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One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 43/71, PP = 71, EP = 6/148, Status = Injured, Low on Energy, Pregnant, Paralyzed x2, 32/53 Resistance

Dori: Taken 47 damage. Paralyzed x2. Spent 28 EP. Dragon's Pride X = 6, grappling monster

Monster: Taken 281 damage, grappled by Dori and big scary monster

Big Scary Monster: taken 158/400 damage, 400 Body, Unarmed Fighter, Razor Fingers, grappling monster

Anthriel's big scary monster and the spider wrassle!
Grapple: Monster 9 + 400 = 406 vs 429 = 2 * (200 + 13) == spiders wins!
Damage: 4 + 9 + 67 = 80 damage.
Resistance: Ye shadow monster is still fine.

Dori joins the grapple.

As Anthriel watched, the spider and her summoned monster continued to struggle against one another, and again the spider sunk its fangs into her titan's flesh. Its venom didn't seem to have any effect on the shadow-born creature, but the holes in its body were, and pale white blood leaked down its chest from the numerous puncture wounds. Dori quickly moved to save the situation, however, as he descended upon the spider's back, rending aside the fungal spines to land upon its back. He began snapping and thrashing immediately as the fungal abomination's tendrils reached for him, not doing much damage but providing enough of a distraction that the shadow began to push back against the spider and prepare to strike.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel was starting to wonder just how infuriatingly strong this creature was, and decided on a change in tactics. Focusing, Anthriel ordered her creature to disengage from the grapple, and instead move back, before charging back in with a vicious mule kick.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 43/71, PP = 71, EP = 6/148, Status = Injured, Low on Energy, Pregnant, Paralyzed x2, 32/53 Resistance

Dori: Taken 101 damage. Paralyzed x4. Spent 31 EP. Dragon's Pride X = 6, grappling monster

Monster: Taken 334 damage, grappled by Dori

Big Scary Monster: taken 158/400 damage, 400 Body, Unarmed Fighter, Razor Fingers

Anthriel's big scary monster tries to escape from the grapple. The creature lets it happen.
Shadow Monster uses FALCON KICK!
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 1 + 2 + 10 + 200 = 213, 213/4 = 53 damage.

Dori, left alone in the grapple, tries to escape. The monster tries to bite.
Grapple: 19 + 80 = 99 vs 106 = 66 + 40. The monster wins.
Damage: 12 + 3 + 67 - 28 = 54 damage.
Resistance: Dori fails. He gains 2 instances of Paralyzed.

The spider dropped forward as Anthriel directed her shadow monster to release, allowing it to snap a foot forward and kick the creature in the face. One of its fangs snapped, and a portion of its carapace caved in under the tremendous force, exposing rotted innards that reeked so badly that the desire to cover her mouth and nose would be hard to resist. The spider didn't stop moving, however. Its tendrils lashed around Dori as he tried to pull away, now having no other target besides the struggling dragon who had landed in an attempt to save the situation. He was brought forward and slammed onto the ground, his limbs flailing, and the spider's lone remaining fang descended immediately, piercing through the dragon's armored scales and into his flesh. Dori let out a pained roar that quickly began to warble unpleasantly while his struggles against the spider began to fade, his muscles visibly seizing as more of the monstrous spider's venom took hold. It withdrew its lone remaining fang, leaving another gaping, bloody hole in the dragon's chest to join the first two, but it was already positioning itself to put another hole in Anthriel's lover.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

"DORI!" Anthriel screamed, the first break in her anger, and the first real outcry of panic from the halfbreed as she watched her lover impaled again. She knew Dori was tough, but this was getting out of hand. She had hoped to avoid losing her own monster to the creature's strength, but she hadn't counted on Dori getting tangled up in the grapple.

With doubt in her own tactics now heavy in her heart, Anthriel immediately ordered her behemoth to charge back in and seize the spiders mandibles to stop the bite, making every attempt to pull Dori free from the battle before he was killed, and Anthriel was left alone... again.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 43/71, PP = 71, EP = 6/148, Status = Injured, Low on Energy, Pregnant, Paralyzed x2, 32/53 Resistance

Dori: Taken 101 damage. Paralyzed x4. Spent 31 EP. Dragon's Pride X = 6, grappling monster

Monster: Taken 334 damage, grappled by Dori and BSM

Big Scary Monster: taken 158/400 damage, 400 Body, Unarmed Fighter, Razor Fingers, grappling the monster

Anthriel's big scary monster tries to join the grapple again.
Attack: Hits.

Dori tries to attack. The monster also tries to attack.
Resistance (Dori) : Success.
Grapple (Monster) : 15 + 200 = 215, 215 * 2 = 430
Grapple (Dori) : 3 + 80 = 83, 83 * 2 = 166
Grapple (BSM) : 8 + 400 = 408

Despite the monster having Tentacles, I am ruling that due to the size of the combatants they can give small bonuses to each other. Dori gives 1/5th of his Grapple to the Shadow, and the Shadow gives 1/10th of his to Dori.
That gives Dori +41 to a total of 207, and the shadow gets +33 to a total of 441. No attacks happen.

Anthriel's summoned shadow charged in again, pulling the shadow monster away from Dori before it could sink its remaining fang into the dragon for a third time. He thrashed, but couldn't get out from under the spider completely. That the abominable creature had to fight both Dori and the shadow monster at once ensured that it was comparatively harmless, at least for those few moments.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel was still in a near state of panic, her lover savagely injured and her own energy supplies so low that this summons, this creature she had brought forth, was their only real chance. Relieved that Dori had been spared another bit, Anthriel grit her teeth, still staying well out of reach of the battle herself.

As the 3 combatants fought themselves to a standstill, Anthriel focused on the spider, how it was made up, what limbs were important, and set her shadow to pin the spider completely, which would allow Dori all the time he needed to kill it once and for all.

Submission Hold.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 43/71, PP = 71, EP = 6/148, Status = Injured, Low on Energy, Pregnant, Paralyzed x2, 32/53 Resistance, Binding'd X = 20

Dori: Taken 101 damage. Paralyzed x4. Spent 31 EP, Binding'd X = 20.

Monster: Taken 334 damage, grappled by Dori and BSM, in a submission hold

Dori tries to attack. The monster also tries to attack. Anthriel's monster tries to pin.
Resistance (Dori) : Success.
Grapple (Monster) : 2 + 200 = 202, 202 * 2 = 404
Grapple (Dori) : 9 + 80 = 89, 89 * 2 = 178
Grapple (BSM) : 4 + 400 + 20 = 424

Dori gives 1/5th of his Grapple to the Shadow, and the Shadow gives 1/10th of his to Dori.
That gives Dori +42 to a total of 220, and the shadow gets +36 to a total of 460. No attacks happen, yon spider is pinned.

Anthriel and Dori are hit with Binding X = 20, automatically hit. Her shadow is hit with Dispel Magic and poofs.

Anthriel's summoned shadow would be able to force the creature back and up, suffering no real injuries in the process and keeping the spider's fangs from Dori, but by that point the dragon was too badly swamped in the fungal tendrils reaching from the creature's dessicated carapace to do much of anything besides provide a distraction for her own beast to deliver the killing blow.

Unfortunately, she never got the opportunity to order such, as power flared suddenly not from the fungal glade where the spider had attacked them but from the forest of strange fungi behind them. Spectral chains in vibrant green wound around Anthriel and Dori instantly, and even if she hadn't been bone dry Anthriel realized that her powers had been cut off as effectively as they were already. Dori, too, was bound, forced to the ground even harder by the magical chains, and a wave of energy ripped out the core of energy that sustained her shadow monster, destroying it. That left the spider monstrosity free to run amok, but rather than return to take another bite out of Dori it returned to its standing position and then stood sedately for a moment, as if waiting, before slowly backing back to the hole that it had been waiting sedately in and settling back into the fungal bed in which it had slept before they had disturbed it.

Appearing as if from nowhere, three figures strode into the glade, all three aglow with immense and terrible power. On the right from Anthriel's perspective was Sanya, her body still bare and the same bright green she'd worn when they first met, though her statuesque figure now boasted a tiny bump in her belly, signalling the growth of the child that Dori had sired in her as the price of their stay in the faerie glade. To the left was a faerie whom Anthriel did not know, effeminate enough that their sex wasn't immediately obvious but their features sharp and noble as was expected among the high sidhe, their androgynous form clad in a loose sky blue robe that left a v-shaped channel running down their front exposing moonlight pale skin all the way down to his midriff. Two black horns, ramlike in shape, sprung from their temples, appearing seamlessly from their long raven hair.

Finally, in the center and still wearing the suit-like robes he had worn earlier, was Nameless. His face was no longer set into the patient, amused, or mystically blank looks she had seen on it before, but shaped into an expression of such profound fury that it was more frightening at a glance than the power with which he held Anthriel bound, for he had been the one to target her. The other male faerie looked fairly angry as well, and held Dori as powerfully as Nameless held her, but it was cold, careless sort of anger that was less personal than the betrayed look that Nameless held. Sanya, at least, only looked upset rather than angry. She had been the one to banish Anthriel's shadow monster, and didn't seem to like the situation in any capacity but managed to do so without looking angrily at the half-angel or her wounded draconic companion.

"I would ask you to explain yourselves...." Nameless started through gritted teeth, his voice no less enraged than his visage at first. He paused, gathering himself, and when he continued it was in a much more controlled tone; "But I know what has happened here, and why. Still, you should be given a chance to.... Speak from your own perspective, as it were. Why did you disobey all of the warnings you were given, and leave the path? And then, why did you attempt to destroy a one of a kind creature who has lived here for centuries whom you could have avoided disturbing completely had you simply kept to the air?"
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel as she prepared to finally end this confrontation, let out a shocked yell as someone else ended it for her. The half breed, confused and already tired let alone highly concerned for Dori, turned, her expression twisted in true panic as she waited for the fungal spider to kill her draconic companion... and it never happened.

Taking a few deep steadying breaths, Anthriel turned to see the others, Sanya, Nameless, and this new Sidhe, and went limp in her chains, though the force with which Dori was brought to the ground and held made her thrash anew. "Damn you! Be careful! He's injured!" She shouted, flexing with what meager strength her body held to try and come to the defense of her lover, however in vain the gesture was.

It took several more moments for Anthriel to even register that someone was speaking to her, and another half minute for her to answer Nameless in his fury.

"Warnings? You told us not to stray from the paths! So we took wing to see more of this incredible place! Why shouldn't we!? You said yourself that we had little to fear from it, that the warnings were more for the shorter lived and frailer races! I never had any intention of harming anything here or bringing ruin! I landed at an interesting spot, This spot, to get a closer look only to be attacked by that behemoth of a spider and reacted in fear and anger, as anyone would have. And even then, once Dori became injured trying to help me, It was less anger and more fear for his life! he's got fucking holes in his chest! I'll apologize for straying in your domain, I'll apologize for disturbing it! But I will NOT be repentant for defending myself and the father of my unborn child! What is the worth of a one of a kind centuries old mushroom spider against that of a millennia old, Two of a kind half breed angel, her one of a kind offspring, and the sire of that child! A dragon with millennia of his own to see and a world to shape! I understand that you care deeply for everything here as you should but I will not stand idle and die, or let him die for me! I refuse!" Anthriel said in response, overcoming her immediate concern for Dori by seeing his chest continue to rise and fall.

"Furthermore! While we're on the subject of avoiding your pet, Nameless, You can't avoid something you are unaware of! I had no idea, nor any clue to the creatures existence before it struck, I didn't land to pick a fight with it. Now please, put me down, I'm so drained I couldn't summon up a breeze, let alone harm any of you. And release him, he's even worse off and needs to be seen to." Anthriel finished, growing quiet, she'd said her piece as she saw it, from her own perspective, and was far more concerned for Dori then any feathers she had ruffled.

What was the life of that creature measured up against the three of theirs, A Knight of another court, a Dragon, and the child sired between them. To Nameless, probably far more then Anthriel figured it had any right to, but to Anthriel, it had never even been a question.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 43/71, PP = 71, EP = 6/148, Status = Injured, Low on Energy, Pregnant, Paralyzed x2, 32/53 Resistance, Binding'd X = 20

Dori: Taken 101 damage. Paralyzed x4. Spent 31 EP, Binding'd X = 20.

Monster: Taken 334 damage, grappled by Dori and BSM, in a submission hold

"He is a dragon," the sidhe who had bound Dori replied derisively to Anthrie's concern, "if he dies of his wounds merely from being bound, then so be it!" He appeared to hold Dori's life entirely in contempt, and though Sanya shot him a nasty look the lady of the forest said nothing in turn, giving Anthriel the distinct impression that she was the lowest in the hierarchy among the three that now confronted them. She did go to Dori as the others addressed Anthriel, however, but Anthriel would find herself bound still despite her pragmatic protests.

The manner in which Nameless looked toward her was decidedly uncomfortable in those few moments when she was offering an explanation towards her side of the story. It was clearly the look of someone who was looking down on someone they viewed as lesser than themselves, an inferior, and judging by the unshifting nature of it her explanation didn't improve things. "And your pointless, foolish landed led to this. See how this works?" he said impatiently, "you take interest in something, disobey those who know better than you, and it inevitably leads to trouble when you harm that which you could never have crossed paths with, if only you had respected a simple request. It is small wonder that your wiser kin did not permit many more of you to survive, if thousands of years have not given you the wit to follow so simple a request.

"You had the power to avoid this entirely, and to escape it without causing further damage to the denizen of this place, but instead you chose to destroy. It is in your nature, regardless of whatever intentions at protecting your lover you might have had." Nameless didn't release her, and silently contemplated Anthriel while Sanya examined Dori and the unnamed sidhe stood beside the mad druid with a dark scowl, also not releasing Dori who did little more than breath and lie limply on the ground. "He is... Taken," Sanya declared simply after examining his wound. With a wave she caused the punctures in his scaled chest to close, but Dori didn't seem any stronger for the healing of his wounds, even after the unnamed sidhe released him from the astral chains. Nameless released Anthriel as well, and then turned away as he declared, "your efforts to protect him were for naught. You may and should leave this place as soon as you can, but he cannot."

With that, Nameless simply started away, and the other sidhe lord turned to follow him, while Sanya remained beside the unmoving Dori with a troubled frown.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

The unknown one, the man who held Dori who spoke, as if his death meant that was all he amounted to, awoke the deep hatred in Anthriel that strove to twist her every moment, of every day... And the words that Nameless leveled at her, and his looks, may as well have been spoken to stone, so used to such treatment Anthriel had become over her long life...

But the revelation from Sanya, that Dori was... Taken... what did that mean. She could see him breathing, he was NOT beyond saving! Why didn't they do something!? Did they care so much for a mindless beast that they'd let a sentient creature die!?

Anthriel's hatred grew, from the carefully kept and held flame, into a towering inferno within her soul, but it didn't matter, she had no power left, she could not escape her bindings, and she doubted even at the height of her power, that she could make good on the fury that was boiling through her veins like liquid sulfur.

Still, when her anger found it had no outlet, that she couldn't set it free, it wilted and smoldered, turning into ash that tasted foul on her mouth, and she fell limp in her chains. Nameless did not manage to turn without one last retort from the halfbreed.

"It Is in my nature to destroy, like a flame, so many centuries I've had that whispered, spoken, and screamed at me in sorrow, hatred, rage, and shame, as if it ever made any difference. As if fire in your nature, in the nature you so cherish Nameless, had no purpose. Better to Burn then become stagnant. I will leave your Zoo, may your world never change, as you so wish it. Rot, King of Fungus." Anthriel said coldly, unable to stay silent, her black eyes gouging holes in his back as she was released and made her way to Dori on weak legs.

Whether this was truly over between herself and Nameless was unknown, but he would not get any reaction from her again as she fell at Dori's side and pressed her ear to his chest, begging to hear that spark of life still present. She would not let him die, she Couldn't... Shining tears falling on his chest.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 43/71, PP = 71, EP = 6/148, Status = Injured, Low on Energy, Pregnant, Paralyzed x2, 32/53 Resistance

Dori: Taken 101 damage. Paralyzed x4. Spent 31 EP

Anthriel would detect a shift in Nameless' expression as her impotent fury rose, a note of discontent added gradually into the faerie lord's frown. After he had turned to stride away, Anthriel's response would cause him to pause briefly, but rather than be angry the sidhe would issue a merry laugh in the face of her anger. It was a deep, genuine laugh full of very real mirth, but there was no escaping the fact that it was at her expense.

"It is a sad thing that you have not inherited the wisdom of your better heritage, child" the faerie said, his voice full of earnest derision but with a slight hint of bitterness at its edge. "Sadly, you lack the intellect that would allow me to explain every way in which you are wrong in a timely manner. Know, however, that there are no kings here.... Nor anywhere." He turned again, this time looking Anthriel in the eyes with an intense gaze that began to slowly blaze with power.

"You are banished, henceforth, from the realm of Summer. I would not have your foolishness destroy more of what little we maintain when you bring violence to all around you," he declared solemnly, and even with her strength spent and her spirit bound Anthriel would feel the note of power in his declaration. "We will offer you no further succor, nor protection, nor aid of any kind unless it is repaid in kind. So it shall be, until you have learned the error of your ways," he continued gravely, and with that he turned and then simply vanished on the spot.

Dori would be released from his own astral chains as she rushed to his side, and the sidhe lord who was yet unnamed would offer another derisive snort at their expense while she checked to ensure that her lover was still alive. He was, but once she was sure of that the man would calmly say; "The decree was witnessed, and let it be fulfilled. See the half-angel from the glades, sister, before the sun has set." And then he too was simply gone, leaving Sanya gazing at the spot where he and Nameless had stood with open hatred for several moments.

Turning to Anthriel as she pressed her ear to Dori's bloodied chest, she would wait until Anthriel had ascertained that the dragon's heart was indeed still beating, strongly in fact, and then explain; "The fungal creature... Its spores are able to take root even in an immortal's body. The spider was once one of our own, before the spores took him from us. The infection is an invention of the plaguelord before he was destroyed, for what purpose we do not know, but there is a known cure."
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

"I care not for the PlagueLord, whoever he may be, or was, but I question the integrity and sanity of anyone who would keep such a thing around, and alive. Such a thing has no place in nature and that fool damn well knows it. It will die by my hand, whether that be in the next month, or the next millennia. I shall not suffer it's existence. But that's pointless now, Nothing shall take Dori from me. How do I cure this... Affliction." Anthriel asked, still shaking.

Unsure what else to do, or what else she could do, Anthriel needed both an answer, and rest, and there was every chance that getting one, would negate the other...

"What do I have to do Sanya, I will not have Nameless' twisted view of the world steal Dori's life, or that of any immortals. He owes them for everything he cherishes, whether he'll ever see it or not. My better half, hardly, Humans accomplish more then Sidhe like that every day of their lives and he's too blind to see it." Anthriel continued, still tasting that sickeningly sweet hatred that sat behind her teeth. She envied every creature with fangs, and the strength to use them this day. But she was long lived, she could take time with her vengeance, a long path would only do her good right now with everything she had to consider.

Making that decision at least, to put Dori and her child above all other matters right now, and to make it with a will as strong as the crystalline power of her soul, Anthriel looked imploring at Sanya. Any answer... she would pursue any answer to the ends of this world, and others beyond.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 43/71, PP = 71, EP = 6/148, Status = Injured, Low on Energy, Pregnant, Paralyzed x2, 32/53 Resistance

Dori: Taken 101 damage. Paralyzed x4. Spent 31 EP

Sanya's lips were pursed as Anthriel spoke, obviously liking the angel's words about as much as Anthriel herself had liked those of Nameless but keeping a much tighter control over herself. Though she had to grit her teeth while listening to Anthriel's responses and winced visibly at her promise to finish her destruction of the spider, the sidhe kept her control..... Right up until she promised vengeance upon Nameless as well, at which point Sanya literally started forward, power already flaring in her grip before she quelled the instinct that Anthriel had awakened and forced her eyes to close.

Several calming breaths later, the sidhe opened her eyes again and scowled darkly at her. "I can forgive much," she began coldly, "your ignorance.... Your hatred of things that you do not understand, so very mortal.... But by threatening violence against a member of my court, as you have done in your heart just now, you have irrecoverably shut the last door by which I could offer you any real aid."

There was something very like hatred in the sidhe's voice, but if Anthriel actually bothered to listen she would find that it might not be that of the woman to whom she was speaking, for she could detect a more genuine note of sympathy in her voice. "Because of that," she continued through gritted teeth, having to force every word out despite some instinct to do otherwise, "all I can say is that no mortal sorcery will be of use to you, nor any magic possessed by demons or dragons. Only your kin can be of help... One of your greatest kin, in fact. I know not the quarrel that troubles you to think of them, but if you would have your lover remain as he is, they are now the only ones who can aid you. To save him from the infection requires an archangel's miracle. That, or the benevolence of a god."
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel listened, watched as even sanya turned on her, as if the fey didn't not understand herself just how furious Anthriel was, as if Anthriel needed forgiveness. But just like the sidhe, she reigned herself back and let her anger go as she spoke.

"Sanya, I am Millenia in age, I don't Hate what I don't understand, you all say I lack Wisdom, and I do not, it's simply not the Wisdom you recogize. I am not two halves roughly smashed together, I'm Nephilim, not accepted anywhere. Surely you know what my true kin became in the end, I hate anyone and anything that threatens the mortals way of life. This world belongs to them. Each year we lose ground, so other immortals seem to see it, rather then simply accepting that worlds change, time changes all things. Nameless spoke to me like my Kin, like the angels who held me captive and branded my flesh before putting me to work. I've seen so many lords and angels and demons, not all bodies matching the souls within. Everything must be balanced, Mercy with Wrath, Love with Hatred, Life with Death. Now here I am atop the father of our children and you of all the sidhe present here were the only one to.show concern and even you spurn me. Ill do the one thing no other force on this earth could ever force me to do to save his life l. By all means kill me if you feel so strongly. But only after he is safe and my child is born. Hell, they may even call it a kindness. Now if you'll excuse me, I have my lover to care for, in a very... Mortal way." Anthriel said softly, kissing Dori on the forehead before standing.

Anthriel took several moments to memorize this place, before taking wing, she knew she'd clear the boundary of the grove just fine on her own. High into the air she soared, passes the lower clouds and the safety of the sky, beford closing her eyes, opening her mouth, and bellowing with all her might "GABRIELLE!!!".

And then she waited... they were always watching her. Rude... blunt... downright arrogant in fact... but she had known her Wardens too long to doubt her outcry would go unnoticed. She doubted the archangel would show himself, but someone would.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP 71, EP = 148, Status = Pregnant

Dori: ???

(Gabriel doesn't exist in DG. Michael was the one who handled her imprisonment, so presumably she was calling him out. If you just planned on calling a different archangel from him, just lemme know and I'll make edits.)

Sanya's expression was kept completely and carefully blank as Anthriel attempted to make her case, and she offered no response to it before Anthriel kissed her prone lover and took off into the air. Clearing the faerie grove by air wasn't as easy as it seemed at first glance. Even the open air was a maze without one of the sidhe to guide her, winds pulling Anthriel irresistibly this way and that and disrupting her sense of direction as she sought to escape and ensuring that finding her way back would be extremely difficult if not completely unmanageable. The venom in her bloodstream ran its course, initially inhibiting her ability to fly, and her physical pain faded as her supernatural metabolism healed the wounds that her powers had caused her. Her energies were restored as well, though hints of fatigue still remained.

Eventually, she would break free of the faerie magic that naturally sought to misdirect her and broke free into unenchanted airspace, leaving her able to fly as she willed even as she felt the magic close in behind her, sealing her off from the glade. From there, screaming out into the air would prove initially fruitless, and a few moments would pass in which nothing would happen. The beat of wings would alert her to a nearby presence just before the sheer metaphysical potency of it left Anthriel's senses spinning for a moment before she could reorient herself towards its source. Michael was hovering there, barely beyond arm's reach, and staring at her with his arms folded and a curious look on his face, not offering the first word for once.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

stupid sidhe and their tricky air. Anthriel grumbled as she fought both the venom, and the fey concealment to escape the grove, reminding her too much of a prison to endear her to it again. Her journey out was hard won and in that time she felt her power recover and the poison boil out of her blood without the normal full rest. Though. Just being alone in the air to recover her senses was enough. Angels weren't respected for nothing.

Waiting for the answer to her outcry, Anthriel only had moments to prepare herself as Michael surprised her by appearing himself. She wasn't overly surprised, but she hadn't expected him to directly.

As he... was he waiting for her to speak? That was a first...
Michael... it's been awhile. I'm finding it confusing personally that I go through so much effort to avoid you... and here I am calling you to me directly. For once, I'm extremely grateful that you're keeping tabs on me for once. I... I need your help... badly. Badly enough to call out to you directly. I'm at a complete loss, I don't think under any other circumstance that I wouldn't run and hide the moment I felt you coming. Especially now.... Anthriel said as directly as she could. But try as she might, she couldn't meet his gaze directlt and her body shook with a very real fear.

She wanted to make her request right then and there... but despite him being here there was every chance he would just dismiss her... or worse... she really couldn't think of a more insulting way to get his attention... and she wasn't immediatsly about to push her luck more then she already had in front of a man who terrified her...
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP 71, EP = 148, Status = Pregnant

Dori: ???

"It has been," Michael replied conversationally to Anthriel's remark about the time between the last time they had met face to face, after which he wouldn't bother to interrupt her. "Not that running and hiding would do any good if I wanted to find you.... What do you need?" he replied patiently once it was clear that Anthriel was finished, the archangel motionless save for the casual beats of his wings that kept him aloft.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

I never said it would. I'll never pretend you don't shake me to my very core Michael, there's no point in lying to you either. You terrify me. But as you said... I need something. A dragon has been poisoned by a creature that the Summer Court keeps. Some huge fungus covered spider that apparently carries an infection from the plaguefather. We were attacked when we strayed within the grove despite warning. The only sidhe there who cares said my only chance to save Dori lay with an archangel's miracle. That's what I need, the cure to whatever cursed affliction this is. Personally i find that they'd keep something so potentially world shatterimg as such remnant completely insane, but its keeper is blind to everything outside his personal realm, which isn't surprising nor does it change the situation. Anthriel answered in an even tone, retelling everything truthfully from her own eyes, including her personal thoughts on Nameless and his creature.

Waiting now for a response, Anthriel was unsure how Michael would react to her request.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP 71, EP = 148, Status = Pregnant

Dori: ???

Michael, as was his normal way, would listen without interrupting as Anthriel laid out her problem, his face betraying no reaction, not even the stern disapproval that might be expected or the subtle distaste that she might think he felt for her. "Ahhh.... An artifact from a god, but still a part of nature somehow.... Interesting.... And powerful enough to poison an immortal? Well, it's to be expected from Phlagius' work, I suppose," he replied, though he seemed to be more musing than offering any sort of answer to her request at first. "I'm sure that you could find other sidhe who cared if you looked, given that we're still in Summer territory.... But I'm just as sure that you said or did something more than what you're telling me. That's fine."

Michael paused again and gestured towards the ground, indicating that they ought to land, and then started allowing himself to descend slowly but steadily until his feet landed upon the earth once more. "Firstly.... My condition for assisting you is that you not come back here," he continued once she had joined him on the small patch of ground set beside a tiny dirt road, "I don't care to have you starting issues with sidhe for no better reason than petty vengeance or spite. Secondly.... Who is Dori? Presumably the dragon you mentioned, but I cannot help but wonder why you'd care. Dragons aren't exactly known for their kindly treatment of mortals."

Once Anthriel had answered Michael's questions and assuming that they didn't inspire any other questions, the archangel would simply nod and say; "Alright then.... Where is he?"
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel stayed where she was, not speaking as she waited for her answer, and not foolish enough to interrupt Michael's musings, it was not her place to do so, she'd said her piece. Though a part of her still bristled when he simply assumed she'd done more to anger the Sidhe, she kept it tightly reigned in. Technically she hadn't, someone had simply seen fit to dare violate the privacy of her heart and mind....

As THAT particular bit of information settled, anthriel heard Michael's first condition as she joined him on the ground, and simply nodded, "fine, I will never willingly set foot here again." She stated plainly, but the questions about Dori caught her off guard and the halfbreed scrambled to keep her face composed, and her answer both honest, and with certain omissions.

"Dori was raised by human's. He saved me, along with his siblings, human and otherwise from a demon after I saved him myself. He's very young, cares deeply, and decided to leave his village at my urging, before another power hungry fool sought to claim him, and destroy the village and villagers he cared deeply about. He's my friend, and while we're on the subject, he, however foolishly, placed himself between me and one of our fallen Kin. He's more then earned every chance he can get. If you meant in a more genealogical sense, He's the son of the Tyrant, and the White Star." Anthriel answered, still, she wasn't entirely sure where exactly Dori was, but he wouldn't be too hard to find for someone like Michael.

"He's inside the grove, the sidhe Nameless would not allow me to move him. Sanya was the one who told me to call on you, and I'm banished. Find either of them, and you can get to Dori. Avoid the Sidhe with Horns.... he was less then helpful, truly did not care, and would sooner lead you astray. Sanya is the most likely to be directly helpful." She continued, answering Michael's questions. "Do not let them keep him Michael, he has a great deal ahead of him and shouldn't spend it as some summer Sidhe's Pet to be put on display. Nameless also has information on another captive Nephilim, if the interests you. He would not speak on it further with me."