread that one before releasing the english version to the public.

I must admit though, I feel terribly slow at doing this. I want to keep the sentences as close to VMs original translation as possible, but sometimes.. that is REALLY hard. Like "what integral story bro?" hard. Or like "all your base are belong to us" hard. And sometimes, its even "I want her to be if not what you are thinking is right" hard. But thats past and most of it should be proper english now (I DO make silly mistakes myself though).

I just like you to know I think you're awesome for doing all this.
Re: [SLG] Jack-o-nine-tails

Hi, might I ask how I merge the files? be if here or pm.

I already installed most of the proper software, but I'm still stuck on how to merge the jack.txt file via the split.py file (which I'm assuming is the batch).