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One of Them (Dragontear)


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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(NOTE: This is obviously still be worked on a bit. We'll probably have to PM back and forth a few times to get everything down. I've made it so Merlacie doesn't rememeber much, it'll keep the mystery element, cause even if she did know everything about what was going on, I wouldn't want everyone else who might read this getting spoilers. I won't say exactly what your background is, but it was more along the lines of your ideas 3 and 4, though quite a bit different from each of them too.

Oh, and I ripped off the title from Area 51, :D

Some special notes:

1) You will be unable to use guns until a plot event happens, as your milscore is 0. While that was mainly because I never intended to use monster classes as PCs, it actually adds a nice unique flare to the RP I suppose, so I'll keep it in. Everyone gets a chance to raise their milscore once anyway, so it isn't like guns are out forever for you.

2) As for the apperance and how it works, I'll let you keep the blueish color over the typical green, but the armor needs toned down a bit, the regular infected get the same stats without it, so..., though you're still tougher then most other PCs.

3) Merlacie's amnesia will be somewhat light, but also quite hard to bypass. The intro will show a bit of that, but to use guns as an example, Merlacie will remember what guns are, and what they do, but won't actually know that you have to pull the trigger unless she has a little help rememeber. In other words, she'll know she knows something, but won't be able to do anything about it the vast majority of the time.

4) Monsters will have a much greater chance to be passive to you. They are sometimes to normal humans as well, but not near as often as you'll encounter them that way. Not to say they won't defend themselves if you start attacking them for whatever reason, or that you'll never be attacked just as is, just that the monsters recognize you as one of their own.

5) Not telling you how, but yes, your mind has a map of the city. Just ask for it and I shall provide, though probably a crappy MS paint drawing, or a description if that'll do.)

Merlacie founder herself facedown in a dumpster with no idea how she got there. She slowly became aware that something wasn't right. She felt very strange, her limbs ached, her head hurt, and her breathing was a bit shallower then she thought it should be. As she looked around she saw her body was deformed! Or atleast she thought it might be, Merlacie couldn't remember if this was how she was supposed to look or not. For all she knew, she might be dreaming right now, or maybe the vauge outline of a different from she was remembering was from a dream she had just been having... in a dumpster... That thought jolted her awake a bit more, and she noticed the smell of burning around her. Just burning, as there were many many things on fire.

Merlacie's shifting made a few trash bags roll under her, and now she was on her back. She could look up and see skyscrapers, badly damaged. That didn't seem right either, but the woman wasn't really sure on that as well... a dream landscape maybe... There was a strange buzzing noise at the back of her mind, too, and for some reason she knew exactly where she was in the... city... Clover Grove? She could almost see a map in her mind, totally wierd!

However, Merlacie didn't have time to think about that, some crashing and rustling noises from nearby, probably no more then 15 meters away, alerted her to the location of someone else.
Re: One of Them (Dragontear)

(Well worth the wait, totally awesome. *Tackles and mauls with glee, then gives a muffin from HAMMERSPACE, with a face carved into it. Excellent thoughts pertaining to this... unique situation to wit. Spoiler'ed the rest to stop my thoughts clogging the page up. X3 And very fitting title, good sir.)

1)I purposefully kept her Milscore at 0, given that Merlacie has various biological advantages, as well as not being the victim of monsters nearly as often, though she's not bullet proof nor can she operate sophisticated Human items, and will probably be on the receiving end of 'Friendly Fire' if some idiot with a gun pulls the trigger faster than he or she can think.

2) Added the green, and toned the armor down to premature growth - as in potential armor in the future, for now her protection amounts to padding from blunt impact, like falling or rolling - More environmental than combat, as I really, really don't want to seem like the annoying one that wanted a ultra-powerful fighter. XD To note; her clothing has been changed, hopefully that won't be too awry.

3) Didn't think about the amnesia, very convenient. ^^ And useful for forcing her physical skills like free-running or melee, if needed, and to tie that in with her bio-ideas, I've a vague indication, naturally not saying it here! Bwahaha.

4) Understood! As long as she doesn't do anything particularly aggressive, she won't have to contend with the beauties, unless she abruptly fancies some attention.

5) Awesome. Heck, just a vague hint like 'North' or 'Silent area' will suffice.

A strange dream occupied her resting mind, absolutely alien with all the strange sensations passing through every nerve in her dream-scape body. She stood in a forest, a jungle of wood, concrete and ugly corridors. It felt like a prison, unable to use the senses yet aware of something. A incredibly faint, buzzing 'noise' was present, guiding her motionless vision around corners whilst the noise increased in clarity and volume, a white light forming without reason around another corner in the dull, surreal building's passageways, originating from a bland, metal door that parted to reveal nothing but white light. If it was real, her retinas should have ignited from the brightness, and while she passed through the strangely placed doorway senses began to return, a odd falling, no, floating feeling overcame the dream-land's formless body, the further it fell the more reality returned.

Absolute darkness, nothing more, slowly the sensation of several, vaguely round squishy objects pressed against her cool, half-covered body. Sounds and smells arose from the oblivion of unconsciousness, the buzzing noise now present in this awakening reality as it was in her dreams, yet quiet enough to be little more than a minor annoyance -if even that- whilst the smell of refuse was more irritating. Yet these things were even less of consequence compared to the ache that permeated every nerve in her body, just enough to notify the waking female that she was, presumably, alive, further aided by the burning sensation in her lungs, drawing one breath...

Then another -and another- with each breath feeling shallow, hungering for the most basic of pleasures in existence of un-adulterated drawing and expelling of oxygen. Resting and allowing her senses to return to some tolerable level, heavy-eye lids resisted the strong-willed need to just see the world for what it really was, rather than these abstractly surreal dreams that were senseless to the logical mind. Twitching and coughing, she was greeted with the incredibly lighthearted forms of black-bin bags pressing into her face and body, cushioning her odd weight though the least desirable place to sleep.

Coughing and grunting, the effort it took for her body to simply roll over was incredible, yet with each attempt the simple feat quickly became easier, and soon she was laying upon her weary, groggy body and had to shut her optics due to the light from above. The imprint of blues and whites lasted for several seconds, until she had the courage to open her eyes bit-by-bit and allow for adjustments to be complete. With senses restored and some vague sense of visual-clarity returned, the woman gazed upwards with open optics, avoiding direct looking at the too-bright sky, and barely noted how damaged the tall buildings looked, as if a giant child had taken a hammer to everything in a pitiable tantrum. The very train of thought was amusing, but slowly de-railed and went into a ditch upon looking down into the very place she laid in.

A dumpster, the place of refuse for whatever Humanity threw out, including people apparently. Quizzically she scanned herself, alarm bells ringing upon seeing why she felt odd - dark greens and blues of smooth flesh, a tail between knees wiggling back as though greeting her in Hell, she raised her arms and noted the ten long fingers flexing in response, tipped with faint claws.

However despite all this, the prospect of being absolutely removed from Humanity, the one thing that caught her attention was a Stuffed Toy, which looked like a incredibly realistic, young cat lounging on it's side, head a odd angle with glass eyes. Sadness floated into her mind, distracting the somewhat-sitting woman from more pressing concerns like how and why she was in a ruined city... the name of which presented itself as a after-thought. 'Clover Grove'. That detail was put to the back of her buzzing mind in favor of gazing at the Stuffed Toy, however smelly it was, and felt it was rather insulting to throw away such a adorable little thing. She reached out without really thinking and felt the soft, cold fur of the stiff little form.

Long fingers stroking the fur froze and drew away whilst the woman's eyes widened, all in response to a feeling of sickness in her stomach.

However the crashing and rustling close by interrupted the build-up of sadness and forced her to get moving, a good distraction and a even better motivation for leaving. Shaking from many things, chief amongst them being the uncontrollable aches and a rising vigor, the female clumsily groped at the lid of the dumpster, hauling herself up and peeking out. No matter how foggy the senses felt, logic and common-sense prevailed... somewhat. No matter how weary she felt, she detected strength unlike what a sleeper should hold, the tail twitching and curling about as though waiting for a chance to strike, shivers running up and down her spinal cord from the effort of simply holding her front against the dumpster's wall. Sharp, white-emerald eyes glared about, expecting the worst yet unsure what exactly could be worse.
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Re: One of Them (Dragontear)

Merlacie thought she saw a human woman, but then realized something was wrong. She was stumbling, and greenish tinted, wearing really tattered clothing. She smahed into the walls and trash lining the ally with alarming regularity. Before the girl could react, the woman's eyes darted to her position, and her mouth opened in a loud, howling moan, but fortunately she just shambled past, aware of the occupied dumpster, but seemingly uncaring. The faint redish-blue glow surrounding Merlacie's perception hardly registered as she tracked the source of danger, but something didn't quite feel right about her surroundings.
Re: One of Them (Dragontear)

(Yay! *Bounces about.*)

She hadn't known what to expect, for while the senses had more or less returned to what should feel like full capacity, a sort of lethargic delay occurred between what she saw or heard and how the mind reacted to all this stimulus. Grunting from the effort of holding herself up to the lip of the opened dumpster, muscles already strained or ached, with some in her shoulder blades threatening to pull. Such discomfort was momentarily put to the wayside as a female Human stumbled into view, as if she too had been deposited in Clover... Grove, waking up and desperate to get away from wherever it was that she had awoken from. Despite the fleeting sense of sympathy, the purple-green tinted female's deathly white and pale emerald-green optics focused as much as they could, straining to see the lost soul's face turn and emit a noise most displeasing, even fear-inducing that was not helped by the faintest of red tints within recovered vision. Caught in eye contact, Merlacie froze and found herself un-able to react in a way even remotely approaching useful, and struggled to hold herself up and dropped un-ceremoniously back onto the rubbish bags. At least, she thought, that answered who or what the originator of the noises was.

It was here she realized that there we two distinctly strong horn-like protrusions from the shoulder-blades, puncturing a trash-bag which released a bad, bad smell, encouraging the newly woken creature to raise and gag, flexing long fingers and gripping at the dumpster's lip to pull herself up and over, the woman that was now passing by temporarily ignored in favor of liberation from the smelly container. Pain arched through woken muscles, which was also ignored in favor of her body not bouncing off the trash-bag in-front of the dumpster, but impacting with the un-caring concrete floor of the alleyway making her eyes close in reflex to further pain, at least the black bag and her back's natural padding cushioned the small, but significant-feeling drop. Gasping and breathing shaky and shallow breaths from the exertion, it was only when closed eyes shot open that Merlacie saw the woman again, but this time without the benefit of a dumpster's metal form between them, thus with effort she now rose, grabbing at the dumpster to steady herself and hissed a barely human noise out. Although the shambling, clumsy green-tinted female had yet to show hostility aside from the howl-like, she did wish to rise and be ready to react accordingly, standing upon the balls of her larger feet and the strong toes that supported her strong, slim weight.

A desire to communicate rose, at the very least to try and make sense of where she was... so Merlacie worked the vocal chords, finding it painful to even begin to speak, yet put sufficient effort forth. "He...llo?" The Infectee whispered out loud, feeling dizzy from standing and lowered to a crouch, which felt so much more comfortable as the body's weight was better distributed as well as dealing with the light-headed dizziness that arose, the tail wiggling and helping balance with little to no direct input. "Hello?" She repeated, attempting to gain the unhealthy-looking female's attention, for better or for worse, however something about her scents, body language or the way that she only 'greeted' the white-haired female with a howlish-moan rather than becoming hostile, suggested that any fear of immediate conflict might be mis-placed. Whilst Merlacie awaited a response, her consciousness reached out and attempted, with a lack of skill, to make sense of the faded imagery floating around the back of one's mind...

(Requesting a map of the surrounding alleyways please, none-too concerned about accuracy as 1) Fast for you I think and 2) Merlacie's senses, especially her mind-map I would assume, is blurry and waking up.)
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Re: One of Them (Dragontear)

To anyone else reading this, this story has MASSIVE spoilers. I'm not going to hide them any time besides this one, so be warned.


The woman stopped shuffling for a moment, staring at Merlacie. She opened her mouth to try and moan a reply, but no understandable words came forth. After a few seconds, the woman turned to keep moving, not very interested in talking, or trying to, or perhaps she even thought she explained something useful to Merlacie. Either way, she took off the way she had been going, but at a slower rate. Something seemed wrong with one of her feet, it was visible at this short range, and she had to drag it behind her.

Merlacie was slowly getting more aware as she woke up and interacted with her surroundings, she could feel her brain powering up, to use a metaphor. She instinctively flexed her mind a bit, having unexplained information presented to her, as if by a psycic connection. She found an image of a small map, showing her, her surroundings, and the woman near her, as well as some strange text. She understood every word individually, but did not understand the context at all.

Re: One of Them (Dragontear)

It hurt her still-adapting eyes to look skywards, for it was far too bright regardless of how many clouds dampened the Sun's rays. Fortunate enough to wake up in the shade, Merlacie already felt soothed by the cooler shadows, somehow assured that it felt a little safer. Cords of strong muscle-matter twitched upon seeing the infected Woman slowly stop... turn and emit a nonsensical noise roughly approaching a case of throat-issues. The darker skinned-female's eyebrows lowered and pale optics narrowed, clearly not very informed about whatever it was the shambling female had been thinking of... if anything at all. Opening her mouth and releasing a pent-up yawn as the strong yet distinctly feminine body stretched across the cracked pavement of a lonely alleyway, she felt images and text form upon what could only be described as a second kind of view, one in the back of her mind that felt as though it over-laid the eyes, seeing lines and words form but little understanding beyond the basic. It was confusing, and perhaps raised more questions than answers, and also settled a additionally wary feeling into the blue-green skinned female.

Her head twitched sideways, tilting in curiosity as she retreated slowly on lowered, powerful legs to gaze around the corner behind them, staggering and stumbling very much like the infected woman, though for an entirely less permanent reason. Barely exposing her head in order to see from whence the infected woman had apparently come from, after all there was only a dead-end directly behind them, unless there was a door somewhere. Merlacie did not desire to spend too long gazing around like a lost child, for the infected Woman that was awkwardly moving away seemed remotely interesting and didn't wish to lose sight of her so quickly. After all... she must be going somewhere if not just randomly wandering, right?
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Re: One of Them (Dragontear)

Around the corner was what would generally be a nondescript city street in the downtown commerical district, if it were not for the wrecked cars and bodies on it. There was alot of fire, too, mostly on the cars, but in some building windows. The skyscraper directly across from Merlacie was particularly damaged, piles of glass lay upon the sidewalk right below it, with desks and other such debris hanging from the newly formed holes in its side. No movement, though, and the entry way was dark and forbidding looking.

As Merlacie looks, the other infected staggers out of view, uttering one last cry, seemingly trying to get her attention, but not stopping again. It was almost as if the woman was in a hurry, but not quite.
Re: One of Them (Dragontear)

Seeing yet more destruction of a City she was suddenly found within, confused and lost, yet somehow knowing the name and some of it's layout, Merlacie hissed at the sight in curiosity. She inwardly cringed from the sight of so many fires, felt un-fazed at the bodies and wondered what could have made those many holes in the buildings, however such curiosity was as fleeting as a flicker of sadness had been in the dumpster. Hearing the infected female utter that last cry, a despairing moan, she hissed back and reluctantly pulled away from the corner, quickly moving to join the staggering woman with long and silent strides, occasionally staggering herself as the muscles within her legs were still waking up, aching as though used too much or too little. The mutated woman made sure to keep as low as possible, lest her body cry out in discomfort with a light-headed sensation that she wished to avoid now having tasted freedom once more, with the long arms out wide and ready to stop any falls or grab onto something to keep her rapidly advancing frame steady.
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Re: One of Them (Dragontear)

The other woman seemed to slow up a bit, and let Merlacie catch up, tilting her head back to get a look for a second. They exited the small path into a large square, with a fountain in the middle. This was suppost to be impressive, or something, were it not for the wrecked cars and other damage the area had sustained. There was one shiney black skyscraper that seemed a little more intact then the others off to the women's left as the infected turned the corner. She seemed to be making her way there in a arced path. There was otherwise nothing that really stood out, perhaps besides the subway entrance off one one corner nearby, pitch black past the stairs downwards.
Re: One of Them (Dragontear)

Catching up to this 'odd' woman, she half-crawled, half stagger-jogged to the Tier-2's right flank and saw what she recalled had supposed to be a half-awe-inspiring plaza for common meetings, or something. However this one was far, far less beautiful and contained half a dozen or more ruined vehicles that laid here now, akin to rotten bodies which were probably picked over by the finest of Vultures. However they did provide more cover than the fountain in the center, though just seeing and thinking about it brought up a desire to slake the thirst for liquids. Gazing over to the left, she could see a black sky-scraper in the distance, and noticed the lesser amount of damage, also there was a subway entrance which, with it's darkness, instantly seemed appealing.

Becoming distracted with a little pre-amble, Merlacie emitted a sub-conscious hiss, warning the zombie-like lady to have a little patience while the decidedly more mobile woman darted over the fountain, moving from cover to cover in a clumsy manner, though at least if there was anything hostile here she would have something between herself and any perceived hostiles. Making her way over to the fountain, the female checked to see if it had any water first, then the condition of it - not wishing to drink dirty water that might hinder or taste bad...
Re: One of Them (Dragontear)

The infected slowed slightly, but did not stop walking towards the building. She looked with interest and confusion at what Merlacie was doing, almost as if she thought her to be crazy. The cover to cover movement turrned out to be unnessisary, as nothing else stirred at the moment, Merlacie made it to the fountain, which contained its full amount of water, slightly soiled by a bit of ash in it, but in a decent condition, if one wasn't picky. The actual squirting part of the fountain was, of course, not working, damaged just like most everything else seemed to be. Every once in awhile a little bubble came up from the bottom, just a little clear blob of air it seemed, from the base of the central part, where the water would generally come up from.
Re: One of Them (Dragontear)

Maybe it wasn't such a fantastic thing to have cover-to-cover movement as a instinctive wish upon spotting a tasty morsel, for the mutated female was left stooping over the reflective surface of the fountain's faintly tainted water, Merlacie rocked back and forth and hissed incomprehensible noises, the nausea from using so much energy and moving so fast now catching up to her. Claws dug into the solid material of the fountain's edge whilst she recovered, and emitted a shallow hiss again. Calming down and sighing gently, she opened her pale-green optics and watched the odd reflection shimmer and ripple, opening the maw and inspecting glinting teeth and fangs as well as checking over her appearance a little. The movements of her slim yet full body were slow and careful, unwilling to inflict dizziness or worse upon herself, then set about drinking where the least bits of ash were found, distracted occasionally by the bubbles appearing and popping when they reached the surface.

Drinking several mouthfuls, she purred and teetered, turning about on one foot as though drunk and moved in a decidedly calmer manner, staggering on the longer striding but apparently getting used to moving about again, stretching and shaking limbs in the same way a sated cat would. Approaching the Tier 2 female, Merlacie churred softly and remained in a semi-crouch all along, risking her focus by rising when brave enough. For now she kept pace, but no less attentive. Her senses worked as well as they should, or so she assumed by the lack of blurriness, with the odd tail flickering and curling around, ghostly eyes glancing to the staggering woman, now taking in her appearance of greater detail.

(Requesting map for upcoming area plz and appearance of the other mutant? ^^)
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Re: One of Them (Dragontear)

(I'll get the map up after I finish everyone's. As for the infected's look, imagine a L4D type zombie, except with greenish patches on her skin, plus green eyes and the whites a bit greenish)

The two were quickly approaching the skyscraper, about 15 more seconds and they'd be in the darkened lobby. Something at the back of Merlacie's mind told her it was a... "central bank"... whatever that meant. Something also told her that for some reason, this location was important to... not to her... but to people she knew... something like that. As if on cue, the other woman moaned, as if knowing something important was here too. She staggered up the steps into the lobby, it was rather clean, but only because there were not many objects here to wreck. Just three halls and a main desk, made of onyx and part of the building itself, with an embedded computer system, dark and powered off. One hall was unlabled, the next said "employees only", and the last said "vaults".
Re: One of Them (Dragontear)

(Reposting. ^^' Bit tired.)
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Re: One of Them (Dragontear)

(Here's the map, might want to revise your post, etc)

Re: One of Them (Dragontear)

(Ack, my bad.)

Moving out from the square and towards the dark sky-spearing building, she felt curiosity, anticipation and restlessness as the first infected woman she made contact with today moved up the steps at a languid, clumsy pace. Merlacie hissed slightly in annoyance, despite the relaxing sensation of drinking that much water cooled her down a little. Keeping to the stopped, crouching posture the green-blue skinned Infected closed the gap between herself and the walker, wishing to simply fling herself at the shadows, yet was fully aware of how much nausea that would cause, and thus decided to remain calm despite the brightness of the day's sun causing a headache. Hissing again at the slower-moving Infected, Merlacie would take very little time to rejoin her, eager to get inside. However she did not dispense with caution at all, and felt tense as various, odd thoughts crept up. No-matter, the mutated woman was semi-prepared to defend herself and this female whether it was a Humanoid or a Beast that sprang out.
Re: One of Them (Dragontear)

The woman stopped in the lobby, looking around in confusion, even voicing it, as best as she could. She looked intently at Merlacie, as if questing if she knew any more about what was going on. Her eyes darted between the three paths, then back to Merlacie, then the paths again, over and over. She just didn't have the mental power to decide.
Re: One of Them (Dragontear)

(Kinda lame posting on my part. B1)

She crawl-stalked to the desk, hiding her powerful body behind it's obviously solid mass and began eying each of the three avenues for exploration or bloodshed with a critical eye, Merlacie hissed to herself in though whilst the other, lesser female moaned or otherwise mumbled the question in her mind. 'Just what was so important here?' Though her own thoughts were closer to wondering what the urge was. Gazing first at the un-labeled hallway, it didn't stick out as much as 'employees only' and 'vaults', and the third pathway called out the most. Keeping low and giving the big onyx desk little more attention, she growled a rattling, liquid noise out and headed towards the Vaults, simply because it seemed the most important thing, and in her previous life, Vaults were where things were mostly kept. Having awoken so recently, her mind was still slowly catching up to the physical senses, blurry and confused while the body felt fine.

So onwards to the storing-place. That felt simple enough.
Re: One of Them (Dragontear)

The hallway was made of nice, smooth high-end rock like material, marble mostly. It was long and dark, and had very few things about it that made it stand out. However, around a bend a good ways down, there was a massive metal circle of a door, beyond it the vault itself. It was very dark inside, but there seem to be small things on the ground making a bit of light every few meters, Merlacie had no idea what they were. Small, maybe made of plastic, for some reason they felt rather familer, but for another reason she couldn't recall anything at all about them... Either way, the light making objects made a trail, going deep into the dark area of the bank. There were many branching pathways, all lined with smaller storage units of some kind, alot of them opened, sometimes with force.

As Merlacie pondered this, the other infected came into the chamber. She seemed tired at first, as if getting bored, but when she arrived by the other girl she started grunting and trying to speak, rather excitely. However, she wasn't excited about the vault, she was actually doing a decent job of pointing down the hallway a bit further, where there seemed to be an elevator bank, and another smaller, but no less heavily secured door.
Re: One of Them (Dragontear)

The fact that there were few obstructions here meant that Merlacie had little to hide behind or use in a fight, with this caution in mind, it was the far greater part of valor, and she hissed as the other female began pointing in what could be called a vaguely excited manner. Whatever the Tier 2 was excited about, it also seemed to perhaps be the very same thing that her own mind ebbed towards, wishing to reach whatever it was, the far more agile infected woman crept towards, claws making little sharp-tapping noises against the marble flooring as she advanced towards the hallway where aforementioned finger was being pointed, also curious about it. The confusion that surrounded her most immediate thoughts were nagging at the more flexible female to do something, yet she moved on, wishing to reach and examine where the finger was pointed.
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