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RPG Unknown/Hiatus One more Combate Rape game.


Demon Girl
Dec 30, 2014
Reputation score
Hi to all. As you expected I'm in a process of making an H-game I really don't want to start a new Thread so early in the developing but I can't find a what I need in google and I searched a lot!

I'm using RPG maker MV and you know in ALL the games that involved Combat Rape a Big portrait of the Main Character (MC) is on screen like the next example

How I do that? There's a Plugin for that? I hope you understand my question because english is not my first language.


The game I'm start working at is gonna be a Combat Rape game much inspired in the game called "The girl in red collar" the game is almost done in paper (sketch) but I wasn't started the developed because I can't draw at all and I don't wanna use some bad "3D cgi" or something awful like that so I got (hire) a person to draw for the game and I started to do test in RPG maker, I'm working like 5 hours at day and I hope to got a DEMO for the dec-jan.

The MC (female) Was a fighter-champion of the world, she born with special genes that make her very strong, stronger than males and every combat she fight in she won. Some day she received a petition from the "fighter championship mafia" (lol) to loose a match. She ignored the petition from the mafia and won easily the match so the mafia falsify evidence to accuse the MC for using illegal drugs and destroy her career and reputation. The game starts 3 years later when she doesn't have any money and receive a invitation for an underground championship league.

Some day to day mechanics you need to got money for living, you can work in weekdays and fight in a money matches on weekends.
The MC don't do any training for 3 years so she is not the strongest anymore.
You can get back to be the stronger but you need training and go to the GYM and that gonna take money and time.
Some h-scenes gonna happen at works and others in other places.
You can get injured in the fights and the injury gonna stay with you a couple of weeks.
3 leagues from Amateur to Champion with 3 different and unique enemies for league, 9 in total plus random and common enemies.
A LOT OF COMBAT RAPE every enemy has his/her own fetish.

Well this is more or less how the game gonna be. The game gonna be FREE but I need to put in PATREON in some point to pay to the guy is making the art and when the game will be more developed I'm gonna update this post with more information and screenshots.

Thanks to all for reading.
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Demon Girl
Dec 30, 2014
Reputation score
Re: One more Combate Rape game.

I managed to do it but another problem showed up.

100% HP Example 1

80% HP Example 2

I need to replace the picture from example 1 to example 2 but they only superimposed one over the other one. What I need to do to remove picture 1 when picture 2 emerge? :confused::confused:


Tentacle God
Sep 25, 2015
Reputation score
Re: One more Combate Rape game.

I managed to do it but another problem showed up.

100% HP Example 1

80% HP Example 2

I need to replace the picture from example 1 to example 2 but they only superimposed one over the other one. What I need to do to remove picture 1 when picture 2 emerge? :confused::confused:
I don't know if this will accurately solve your problem but if you actually used "Set/Show Picture or something" event option to do it, in VXAce you can set the Picture ID (a variable presented inside the Show Picture Event menu window) of both pictures to be the same, so then the new picture will automatically replace and erase the old one.

I don't know if it will work the same on MV though...
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Tentacle Monster
Mar 28, 2014
Reputation score
Re: One more Combate Rape game.

Yeah, as he said, you just have to show a picture on the same picture ID and it'll replace the previous one. MV works the same way in that regards.


Mystic Girl
Oct 2, 2010
Reputation score
Re: One more Combate Rape game.

If English is not your first language, please make sure to have someone edit your work. There are far too many good games out there ruined by terrible dialog.


Demon Girl
Dec 30, 2014
Reputation score
Re: One more Combate Rape game.

I don't know if this will accurately solve your problem but if you actually used "Set/Show Picture or something" event option to do it, in VXAce you can set the Picture ID (a variable presented inside the Show Picture Event menu window) of both pictures to be the same, so then the new picture will automatically replace and erase the old one.

I don't know if it will work the same on MV though...
Thank you that works just fine!

If English is not your first language, please make sure to have someone edit your work. There are far too many good games out there ruined by terrible dialog.
Don't worry my friend the game doesn't gonna have too many chit-chat. I study english for conversational purposes so is expected that i'm a little confused with some programing terms.

Thanks all for your reply and help! This motivates me to keep working hard. :D


Demon Girl Master
Jun 27, 2010
Reputation score
Re: One more Combate Rape game.

Hey, I just want to say I really like your concept! I think the background story is really interesting and easy to get into. I also think the day-to-day aspect of the game is really good!

This is definitely a game I'm looking forward to! =)

Just have a couple questions:
1) How are you going to ensure balance that the game will stay balanced? I mean, how will you prevent the player from becoming a ($) millionare halfway through the game, and be like "why should I keep fighting? I have enough money to buy a house!" I'm really interested in this, because I wanted to make a game with day to day work, but wasn't sure how to best balance it. Ultimately, I decided that the mission rewards should never be much more (maybe no more than 2x) than day-to-day costs.
2) Do you have a good idea on what you want the end of the game to be? One thing I've noticed is that some developers have a cool mid-game idea, and their game keeps going and going, and doesn't finish before he or she abandons the project. I feel like you have a clear idea of what the character's main struggle will be, and what end goal is she reaching towards (and when the game will end), it will help you develop the game in a good direction, and create a great game for the player to enjoy. :)


Edit: btw, what's that example from? :D


Demon Girl Master
Jun 27, 2010
Reputation score
Re: One more Combate Rape game.

It's from the girl in the red slave collar's author's new project
Sweet, thanks!! I knew it looked familiar! I loved the red collar game, its combat mechanic and especially its art!

Thanks a lot for the link! :)


Sex Demon
Nov 6, 2015
Reputation score
weeell while this is up. its still so unfortunate this game was canned for that ninja girl game. while the kunoichi game is pretty nice and detailed. I reallly prefered the combat rape gameplay of the red collar. such a shame this one is likely never gonna be completed.